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57192384 No.57192384 [Reply] [Original]

Will they ever do anything meaningful, economically speaking? Or is it just perpetually stagnant and decadent full of corruption and criminality?

I'm not saying build an uganda, but they could become another china and industrialize.

>> No.57192390

*build a wakanda

not an uganda, sorry

>> No.57192413
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They already build an Uganda. Checkmate.

>> No.57192431

All of their problems are rooted in white supremacy and le colonialism. Its not their fault they cant build infrastructure or encourage investment

>> No.57192468 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate Niggers I hope they all fucking die or are nailed like Jesus to a cross or get fucked by Allah the faggot pedo

>> No.57192483

No. It's hard enough dragging along and uplifting common white masses, consider that the "leaders" of Africa are on par with your average common white and you realize how dire their situation is. It's a playground.

>> No.57192499

>but they could become another china and industrialize.
This is simply not possible. Chinks have thousands of years of emphasis on aristocratic literacy, progressing to moral philosophy and scientific observation, and eventually innovation. All of this has been lauded and passed down from generation to generation, with at least a portion of each subsequent generation inheriting, appreciating, and contributing to, a cultural bank of values and knowledge, culminating in enlightenment and industrialization. The Middle East, through its legacy of the earliest written languages and its eventual veneration of the Quran, has also emphasized these values, culminating in the Islamic Golden Age. The West has the legacy of Greek enlightenment, made widespread by both Alexander and the Romans after him; the Church further emphasized the need for an erudite, and most importantly literate, class of people who were equipped with the means to organize the masses and accurately document (i.e. solidify) cultural progress.

Africa doesn't have this legacy to fall back on. Literacy was never a desirable trait for Bantu precursors or their diaspora, better to be skilled with a spear. There was also little need for agricultural or social advancement due to favorable environmental conditions. It's like expecting the Abos or Sentinelese to industrialize. It is like expecting kangaroos to industrialize. It will never happen, it cannot happen; the environmental conditions and all necessary precursors to industrialization are entirely absent.

>> No.57192520


Asia was going through a temporary relative dark age and it was just a matter of waking back up. Africa has no such precedent, yes.

>> No.57192565

Watch Empire of Dust, chinks are having problems with their bantu slaves. It'll explain why Africa will never amount to anything as long as Africans are there.

>> No.57192607
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chimpanzee hybrids

>> No.57192629

Exactly. Sub-Saharan Africa is not simply in a period of cultural decline. We're expecting them to progress from illiterate tribal nomadic pastoralization straight to modern industrialization, skipping every necessary progression in between. What about basic agriculture? What about a stable social/cultural infrastructure? What about the fucking wheel?

It's unfortunate that some Westerners have this expectation, it's clearly unfair.

>> No.57192876

the final, and also largest, frontier

>> No.57192888
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forgot pic

>> No.57192910
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>he doesn't have a bag of African mic stocks

>> No.57192942


Makes you realize Canada/USA/China are in a dead heat for 2nd place in land area rather than Canada being much bigger

>> No.57192961

Africans are being phased out. Should’ve never killed gaddafi and maybe Africa would have a future.

>> No.57193885

brazil as well

>> No.57193919

Wtf did school lie to me

>> No.57194034

always find retards seething about bantus on an africa thread

>> No.57194165

browns are permanently stunted in evolution for the same reason monkeys didn't spend their hundreds of thousands of years turning into humans. the only crime is that humans (europeans) didn't evolve more to make ancient brown genetics incompatible.

>> No.57194201

the smartest guy in the show was that 1 chink speaking nigger though. even his chink boss was kind of an idiot

>> No.57194211

They already spinning crazy amounts on Dplay, only thing remaining now is to get rid of all the dictators kek

>> No.57194419

>uhh it can't be done because... it hasn't been done before!!
great reasoning shizo

>> No.57194679

Funny that you phrase it like this because I think my best shot at making it may be to get a shot ton of credit cards, sell all my crypto, buy some new milspec stuff esp. rifles and etc and psychedelics so I can roid and train every day for the next 6 months out in the desert somewhere, just fucking go full flyover Chad meth berserker.

