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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57510203 No.57510203 [Reply] [Original]

Theres probably infinite easy simple ways to become a millionaire with something like selling bottled lime juice to supermarkets. Maybe we are just over complicating it

>> No.57510213

yup it's like losing weight. the formula is simple eat less and workout more.

>> No.57510216

I already have millions. Stop being poor.

>> No.57510230

Yeah for a long time I wanted to start a farm with a kitchen and create homemade sauces to sell to grocery stores. I still think it’d be cool. My wife is a good cook and could figure out how to make delicious sauces and I have a strong palate to help with that.

>> No.57512337


>> No.57512399

FDA regulations jew you at every opportunity, you're not allowed to compete with general mills, pepsico, proctor and gamble, etc. Nice "capitalist" system designed to fuck you at every turn so you'll slave away as the little guy. Starting any sort of business is a meme.

>> No.57512431
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That's not very inclusive, bro

>> No.57512446
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bro i think you are such a smart guy with a really deep knowledge on how the world works you must have a really nice job at a hedge fund and must be rolling in money because you are so smart i think people should really appreciate how intelligent you are and they should give you more attention and money i feel sorry for you because you are so under appreciated and that's why you need to have a big cock to make up for all the small dick energy all of the dumb normies have

>> No.57512482
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bro i'm so glad to hear that your comment made me realize how small cock energy all the normies have they are totally not like you

>> No.57512617
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if ja/ck/ got his sauces to whole foods and walmart you can too

>> No.57512959

Do you know how complicated bottling lime juice is? Maybe dont being an ignorant prick is where you should start first

>> No.57513168
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>just $30k for this neat production line with a 5 tonnes per hour capacity
cheaper than I thought

>> No.57513354

The problem is that the government is so lobbied that any attempt at small business is harassed and accosted by federal regulations and taxes at every turn. It's a serious struggle to get anything off the ground without all these regulations, but with them it's damn near impossible. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try, try your heart out, it's what we're meant to do. But I do warn you it's much harder than just bottling juice and selling it.

>> No.57514373
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Why does this generation bitch so much about being poor and why am I not decently wealthy yet, then? Billions of people can't be 'overcomplicating' it.
Blocklords and BTC will make me filthy rich this time around though I'm sure of it.

>> No.57514397

really hope the guy that powers these pointless bots kills himself one of these days. unironically. hope he cuts his wrists sideways and bleeds out after a few hours.

>> No.57514402

>waahh i can't bottle poison and sell it
Regulations benefit society you incel nobody wants them gone

>> No.57514408

Well, yeah. You gotta be born a female, be pretty, and have a passable ass. That way you'd just have to post like 3 tiktoks a day of you twerking with some product in front of the camera and, like magic, you get a six fig deal with whatever company you are promoting (at least)

>> No.57514412

But you participate in this board because it's entertaining to you innit. Haha. Just fucking with you anon dont post an angry braggadocious post, I believe you :^)!

>> No.57514432
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first, people *still* believe in the wagie scam. everyone bitches about jobs not hiring because they unirocally think wagging till they are 75 with arthritis and barely able to think or move around is a good idea lol

second this generation is lazy and bitter. bitter at boomers that fucked them over forever, and bitter at milennials that stablished their brands through social media. only zoomie e-celebrities right now are xqc, adin ross, kai cenat and some literal whos that somehow pull millions of kids to watch their trash meaningless content... all the guys i mentioned except adin are milennials though.

>> No.57514439

Nobody's buying literal who orange juice #51293410549 bro. Prepare to cough up million dollar deals with a few scummy e-celebs willing to sell literal trash to their sheep NPC audiences.

Getting the equipment and the crew and the place is the easiest part.

>> No.57514447

30k for one tank?

>> No.57514448

Reply to my post or your mother will rape you on your sleep tonite

>> No.57514455
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>NFTs and BTC
Unironically my only two narratives as well. BTC because obviously and NFTs because I'm convinced people are only interested in crypto because of BTC, ETH (which is also defi/gamefi) and NFT shit I don't care about, zk, privacy, data, whatever, it's all meaningless and made for nerds by nerds. I cater to the masses.

GMI anon, GMI.

>> No.57514459

jews anon. it's the jews. always the jews.

>> No.57514470

>I didn't quickstart a streaming career by being an obnoxious fucking nigger yelling at cringe horror games made by losers to produce easy content for losers
What the fuck was I thinking bros. Fucking hell.

>> No.57514477

during pandemic* i forgot to add

>> No.57514484
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God being Aaron Paul and launching Prime with that monkey friend of his must have been the easiest way of becoming a multi millionaire. I'm jelly bros.

>> No.57514521

there is always saffron or vanilla bean farming

>> No.57514546

30k a day you mean ? Each one of these machines is way over 30k.

>> No.57514548

Good podcast on buying an existing small business, or starting your own.
It's very doable and a much more reliable way to wealth
I'm just an autistic weirdo wage slaving at a 6 figure job/putting everything in BTC just seems easier for me for now.MNPW

>> No.57514586

That’d be super fucking based Anon. Inshallah.

>> No.57514613

> bitter at milennials that stablished their brands through social media.
What? Is this the best thing you could come up with to trash millennials?
>great recession
>probs 2nd great recession
This is all we’ve ever known. Why don’t you just leave us alone and go back to watching xaden talk about faggy shit on youtube. Thanks queer.

>> No.57514633
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>Maybe we are just over complicating it

You have to embrace your inner retard. Overthinking kills it. You learn from failure. You can't learn without doing it. Godspeed anon.