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56706377 No.56706377 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of passive income can I realistically generate with 500k USD?

>> No.56706393

You can get bonds for over 5% guaranteed right now.

>> No.56706408

Send it to me and I'll quadruple it OP

>> No.56706806

Totally passive:
consider something between 4 and 5%

>> No.56707325

Im from spain with around 370k€ which can generate enough to live from at current rates, the problem is rates will not stay like this forever, and buying some fucking guberment bonds will compromise your ability to buy on cheaper shit once recesion hits, so I wouldn't buy anything beyond 1 year duration when it comes to bonds. Im personally using monetary funds to NEET around a 3.9% annualized with 50% of my portfolio and im going to have 50% of it YOLOing on BTC. If shit crashes, I will go 100% on BTC when it does moving my monetary funds into BTC. If I were to just double my money, I could live off that. If I were to 3x, then I would be able to buy a decent house and still have NEET money. If I were to 4x, I would be fucking some legitimate escorts left and right.

>> No.56708821
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A good take.
My considerations towards jumping crypto->fiat is how to place it without the guberment goes thinking it has any legal jurisdiction over it. The criminals in power always think they're right just because they have got might. That's why I only could make small transactions through borrowing stuff from friends and family when big daddy gov potentially always, retroactively, can conjure up some arcane reason to why I owe it money and I'd never have any say against it.

I lend towards holding my neetbux 'fair and square' as dictated by big daddy gov and never really use it, unless I'm forced to, to 'radiate sovereignity' to any legacy financial institutional snitch, rent my apartment and slowly build up my crypto empire untill I'd be able to find a legal hole to force through one transaction with a legal partner fullly versed in arbitrarily legal lending schemes to actually buy a house or achieve full legality over the liquid, slave fiat blood money I'd hold in the forced-to-use, WEF-demolishable bank with.
But this brittle state we live in, and if it only will be as you said, upcoming recession, makes me instead consider moving to a actually functioning western country where the gov is not replaced with international corpo representatives and their henchmen. We can't know how bad it'll be.

But my point still stands when it's drop-dead certain we'll see the western world go through some deep shit. We will see the effects of the vaxx sterilization finally reaching institutional failures on the level of California almost everywhere but I believe it will be a very slow death, culturally dependent of some mental and spiritual death untill we reach a plateauesque level of how things work.. One thing is certain to me, and that is how power centralizes itself untill nobody aknowledges it. Which makes this blockchain tech truly revolutional in the sense you can place trust a decentralized incentive scheme instead of people directly.

>> No.56708843

Invest in property development. About 12% p.a

>> No.56708849

To clarify, invest capital in property development companies for 12%