Then become a mercenary in Africa, put everything into XMR and BTC and a small citadel me and some bros will build there so we can have clean drinking water and nice things. We can import cattle and live like Rhodesian aristocracy just on a smaller and pro-race mixing scale.

>> No.57194732

In the next 100 years Africa will be bigger than you can imagine. Do I want to go move there besides? No, but it'll have its day.

>> No.57194834

if you dont know about africa, through our western lenses we might assume theyre not trying. But in reality: the oldest continent has been dealing with the problems of the old world along side its consequences (being the problem with the old world in combination with post-modernization without effect utilization). Conquer and control has been embedded wrongfully in some. Staying true to tribes has been a sense of security from the damning modern warfare looming over like a dark shadow of the old world. I'd just wish i knew the answer.

>> No.57194893

"cause utilization" will not alone save africa or any other third world country.
it only benefits the effect utilization and thus boosts the GDP of other countries receiving raw materials or refining just to export

>> No.57194903

its destiny that the best place on earth to live moves around , at one point it was IRAK, at one point it was INDIA, it has been ISTANBUL. it has been many places, and it will be African places at one point too.

>> No.57194990

>Will they ever do anything meaningful
Will you?

>> No.57195003

I outlined why it can't be done, you're just too stupid to engage with it or provide an alternative take.

>> No.57195089

Post face

>> No.57195105
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It’s over.

>> No.57195112

The west wouldn’t be where they are today had they not been stealing natural resources from Africa, fag

>> No.57195124

This is literally a tax subsidized breeding farm for the purpose of advancing Jewish Kalergi plan agenda by sending hordes of niggers to white countries

>> No.57195470

botswana is slowly getting there. they need to figure out how to stop the top 50% of their graduates from immediately leaving for the US, UK and EU but they're slowly building themselves a comfy wakanda
north africa of course will face a reckoning as to whether to follow europe into the future or arabia into their sand-foundationed oil, blackjack and hookers mouse utopia. post arab spring it looked like at least tunisia was going the right way but now, especially after the israel shit, i think they're deteriorating
djibouti also has potential for... something. they seem to have decided that if they rent out their entire country to the west, china and even japan then at least one of those horses will win. if iran kicks off expect djibouti to be the new west germany and NATO to build some kind of production and maintenance capability there

>> No.57195529

It's expensive to maintain societies
It's profitable to build societies
Based on these points, why do you think the West is declining? So TPTB can profit off of building up the third world.

>> No.57195546

Go back 2 /pol/
If you could figure out how to profit of the dynamic you'd be retarded not too. Good thing you're too retarded to even understand the dynamic and aren't in a place of power.

>> No.57195548
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Africans, the retards of the world and yes, it is their own fault kek

>> No.57195617
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>/pol/chuds, the retards of the internet
I'm sure that because white people was kangs a couple hundred years ago you're only merely pretending to be less than a serf. Your real life is just around the corner!

>> No.57195652

The Jews profit because it’s not their money subsidizing the niggers. Whites get more poor from the subsidization of nigs and Jews sell nigs fried chicken and air Jordan’s to get rich off of

>> No.57195675

>Two stadiums
>Only four housing complexes

>> No.57195676

Sounds like they're doing it right and your people are getting eroded because they can't compete? Jeez that stinks anon!

>> No.57196456
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>> No.57196842

What is this, a bunch of trannies in a progressive parade?
>muh west stealing resources
Buying cheap shit alone it wouldn't be as meaningful as transforming them, and africa can't transform shit effectively.

>> No.57198052

We're popping your /pol/chud bubble, the feeling you don't know how to describe is "cognitive dissonance" because your /pol/chud safe space has been broken.

