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File: 164 KB, 656x575, IMG_1850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57290867 No.57290867 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are people still buying houses? It doesn’t even make sense financially.

>> No.57290879

Turns out people want to own things and not be rentslaves for jewish owners

>> No.57290882

>Why the fuck are people still buying houses?
>Why the fuck are corporations still buying houses?
ftfy op, your pic related screams it

>> No.57290917

>actually believing a landlord is going to be charging you less than a mortgage for a property
they’re not going to take a loss kek
now you’re at their mercy to not Jack up your rent after one year

>> No.57291025
File: 623 KB, 858x899, 1661189939640358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an american tard here. Why you people always talk about "mortgages" every time you talk about buying a house? Suppose we speak about a 1M house; can't you just simply say "here's 1M I'll take it" and simply buy it (no further payments involved)?

>> No.57291026

Nigger the bank owns your house when you have a mortgage. Miss a few payments and you're out on your ass faster than a rentoid and say bye bye to all of your "equity" too. You're on the hook for all the repairs too. You're on /biz/ nigger don't play those NPC games here.

>> No.57291037

by own I meant actually owning not using it as collateral for a loan (what a mortgage is)

>> No.57291062

I'm so tired of reiterating this. Buying a home with a mortgage is a leveraged position in the housing market. That's it.

You can spend X dollars a month to rent, or you can lock in a down payment and then spend Y dollars a month to have 5x that down payment as a long on the housing market. When you believe housing always grows, taking a 5x leveraged position is smart. If you can get better returns elsewhere with your down payment, then just rent.

>> No.57291072

It's just about always financially advantageous to have a leveraged position in the housing market. All of these priced out "it's cheaper to rent" faggots are just coping. Show me someone that bought a house 20 years ago and kept it that regrets buying it. These same faggots hate boomers for the gains they made on their houses while at the same time saying home ownership is a scam and wishing the market will crash so they can buy in.

>> No.57291080

There's no reason to spend 1m on a house today when you can spend a fraction of it and get a low interest rate loan to cover the difference. The value of the house will go up at a faster rate than the interest rate.

>> No.57291092
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The pride of ownership

>> No.57291095

Most landlords have mortgages older than 3 years anon>>57290917

>> No.57291153

>getting financial advice from a white looser who brags his net worth is 25 million while making constant doomer vids

no thanks, white man go home

>> No.57291175
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I get it, but you could die at anytime leaving a lot of debt to your wife/kids (if any) and ultimately failing to make further payments. Wouldn't (((they))) take the house back in retaliation? Maybe that's what they want, people engaging in debt; you fail to pay, they take the house back. You think you're outsmarting them but they are outsmarting you. In the end they take 15 years worth of payments and the house back, and mortgage it to some other cuck. A lot of things can happen in let's say 20 or 30 years. Or am I just retarded? I get the point, though. I just want a house to live in, I would pay in cash and be done with it.

>> No.57291209

Building equity, having something you can pass down to your children, not being beholden to a landlord, doing what you want with your own place, peace of mind that comes with owning property. Probably some other reasons too, but that's just a few off the top of my head.

>> No.57291290

You kept your house for 20 years, paid whatever maintenance costs, property taxes, insurance etc. Its appreciated in line with the overall market, congrats you are richer than you were before. But what does that do for you? You depend on the thing for shelter, you cant simply liquidate the value and if you sell for another home you arent improving your situation without taking out another mortgage- which now youre 60 at the end of your career.. likely you would have more efficiently built wealth by renting and putting that money toward investments with higher expected rate of return than the housing market - housing expenses ie. Stock market for normies, crypto for degens

>> No.57291299

NPCs choose to stay on the rails when the wall they're set to crash into is coming into view. Not my problem.

>> No.57291488

Normie take is that renting is throwing away money, they all repeat it. They don't understand opportunity cost, or that paying to live somewhere isn't throwing away money because you're exchanging money for a place to live
On the upside, this mentality is why houses will (generally) always go up

>> No.57291555
File: 59 KB, 606x760, 2023-01-27 20.07.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me someone that bought a house 20 years ago and kept it that regrets buying it
Show me a turkey a week before Thanksgiving that has been given free food and shelter for almost a full year, that regrets its position

>> No.57291580

>Most landlords have mortgages older than 3 years
right so it's reasonable to assume they're going to charge YOU less than the going rate? Ha, wake up. The whole idea is to make money, not run a charity for the poor.
Good luck getting thrown out of your rented accommodation when you're retired and can't afford to pay. See you down the soup kitchen, buddy.

>> No.57291592

Checked based Taleb reader

>> No.57291613
File: 388 KB, 600x797, 1705248796544677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57291627

My house payment is $800/month.

And how is the landlord able to afford renting out the house for a cheaper value than it's worth. Also $3,900/month is more than anyone I know could afford.

>> No.57291637

What he ignores is that rent ALWAYS goes up about 5-10% a year. Mortgages simply don't. The mortgage will be cheaper in just a couple of years

>> No.57291641

It means i don't have to work like slave as housing is your main expense retard. It also means I have real land, that I can grow food on, which again reduces expense. Its basic logic.

>> No.57291654

I can find cheaper houses than apartments in pretty much any area.
Any defense of renting is cope.

>> No.57291673
File: 479 KB, 493x342, retard alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back and read the post i was responding to... for fuck sake this board has gone to shit

>> No.57291693

Americans are debt golems. See all the other replies.

>> No.57291708

sharing walls is cucked lel
don't care what you think ranjeesh

>> No.57291730

One big problem I have with renting is that I can't make any customizations or modifications to my living space. What if I want to paint my walls a different color or get new floors or upgrade to granite countertops? Or hang a squat rack on the wall? Or have a dog? Or replace the hideous chandelier in the dining room? When you're renting, you always have to treat your living space like a temporary accommodation rather than a home

>> No.57291761

because some people have cash, and other people are obsessed with imitating a lifestyle

>> No.57291773

>Put 200k down

>> No.57291772

>owning your own home is... LE BAD!
>rent will stay fixed forever!

