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File: 16 KB, 391x294, buttcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57369981 No.57369981 [Reply] [Original]

What drives these people?

>> No.57369990


>> No.57369991

Better than thou personality

>> No.57369995

They do make valid points most of the time tho

>> No.57370001

Absolute, military-grade butthurt, it's the equivalent of neets cheering every time there's a "happening" hoping that the world ends because they never participated in it. In this case, it's a bunch of normies praying a bunch of people lose money on a "scam" so they can feel better about their shitty lives and having never bought it.

>> No.57370013

Sour grapes

>> No.57370017

Then I guess that should be your answer: they just like telling the truth lol.

>> No.57370087

We now that Buttcoin is a scam, a ponzi, a literal sell to the bigger RETARD scheme. We will be there laughing at you when you lose all your money AGAIN, like you did in 2022 and 2018. But here's the fun part: it NEVER recovers after

>> No.57370092

they make valid points if you constrain your thinking to static representations of shill arguments from 2014. they are narcissists who are incapable of adjusting their internal models of the world and when you talk to them they project their inadequate strawman models onto your arguments while using terms that deceieve you into thinking they share far more understanding with you than they actually do.

>> No.57370106


>> No.57370116
File: 3.25 MB, 1080x1650, PhotoCollage_1705380092732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57370143
File: 1.11 MB, 1152x1759, Endthemanipulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57370156


The tech in crypto is actually fucking garbage and it's only self-perpetuated by the price. This becomes self-evident once you realize BTC has shit tech behind it but the hype is driving people to hoard it (not to actually use it as a currency as was originally devised).

The narrative around BTC will change as soon as the whales dump the bag on retail, which they've now done twice in the past 3 years without it making new nominal highs.

>> No.57370220

You are placing too much importance on the advanced nature of the tech. It's 15 years old anyway. It doesn't have to be advanced. Have you ever seen how absolute garbage the SWIFT payment system is?. It doesn't matter

>> No.57371326


>> No.57371775

High octane seethe.

>> No.57371797

this, they're the reddit version of polcels

>> No.57371826
File: 42 KB, 865x452, ban it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57371860

I think some of them are
>roleplaying (everything on reddit is fake and gay)
>sold too early
I can't imagine very many people except the above two categories would care enough to continuously return to the subreddit to post and be mad. I think the Beastie Boys suck and are faggots but I don't go out of my way to express this online constantly because I have other things to do. I'm sure they bring in new blood from time to time to cry when the market is hot (fomo) and then rugs (I was le scammed) though.

>> No.57372504

man they sound identical to the maxis
funny how that works
the people who hate each other most are most similar

>> No.57373934

>He fell for the larp
Most of the posters hold bitcoin, its just a circlejerk thread to throw off people brainlet

>> No.57373949

Why wouldn't resentful people make valid points?