>> No.57198320
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Well fuck I guess I actually did BTFO all the /pol/chuds with my fax and logix, sorry for killing a gr8 b8 thread

>> No.57198327

Yes. Being a tranny is based.

>> No.57198340

Oh nice one of you came back
Reminder that trannies or normies or Jews living real lives will always impact the world more than incels getting angry on a website that deletes all discussion after a thread reaches a certain reply limit.
I wonder if the forces that pushed you here might have planned that by design, who knows?

>> No.57198357

They don't need to build anything, design anything. They don't need morality. They don't need grand philosophy. They don't need enlightenment values.

They will win the game of life by merely reproducing and then infecting more capable societies with their genotype/phenotype. They will steal the names of their victims, their genes, their wealth, their cities.

They may seem stupid, but it's like the ultimate winning condition.

>> No.57198379

I'm dating a mexican with no kids but a fuckhuge family, gonna have at least 4 kids with her. My white family line got decimated fighting for the Nazis in WWII, I won't make the same mistake as them.
Also, Google moral relativism, it'll probably help you not die on some hill of programmed moral realism.

>> No.57198399

I agree with your points but can you stop perpetuating the term "tranny" as if it's ever acceptable to use (even when debating transphobes). Be better.

>> No.57198409

Checked and I only use it when I have to kneel down to the level of /pol/chuds, it helps hammer the ideas into their heads better when they see their own lingo.

>> No.57198422

>taking the bait
Go back nigger

>> No.57198462

Well fuck you too, tranny.
I've been in crypto since /g/ was allowed to discuss it and I'll always have more value in this world than you, better luck next time!

>> No.57198642

Also geography. Most of Africa will never be able to have good infrastructure.
Also politics. Too much balkanization into small countries, and even inside these small countries there are multiple ethnicities at odds with each other.

>> No.57198644

a plane has to be accelerating down a runway before it can take off faggot

>> No.57198651

>Will they ever
No. They will never.

>> No.57199320
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The southern half of Africa's biggest challenge is just a lack of infrastructure. Someday globalism will make it more sensible to lay roads there than repair roads in the US.
North America used to be untamed and balkanized, which is why it was able to politically reorganize into the US.
But now there is no political reorganization opportunity for the US without a full collapse, which I want to stay away from.
Sadly, there's more of a chance of Africa getting the political reorganization it needs to succeed than there is for the US to become great again.
Some other place will take the title of land of opportunity in our lifetimes, my bet is in South America but I'm not counting Africa out.
And where is the West's airborne plane accelerating?

>> No.57199396

North America didn't have a population of 1 billion (projected to grow to 4) when it was balkanized. It became the US after being colonized and the original population effectively wiped out. Do you expect the same to happen in Africa? Not a chance.
North America is mostly a huge plateau perfect for farming, with a river system that is ideal for transportation. Africa is nothing like that. The rivers are treacherous, mountains and slopes everywhere, climate is unstable and unreliable. One country can experience a drought while there are floods in the next. All countries on the Nile basin are already preparing for war on water.

>> No.57199606
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1.4 billion, but still less dense than Asia. And no I don't expect the same thing to happen, but the situation there is still far more viable for a positive political reorganization than anywhere else.
Japan developed pretty well in antiquity with its >15% arable land and treacherous interior, I think you're overstating the impact of geography over how people deal with it, and humanity has only developed more ways to deal with it.
One leap in desalination technology and proper irrigation infrastructure would enable more square kilometers of arable land to be worked there than there is land in the US. Yeah, it'd be as hard to pump water to the center of Africa as it would be to pump water from NY to LA, but even if they could just use a third of their arable land they have as much as the US.

>> No.57200245

where do all these tranny kikes worshipping negros come from itt?

>> No.57200334

It's just one faggot or more whose entire existence is baiting the nazis in their heads and coping about the extinction his entire legacy assuming it's not bait >>57198379

Take these for example >>57199320 >>57199606
>if they could
>if they just
>if they do
Is all living by fantasy, meanwhile south africa is slowly disintegrating and africa stays shit who crawls back to hunting lizards for food.