>> No.57291797

>when you buy something you must repair it
Oh the horror. Also, if youre young enough, 30 years is doable. Home ownership is one if the most rewarding things you can accomplish in life. No one wants to be old and pay rent. Thats fucking retarded. Only a rent jew would think otherwise, rabbi.

>> No.57291821

No one who owns a home regrets it. Whats it to you if someone wants to own property anyway? If you want to pay some rent jew for the rest of your life like some consooomer retard then go ahead

>> No.57291829

What about interest cost per month?

>> No.57291877
File: 215 KB, 482x722, 1696872941575306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the length of the loan, it can take half the loan term to pay anything toward principal. Like literally 15 years of nothing but interest on a 30 year.

>> No.57291889

You can always get a pet btw , they can’t tell you not to have guests or pets legally

>> No.57291895

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.57291901

It's more stable than the Chinese stock market

>> No.57291923
File: 76 KB, 900x620, 6298dd53d9051.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck are people still buying houses?
"people" aren't buying houses. Outside of boomers downsizing/moving south, and a handful of well paid office drones, the vast majority of homes sold are being bought by corporations, hedge funds and foreigners, with some smaller time leveraged up landlord types as well.
>inb4 some retard unironically starts throwing around fake statistics like pic related.

>> No.57291925

>when you have a mortgage
When you don't you actually own something of value.

>> No.57291975


that's not how it works at all. if there's still money owed on the house when you die, and you pass the property to a beneficiary of the house or put it in a trust, the inheritor (your wife, kids, etc.) can either: 1. take over the mortgage payments and move in 2. rent it out to pay the mortgage 3. sell the property and keep the equity MINUS whatever is left owed on the mortgage. Your equity doesn't just vaporize when you die.

>> No.57292003

Haha this image make me laugh thank you thank you anonymous

>> No.57292004

I don't regret owning my place, but I also don't regret renting for 15 years before buying it in cash.
Would have missed so many bull runs with a mortgage.
Idk, guess depends on your geographical position, but in my Eastern Euro country the rents were dirt cheap, and yet real estate was in a bubble. Like yearly rent is 1.5% of the unit's market price and people are still buying lmao

>> No.57292019

>not pictured: equity

>> No.57292136

>assuming twitter real estate agent man is right when he wants you to rent...
if a landlord is making money
then hes making the money off a renter in that unit
its cheaper to buy.
.t landlord

>> No.57292164

>Why would I pay for something I’ll own
>I would rather pay someone else for the thing he owns

>> No.57292171

a short rat faced jew wants you to rent? color me surprised. they dont want anyone owning a house, let alone cars. hell you dont even own movies and games you buy these days.

>> No.57292182

>saying home ownership is a scam and wishing the market will crash so they can buy in
In what world is people bound by rent living paycheck to paycheck some sort of manipulation by the housing market?
Do you think everyone is just waiting on standby with a few million to scoop shit property up and scalp it?
Do you think everyone renting has money to do that?
Its. Not. Easy. To buy a good family house you actually want to live in for generations. You are a boomer.
Nothing you've said is cohesive. Its just senile drivel.

>> No.57292216

3900 rent months times 12 equals 46,800 a year

46,600 / 200,000 down equals 23.4%

If you can make 23.4% a year off your 200k down payment then you are better off renting and investing the down payment.

Every other detail is irrelevant.

>> No.57292223


>> No.57292251

I bought a house in 2018. At the time was renting a 2 bed apartment for $2900/m. My house cost $1150/m total net, that is interest + tax + insurance. Today it would cost about $4500/m to rent the same house. I save $3350/m by buying plus the house has gained $190k in value plus I have the mortgage cash in a money market making about 5.5% against a 2.3% mortgage so I make over $500/month on the arbitrage too. Thank god I bought.

>> No.57292376

Wow my two bedroom with a basement is $761.80 and that includes sewage and garbage. Where do you live? I live east of Pittsburgh.

>> No.57293265

>Would have missed so many bull runs with a mortgage.
the main benefit of a mortgage is that you have all that money you would have paid for the house in cash to invest while being able to make a return higher than the interest that you pay. the gains on your house value are also leveraged

>> No.57293394

If houses are 1M that is a great opportunity - buy a house for 500k with potential to improve - make sure it is in reasonable area - landscape gardens, paint the inside, put in new carpet etc- list for 800k. Or get a valuation for 800k and go to bank for more money for a deposit on next property.
This stuff should be crystal clear to investors but the kids on biz are clueless about property.

>> No.57293420

In my town I’m paying $1600 for rent while the equivalent homeowner would be paying $3k per month for everything. No I won’t tell you where I live btw

>> No.57293422

No-one goes out and buys an amazing home in a great location with a view and a big section. Unless they won lotto. You buy a little house in a shit area and you make improvements and build equity then you trade that for a better house until you finally get your dream house.

>> No.57293450

Depends on your rental market I suppose.

In the UK renting is actually more expensive, or at least equal to the cost of a mortgage. Also you have to deal with boomer landlords who can throw you out when they feel like it.

>> No.57293473

>burn money today
>live in the moment
>don't think about the future
>when you die your kids will get nothing
>they shouldn't belong to you in the first place
rent ever being cheaper than the homeowner's expenses is a lie anyway
this guy would set you and your family on fire for fun

>> No.57293498

inflation is going to stay because of deficit and house has more value than shitcoin to hedge against inflation.

>> No.57293525

its because americans are retarded by design. was about to post basically the same point you made, this asshole is talking about financing a place.

>> No.57293565

In leafland, the banks are doing everything in their power to avoid repo. They can see rates dropping in a year or 2. Leafs looking to buy now might actually not get fucked if they take a variable rate mortgage then lock in a rate when it comes time to refinance.

>> No.57293572

i don't understand, do you need a sub 90 IQ to understand her post?

