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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57490503 No.57490503 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57490510

Yeah but he has to subsidize the network and he’s out of cash so he uses you to pay for the network. We should all thank the link marines for paying for DeFi to work. Thank you for your service sir

>> No.57490513

someone always sells baggie
same for the BTC cult
someone will sell always

>> No.57490525

thanks for coke and hookers, retards

>> No.57490528

Based Sergey
I'll slurp more
thanks for the cheapies
Fuddies can go fuck themselves

>> No.57490554 [DELETED] 


>> No.57490562

fat fuck needs funds for the weekend party

>> No.57490679

Pay pig

>> No.57490681

Linkies never learn.

>> No.57490721

19 million




>> No.57490745

Can’t he be investigated by the sex for this

>> No.57490768

Pocket change. You should have at least 100 million link for suicide stack.

>> No.57490787
File: 1.71 MB, 960x720, we are all in this together.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me?
Jesus Christ.

They say they've adhered to their token release plan ... can anyone verify this?
Was February 2nd one of the dates that they're supposed to sell 19,000,000 tokens?

I mean, if it was published years ago and this is just the date that it's supposed to be, then fine. The date is the date. Actually I'd be more than fine with that, I'd be glad to hear they're sticking to the schedule.

But if they're deliberately squashing a pump, why?
And if they're just selling after a 20% pump for max profits, then fuck these guys.

>> No.57490801

It's like 1/5 of daily volume and will be slurped instantly then you'll seethe and cope again

>> No.57490806

Wait is this unironically real? If so he’s begging for an Ari contract

>> No.57490838

by the way the total LINK revenue for 2023 was around 5 mil tokens, amounting to around 40 mil usd for the contemporary prices

this 1 dump (of many) is 3 times greater than all revenues of the last year
the LINK token could have literally 0 income or usage from defi and the effect would be less deleterious than this SINGLE link dump
and there are dozens of them left!

the cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57490878

Blatant market manupulation. The SEC will have a field day with this

>> No.57490915

LOL every time, at least they didn't wait for BTC to dump hahahahah

>> No.57490947

Won't stop the linkmarines from claiming BTC is manipulated solely to suppress stinkies.

>> No.57490958

He's doing you all a favor, pumping the mcap so it can defeat doge

>> No.57491167

>release plan

Hahahaha show me where this is? Some faggot yesterday said it was in the whitepaper, I asked what section? Crickets

They are scamming you cowards and you cant see it