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57562692 No.57562692 [Reply] [Original]

Why is nobody freaking out about this??
so you die and you either
>stop existing and it’s eternal nothingness
>go to heaven/hell for eternity
both are INFINITE. Can you even copregend that? I cant and its scary as shit
I mean what the fuck

>> No.57562735

And why should things exists at all? If they do, they must have started somewhere? But how was it before existence? And where is the universe located, what is around it? Who decided that energy must exist in some kind of space? And if there was something before, who created the empty nothingness before? Who reclaimed space from darkness and nothingness? And where was it, and what was located next to it? Before it?

>> No.57562742

Shut the fuck up, this is a board about business and you are a weakling

>> No.57562760

Just because you have a start and an end doesn't mean the universe does. If you want to act like a philospher, don't start with gigantic leaps of logic.

There's no inherent reason why the universe has to have a beginning or an end. Even with the big bang, there's no implication that the singularity didn't exist forever in one form or another.

>> No.57562761

did you care all that much about the hundreds of billions of years that crept by before you were born?

>> No.57562773

Can you prove it one way or another?
No, so get off your high horses Chud.
Those are just thoughts experiment, trying to conceptualise something the brain is not made to comprehend.

>> No.57562780

You were dead before you were born. You die after you are born. I don't see the issue.

>> No.57562796

You won't have any recollection of this life or consciousness so it won't matter. Everything that seems to matter now will cease to exist when you die. Doesn't mean your energy is lost tho (energy is never lost, just transferred).

>> No.57562803

the philosopher's struggle. with this knowledge however should unlock something in you and as long as you have the right perspective on it, you can view it as the reason you shouldn't walk around worrying about what others think about you, worry in general should be alleviated because this little window of opportunity of existence is all you have so live it.

>> No.57562811

what about reincarnation retard. that's what jeets believe in

>> No.57562815

>As of 2022, an estimated total of 109 billion humans have died, or roughly 93.8% of all humans to ever live.

>> No.57562829

you will stop thinking about this shit after your 20's, trust me

>> No.57562835

Also, just become Turritopsis dohrnii OP, an immortal jellyfish!

>> No.57562845

There's already a long thread on this that jannies refuse to clean up for some reason. Post this shit in there >>57547034

>> No.57562848

Death is inevitable so make the best of the time that you have as its finite.

>> No.57562859

It was eternal nothingness before you were born. Do you remember suffering because of it? What makes you think it will be different after you die?

>> No.57562860

0 * infinity is still 0

>> No.57562873

> walk into the light and reincarnate here again after being deceived by beings

>> No.57562898

so what bruh. trust the plan. if you learn enough maybe you'll get to ascend to a higher dimension/world. if you don't then its back to the earth for another round.

>> No.57562904

We need to devote all government spending around the world to this conundrum

>> No.57562918

and if the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into

>> No.57562921

>these existential dread threads popping up on /biz/ recently
I'm not sure if I like it or not, I always like off-topic threads, but these things depress me.

>> No.57562927

Heaven and hell exist to make fear control the population, like santa for kids

>> No.57562932
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get used to it, zoomer

>> No.57562944

yeah i'm OP on that thread and quite offended he didn't post there. Do i have to repeat myself all over again here?

>> No.57563092

32yo here and no, you are just midwits, animals on autopilot.

anyway OP
>Why is nobody freaking out about this?
Because you are looking at this from a living perspective. Your feeling of fear to a dead person is the same as your feeling of hunger is to a rock.
As others already said, did you feel bad about not existing in 1650? Read this >>57556693 and then read it again until your understand it.
The problematic situation is the one you are in right now. The only reason you feel this fear and this pain is that you are alive. This is the state you should be anxious, sad and worried about, not the one in which you were in 1650, which is exactly the same you'll be in when you are dead. That other state is awesome, this one is the one that sucks. You are being played.

>> No.57563100

personally im excited to see whats on the otherside, this place fucking sucks lmao

>> No.57563117
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> “Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not.”

