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File: 404 KB, 746x1328, Pasted_Image_1_1_18__1_47_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5707040 No.5707040 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW you have GF that's interested in your crypto trade
>Vent about the market to her after unloading your nut in her mouth
>Celebrate gainz together

Find a girl who cares about you and what you do. Do not settle for anything less.

>> No.5707059

i sure hope thats not your dog faced chink youre bragging about

>> No.5707088

She is faking it to be nice. Sort of like her orgasms. Still not a bad thing, though. At least she cares. Until she finds an upgrade ;)

>> No.5707097

kek have fun raising your little elliot rodger

>tfw so alone

>> No.5707110

1. build trust
2. divorce
3. profit

>> No.5707120

It's just unfortunate that you're into shitcoins

>> No.5707138
File: 375 KB, 785x757, 5B9731B0-C75D-4128-8773-EEDEE5DF975D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he’s some hot shit talking about fake internet money

You’re literally just reading information on coins and buying them, even a fucking child could do it.

>> No.5707156

It's like explaining something to a child hahahaha

>> No.5707159

Woa, it's like you found the one girl in the world who cares about money
>oh wait

>> No.5707177
File: 32 KB, 552x363, bc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw she socially engineers you for your private keys and disappears with your crypto

>> No.5707193

>those 3-9 minute pauses
she's busy getting fucked. stop bothering her

>> No.5707196

no thanks i like not having to talk to my girlfriend about this shit. she makes six figures and enjoys working anyway

>> No.5707206
File: 55 KB, 500x371, 765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people about your gains irl

>> No.5707207


This, lol. Wtf is OP smoking?

>> No.5707212

> Anonymous (ID: 4TnLN1Kj) 12/31/17(Sun)21:57:38

Lmao you will be broke sooner or later buying all these shitcoins

>> No.5707217

>talking with a cunt about your finances

Normies, they will never make it. The gf bag is just too heavy.

>> No.5707221

observant, OP is on suicide watch

>> No.5707227

zzzz OP cant you see you are getting played? shes trying to find out if you are being successful or not.

>the last time it was the lowest, and you bought some, right?

she doesnt give a fuck about ur crypto. she gives a fuck that you are making money. tell her your portfolio is crashing and watch how she acts.

this too

>> No.5707231

>kek have fun raising your little elliot rodger

but everyone on biz is a pajeet

>> No.5707240


>> No.5707261

ID'd her, gonna find her and gonna fuck yo bitch

>> No.5707270

She WILL steal your keys, be careful friend

>> No.5707288

>talking to irl people about your gains

>> No.5707310

LOL you talk to a girl about how much money you make

get just'd, faggot

>> No.5707409

Telling women about your money. You are the epitome of a cuck, faggot.

>> No.5707444

Kek. this is one of the worst things ou can brag about when it comes to a gf. It makes me think shes only interested in you for the money

>> No.5707458
File: 54 KB, 640x545, goodBoy01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here



Wow u noticed that shit?


This sounds fun. Will try it

>> No.5707467


Stop putting this burden on her you dumb nigger, she gives zero fucks. Be a man and keep your mouth shut. You’ll regret it eventually anyway.

>> No.5707608

>Asian gf

You fucking beta

>> No.5707712

>have a little money in crypto
>doing pretty well
>GF wants to invest and has 5k in a bank account
>Wants me to invest for her
Easiest way for me to access funds?
Quickest on ramp?
I know cuckbase/gdax need the bank account to be in the same name.
Any exchanges that don't, and/or have quick bank transfers?
Don't want her to set up accounts herself, she can transfer to me or put me on account if needed.

>> No.5707837
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>> No.5707866

Top kek.
Mark my words: she won't support you when you rekt.

>> No.5707919

White girls are a fucking joke, fucking pieces of shit. Asian girls will at least appreciate me.

>> No.5707955

you are fucking up on so many levels...

dump that bitch and stop telling people that you are making money with crypto

>> No.5707967

Kekity kek

>> No.5707983


>> No.5707996


why would you ever tell her how much you're making, you moron.

>> No.5708038

Dumped gf bag after 2.5 loads

>> No.5708054

Women are only second to the Jew. Just you wait.

