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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 90 KB, 1162x758, KLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56868011 No.56868011 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56868079


>> No.56868148


Not gonna buy yet, waiting for more discussion. Seems to have a much smaller supply than Kas itself.

>> No.56868193

Tradeogre royally fucked me on kas. They will not respond.

>> No.56868222

Oh fuck you’re that guy? 30k Kas stuck on tradeogre guy? Last time I saw u it was at like 5 cents, your coins had a 3x and you still haven’t been able to get your shit……

>> No.56868256

You should have admitted defeat and swapped your Kas into something else MONTHS ago. Now you’re fucked

>> No.56868376

whats the circulating/total supply?

>> No.56868424

ngl this seems actually interesting. gonna DYOR

>> No.56868437

Thanks pal. Will check it out

>> No.56868452

LMAO, now way tradeogre dared to list this after kaspa

>> No.56868594

anyway word on the street is, tradeogre disabled kaspa because the miners broke their wallet by sending all these micro rewards. same would probably happen with karlsen unless they mitigate it somehow now

>> No.56868641

How is that possible? Is this a vulnerability in Kaspa?

>> No.56868726

so you're saying we should buy a bunch of kas on tradeogre for when they fix it? kasjews have no problem hardcoding things they should be able to help

>> No.56868735

No, I got my kas off but in the process of liquidating i lost 700k kas.

>> No.56868743

why would I want a faggy clone when I could get the real thing?

>> No.56868746

I did months ago....

>> No.56868832

So is this a fork of chain or starting a jew chain?

>> No.56868900

well, it's just speculation i heard from another exchange owner, but because kaspa is so fast it has tons of transactions (mostly coinbase) and can accumulate a lot of dust/overhead
no clue if they will fix it

>> No.56869131

>so you're saying we should buy a bunch of kas on tradeogre for when they fix it?
There is literally zero reason to think they will fix it. You can ask them a question on twitter DM and they ALWAY answer in like 30 seconds on any topic except kaspa, which they will just block you for asking.
Its possible they fucked up because miners were depositing there(retards) but its more likely that there price got out of synch with the few other exchanges selling kaspa and they got ARB'd in a gigantic way.
we will never know, unless you happen to be a LEO that can subponea ISP's to locate them. It could literally be anyone in any country, nobody knows who tradeogre is or even speculates who it might be.

>> No.56869158

Kas has maybe a 20x left in it from here. You’d be very early in something else

>> No.56869181

imagine having to release a new L1 token on a cex instead of creating an erc20 on a dex that you will be able to swap 1:1 in the future

>> No.56869317

My dick can only get so hard fren.
20x is over 2 bucks.….

>> No.56869345

Moonbois are calling for $5 which means I’ll assume half of that.

>> No.56869361
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>> No.56869373

My rationale for not putting all of my link (would net me roughly 350k kas) is that I still believe that chain link is going to 1000 and I literally can’t shake off that idea. Help me bros.

>> No.56869394

>default currency Rupees
No thanks Pajeet

>> No.56869440

>its true
top kek

>> No.56869492

>chain link is going to 1000
It won't get up to that. Are you seeing this from the mcap perspective now, and if it happens, it hits 1K? It is quite impossible. No doubt, KAS, Link, and ETH are good assets to hold. Another good one I feel's worth it is XTP, INJ, and SOL.

Do you think it's possible?

>> No.56869494

I can't. Who knows.
I sold all 10k libk i had at 20 on the initial pump.
I bought 1k back at 7 as a token bag to hold for old time sake.
Its simple enough, what do you think bas a better chance?
2 dollar kas or 1000 link?

>> No.56869511

hehe. I'm working as a chief marketing officer for this project and people don't realize this is 100% going to moon super hard.

>> No.56869523

>>>56869317 (You) #
>Do you think it's possible?
I think $1 for sure.
2...i dont know....its pretty crazy to imagine....

>> No.56869526

Top joke ever. Does it even matter if it has a smaller mcap or not?

I don't think so. The jerk should be on drugs before shitposting.