>> No.57293785
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1673574252204956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mortgage rate 1,29%
> inflation 11%
> property appreciation 22%
> salary increase 7%

> rent increase 6.8%

Not good, not terrible but math does add up against renting. Yall nonzesters are coping hard. Probably landlord larpers

>> No.57293861

ameriburgers all make >$100k/year but also have no impulse control, so they also spend >$100k/year
without debt an ameriburger could literally never buy anything bigger than a funko pop. they take on mortgages to buy cars too or even ubereat

>> No.57293979

They brought in 10 million immigrants who will be subsidized with federal housing assistance in like 2 months so it makes sense to buy up properties and convert them into rental slums

>> No.57294026

Also plenty of Indians and Chinese and Latinos and Africans who don’t mind “multigenerational” housing AKA aunt and uncles and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters sharing 1 bedroom and splitting the monthly cost. My neighbor sold their 800k home an Indian family that just bought the house next to me. There’s about a dozen people (majority are working adults) living in a two bedroom ranch home presumably splitting the monthly payments. We are entering the era of the third world sardine can. Buy a house if you can before it’s too late or better yet get citizenship in a foreign country that isn’t North America or Western Yurop. It looks like Ecuador, Argentina, and El Salvador are good choices if you can get in on the ground floor

>> No.57294039

This here. And to add to that, anyone who has a wife & children who depend on them for income and is not a retard will get themselves some life insurance, at least enough to pay off any mortgage they have. Many employers also include some life insurance as part of the employee benefits.

>> No.57294266

Sad if true.

>> No.57295065

>Turns out people want to own things and not be rentslaves for jewish owners

You think mortgages are free money? Homes cost way more than renting.
>But I can give it to my kids!
Why haven't your parents given you a house then?

>> No.57295079

Yes you can simply outright buy it like that. Obviously it's advised to get some sort of solicitor involved to make sure the deal is legit, but yes you can and it's far cheaper.

You're forgetting a vital fact about renting in that you can move across the country at the drop of a hat.

>> No.57295082

nobody has 1 million dollars cash

>> No.57295106

Canadians only lock for 5 years at a time... You're telling me rates will never go up again in the next 30 years? LMAO

>> No.57295108

I bought my house cash after the last bull run and it was the best decision I ever made. Biztards were telling me how to minmax life but in the end I'd rather own my dwelling place. When the markets went tits up it was such a relief to not be renting anymore.

>Inb4 muh taxessssss

Taxes on a nice home still amount to less than a few hundred dollars a month, and if you rent you are paying taxes + tip to the landlord.


>> No.57295148


Rentcels pay the interest.

They pretend they don’t.

>> No.57295262


You have to explain to the biz rentcels that rent prices often already prices in taxes, mortgage, interest AND MAINTENANCE, especially if you bought before inflation kicked in. And those are tax deductions but the rentcels can’t deduct shit.

>> No.57295333

1 - mortgage doesn’t “go up” inexplicably like rent does. I paid about 1.5k/month on my house in 2020. Guess how much I’m paying in 2023 after massive amounts of inflation? You guessed it. 1.5k/month.

2 - My house is mine. Nobody to tell me what I can/can’t do with it. Want to install a gold plated toilet for shits and giggles? Go for it. Want to tear down a wall and make an open concept living room? Fair game.

3 - I paid a little under 200k for it in 2020. Now it’s worth almost 300k (maybe more). Pretty nice capital gain. If I rented, all that money would be in some landlord’s wallet instead.

>> No.57295558

3 years later, the house is worth 2 millions, profit.

>> No.57295744

after last bullrun, i bought a small forest, a sawmill and a bunch of tools and made my own house. i completely bypassed cohenage, though a lot of the permits were more grief than i wanted.

>> No.57295776

Ya it's about 10-12.5% per year

>> No.57295805


It costs X dollars to own and maintain a property. I would let someone else live and enjoy this property for X+Tip. Rentcels are just coping for the difficult times we're in but should never start believing renting is better than owning

>> No.57295863
File: 3.46 MB, 2050x1949, Emporia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you buy a 1 million dollar home???
>but but but I don't wana live in the midwest!!!
then be rich

>> No.57295878

you are right that it is almost always a smart bet to buy a house. But there are lots of examples of people who bought homes in the late 90s and 2006-2008 that barely kept up with inflation over the last 20 years. I've seen lots of places listed on zillow for around the same price that they sold for in 2006. If you paid a mortgage during that time, you lost quite a bit of money.
The key is that you absolutely cannot buy the top of a bubble otherwise you are screwed. If you buy the top of a bubble and have to sell a few years later you are doubly screwed.

>> No.57295892
File: 12 KB, 207x207, 1683524046912038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a million dollar home
>my mortgage payment becomes equity
>I can sell at anytime and recoup my mortage payments
>I can take out a loan against my equity to make more money with it
>having a ton of positive equitly sends my credit through the roof
>rent and throw all that money away
>my rent payments can never be recovered, do nothing for my credit, and I can't use payment history to take out any kind of loan
nice try jews but you can't fool me

>> No.57295893
File: 46 KB, 684x708, emporia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is weird about that one. No interior photos and a really shady price history

>> No.57295929

If you have children, you want to buy for stability. A mortgage payment won't increase for 30 years.

The landlord can't decide not to renew your lease or raise your rent.

You also get to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes from your taxes, so the rates are always ~25% better than what they appear on paper.

Renting is rarely the right play, outside of your early 20s when you are job hopping and need mobility.

>> No.57295937

in regards to renting a million dollar home. Graham Stephan is actually right in this scenario.
I have a relative who lives in an area where homes are well over a million dollars. I couldn't believe that rent does not go much over about $4000. It made no sense to me, but I think it's because if you had that kind of money $6k+ to blow on rent, you would just save up a down payment and buy a home.
It's like depreciation of expensive used cars, most used cars can only get so expensive before people just opt to buy new if there's not a big enough discount.

>> No.57295957

thank God I sold in spring last year
maybe I'll be able to slurp it back up in 2027 when the baggie can't take it anymore

>> No.57295967

I would rather have 1,000,000$ invested that gives me divvies and I can move to anywhere in the world that have my networth stuck in some iliquid real cuckstate.