>> No.57200359

I remember some Chinese guy on Youtube made videos in Africa (I think Tanzania) and he was surrounded by beautiful models. I don't know if he was seeding all of them but the dude was livin' it up. There's definitely some 'wifey' potential there but you need money & status.

>> No.57200387

>google moral relativism
Holy molly reddit, the wholesomeness never goes away. These 14 year old boys could discover nihilism next day.

>> No.57201323

nah lmao. the ultimate leech existence will stop working as soon as white societes fully collapse. asians will not put up with their shit. no matter how many people chill in africa it takes just one determined great power to destroy the whole continents food supply and africa will be back to its 19th century population.

>> No.57201673

are you retarded

>> No.57201738

in that case, all their problems could be solved by finishing the job

>> No.57201790

Behaviour is 100% genetic.
Expecting negros to build civilisation is like expecting jews to build civilisation.

>> No.57202048
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>Chinks have thousands of years...

Yet, they only industrialized in the past 60 years and with a massive amount of stolen technology from Whites and also sending their children to universities in White countries.

Remember this mantra, kid:
Whites create.
Asians imitate.
Jews desecrate.
Blacks destroy.

>> No.57202171

Africa is growing and has the greatest potential for growth but it doesnt matter as it will hit the worst by globál warming and will be first unlivable continent.

>> No.57202445

>it’s hot in the summer
>it’s cold in the winter
>it rains when it’s cloudy
>tide comes in
>it’s a sunny day

So sick of you climate cultists, you’ve been saying the world’s going to end next year every year since the 70s, get a clue already

>> No.57202594

Loling at this newfag shitskin trying to fit in

>> No.57202609
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I grew up around african americans, and it was the african immigarnts at my current job that made me racist

>> No.57202641

Huh. I work with a nigerian guy and he is a lot more pleasant than our native, run of the mill pavement ape.

>> No.57202648

It's not worship, it's realism.
All you tranny nigger kike haters are blinded by your beliefs, and that's a good thing for everyone else and a bad thing for you.
Reddit believes moral realism where PoC deserve more than other people, /pol/ believes moral realism where whites deserve more than other people. You're two sides of the same coin.
Expecting globalism to just leave Africa to the blacks is a cope. There will be a point where it's a Reese's Pieces bowl just like they're doing to the US.
I stopped browsing /pol/ back in 2016 when Trump touched a Jewish wall and it all became obvious that we got played, I might be behind on the lingo but I actually do got some real life rizz now instead of being a salty incel. Chicks actually think it's funny when you point out incels.

>> No.57202721

>Reddit believes moral realism where PoC deserve more than other people, /pol/ believes moral realism where whites deserve more than other people.
it doesn't mean shit because both sides will always have an approach of relativism when it comes to shit they don't like and an approach of realism about things they like.

Because for the average socialist money and private property will always be a spook (relativism), but god helps you if you dare to speak against their idea of collective society, they will flay you alive (realism).

>> No.57202798

What is this showing

>> No.57202886

Ownership is relative, ideas of what's the proper way to organize society is relative, ideas of how to treat others are relative. Slavery and serfdom were morally correct beliefs in the past and they may be again in the future if contexts swing back that way.
The issue is people thinking their moral stances are real instead of zooming out and seeing the greater contexts of why they believe them. The factors matter more than the morals, the factors will shift over our lifetimes and if you're only looking at the morals you'll get blindsided by social changes.

>> No.57202940
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If you translate a sphere's topography to the shape of a square/rectangle, it distorts landmass sizes. I feel like that's pre-5th grade stuff.
There are many map projections that show size better, but then they distort distances in their own weird way.

>> No.57202945

They are meant to be taken retard.
Every power on earth takes their resources for tax free gains.
Only moral fag cucks do it legally.