>> No.56869557

That’s the USDT symbol you simpleton retards holy shit. Although ur probably baiting me and I’m biting like a retard

>> No.56869558

Thats pretty fucking accurate how I fealt that morning...
At the moment, it appears to have been the right move but it stings pretty bad.

>> No.56869563
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1 buck sounds much more realistic to an extent. On a second thought, does the team even have plans to reduce the current supply? Unlike others, they have a quarterly schedule to use some of the fee generated to add value to the token by burning a decent amount.

>> No.56869593

Its a fixed supply of 28 billion, the block rate reduces gradually every month, total mining i think is 15 years.

>> No.56869594
File: 10 KB, 181x278, 1661177812409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A token The community is bearish, as more than 100% of users are feeling bad about the rupee (RUP) today. Thanks, NPC Wojak.

>> No.56869631

I feel that's too high for the token to go beyond 30x ROI.

>> No.56869820

Can I mine this shit with GPU?

>> No.56870084

>that $100k buy wall
>that $3.3M sell wall

>> No.56870364

Not worth if you aren't a poorfag. Difficulty is increasing too much since everyone is trying to mine.
Literally getting speed mined with max emission by 20k miners and counting.

Anyone wants to develop a better fork with sc support? They seem to be using an old reference of kaspa and not even the rust version.

>> No.56870466

Damn it why did I just impulsively buy $2500 worth of this shit. Their discord says they don't even have the ASIC resistant algo implemented yet

>> No.56870482


>> No.56870490

how does TO work, do you have to KYC?

>> No.56870511

You fucked yourself by buying an isreali scamcoin.

>> No.56870517

>28,000,000,000 supply
So you think this is worth 1.5 billion mcap already? Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.56870561

current supply is 124M, Max supply is 5B, retard

>> No.56870572

Always use FDV, newfag

>> No.56870578

Don't call me a newfag newfag

>> No.56870630

This coin is a scam. It’s the same pajeet group that shilled radiant, has now decided to fork kaspa

>> No.56870652
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oh jesus here come the insecure kaspjews to another gentile competitor

>> No.56870657

nice try mr patel

obvious jeets are obvious, buy an ad for your scam coin

>> No.56870666

These street shitters are so stupid, they have the same github members from their other scam projects in this one.

>> No.56870697
File: 531 KB, 1773x1773, 1647658999814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way off, nigger.
your brown golems all over the world are turning on you and siding with the muzzies in gaza too lmfao
we're going on 110, 111, 112...

>> No.56870702
File: 38 KB, 656x200, 1E5CEC16-A89A-4D2B-B3EF-7DC150646903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately it look like he’s right. Thankfully I didn’t buy any so far. These are definitely Indians

>> No.56870705

so... what's it being used for?

>> No.56870714
File: 172 KB, 1125x1809, DE006E16-3E49-412E-AB82-F4455E12FD81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did we forked

>> No.56870746
File: 76 KB, 1223x821, fork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...where is that from?
this pic is from the website

>> No.56870754

From a twitter post a few days ago. they corrected it kek

>> No.56870838

don't see it on twitter or website now, so not sure if this is a good jew bad jew routine or legit.
the random space before the question marks is possibly jeety tho. the french do this too

>> No.56870888

Reeks of jeet.

>Our second motivation is to work tokens integration [...] on the network more in the incoming white paper

Poor sentence formation and failure to preface the previous reason as the primary motivation before referring to the above as the secondary motive.

>> No.56870979
File: 157 KB, 1124x902, 1598001169220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure but we don't know if that was actually there before or just console edited like jeet scammers do. the jew is very adept at aggressive mimicry. the world would be better without them.

>> No.56871031
File: 2.60 MB, 736x2390, e6fde2741f22a8c693cde776d0413c42-imageonline.co-merged.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' beak on that! Gettin' me rock hard it is.

>> No.56871047

dr. kekenstein's creations

>> No.56871475

holy shit, this is going to better than Kaspa

>> No.56871505


Uhhhhh, if I'm buying something, I want THAT something, not the thing that's a clone of THAT something.