>> No.57295972

That house was probably sold in a package of 4 homes and is now being sold individually. In any case, pick literally any home in a midwestern smalltown. Hell, I got a triplex for 40k, fully rented.

>> No.57295979

>when you are job hopping and need mobility.
kek as if you had guaranteed jobs nearby in the current and even less coming economy

>> No.57295981

Get a government job, stability for life

>> No.57296002

Not everyone can get a government job statistically and most sucks. Also I was making 5 figures a month from adsense a few months ago so i will never be brainwashed into cuckslaving. I need to 3x my stack and i will live off dividends.

>> No.57296004


cute but you don't have $1,000,000. That's why you continue to rent. Now pay up rent pay pig.

>> No.57296011

That's the entire point of a mortgage, jackass. You pay the bank money to obtain more equity in your house as time goes on. It beats paying it all in cash up front because you can sell at any time if it suits you and get your equity back. Meanwhile, you can use the freed up cash to maintain and grow your investments.

>> No.57296016

I need a place to store/wrench my motorcycles and a place to rack server hardware. Owning my own house is by far the cheapest way to do this.

>> No.57296021

How come these threads never distinguish between new renters and longterm renters? I've rented the same house for 5+ years and my monthly rent hasn't gone up. The rent on my
2 bed 2 bath house is cheaper than new apartment rents in my area now.

>> No.57296033
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 1612972290900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone on this board is getting a mortgage instead of paying all at once with crypto gains

>> No.57296049

Why would you buy in cash instead of taking out a mortgage?

>> No.57296097

However, there's a significant greater risk that the rent could go up at any time, for any reason, provided your lease is up.

>> No.57296106

fuck taking out debt.

>> No.57296145

You're at the mercy of your Israelite landlords. They can choose at any time to raise the rent or kick you out because they've decided to sell the property. Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.57296175

How are you complaining about jews in one of your other posts but then tell me to get a mortgage?

>> No.57296191


>> No.57296202

Turns out there are a lot of people out there with a fucking ton of money.
When you spend all your time on 4chan you start to assume the entire world is comprised of incel neets.

>> No.57296219

>I've seen lots of places listed on zillow for around the same price that they sold for in 2006. If you paid a mortgage during that time, you lost quite a bit of money
Not really, make sure you factor in loan principle reduction, interest tax deduction and the fact thay you have been living in the house so you would have been paying rent as well.

>> No.57296220

the money is fake so the numbers are fake.

>> No.57296407

thats part of the mortgage payment. also written off on taxes

that isnt true at all. every payment has some amount of principal paid off. the lower the interest rate, the higher percentage goes towards principal, and trends upwards over time. 30 year around 4% is pretty close to immediately 50% interest and 50% principal per payment

>> No.57296417

Homecucks are NPCs who just do whatever is normal without thinking or analyzing it at all.

>> No.57296443

Your children won't give a shit. They'll sell it to Blackrock for pennies on the dollar so they can have a few wild years getting BLACKED in the big city.

>> No.57296448

you make that from a 5% increase in your property value over a year

5% increase on 5x leverage(20% down mortgage) is 25%

>> No.57296479

you are clearly not who he's talking about. its hard as fuck to buy a house now for the first time. but the people saying renting is better are retarded. at most, you can hope that interests rates will go down to make buying in the future better than it would be right now

>> No.57296492

cheap 5x leverage on property valuations and tax writeoffs on interest

>> No.57296558
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ameriburgers all make >$100k/year but also have no impulse control, so they also spend >$100k/year
Hilariously true. I work with people living paycheck to paycheck on 250-500k salaries. Constant comments about how difficult the economy is and how they don't understand how people can live on sub-200k wages while eating out 3 meals a day.

>> No.57296580

anyone who says one is always better is retarded. These threads devolve into two extremes arguing against one another. Ideally you should be owning a home with plenty leftover to invest elsewhere or have very high income and invest outside real estate with better returns because it's not an issue whether you will be able to afford a home.

>> No.57296676

for the most part you're right, but I would say the number of people in positions for it to make more sense to rent(outisde of simply not being able to afford to buy) is dwarfed by the number of people where it make more fiscal sense to buy. if your job requires a lot of moving around, whether for general duties or upward mobility is one instance where it makes more sense to rent. but like in your example
>have very high income and invest outside real estate with better returns because it's not an issue whether you will be able to afford a home.
that doesnt mean it makes more sense to rent, it just means that they probably wont suffer as harshly the financial consequences of renting vs owning

>> No.57296701

we’ve been having this discussion for 10 years, holy shit

>> No.57296734

They’re afraid it will go up even more so they’re doing everything feasible to make it work

>> No.57296756
File: 131 KB, 750x920, 6E9608E6-D040-40B7-BCF6-8FD6AE64CBD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally retarded LOL
Top signal. People are overleveraged up the ASS
More and more squeezed until it breaks and we see massive foreclosures. Bills get higher when income doesn't keep up. I feel no pity for top buyers

>> No.57296909
File: 286 KB, 1082x695, 1514864357685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have affordable fixed payments for the rest of their lives
>people are overleveraged up the ASS

Renter cope is delicious

>> No.57297192

how long have you been saying the same thing? I've heard "top signal" on the housing market since probably 2020 if not earlier

>> No.57297288

>just leverage bro

>> No.57297316

Because ameritards are stuck with their IRS on their ass everywhere they go. Anyone that isn't an ameritard knows the value of being able to live in any jurisdiction you want and pay taxes anywhere you want anytime you want, that is why owning real state is fucking retarded when nowadays you can have your money invested and recieve dividends off it while chiling in Madeira.

>> No.57297352

Or i could just go live abroad. Fuck paying 1 million for an average home.