>> No.5708152

this is maximum cringe

>> No.5708235

Sad truth is that we are unaware of the digital illiteracy of the general population. Only a small fraction of the people that is aware of crypto has the Know how on how to trade anything that is not listed on coinbase. And only a fraction of that fraction is actually investing. Of those who invest only a few will stay in crypto after a 50 percent crash of whatever they are holding. And only a small percentage of those who stay in crypto will stay long enough to make it.
Of more than 7 billion people only 14k Chainlink wallets. And we seem to think everyone knows about Chainlink. The moment Sergey delivers this coin is going ballistic

>> No.5708354

betas gotta beta

>> No.5708389

translation...hey babes see how much money you can make when you divorce my dumb ass.

her:i get 50% right

him: yup hehehe

>> No.5708421

It's too late to make it the normie way. The newest trend is "Pump Groups". Hop in now or miss the boat.-

>> No.5708441
File: 35 KB, 362x547, investinyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha hai anon bf, i met a cool whale guy.
you know how you help me 2x? he help me 10x in 1 hour ^ ^ krishnu richer than you bf anon.
he make 60000% more daily than we do :o

2 weeks later....

wakeup.. waifu is gone. car's gone...
note saying she go live with krishnu for now.
thanks :* :)

you gotta call people you haven't spoken to in years to drive you to the airport to get your car.
it's scratched...

6 months go by..
you're making good progress.
shit's looking good...
get jumped by ninjas..

2 years goes by.....
you wake up from a coma and recover...go home..
blow the dust off your phone and boot it up.
holy shit it still works. check blockfolio.
entire portfolio of coins scrolling down..
red 99.98%
last one...
CHAINLINK.. GREEN +999,999,999,999%

shares... 0

don't let this be you.

buy chainlink.

>> No.5708518

after reading snowcrash and diamond age...ive come to the conclusion alot of people are going to be left behind. Not only that but when debt bond bomb explodes the richer are going to be mega rich and the poor will be mega poor. I mean you already seeing it but after the bust alot people will be FUBAR'd.

Sad thing is those who panic sell will not be around for the eventual recovery and actual astronomical rise in crypto. The great day of pink wojacks draws closer.

>> No.5708576

my gf just tells me to stop gambling :/

>> No.5708642


Diamond age any good? Just finished Ready Player One. Snowcrash was too much weeb 'katana-can-cut-anything' shit for me.

>> No.5708693

Holy fuck, it feels like I'm reading something my socially awkward 18 y/o self would do because he can't carry a conversation so he has to keep asking shit. Pro-tip: I only did because I was just trying to be polite.

>> No.5708725
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1471396034785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this cringy ass text? You actually talk to a girl like this OP?

>> No.5708727

>:D :D :D

>> No.5708763

Pleb conversation desu.

>tfw gf actually invests, so you refresh blockfolios and compare gainz during post-sex spooning

>> No.5708765

Your gf is ugly and has no idea about any of those coins lmfao. Me and my bf browse biz and register for ICO whitelists together. Sorry anon nothing to brag about.

>> No.5708816

Are you a girl or a man.

>> No.5708826

A grill desu

>> No.5708851

Verge is about to blow

>> No.5708864

I congratulate you on your relationship and wish you well.

>> No.5708876

you sound like a poor teenager who has been sucked into an mlm. "next moves" lmfao

>> No.5708882


I made a fortune off of XRP. G/F is now all over my dick for a ring. In retrospect, we have been together 12 years, have kids, and a house. I probably should pull the trigger.

>> No.5708901

Gross chink

>> No.5708933

>Asian gf
Typical Amerimutt. Good thing your shitty "empire" is finally unraveling.

>> No.5708935

Make sure to sell the bag before it drops to zero!

>> No.5708956

>Dating an asian

Absolutely degenerate. She only wants your coins and white genes anon.

