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57352836 No.57352836 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a /g/ frequenter who uses Kali Linux in my professional and personal life and I have some serious doubts that CC IP is going to actually work without any breaches. I have experience being a pen tester and I can tell you that what WEB3 lacks and CC IP lacks as well is security from Malware. At my firm based in Stein Am Rhein, we have noticed that WEB3, CC IP, blockchain whatever lack proper Malware detection engines and because of this Chainlink cannot be trusted with the so called "Quadrillions of dollars of value" flowing into WEB3. To make a short joke I can say that I snort quadrillions worth of chang up nose annually; anyways CC IP is going to be a massive blunder for WEB3 and every blockchain ecosystem it touches which is why they will have to choose a malware detection platform like Polyswarm or they will risk everyone's funds who interact with their contracts. This is a huge issue that most you Apple users probably aren't even aware of. We see thousands of breaches like this annually in the WEB2 world and CC IP "flipping the switch" is going to cause all these problems to spill over into WEB3. Not good for you or the consumer. As we say in the Rhine “Better to sell with regret than to keep with regret.”

>> No.57352838

You know she does voice overs right?

>> No.57352845

not reading or selling, pump it to $1000 and you can have 25% of my stack otherwise peepoo away from ere'

>> No.57352876

Ccip is a glorified bridge

>> No.57352886

Chainlink Labs... HIRE THIS MAN!

>> No.57352892

the main reason it isn't going to work is there's no incentive to use it as a middle man and add another trusted component that's always going to be less secure than the major blockchains it connects to.
it makes sense for the alts that appear and disappear within one market cycle, but it will never make sense for any blockchain that has its own ecosystem.

>> No.57352949

>As we say in the Rhine “Better to sell with regret than to keep with regret.”
i live in the rhine as well and that is definitely something we say on a daily basis

>> No.57352958

>i know better than ari julez
yeah i dont think so champ

>> No.57352992

I use Arch Linus and have compromising evidences of Sergey blasting tens of millions on OF

>> No.57353007

I too am a Kali linux jeet. I was using burpsuite to analyze the CCIP network, i found many vulnerabilities. next i will use metasploit after searching exploitdb to find the proper exploits to to take down the entirety of ccip rendering all cross chain activities useless. web and ccip is compromised. This is a warning, pull all funds from Chainlink IMMEDIATELY!! Thank you sirs

>> No.57353022

yeah but what about LPL?

>> No.57353125

Not funny

>> No.57353163

>le epic funny maymay with blatant word filter evasion
not buying your ChainLink bags, ranjeesh

>> No.57353332

Why don't you clowns hack it, then? Would save you spending all day fudding. Thank me later.

>> No.57353348

>it will never make sense for any blockchain that has its own ecosystem.
Wtf do you even mean? What about when that blockchain wants to connect outside of its own ecosystem? Did you ever think about that? That's where Chainlink comes in. The point you are trying to make is actually negative IQ.

>> No.57353480

I mean that I'm smarter than you and I'm eating turkish delights in my ivory tower next to the comfy Rhine. CC IP will cause a massive hole without having an extenstive Malware sweep like Polyswarm to secure all contracts. Think your iPhone can't get hacked? Think again. WEB3 is as insecure as an ANdroid OS and CC IP will just spread that vulnerability unless its properly put in check.

>> No.57353494

You’re not smart

>> No.57353515
File: 398 KB, 806x962, cutie adolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was told this is where Chainlink fans like to hang out on the internet. I grew up with sergay, and let me tell you, 97% of the stuff he's been saying about his childhood is pure fiction. Firstly, he had great parents. His mom was the beloved principal of the local elementary school and his father was some vegan, super liberal, hippy ACLU lawyer. Real bleeding heart. It's true, Sergay was an edge-lord, especially in high school. The kids from the lacrosse team would call him "Vanilla Wafer" and kick his ass just for the fuck of it whenever they wanted. He got bullied but nobody could bully the prissy-ness out of him. He was an entitled, spoiled mama's boy as a kid and he's clearly still an entitled, spoiled mama's boy now.

>> No.57353523


Sounds almost as if you knew him growing up.

>> No.57353551
File: 44 KB, 680x439, 1673606958582429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kali linux
good one OP

>> No.57353564

I can see this thread is a disguised shill for polyswarm but i actually could buy into this narrative, especially with ai shit going on when people start training ai models to use malware we definetely going to need a solution, care to explain why polyswarm would be the one? Any other similar projects ?

>> No.57353655

another Rhine anon here.
Sleighs and snow boots out boys.

anyways, op never selling.
Probieren geht ueber studieren anon.

>> No.57353675

What's his face conveying here?

>> No.57353816


>> No.57353874



>> No.57354329

Flipper Zero doesn't come close to the sagacious genius of the average Kali Linux user. Tschuss.

>> No.57354360
File: 100 KB, 512x414, bat soy cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a /g/ frequenter

so funny to post about Brave on /g/ and watch those schizo trannies seethe

>> No.57354717

there is a reason why the HR at CL is paid more than you

>> No.57355206

thanks, chatgpt

>> No.57355277

please humor us as to why

>> No.57355320

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57355417

ICP is smart enough to see the use of Polyswarm too. You wouldn’t connect your computer to the internet without Malware detection and antivirus let alone your whole computer protocol. ICE is using Polyswarm as well, is Chainlink being used by an alphabet agency? Nope. It’s just being used for funko pop NFTs.

>> No.57355424

I’ve just informed swift about this thread and they have pulled out of their 10 year partnership, thank you OP

>> No.57355435

No shit retard.

>> No.57355454

I love when teens or whatever that are into computers first discover kali Linux and they boot up a live version of it and mess around in it for 30 minutes and then go talk about it like they are some master hacker for the next 2 years. Keep name dropping it to feel superiority over all their normie friends.

Meanwhile they don’t know how to do fucking anything with it and make up shit threads like this. Love it.

>> No.57355524

Responding to yourself because no one gives you attention. I laughed so hard at you that I blew my coke all over my marble table.