>> No.57297361

>use cheap leverage to your advantage while you also pay into your own equity, write off part of the same money you'd pay in rent, and begin a path toward a feasible retirement

>> No.57297364

see, this guy gets it. try the poncha my dude. and btw, i think the tax on dividends is actually lower in Açores

>> No.57297366

>Or i could just go live abroad.
your phrasing is telling that that is not what you;re currently doing

>> No.57297372

that´s because i dont a 100k, even less so a million

>> No.57297375

graham is a clueless faggot who does onions faces and clickbait

>> No.57297379

>let me just take financial advice from someone with nothing

>> No.57297384

furthermore, to be less of a dick: say you had a good job that you had saved up over 100k over the last few years. do you really think moving to a third world country to live cheaply at a young age would be better than to continue making that wage and buy a house until you retire to any country you want?

>> No.57297391

and when I say retire, I dont necessarily mean at "retirement age". I'm not sure what countries you could retire in at 100-200k, but the options are definitely limited

>> No.57297402

who says you need to move to a 3rd world shithole? i just told you a decent place following up on the other one some anon had previously mentioned, where you could live off a million for the rest of your life and have to do jack shit. the same million you would use to buy some shed in the US would actually buy you an home and you´d still have most of your money

>> No.57297411

good luck getting a million paying rent. I have a mortgage so that a good amount of my living expenses go to my equity with which I can retire, whether that is in owning my own home or cashing out and moving somewhere to live off of that equity

>> No.57297420

its ok i just figured it out c:

>> No.57297421

i´ll just settle at around 100-250k

>> No.57297427

unless you are at retirement age at that time, you are absolutely moving to a third world shithole to live off of that

>> No.57297435

and by retirement age I mean dying in under a decade

>> No.57297452

not really, the minimum wage in my country is 10k each year as of this year, average wage must around 20k. taxes on dividends are around 20%.. with some 200k i would be putting that money into stocks earning me 6 to 10% yield on dividends. i could live comfortably with that and get a job at some burger king as to not get bored. furthermore, being european i could probably just move to greece for an year and change my tax status to there before heading back and enjoy their 5% tax on dividends

>> No.57297458

My home assessment went up $40,000 as of July 2023. Feels good. Assessed value is now $55,000 more than what I paid since buying last year.

>> No.57297459

lol Graham Stephen the 4 foot midget lol

>> No.57297490

That just means that your taxes go up. The market will pay what the market will pay.
Captcha: SJWS

>> No.57297531

No my friend the government assures me that rising appraisals don't necessarily mean increased taxes. The government says not to worry and they're here to help. As long as it doesn't increase beyond the average of every other house then I won't see a difference. They even gave me a discount if I paid my water and sewer for the year in advance instead of having them chase me for it in the summer

>> No.57297623

>people have affordable fixed payments for the rest of their lives
Are you stupid? Foxed mortgage =\= everything else is fixed

>> No.57297631
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Pic rel

>> No.57297666

How much of a discount are we talking?

>> No.57297688

big difference is that the mortgage payments are a debt being paid off and the only money you are actually spending is interest. Rent bill is throwing your money in a dumpster fire every month.

>> No.57297715

Homes are better. That doesn't mean every day is a "good day to buy"

>> No.57297721

>just save up $1m in cash bro

>> No.57297767



>> No.57298082

>Yeah dumbass, the property tax increases 3% per year!
>This is why you should rent!!!


>> No.57298088

Nigger, I refer to the price itself. Why would you want to buy the top of this? >>57297631

>> No.57298963
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What is this weird fucking owner vs buyer war you're fighting in your own head you boomer schizojew? People rent BECAUSE they're priced out, not some elaborate plot to take your 1960s water damaged bungalow away from you.
>These same faggots hate boomers for the gains they made
People are upset that they're priced out of home ownership, for various geopolitical reasons which seems like a healthy human emotion. Consider, you're among the first humans alive, ever, to view expensive housing and cost of living as a good thing. That's why you're hated, not because anyone's trying to steal something from you, but because you're a number-go-up crackhead that's willing to run over every future generation for a quick buck.
>if you bought 20 years ago
Lol housing is up what? 20x since then?

Just crank those numbers higher and turn the US into Canada at this point. I hope your house becomes worth $400 billion dollars just so we can accelerate

>> No.57299180

I bought my house with a 2.65% interest rate. It’s gone up 50% in value since I bought it. Never going to sell it, even if we had to move. I would just rent it out. My brother in law bought a house for the same amount two months ago and his mortgage is nearly twice as much as what I pay.

>> No.57299206

Because in 50 years you can sell your house (or give it to your kids) and it’ll have increased in value in greater amount or at least braking even with the extra costs. Essentially making you live “for free” just think of the boomers that bought a 100k house that is worth 1.5-2 mil now. How much did they make? I bought an apartment for 32k when I was 18 and sold it for 92 7 years later, I not only lived for free for almost a decade but I had gained extra ontop of that.

Renting is for cucks that want Jews to ruin their lives

>> No.57299222

>some fucking landlord telling average people to not compete with him buying real estate
was this nigger always a faggot?

>> No.57299297
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>past performance indicates future results
You guys aren't boomers and you're buying 17 year old bags pumped up on nearly 2 decades of 0% QE. Buying a house now is already a ridiculous premium compared to pre 2019 prices, and there's no more wealth to squeeze out of the goycattle working class. The only reason it isn't crashing -97% on a 5 minute candle is because of a literal wide open border desperately stuffing millions of spics into the market, obliterating supply.
>inb4 rates will drop
I hope they do something that stupid so we can finally get the Weimar party started lmao. Let's get to those $200 loaves of bread baby

>> No.57299516
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>But what does that do for you?
What is an asset that I can borrow against, Alex?