>> No.56871509

asic resistance is a joke, what it really does is hide frontrunning asic devs because asics never hit the market

in kaspas case and btcs case, asics optimize to the algorithm and don't improve much anymore once that happens, after that they hit the market and level the playing field

when something claims to be asic resistant it usually just means they have a changing algo, meaning asic devs get that sweet spot where they can frontrun hashpower over and over again. If anything it is more centralized and dangerous

the real reason for this shitcoin fork is to make the "devs" (if you can call github copiers that) rich on kaspa copy hype
gl jeets

>> No.56871511


this is like buying Kaspa super early

KLS is going to do same path like Kaspa, so dont you like big gains?

>> No.56871516
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Which current MC? I can't find KLS on CMC and Coingecko

>> No.56871629


you cant find it yet, because we are so fucking early

hint, being early equal big gains

>> No.56871694
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-11-10T093415.674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK now I just aped in a random forked coin man this market is getting fucking hot before Christmas

>> No.56871715

Umm, never heard of forks or clones?
>bitcoin cash

>> No.56871721


>> No.56871726

it's being used to rip off people on the Kaspa hype train but with sub-90 IQ's. frankly the fact that full on pajeet knock-offs are already showing up with a team of shills is incredibly bullish for Kaspa

>> No.56871729

more info?

>> No.56871744

according to their explorer, Total. 126,380,600 KLS. Max (approx.) 4,961,000,000

Meaning their max is approx 1/5th of Kaspa's max. Meaning at a current price of 7c it is already being traded at about 1/10th Kaspa mcap. And yes considering the agressive emission curve copied from KAS within a year it will be close to that max mcap. Most likely this thread is made by miners.

hint, being dumb ape equals get rekt eventually
and being a lying shitcoin shiller equals burning in hell, which is worse

>> No.56871762
File: 119 KB, 496x336, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this random thing is 400m marketcap already kek

>> No.56872057

Hashrate is way too high, almost 200 TH/s (4090 = 3 GH/s).
Price may go up for some weeks, but it will crash down really hard at some point and will stay there for a while once hype fades.
There are countless of miners who want to sell at certain levels as can be seen in the discord.
I'd say ip range limit the miners' hashrate so datacenter cucks get fucked and there won't be such issues where people abuse early high rewards.

Anyway, this one is a bad fork of Kaspa, at best it will be what BCH is to BTC. Kinda outdated version of Kaspa and useless changes applied on top of it.
Seems like they have to upload snapshots of the DB, because it takes too long to sync the history since the distributors are slow as fuck.
Very useful blockchain!

>> No.56872237

stupid lazy miners

>> No.56873831

the discord for this shit already has over 6000 users and it launched yesterday.
nothing makes sense, wtf is happening.
this is for sure some kind of gigajeetpump and dump right?

>> No.56873882

crypto bull market have started and KLS is going to make many millionares

this is like buying Kaspa very early

crypto investors have been looking for a new Kaspa and this Kaspa fork will be exactly the same kind of rocket as Kaspa

>> No.56873980


KLS discord have already over 7000 members

>> No.56874024

wdym launched yesterday, like with every other miner scam out there, it's been farmed for a month before they start shilling kek

>> No.56874286
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>wdym launched yesterday,
is that right? my bad, the info is so shitty and scammy and fragmented...

>> No.56874355


>> No.56874400
File: 2.26 MB, 2592x3888, 5770862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto bull market have started and KLS is going to make many millionares

>> No.56874868

>nobody knows who tradeogre is or even speculates who it might be
actually there is speculation: https://twitter.com/TradeOgre_SCAM/status/1726043477379563585

>> No.56874889
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imagine that you have practically like a second chance to invest in Kaspa at a very early stage

when you now invest in KLS coin i call that in a week KSL price will be 10 x from the current price

>> No.56875037
File: 55 KB, 492x681, 20231110_044952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you shiller nigger miner, I aped $500 now it's dumping REEEEEE

>> No.56875067


>> No.56875078

>premine scam gets a fork that also premines

>> No.56875081

Taraxa is much better. Its blockdag and already have EVM compatibility. Not a shitty fork, it was built from the scratch.
But nobody knows about it.