>> No.57563144
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Prepare for the afterlife and buy some Kenis

>> No.57563154

you can already see it if you are curious, with an extremely real and practical experiment. The "otherside" is no mystery at all, you were already in it in 1650. Just do this >>57547239

>> No.57563170

>Why is nobody freaking out about this??
literally everyone is freaking out about it
why do you think people are such assholes and retards it's because reality is a horrifying inexplicable nightmare with no explanation

>> No.57563205

Infinities aren't physical so no need to worry.

>> No.57563249
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This thread coming up now exactly in my week of panic attacks about this matter.

Check the subreddit “aperiophobia”, it’s about this. Freaking out trying to comprehend a concept that it’s outside of our world: eternity.
Living inside a box, escape from it, to then find yourself in another bigger box. Again, again, again. Error 404.

That sub is really helpful, but in the end the only way out of it is to let go and try to feel it this way: you are a bunch of electrical signals in your brain, once dead you are not going anywhere. You just chase to exist. It is what it is, so don’t try to deal with this, you will fuck up your brain trust me. Just accept that no matter how much you think about it or the way you think about it will change the situation. It is this way and it’s out of your control. You were nothing before and you’ll be nothing after, the best thing you can do is enjoy life at its best and fulfill the perception of you five senses while here. Life is a lottery win, better enjoy it while you can and not worry about stuff that’s not under your control and not even part of life itself.

Also remember, we are not coming from anywhere, we were part of this world before, so we are now. We are animals and as we get older you’ll fell like the need of death. Just ask old people, there’s a biological desire to death because we are programmed to die. Our brand evolved a lot and something touch stuff that is outside of our comprehension.

Keep in mind that everything you know and feel is from this world and reality, so all the things that make you feel good. Enjoy them as much as you can. Nothing matters! be free!

I leave you with another question instead, and there’s no logical explanation to that trust me. Why you got consciousness in the body you are rn, and not for example and another body 1 billion years ago? While you became conscious only now? Fells like we were put here by someone else, doesn’t it? A simulation maybe?

>> No.57563262

Midwit take. What if I erase your memories? What if you existed then and your memories got erased? What if you were actually a rock? What if you become a rock, and a billion years from now are the primordial soup for the next conscious being? What if I clone you?

>> No.57563273

>Why you got consciousness in the body you are rn, and not for example and another body 1 billion years ago? While you became conscious only now?
>and there’s no logical explanation to that trust me.
there is, it's the anthropic principle:

if you were in a different body in a different time, you would ask the same question about that body and time. So there's no particular reason: you are asking it here and now only because it happened. The only reason you are asking this is because it happened. If something different happened instead, then you would be wondering about that other thing (which, in the same way, didn't have any particular reason to happen more than this one).

>> No.57563285

>What if I erase your memories? What if you existed then and your memories got erased?
memory is "erased" when the brain dies. The very definition of memory is some stuff that's physically in the brain. We can already remove it from someone's brain and see the effects of it.
But the thing is that consciousness works in the same way. Without the hardware, there's "nothing" left. If you begin to remove all the tools and the functions of the brain one by one, there's nothing of "you" left. What's left (hothing) absolutely wouldn't be "you" anymore, in any possible form or definition. See this >>57558958

>> No.57563286

You already didn't exist at one point. Personally, I don't remember anything bad from before I was born, and it will probably be the same after I'm dead. Can't have an existential crisis if I don't exist :)

>> No.57563292

I haven't really seriously thought about death in a while. My Grandpa just died recently. I wasn't that close to him but now that he's gone, Feels sad man.

>> No.57563310

>have your own biological kids
>your genes are passed
>you live forever
this is infinite. can you not get this?

38 years old here, they're right, you're just a little bit slower than average
you're childless, aren't you?

>> No.57563325

I mean what's the Point of worrying about it? If you won't feel anything anymore then you won't care, so live the now and be as HAPPY as you can.

>> No.57563352

>you live forever
"you"? it's not you. Not even a perfect clone would be "you" in any way. You can imagine to clone yourself Dolly-style, then we lock you in a basement and torture you while your clone gets blowjobs 24/7. "You" would be ok with this because your clone has the same genetic code as you do, right?
Identical twins are already like this. Different brains, different "you". Genetic code has nothing to do with being.

