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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56985327 No.56985327 [Reply] [Original]

I just got liquidated. Normally it would be okay but I accidentally put it in cross-margin instead of isolated so my entire portfolio got wiped out. My entire networth gone just like that.
I feel sick to my stomach. My head is spinning this doesnt feel real.

>> No.56985351

You keep everything on your exchange hot wallet huh?

>> No.56985360

the house always wins

>> No.56985368

sorry bro, i've had that happen and it sucks. you also have to watch leverage levels as well, because sometimes they'll use like 50x as the default

>> No.56985386

The fact that you posted that image unironically makes me happy that you got liquidated.

>> No.56985399


>> No.56985526

uhh how is this relevant to chainlonk?

>> No.56985651
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 1dcbb9fe410c6b95cfefef6ddda07481d4715c02448d6c8e00037d0cdac592d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry to hear that bro, i would tell you to never put your eggs into one basket but you're probably feeling shitty already, you don't need that. I hope you can rebuild and reconstruct your portfolio, i suggest once you do to start using better allocation platforms, maybe even change strategies altogether. There are better and safer ways to make money, you can even copytrade using dexscreener. Its not the end of the world but do take it as a learning experience