>> No.57299555

>50m2 apartment in european city
>pay 700 rent or buy and pay 100 for upkeep
>able to sell at a profit anytime
you need to make the calculation yourself, just don't go beyond your means

>> No.57300313

You just blew my mind. I’m a mortgage cuck and literally never thought of it this way. I thought any increase in market value on my house would only be a ROI on the portion of the house I’ve paid off. I no longer feel like a cuck…I’m such a brainlet

>> No.57300355

>mortgage interest deduction
>house increases in value by 40k, or ~3k per month
$6600-$3000 -= $3600 vs $3900 rent cucking and that doesn't even factor in deductions or principal payments

After appreciation, mortgage interest deduction, and principal payment you come out ahead

>> No.57301270

I do cuckgaged mong.
Paying rent is the price to not be a cucklord that cannot easily move anywhere in the world they want and pay taxes there. No wonder burgers are obsessed with owning homes since they are tied to the IRS anyway kek.

>> No.57301319


That means it's a meth lab or has major structural issues.

>> No.57301385

I've been wanting to get out of my parent's house for a while now but in my entire county there are >70 home listings that are under $200k. Most of those are derelict houses with a little land in a shitty area or okay condos in a shitty area with HOAs that are roughly half the price of rent.

>> No.57301628
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I saved up for a down payment on a home while housing 5X'd. It really doesn't matter how I feel or how much bait you guys post the math just isn't there. Buying at the peak of historic unaffordability is madness.

>> No.57302187
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>> No.57302200

The problem is that it's not voming down.
Not enough supply, also the supply of Good land (close to work) is limited.
You will live in a pod. Sadly governments around the world aren't doing anything about this.

>> No.57302363

it's america, like everything the build a complex system to gatekeep people

>> No.57302382
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So if you get a mortgage, pay it every month for 10 years, and then something in life happens and you can't pay the mortgage, does the house just get taken from you? Do you get any of the principle you paid into paid back? Or any of the interest? Are you just fucked or do you get anything out of it?

>> No.57302427

exactly. If you can't afford to buy a house outright or at least 50-60% down, then might as well just buy vacant land and build your own

>> No.57302477

Not always a math situation

I have a wife and kids - didn't want to be at the mercy of a landlord for my living situation.

Renting isn't bad in your 20s when you are single and job hopping

>> No.57302499

It's not that crazy of an idea, just saying

>> No.57302547

House gets foreclosed and repo'd by the bank :^)

>> No.57302637
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Do you get any of your money back tho?

>> No.57302731

Owning a home with no mortgage is the only good option. You're just a cuck if you rent a home or have a mortgage. Same with a car.

>> No.57302746

The average home price in my state for 2023 was over 700k. That is AVERAGE. Nothing makes me angrier than when I think of people with homes and how I should kill them

>> No.57302781

> https://www.bankofamerica.com/refunds

>> No.57302801

shut up you brown piece of shit. theres a guy way more successful than you telling you whats up. go invest in doggy coins with your 80 iq

>> No.57303008

The house would get sold off, the bank would have the remaining amount of the mortgage paid off, and you keep whatever is left. For example, lets say you buy a $500k house with $50k down, $450k 30 yr mortgage, at 6%. At ten years the amount left to pay off on the mortgage would be $376k. You can no longer pay, but are able to sell house for $550k; bank gets $376k of that, you get $174k.

Now the dangerous thing is if you buy near the top of a bubble, and house prices go down, say that house above could only be sold for $350k, then you would be "underwater" on the mortgage, and still owe the bank $26k after selling the house.

>> No.57304727

Agreed, but we seem to be at the top of a pretty big bubble from all the M2 of 2008 and 2020 combined. Now might be a decent time to rent, stack cash and wait for a big correction to buy at pennies on the dollar. But, the inflation train may continue for another decade for all I know. Best bet is to earn enough that neither choice really matters to you. Wagies like me are fucked either option we choose. The Jewing has intensified 1000% in the last 15 years.

>> No.57304797

>You're forgetting a vital fact about renting in that you can move across the country at the drop of a hat.
Big fucking whoop lmao. Canceling a lease and selling a house are not even an order of magnitude different in terms of effort.

>> No.57304816

His calculations sound a bit retarded for europoor like me. At least where I live, the costs are almost same and eventually you have paid that house and own it. Even with high interest rates. What exactly is the huge risk here if you know that you are going to live in some city/town for a long time? Even if the price would collapse you would still own that little it is worth. Yea obviously don't buy some moldy shit.

>> No.57304912

>Buying a house now is already a ridiculous premium
the genie doesn't go back in the bottle. prices will never fall systematically for decades at a time. inflation will whittle away the debt over those 30 years.

>> No.57306737 [DELETED] 

>I bought someone a house
So your telling me she has spent an average of $1025 a month on rent and she has no savings? I don't think paying rent is the problem.

>> No.57306751

The whole economy revolves around brainwashing children so that when richfags beat the filter they still buy a boomer bag cause they are gay and think a pile of sticks is worth more than 300 acres

>> No.57306757

>I bought someone a house
So you're telling me she has spent an average of $1025 a month on rent and she has no savings? I don't think renting is the problem here.

>> No.57306786

they’re certainly an order of magnitude different in terms of potential losses
worst case on a rental is your security deposit, worst case on a house is you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars

>> No.57306787


Because its not a bubble.

>> No.57306796


Thats not a bubble dude. Its the new standard. Buy now or cry later.

>> No.57306832

Do you think the boarder will continue to be flooded with millions of useless mouths, or do you live in fantasy land?

Because they're not going to stop coming, and housing is going to continue to rise, making a highly leveraged real-estate gamble smart. In ten years, they'll be able to sell that house for 2 million and downsize to something for 1.2 million. They'll have no mortgage, over a million is assets, and your rent will have doubled.

Just kidding, the housing bubble is about to pop, two more weeks.

>> No.57306849


its not gonna pop dude. This is the new standard. Just buy now or get out priced for life.

>> No.57306861

Great reading comprehension.

>> No.57306864

I love midwit retard takes like this kek

>> No.57306912

> just keep moving and downsizing bro
> please bro think of the unrealized gains bro
my godmother did this with like 3 houses in a row and now they're stuck in the middle of nowhere 100 km from the nearest hospital and they're both approaching their 80s

>> No.57306974

>unironically believing that the next 20 years will be in any way shape or form similar to the last 20 years
literally lmaoing @ u

>> No.57307104

They said that 20 years ago, and twenty years before that and then 20 years before that. But im sure this time it really is different.