>> No.57203040

I went to Nigeria years ago and it was a shithole, way too many people. Nigerian pussy explains their overpopulation problem. The women are fucking animals when it comes to fucking.

Mindless fuckbeasts that ride you till they have come so many times their pussies are too sensitive to keep going. Then they will take a 5 minute break and want to do it again. Their pussies naturally have powerful muscular spasms and squeezes from well-developed kegal muscles thanks to their shitty lives and constant moving around and 3rd world squatty potty.

They will wring you fucking dry. It will feel like your soul has been stolen from your body. You will experience male multiple orgasms, your dick staying hard after cooming and then just cooming again when your psychotic 6 foot tall jungle nymphomaniac clamps her pussy down on your dick to keep the blood inside of it, and keeps going. My personal record is ejaculating 5 times in an hour of rampant, sweaty, bareback breeding with one of these hyper-sexual, evil women.

I could barely move the next day, and I'm a pretty fucking fit guy. It felt like I had been beaten up, and I was. She left hickeys all over my chest and throat, and there were bruises all over my body from where she had grabbed me hard while she was coming. It was painful, but a very memorable experience.

Sounds pretty great? Well, sure, the first few times. Getting used like a meat dildo by insane criminal women IS fun, but the novelty wears off really fucking quick if you try to extract yourself from the situation. They think fucking you once means they own you, and that they own your dick. The smallest hint that you are no longer interested is enough to set off an unholy hellstorm, and these women will travel across the country in order to confront you, scream at you, threaten you, try to get the police involved, anything. They are insane. Actually, literally insane. Once a Nigerian woman has been spurned, she goes into a berserker rage.

>> No.57203107

They already have, that's what the electric cars are.

>> No.57203161

Listen if we take it this way, everything is relative, the love and relationships you have with others are relative, your life is relative and your existence has no fucking value besides being a bunch of atoms doing some shit, atoms that are relative because it's just sub-particles acting like relative objects resembling ghosts with their fields of influence more than anything tangible.

The problem with all muh social constructs is that for us it's important, property is something that arises even from monkeys who needs to protect their food supply, it's something that makes our biological and social systems work and even efficiently. You could jump off a bridge tomorrow and there would be no person or god crying for you as a loss, but those who chose to believe in life will always thrive. Morals as relative as they can be have always purpose as long the results of their application are convenient.

>> No.57203253

That sounds more like moral nihilism than moral relativism.
Of course property exists, but it's just social constructs that enable ownership of property and no natural law can stop that construct from being stripped away in certain situations.
Crypto is actually the closest approximation to something you can truly own, but even then it's only possible to own in relation to only you knowing an addresses' encryption key and humans not having a way to decrypt RSA ciphers. But natural law may well strip that away if an algorithm to calculate all primes is ever devised.

>> No.57203290
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Sounds terrible haha

>> No.57203304

should we replace them by exporting more attractive women to Africa & letting nature take its course?

>> No.57203359

This thread makes me a little bullish on Africa

>> No.57203404

can you repeat the bubble popping part, not sure i caught that bit

>> No.57203442

you are beyond saving if you genuinely expect africans to behave the same way as the japanese.

>> No.57203565

Investing in it before bigger players triple down into Africa feels like shitcoin tier risk. The options for ETFs and mutual funds that have exposure to growth in Africa are going to get sold off as boomers retire, I don't foresee big traffic investment pumps there until after there's no risk of boomers dumping.

>> No.57203576

Down the line globalism will introduce new skin colors in Africa as much as it does here.

>> No.57203583

Big tradfi* investments, not traffic.

>> No.57203601

In regards to the pic, I understand the bias from the Mercator projection, but why compare countries to a continent lmao. I love how even at a very young age school children understand how fucked Africa is, so they have to put out graphics like this to try to quell the bias. maybe im a retard but i wrote off even pondering about africa a long time ago. never going there, never trying to help.

>> No.57203637

>natural law can stop that construct from being stripped away in certain situations.
No but said moral code will be reinforced when it's convenient, always producing tangible effects.