>> No.5708973

>G/F is now all over my dick for a ring
presses the button

>> No.5708993

everyone can make fun of you all they want, but i would kill for a girlfriend that wanted to talk about something i liked
like coins
or....yeah thats about all i think about now

but they wouldnt even have to actually care about coins, just the effort that counts. that'd be real nice, i'm jealous

>> No.5709014
File: 898 KB, 765x1360, Pasted_Image_1_1_18__3_15_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're reading it wrong. I'm the green, she's the white.

And it's cute she's interested in the stuff, not just her being polite.


Oh yea? Show me ur stuff then :P

Pic is side-chick

>> No.5709038

What are you doing nigger. She want your gains lmao

>> No.5709040

You nigger, I have WhatsBrapp. I was exclaiming the general social un-grace of the less fairer sex.

>> No.5709053
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1512534553499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet here you are bragging about registering for ICO whitelists with your bf. kys

>> No.5709060

Shes typing like shes bored of your shit

>> No.5709113

Tits. Now. You know the rules.

>> No.5709118

this is underrated. top kek

>> No.5709125

This is true. Mine drinks like fish and costs me hundreds everytime we go out

>> No.5709150

Why would you text your girlfriend that your coins are "mooning" lmao

>> No.5709173

>paying for your gf to get wasted
literal cuck

>> No.5709174

She doesn't give a shit and only tolerates your nonsense because she's too chicken to pursue her other options.

She's a bagholder and you're bitbean, sorry anon.

>> No.5709195


i can tell u are a normie because no true neet reveals their power level and all normies do is talk about crypto after putting 100$ into buttcoin and been trading for two weeks

>> No.5709234
File: 26 KB, 492x492, shoulda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh k


Ahahaha I made all my shit off XRP too!


It's good you said it anon cause I'm gonna share how to get one:

>Go to Philippines (Cebu City, specifically)
>Turn on Tinder
>100s of matches, instantly.
>Living costs are sub $1k USD/mo for a nice Airbnb apartment in the nicest area (IT Park). Probs cheaper if you stay long term. That's including eating out 3 meals a day.

I could go into into more detail but I honestly feel western women are a waste of time, energy, poor candidates for the mother of your children.

>> No.5709261

Panic sell for what reason?

>> No.5709351
File: 1021 KB, 860x1036, spiceLevelFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>power level
I'm probably higher than u.

I used to be a rank 14 high-warlord warrior in vanilla world of warcraft. I have 5 TB of anime, 500GB of that on DVDs i burnt when HD storage was still expensive. I speak fluent Japanese I learnt from watching animu for most of my teens.

You can be a neet and be a cool dude anon. Just own it.

>> No.5709645


Nah. We've been through some real financial shit where she was the breadwinner hands down. She didn't leave me. She's the real deal.

>> No.5709722

i guarantee the first thing out of her mouth is "well is it going to come back up?!"

>> No.5709799

invested $100 in btc for gf at 4k tiny but was nice

>> No.5709839

>implying you wouldn't use the portfolio 24 hour candle to determine whose on top.

>> No.5710028
File: 122 KB, 233x276, 1st altcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is all I have to do is figure out how to buy shit and where.

Im still holding the 20 ark grandburger gave me and believe me I aint giving it up anytime soon.

>> No.5710082

God damn are you a fucking numale.
You should probably kill yourself

>> No.5710246

>comparing ready player one to snow crash or diamond age

>> No.5710253

The thing is, whether your married or not, if she leaves you, you'll still have to pay child support and alimony from common law marriage.

>> No.5710312

>i would kill for a girlfriend that wanted to talk about something i liked
have you tried being interesting?

>> No.5710701


My g/f doesn't know fuck all about cryptos/coins. But I've babbled enough about it that she bought me a ledger nano s for christmas. I fucking love this chick.

>> No.5710724


I live in Wisconsin, there is no common law marriage here.

>> No.5710832

Wow she sounds like a complete retard
And you sound like someone who only got laid for first time

Also you come off like some kind of autistic fuck and her mouthbreathing normie ass will quickly grow tired of your bizarre obsessions and handflapping tantrums

>> No.5711352

toppest post

>> No.5711531

and the award of most creative shill goes toooo .....>>5708441

>> No.5711563
File: 27 KB, 200x228, 1509066222334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reads like I'm talking to my mom. gr8 job