>> No.57307112
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>new paradigm>

>> No.57307135
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Holy shit you retards are so god damn emotional about this topic. I feel like I'm on an exclusively female (male) board.

It all comes down to a matter of circumstances and preferences on whether you should rent or buy.

>> No.57307159


Not a bubble. Housing market goes upward forever.

>> No.57307164

Enjoy moving every few years.

>> No.57307204
File: 35 KB, 923x657, Inflation-Adjusted-U.S.-Home-Prices-Since-1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you sure showed me

>> No.57307221

Anybody got the link to the real estate forum from 2007 full of retards shouting that a housing crash could never ever happen?

>> No.57307851

guy who has a friends circle, a spouse, maybe even kids, can make payments for a mortgage

you, live at your parents place, do nothing, terminally online, no friends, no gf, no money, maybe some internet funny money

you might think highly of yourself, but i have bad news for you.

>> No.57307946

You can also get life insurance that covers the mortgage. I know salesmen who sell that policy specifically. Their whole schtick is to get you to admit how horrible that situation would be so you want to do something to prevent it

>> No.57308057

Not only that you don't need to sell

You can just rent it out and have someone pay your mortgage off for you

You even get additional tax deductions - depreciation (3.6%), maintenance and repairs all become deductions

>> No.57308059
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>> No.57308115

Real estate is never going down.

Renting is just pissing your money away. You're on the opposite side of the relationship that you want, i.e. receiving money not giving it.

You're not actually going to invest the difference between mortgage payments and rent. The returns will not be as high as what 95% (lof renters assume in their Rent VS Buy spreadsheet.

Rates cannot increase much higher otherwise the entire world economy will explode.

Inflation is under control and rates will decrease by 2025. It is 100% a good time to open a 5x, insured and time-tested position to hedge against future inflation.

Conclusion : never bet against the house.

That about covers it.

>> No.57308128
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>nominal fiat values over 80 years

>> No.57308316

Except the mortgage include principal. Plus the propertry grows in value.
This guy is an idiot.

>> No.57308450

for the future you retard cunt, your life doesnt matter, it's your future descendant your kids and grand kids
this life is not for you but for your future

>> No.57309009


>> No.57309053

Dumb retard the major institutional investors own like a fraction of 1% of the US housing market; at best

>> No.57309336

Retard twitter post. The taxes and insurance are included in the morgage

>> No.57309386

I'm from Croatia and I've started withdrawing my crypto profit.
I don't want to sell everything at once in case prices will go up but the plan is to sell slowly and in about 4 months I'll have 120 000 euros (that's a lot for Croatia).
My plan is to buy an apartment for that money so I can finally say I fucking bought something with the profits I've earned from crypto and live there without worrying if my landlord will raise the rent.

Worst case scenario if I'll decide to move somewhere else I can always sell the apartment or rent it, but I doubt I ever will.

I could buy an apartment right now but I don't want to take any loans so I'll just rather be safe and buy that place in a few months.

Is that a good decision and should I go for it?
inb4 save for the next bullrun xd
I'm not gonna sell everything I have, just a portion to finally buy something for myself.

>> No.57309529

You're going to get the inevitable anon that tells you that you're retarded and how he has $10mm and still hasn't withdrawn a penny.
Ignore them.

Buying a flat and having a guaranteed roof over your head is far more important than "potential" gains. It'll also free you up to put more of your salary into crypto if you really want.

Good job, anon. I'm happy for you.

>> No.57309574

>Buying a flat and having a guaranteed roof over your head is far more important than "potential" gains. It'll also free you up to put more of your salary into crypto if you really want.

Yeah my thoughts exactly, I'd rather have a safe roof over my head than risk the money I have right now for potential extra gains.

And I can always invest later, the market is always moving.
Thank you for the encouraging words

>> No.57309645

Woah, thei neighbors should most certainly be extremely happy to get all that thirdies smala shitting up peace and tranquility. Surely they love their housing investment.
Lmao. The only thing you own are uncertainties and risks that the bank put on your shoulders in their stead.
T. rentchad, with the measly rent paid off by my divies

>> No.57309722

>3 months notice and several months' rent if you want to end your lease early, otherwise good luck lining up a move or a long-distance job change because if anything falls through you're homeless now.

Yeah, it's easier than selling your house I guess, but let's not make it sound like renting is awesome. The American housing market is on fire.

>> No.57309732

>Sell your house
>All the other houses went up too
>Whelp, guess I'll rent then!


>> No.57309834

He left out the worst part which is that at the end of the 30yr term you pay over $1m in interest which means your house needs to be worth over $2m just to break even.

>> No.57309985

yeah bro maybe you dont live in america but youll be lucky if the foundation of your KB home doesnt fail before you pay off your goymortgage

>> No.57310939

No one is renting you a $1M home for $3,900/mn

>> No.57310981


okay, but you can LIVE in the house for 30 years too.

>> No.57311060

>Turns out people want to own things and not be rentslaves for jewish owners
take that extra liquidity and buy s&p 500 etf, 20 years from now you will have more net worth, than if you had bought an house, besides, if your house isn't brick and mortar it's a depreciating asset and it will eventually be worth nothing at all, wooden houses getting sold for half a million is fucking insane

>> No.57311071

1. own. get a fixed rate mortgage and lock in "rent" price for 30 years. After 30 years you own it and only pay taxes. you pay interest and all maintenance costs.
2. rent. your rent will rise 3-20% each and ever year. after 30 years you're still a loser and own nothing. you pay taxes, interest and all maintenance costs, plus someone's profit

biz likes to pretend like there's an option 3 of NEET or be homeless, it's not a legitimate option for most people.

it's not a great time to buy right now. sorry, but you're an idiot if your long term plan doesn't involve owning a place to live and you want to trade 30 years of interest for paying ever increasing rent for 65.

real talk, im actually glad people are stupid. rentoids and their economic illiteracy will allow me to retire at more like 45 compared to waging until 70.