If i push my car engine to its limits i could go faster at the cost of higher chances of breaking it, if i make it work at lower speed i could save me maintainence at the cost of going slower. At this pont we should ask ourselves if it's more rightful to make my engine work at higher power or lower, and the result would depend on me if i can afford the disadvantages.

But the choice is clear, i can save more money by respecting the limits of my engine, only in industrial applications is convenient to make it work day and night at high speed. Just like i can save myself many headaches by ignoring the multi-gender theory and focus on the essential man/women dichotomy that never betrayed our evolution.

>> No.57203654

Being fucked means it has bigger chance of going up from where it is, at least over than pumping something that's already on top.
It's easier to be fucked and improve than it is to be made and not lose it.

>> No.57203688

The one good thing about trannies is they're lowering the pool of people who you need to compete with to find that male/female dichotomy. Yes, they're being highly unnatural and for whatever reason modern society has deemed it morally right to give them DEI benefits, but nature will pull things back in line if you're patient.

>> No.57203753

It has its pockets of stability and development, and those pockets tend to export a decent lot of professionals, and the subset of those professionals catering to international businesses tend to be pretty good.

As China comes to supplant the west as a source of stability and development, institutions cultivating and refining its human resources should be able to scale up its output.

Yes, yes, I'm very much HBD-pilled and all that, but the point is bringing out the best in the capable.

There's obviously filtering from the general population going on in the sample I've engaged with, but the continent's peoples have a very long bell curve in both directions and thus a large amount of as-of-yet untapped talent with potential to contribute to their countries and the world at large.

>> No.57203755
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black/african women are repulsive to me. does absolutely nothing for my cock, meanwhile there are many white, asian, hispanic women that do. interesting
i should have clarified. within our lifetime they are fucked as far as i can tell. with increasing technology they will gain further access to education, clean water, internet, etc, but then again their population will keep testing the limits of their resources at hand. i think they will have a very slow climb out of squalor but will never ascend to the civilizations of the global north.

>> No.57203785
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>> No.57203804

No China is already taking them over

>> No.57203807

I really don't see them ever catching up white/asian countries. Will their economies rise etc? They will. For example Rwanda gives some hope about the future of african countries but they are just so much behind that it will take fucking forever to catch up.

>> No.57203863

The blackpill on Rwanda is that it's currently being held together by the genius of a single strongman who's been in control for almost a quarter century. A bit of a pre-democracied Libya or Iraq dynamic.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that once you venture a bit outside the polished modern cities he's fostered, there's a lot less candy and rainbows and the situation could even be considered dangerous.

>> No.57203901

Imagine trying to time the bottom on Africa. The knife has been falling since it’s been dropped from the hand.

>> No.57203940

>>>57203637 (You) #
The one good thing about trannies is they're lowering the pool of people who you need to compete with to find that male/female dichotomy.
My man, judging by the stats of loneliness around the world with more singles than ever and broken families, it would be much more meaningful to stop the current zeitgeist instead of witch hunting trannies caused by that, something that does fucking nothing.

the thing that makes me disappointed about people playing the relativist card like the first faggot i was replying to is that he wouldn't be here sucking on MY moral darwinism if no one ever died to fight a world war. Moral relativism usually makes people think that they can do everything they want, but the reality is that you reap what you sow because you have to make choices, not in the same way of how religious "karma" dictates, but in a similar fashion.

if you're too aggressive you get killed and filtered, if you're too submissive you get exploited and filtered as well.

>> No.57204228

>New Vegas the country

>> No.57204520

There is a middle ground where you're able to entertain the morals of the times and still alter them if the environment benefits changing them. That's the point of believing in moral relativism, it doesn't mean you don't care about what's viewed as moral. It means you're not too hardheaded to believe any of your morals are permanently correct, and that you can change them when it would benefit you or when it would harm you to maintain them.
And I am the guy who brought up moral relativism with the dead Nazi family and Mexican GF, my IP just changed overnight.