>38 years old here, they're right, you're just a little bit slower than average
No, you are getting older and closer to what the species wants you to do. Which yes, is having kids (and get sick/die afterwards). Because the guys smart enough to not have them simply died without passing their genes.
Same reason why the male of the praying mantis is ok with dying after sex. Same reason why the salmons go against the current and often die for the effort (in order to have sex). You are no different, a slave to the species.
Interestets of the species do not align with the one of the individual. It's quite the opposite, because people that were already happy/fulfilled enough as a default state, simply didn't bother with reproduction, so we lost their genes.
Read more here >>57558207 and here >>57559329

>> No.57563353

You can definitely keep the hardware alive, almost intact, and subtle changes would still remove the person, or "you".
And again, keeping in mind the necessary "conditions for life" (I.e. nothing is miraculous, because things had to be miraculous for a conscious observer to actually observe them as such), which is not that important if you consider infinity (because, well, there is no limits to the possibilities), life still originated from a primordial soup leading to amino acids. Along this threshold consciousness appears. After you die, you are dead for 5 min, 5 billion years, 10^10^10^10 billion years who cares time is all the same. But maybe you become primordial soup again. Hell if infinite, the exact same atoms could be combined the exact same way to give rise to the same exact person you are right now

>> No.57563391

insider here. when you die dont go into the light. do with this information what you will

>> No.57563462

>Business and Finance


>> No.57563472

yes, that's the eternal return by Nietzsche. Since the atoms rearranged themselves like this at least once, given infinite time, it's probable they will do again, in this exact same way. Can't really argue with that. My feeling is that it would be a different instance of me, just like running the same program a second time may be not the same as the first time (from the POV of the program). But it's also possible that no, the same exact harware would give the same exact experience including that body being "me".
I can't really argue with this concept. It's simply just a nightmare, since it may already have happened to me a billions time before this one and it doesn't help. I don't remember it, so i'll feel exactly like this every single round. If that's the case, exactly as i declared many times already, i would highly prefer to be turned off forever.

>> No.57563518

>your genes are passed
>you live forever
>this is infinite
infinite? what the fuck are you talking about? what if your grand-grandchildren don't reproduce? you will die without knowing it, just like my ancestors didn't know about me. I'll single-handedly destroy all (retarded) hopes and dreams of my ancestors, and they didn't see it coming for sure.
The concept that something external to you is still somehow "you" because it shares a % of your genetic code was insane in the first place, but man, this is just sad

>> No.57563528


>> No.57563543

thats why people dont like to die lmao

>> No.57563578

You have kids because they warm your heart and bring you tremendous joy. Something you will never have. Money will never compare. It's not for you to understand, as you are filled with too much hate to see it for what it is.

>> No.57563597

Hell was invented during the black death by the Catholics as a way to control the population and tax them for sins.
You're also leaving out the possibility we are in enclosed system where some cultures believe in reincarnation so you're infinitely doomed to keep repeating the same life cycle in this communist landscape.

>> No.57563614

Well nothing exists. This instance is just what could exist. Alone with an infinite amount of other things.

>> No.57563616 [DELETED] 
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There is no meaning
You can cope all you want around this but life is void of meaning. It's terrifying but even more terrifying is being in denial about this. You can sit idle and wait to die or you can join the rat race and climb the ladder or you can be a coomer or degenerate or whatever. It doesn't fucking matter and your life is short spark across eternal nothingness.

You can cope all you want about this but you know I'm right

>> No.57563620


>> No.57563627

my brother, there's no intrinsic value in this. You feel like this because the ones that didn't probably ate their babies or simply didn't reproduce. This is the equivalent of the praying matins decapitating the male after sex. You are refuting this right now beucase the species wants you to. The ones before that understood this didn't bother passing their genes to you.
You are being played. The species wants you to keep wanting things, then gets rid of you when you are done, with parkinson, alzheimer, cancer, you name it.
This is instead the truth: >>57556693
Read it and understand it, or remain the domesticated midwit the species wants you to be.

