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56910427 No.56910427 [Reply] [Original]

In my excitement for staking my 1,900 linklet stack and getting into the pool I thought 'Hey maybe I'll make it'

Then I asked myself what making it is. I live in Ireland, one of the most expensive cities in Europe. 'Making it' for me would be getting about €400,000 after tax. That wouldn't even cover a house, but it would get me close enough to one to buy with a reasonably small mortgage if I'm still working.

In order for me to get €400,000 AFTER capital gains tax, link would need to be approx €314.22. in other words, link has to do a 21x for me to make it.

Marines, is this literally in any way possible or am I just full on delulu? I also have 0.2 BTC, which is not a lot. Please give me some hopium as I'm almost 30. Does anyone really believe this number is possible?

>> No.56910447

We either make it or we don't, no point obsessing about it.

>> No.56910448


>> No.56910462

You know not every zoomer word is bad, fren

>> No.56910476

A 21x means 170b mc. If we get a bullrun, 3b daily volume would get us there in like 2 months.

I genuinely believe link at 500 is possible by 2030

>> No.56910485


>> No.56910508

Fuck you and fuck off

>> No.56910515

ah yes, the city of Ireland, famed across europe for its expensiveness

>> No.56910530

You will not make it anytime soon. Maybe in 5 years.

>> No.56910547

> invested in tech that is currently revolutionizing the financial industry, will merge all blockchains together through a single communication framework and will authenticate all data especially for AI
> I-i only have 2K link wi-will I make it? ;_;




>> No.56910553

This is just so tiresome. Time after time we told you what to do. We sat you down on your autismo forum and told you point blank buy LPL and you completely fucked it up like the piece of shit you are. Listen anon potatoes you piece of shit why didnt you just listen to the experts and follow orders????

Pools closed

>> No.56910695


>> No.56910702

Why do you hate me? Do you have no link?

>> No.56910728

>I live in Ireland, one of the most expensive cities in Europe.

>> No.56910741
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>> No.56910796

Ireland got City status in 1994 after the Great Pineapple fiasco which bankrolled the 'Riverdance Rebellion' of the previous year and ended with the fall of Daniel O'donnell

>> No.56910821

Delulu is though. No cap fr fr.

>> No.56910837

Chainlink cannot go to hundreds of euros per token. That would mean that the total crypto market cap increased to like $5 trillion or something insane like that, which can't happen.

>> No.56910851

Sheeeeeeesh you finna make it nocap fr fr look at Sergey rizz

>> No.56910961

>a city

>> No.56910964

Ireland isn’t a city Ahmed

>> No.56910968

You have enough to not kill yourself. That's it.

>> No.56910984

a bit flawed, but it can actually happen. think of how much value is tied into useless projects at the moment. if the value of link were to accelerate and there are more staking options, link would 100% absorb the value from shit like ada or tron. now you have billions of dollars on the sidelines waiting for proper investment vehicles like etfs. then you also have all the value global payment transaction fees ready to use an interoperability solution. it absolutely can happen.

>> No.56911001

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. Link is only going to $20 max. Right now I might make 1.6M before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1.6M into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 150k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 150k a year will feel like 60k a year. You need a minimum of 5M, but more likely 10M to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.56911005
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if you're in the pool you will make it
if you're not in the pool then pool's closed

>> No.56911067


>> No.56911200

stupid nigger

>> No.56911299

I left Ireland last summer
Fuck that expensive shithole
I do not miss it one bit

>> No.56911784

kek, but what about when Barry Lyndon drank the Roy Keane in Saipan, just before Kerry had some Mayo in the all-Ireland semi.

OP, 1900 is plenty. Think about what you're saying, from your links you will get close enough to owning a house. That's 30 years of time saved there my man.
Has the greed infected you already? we aren't even close and you're already looking at a what if in a double what if way. It's a dangerous road to walk down and many who start it get so lost they forget why they even wanted to start down that road in the first place anon. A house anon, a house.