>> No.57204643

Niggers are simply not intelligent enough on average to create successful countries. They can’t even maintain infrastructure handed to them by white people. All of their leaders eventually sell them out to live in relative luxury.

>> No.57204662
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>> No.57204668

They naturally have an IQ if 85 even when they’re raised in rich countries.

They just have worse genes for intelligence

>> No.57205584

Only mongrels are 85, africans have 70.

>> No.57205686

they turn to shit everything they touch
look at rodesia and south africa

>> No.57205697

>welcome to negro city

>> No.57205705

If they had a choice, sure. But they won't.

The African genome works in tandem with the NWO Jew/Angloid ruling caste. They are the biological weapons of mass destruction on a cultural and genetic level.

This is how they decimate entire nations and civilizations out of existence while sucking them dry. This is what has happened to the white people in USA, Latin America, and Western Europe. And their next targets are Russia, China, Iran, etc.

Asians are basically doomed. Their males are incredibly meek and beta. Their women are disgusting materialistic whores with a fertility of a dead horse.

>> No.57205736
File: 15 KB, 227x227, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One leap in desalination technology and proper irrigation infrastructure would enable more square kilometers of arable land to be worked there than there is land in the US.

this must not happen

>> No.57205983

>It means you're not too hardheaded to believe any of your morals are permanently correct
No, but i'm not stupid enough to trust those whose morals is exploiting others and glorify it >>57198357 >>57198379
To believe a moral code sometimes is to die for it, and those acting like flags, the traitors and the coward, are the first to get shot.

Beware that for those who seek the path of parasitism, it's a sword with a double edge. In nature parasite predates parasite, as well as a large portion of predators who seek parasites for a fast meal.

>> No.57207066

they have taken nearly 1trillion dollars in the past 50 years and still have nothing to show for it.

we should be raping them for cheap resources like the chinks and russians are doing but we are too kiked and cucked now

>> No.57208307
File: 430 KB, 1171x672, 20221223_101923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Hell you went to.
Now we all know why
>white chicks
>do bbc

>> No.57208512

Yes Africa will become an economic powerhouse in the future after its legacy NPC’s are phased out and Elon Musk makes South Africa Great again with his 20 sons

>> No.57208634
File: 254 KB, 582x890, 1000003975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your eurocentric public education is the cause of you believing this. Read some goddamn books. Everything happens for a reason.

>> No.57209935
File: 33 KB, 205x246, laughs-in-patchwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homogeneous monarchical microstates seem to be the most stable. Maybe it needs more of them, a lot more.

>> No.57209975

China is draining Africa dry literally doing what they blame whites for

>> No.57209991

Do they have sino-glowies taking out leaders they don't like, or are they just extracting resources?

>> No.57210013

>but they could become another china and industrialize.
No, IQ is nomal distributed, the genes for any part of IQ scale are plytropically selected, and most African countries have an IQ of 70-80. Meaning the people who have an IQ high enough to become an engineer will vary from one per thousand to 1 per 10 thousand. Murderers and rapist however range from 5-10% of the population

>> No.57210038

Basically buying up thier natural resoruces and bribing anyone who gets in thier way. They want to turn Africa in to a manufacturing center so they can move on to services and other things. Think what China has been to the west, that is what China wants for Africa to be to China.
I'm surprised there isn't more said in the west about Chinas involvement in Africa.

>> No.57210085

America seems to be asleep at the wheel in foreign affairs, and the EU is impotent, save for France which seems to be slowly backing out. I guess China's advantage is not having factional bickering getting in the way of national initiatives.

No idea when or why our geopolitics became so pants-on-head retarded though.

>> No.57210100

Jews' average IQ is 90, and enough time have passed since the takeover of 1966 for regression to the mean to kick in.

>> No.57210102

>surprised more isn’t said
At least for the U.S. it’s because most of the leaders are on China’s payroll