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File: 447 KB, 3052x2364, head and shoulders link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56682394 No.56682394 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like the most obvious head and shoulders pattern has formed on the 4H link chart

Gotta say it was nice to have a brief respite from the pain of holding Link, however short it was.

>> No.56682425

I posted this a couple of days ago and the seething janny deleted it

>> No.56682490

Why is Link the only token in the top 50 performing so bad right now? I'd be OK if it performed better than the market and is now cooling off, but it didn't. Btc and Sol and others have performed much better than Link.
I swear to God holding Link has been the worst. Knowing you're holding something special but the retarded market isn't reflecting that.

>> No.56682661

because fundamentals are a meme
do you think whales care if a coin has good fundamentals or not? they will pick random shitcoin and pump it x100 just to spite you
examples: solana trb kaspa

>> No.56682685
File: 109 KB, 960x638, Big Fund Manager for You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

>> No.56682774
File: 209 KB, 750x652, D3E5B0A3-0464-4586-9789-356D94FD3B28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continues to hold support at 38k sats, if it breaks that you’d have a prime swing opportunity, but if it holds and bounces from there, next stop is 65k sats (~$20-25 at current btc prices)

also nice captcha

>> No.56682852

Because LINK has to be dumped on the open market to pay the salaries of hundreds of employees working for the multibillion dollar company making it. Other coins are designed to pump. Chainlink has massive selling pressure it has to constantly overcome.

>> No.56682886

If fundamentals don't matter, then why is Btc and Eth at the top?

I don't buy this. Sol and many others have dumped more tokens into the market and it didn't matter. Sure, Sol has VCs backing it no matter what, but still it sucks.

>> No.56682932
File: 136 KB, 1023x938, F-qhi_ZWUAAAMzQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate fuddie cope, it's their January 6th. The truth is that LINK is manipulated by market makers, end of story.

>> No.56682968

A month ago SOL was at 20 bucks, now its at 60. Imagine if you just stopped being delusional with LINK, you would have made it by now.

>> No.56683104

Because it was suppressed so hard, LINK is a shorters choice. There are so many people shorting LINK and making a killing on it whereas SOL and better options are being longed, market bought by normies, etc.

>> No.56683211
File: 134 KB, 2030x1112, 1693648081919884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr other coins don't dump tokens


>> No.56683270

Because the chainlink advocates are trash and sergey is lazy.
It's time to ramp up the shill machine, instead they spam the board here.
Total chainlink advocate death.

>> No.56683326

this post was paid by market makers who suppress price with next level bots and dont want anons trying to find out the names of the people who are ruining many peoples lives it would quite a spectacle haha

>> No.56683334

>"people should shill!"

>> No.56683414
File: 90 KB, 1024x691, 1595912923045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, #17 best performing coin on the 3M of the top 200. #15 for the past 6M. Not many its size performing like that. Feels like people cherrypick to try twist objective overperformance into underperformance and come off tone deaf or half retarded. What's interesting is this reminds me of the shills during 2021-22.

>> No.56683449

>interesting is this reminds me of the shills during 2021-22
because they are the same shills paid to defend the same entity

>> No.56683470

Kek, go back to pol

>> No.56683787

I mean he’s half right. No they’re not paying shills, its link holders trying to defuse their frustration with the market and also gatekeeping newfags from acquiring even a suicide stack, knowing how long they themselves have had to wait. The market IS heavily manipulated, but the ones doing it to link aren’t wasting time hiring shills to spam here, the price action is all the fud they would ever need. And the anons that fud do so because they know this shithole can’t move the price of anything besides sub 100 million marketcap shitcoins.