>> No.56911822


Maybe you should start with learning what market cap ACTUALLY is, midtwit.

>> No.56911858

Well technically it can, there's nothing stopping it. The problem is it won't because it has no real value and is centralised dogshit controlled by a tiny number of people. Like you need to have a reason to believe billions are going to get pumped into it, and a better reason than just whatever utility you think it has.

>> No.56911924

>'Making it' for me would be getting about €400,000 after tax. That wouldn't even cover a house, but it would get me close enough to one to buy with a reasonably small mortgage if I'm still working.
That's not making it.
Making it is enough to never have to work a job again, which is basically 25x your expenses, or enough to live off 4%.
Getting 400k for a down payment and then a 25+ year mortgage is just continuing your own slavery.
I'm a leaf and we have similar retardly high real estate prices, and I could do that with my portfolio rn, but I refuse to resign myself to 25 years of debt, putting myself at the mercy of the fucking banks that only give you variable interest rates.

Anyway, you won't "make it" this cycle, but hitting 100k-200k and spending a bit of time in 6 figure hell is possible.
In the meantime invest more, keep buying, and you'll probably make it in 5-8 years.

>> No.56911999

ASK and you SHALL receive.

However, careful what you wish for, that very success may also lead you to despair and sadness and isolation

>> No.56912028

stopped reading here.

>> No.56912074

Oi’ ladie eh don’t get’r head in ye’r her’t eh mix’d up de’r ladie. Kee’p on de’r o straig’t nd eh nar’row eh de’r ladie.

>> No.56912132

>can Link 21x
Oh I don’t know anon, is there another crypto project working with swift and dtcc, among the other institutions? You were smart enough to buy hold and stake Link. Now you just have to be smart enough to ignore the fud trannys.

>> No.56912204
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>> No.56912292

Here OP ill make you rich.

Go onto telegram and find the group Club Dinero. Join the chat and type the word "menu" into it. Then listen and enquire of the members that are smarter than you.

Youre welcome.
>t. 30x'd my shitbox stack to a milly thanks to them

>> No.56912344

this post smells like curry

>> No.56912350

Because you're smart enough to buy but too dumb to see where this is all heading.

>> No.56912416

Go and see for yourself.

>> No.56912568

ATH in the last bullrun was $53; Chainlink trailed the entire market and basically was carried by the "rising tide lift all boats" dynamic.
An X2 or X3 High compared to last time high is not that unlikely; and if Chainlink leads instead of trailing, It could do significantly better, X10 from previous ATH would not be outlandish if it was amongst top 5 best performer.

..but the breakout from this consolidation needs to be violent and happen sooner rather than later; don't believe the schizos claiming "one day you wake up and bla bla", things like that never happens, there needs to be active interest in the project, active buyers, a solid prolonged uptrend against other coins like BTC and ETH.

>> No.56912719

Ok i didnt actually make a milly but ALOT on there have. So its possible.

>> No.56913103

>link has to do a 21x for me to make it.
ok, so... what's the problem?

>> No.56913278
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Now that I've cooled down a bit, thank you anon.

OP, you struck gold with a once in several generations opportunity. Not only did you buy into a healthy amount but you also secured a spot in a pool that will set you up for life.

Welcome aboard. Don't worry about whether or not you'll make it. Start preparing yourself to make sure your future kids don't squander it.

>> No.56913448

Chris I really need you to get off your phone and focus on getting my doordash order delivered before it gets cold

>> No.56913497
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Go fuck yourself and go buy an ad

>> No.56913912

Thanks anon, I will try. Pools closed.

>> No.56913958

Avax looking juicy in this regard, 80% in LINK and staked but I wanna diversify a little bit.

>> No.56913959

have you considered buying other thing besides link? link has missed two bullruns now. fortunately BNB and Matic saved my ass last bullrun while like was the biggest loser despite everything going up. i hold a lot of chainlink but i know its an extremely long hold meanwhile theres other moonshots while waiting.