>> No.57311115

half ur mortgage payment goes to the "principle" and you get it back in the end, more if you pay it off faster

>> No.57311131

>Just rent an identical house for $3,900 a month
>...And then $4200 a month the year after that
>...and then $4500 after that
>...and $4800 after that

>> No.57311141

Untrue. I rent a house for $4500 a month, it's market value is $1.25m.

>> No.57311224

I live in my car stealing amazon packages to get by. No fucks given at all.

>> No.57311605

that is juust what ((they)) want.
when you can save money by buying house next time its too late. your lifetime savings is not enough for downpayment and you cant save as your rent is 2x what you would pay for your own house.

>> No.57311693

the craziest thing about this graph is that the current bubble is way bigger than 2008

>> No.57311710

>muh rent increase of 10% per year
Lmao what kind of shit is this, rents at large are capped by salaries by design. I've been renting the same pile of bricks for 8 years now, and the rent increase for that time period is 9%.

>> No.57311738

So don't buy and in 20 years let me know how that worked out for you

>> No.57311768

>Number are hard
$4500 isn't $3900, retard

>> No.57311810

>just buy near the top of the biggest bubble the market has ever seen and expect 5% returns bro

>> No.57311816

Sounds to me you want a house. You are part of the problem ole chum.

>> No.57311856

you’re so fucking stupid. look at an amortization calculator even once you simple fuck. if you take out a 30yr $500k loan at 6% your interest and principle payments don’t hit 50/50 until YEAR 18

>> No.57312717

Yeah, you can also rent one for less money genius. That's the whole argument.
Buyers are basically making a bet that the house appreciation is going to outpace the interest on the loan and when it's all said in done after appreciation - (repairs + tax + interest + opportunity cost) you are coming out ahead than you would have if you had just rented a comparable dwelling.
I don't get why this is so controversial

>> No.57312767

I’m up $300k since I bought in 2019. Seems ok to me

>> No.57313084

Tips on how to make that much from Google adsense???

>> No.57313101

>I don't get why this is so controversial
because there's a bunch of people in this world that cannot do basic math and think that paying for a mortgage is somehow better than paying rent despite not realizing you're paying way more in interest than principle for over half of the life of a typical loan. when renting is 50% cheaper on average, nationally, you actually come out ahead by renting and investing the rest of what you would have been putting into a mortgage payment, maintenance, insurance, etc. And this completely ignores the flexibility of renting, keeping your savings (down payment) in case the job market tanks, etc.

>> No.57313138

>mortgage rate 1.29%
fantasy from another time
In Canada best you can get right now is over 5% and a shitty 1 bed condo in toronto costs 600k canada bucks, with 500$ maintenance fee per month.

>> No.57313155

"Multigenerational" housing is a meme, it's not vertical family trees it's extended family crowding into a single house to drive uber.

>> No.57313172

>A mortgage payment won't increase for 30 years
Absolutely false anywhere outside the U.S where the longest term you can get for a decent rate is 5 years. (Canada)

>> No.57313204

no inflation without population growth, the largest generation is entering retirement and soon death in the next decade or two, you're going to have to immigrate as many indians as possible non stop to address the demographic crunch that is about to occur.

>> No.57313225

>Renting is just pissing your money away
I currently pay 1300 a month to split a 2+1 bed in a major city thanks to rent control.
Maintenance fees are at least 500-800 a month (I don't pay for that).
My landlord surely is gonna rope

>> No.57314147

That's how you play it. The longer you stay in these kinds of markets the bigger your returns become. I put all my savings towards index funds. I'm paying a good 500 below market

A house is only worth it for the leverage since no one will give you a loan to buy index funds at mortgage rates

>> No.57315793

You're just desperate for a house
Poor wagie

>> No.57316031

>$1M house
>renting for $3.9k
lol lmao

>> No.57316605

similar houses on the street selling for 1.2m

>> No.57316618

>Renting is just pissing your money away
Spoken like a boomer who thinks it's 1985.
When you rent you pay for the use of the dwelling, that's it. You don't repair anything you don't pay taxes, you don't pay interest on the debt.
>You're on the opposite side of the relationship that you want, i.e. receiving money not giving it.
Retard, interest rates and prices don't exist in a vacuum. My boomer landlord paid half of what it's worth today. He made a good trade. Buying this exact same house at 2x what it was worth 10 years ago is not a good trade for me because it costs hardly anything to rent it.
Why would I put $100k down out of pocket just to pay 100% of the sale price in interest over 30 years?
>inflation is under control
literally the next words are
>it is 100% a good time to open a 5x time tested position to hedge against future inflation
I don't even know wtf the last part means but the fact you contradict yourself literally in the same sentence just goes to show how fucking overbought this market is when retards like you swear it's up only but can't even formulate a sentence to explain why.

>> No.57316794

It's true, with the interest rates, cost of housing, property taxes, insurance, and the ROI I make on my savings is a better deal currently. At some point, owning will be cheaper (from a sunk cost perspective) than renting and I'll redo the math and buy a house if it has lower associated expenses.

>> No.57316811

those shits are $1.2M?? you guys are on another level, i stand corrected but also patriotic god bless america

>> No.57316819

I’m paying 2.65% interest on my mortgage. In what world would it make more sense to pay all of that money upfront, instead of slowly paying it as the value of the dollar decreases year over year at a faster rate? Even if you have the entire amount, you’re better off investing it.

>> No.57316834

You will 100% guaranteed make more money renting a house and investing in crypto than you would buying the same house and having less to invest per month.

Only 89 IQ Boomers don't understand this.

>> No.57316854

Probably in a world where 2% mortgages aren't available

>> No.57316974
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yids aint people m8

>> No.57316981
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>NOOOOOOOO, but muh state street, but muh blackcock. The joos/elites/Klaus are forcing me into pods!

>> No.57316985


>> No.57317017
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