>> No.56913986

youre delusional saying that. i had hope like that too and the more i talked to them, or rather tried talk to them because they literally dont know how to talk to a human, the more i realized how the internet/phones/social media has completely fucked every single one of them.

>> No.56914011
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I realized that my linkies stay stinky.

>> No.56914026

Is 15k in the pool enough to make it? Unironically. It's all I have.

>> No.56914902

I'm in Ireland too
Best thing to do is to keep buying and staking on repeat, let the interest keep building and never sell, only take out interest accrued within the capital gains limit and use that to pay for mortgage and bills
If it's more than I need then I'll make additional payments on mortgage to drive the debt down, or I might re-invest what I don't need back in, but I'll never sell the LINK I invest into the pot, only the interest
The pools will open again, be ready now and don't be a general access fag

>> No.56915020

I had 20k link, its now 15k and I'm in a similar position anon. Doing the maths and I'm not entirely sure I'll actually be free this bullrun, it might take another cycle after that.
I retired in 2021 when my portfolio hit 1m, back when that was a lot of money.
Not a fucking clue what I'm going to do.

>> No.56915053

Listen regard capital gains in crypto in Ireland are self declared so don’t claim it. Let them work for it on their own. Second of all you have an EU passport so you can freely move to countries in Europe where capital gains in crypto are either not taxed at all or at a much lower rate. If you make it then take up residency in one of those countries.
Also do yourself a favor and get out of that god forsaken depressing shithole.
>t. Leaf who lived there for a decade and left because it is a depressing shithole of a country

>> No.56915118

it was never a lot of money, anon

>> No.56915130

>just abandon ireland bro, the land your ancestors fought and died for
are you jewish

>> No.56915149

I’ve been found out! In all seriousness though leaving Ireland is one of the most Irish things you can do. If you ever lived there you’d get it.

>> No.56915249

How so? I always looked like the Pacific northwest, only with hordes of imported niggers

>> No.56915283

That 400k net would probably be enough if you move somewhere else and know how to get some yield for that capital

>> No.56915432

Ireland is a notorious spot for people leaving. So many people leave Ireland that there is an emigration museum in Dublin. I am not Irish myself but my wife is Irish from Ireland. I have a pretty solid grasp of their country and culture. One that goes beyond IRA memes and drinking.

>> No.56915458

"leaving is part of teh culture" doesn't sound all that solid of a grasp to me mate. but you do you

>> No.56915505

Considering how many Irish people move abroad, I’d say I’m pretty accurate. But that’s fine, you likely don’t even go outside.
>Seething Mick who never even went on a J1

>> No.56915814
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so uhh when does this go up :)

>> No.56915842

Go back to discord tranny

>> No.56915863

I'm Irish and living in Ireland
The weather can be a bummer a lot of the time, but this anon is talking absolute shite, he's defs not Irish and doesn't know it's ways ffs

>> No.56916485

Conor MacRegor for Mayor!

>> No.56916500

Not cool Daniel.

>> No.56916516
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Did someone say Ireland?

>> No.56916560

>after tax
What the fuck are you doing in crypto if you want to pay taxes?

>> No.56916568

Yes. But what is making it to you? I've 10k+ in the pool and kept 10k to sell to buy my way out of the slave system. Have family so rentoiding needs to stop. If was under 30 and single I'd just sell enough to be comfy until 2030 onwards.

>> No.56917135

I’m exact same position anon. 2k stack living in Cork.

I’m hoping to get enough to get me a nice house with a small mortgage. I earn enough I can live a nice life just want the €€ to get my family into a nice house sooner and give my kids lots of opportunities. Don’t be memed into thinking you have to ‘make it’. This is literally free cash if you play it right and don’t get left holding bags at the end of this bullrun.

>> No.56917164

these lpl niggers are relentlessly desperate