>> No.57563634

anthropic principle:

>> No.57563651

>I don't remember it, so i'll feel exactly like this every single round. If that's the case, exactly as i declared many times already, i would highly prefer to be turned off forever.
Since you don't remember it, does it really matter? This is the key, being turned off forever is the same as not - you can only currently torture yourself about it and conceptualise it, not observe it. And you are doing such trough the means of your "hardware" (and trying to understand and conceptualise something beyond the hardware is an exercise in pointlessness) Lets assume you are both alive and unalive, but for all you know you have been turned off forever and assume you will be after (I.e. the purpose of your original thread). This is a correct assumption in the sense that this is how you feel it currently, and could feel it next time. Now we went beyond that we an "infinite" proposition. If you accept that (this "fake connection" with yourself, beyond time and space - fake in the sense that we have no way to know or even comprehend, we can only speculate), you might reach the conclusion that you simply do not know, that there will be a quest for knowing, ultimately leading you to decide what do with this glimpse of consciousness. And might do the same next time. It sounds like torture, but again only because you conceptualise it as such. You do not have the connection. You do not have the memories. You are like an eye, you blink, you see a mountain and then you blink again and you don't see for a fraction of a second. And your original thread was about the blink, which sounds like infinity, but infinity is "much bigger" anon

>> No.57563665

There's definitely an argument that existential crises are /biz/ related. It's probably part of the reason Jews are so successful.

>> No.57563668

Holy shit, shut up.
Go to >>>/lit/ if you want to waffle about in your own pseudointellectualism

>> No.57563705

yes, at the end of the day yes. I can take comfort from the idea i'll be dead forever, because that will be the experience of this single instance of me. Other instances will have this same experience, but in other words i don't care about them more that i care about all the past instances (that are re-living again in the current me) - or maybe i'm currently doing it, not sure. But basically, if being dead forever after 1 life sounds pretty much ok to me, then it'll sound ok for all the others me as well

>> No.57563751

Life Is meaningless
Universe is meaningless
So anon, just enjoy the ride

>> No.57564001
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>you have so live it
>you have to live it

>> No.57564031
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Oh boy it's another Le Deep /pol/ Thread where people who were just shilling jeetuckinu are talking about life and death. Chud STOP lmao there are people like stefan molyneux that went to college for 8 years to teach philosophy. Lower your tone

>> No.57564056
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its not comprehensible to us but awareness/consciousness/raw experience (whats left if you strip away "you") is one eternal thing. "god" is a good name for it i suppose

in that sense evolution is literally god waking up and yet here you are still an insufferable faggot posting dumbass jew shit. good luck!

>> No.57564172

so is it possible to keep seeing things if you remove your eyes? i don't mean remembering or imagining, i mean telling how many fingers i'm holding up

because when we observe awareness/consciousness, we see things happening in the brain as we see things happening in the eyes when seeing is involved.
For example, when awareness/consciousness changes state (sleep vs awake), the brain does specific stuff.
Again, when we use anesthesia, another big change in awareness/consciousness, the brain does specific stuff.
Again, if we remove or mess up with specific parts of the brain, awareness/consciousness changes greatly in many ways.

Why is it simple to understand this for eyes and seeing, but hard for the brain and the consciousness?
there is no "raw" experience whatsoever. That thing is also managed by the brain.

>> No.57564197

you forgot reincarnation, which isn't necessarily extricated from the second outcome. heaven and hell are a series of levels of consciousness, so don't wind up like half the demonically possessed on this board manipulating noobs into buying trash and selling gold. Those people are guaranteed to reincarnate as a Filipino doomed to eat trash.

>> No.57564201

not literally see but you can still have consciousness and experience without eyes

tell me then, what is consciousness and self-awareness? its one thing. the world is empty and void except for experience. it really is inconcievable the true nature of reality. for us it exists in language (not just spoken language)

i appreciate your thoughtful discussion

>> No.57564322

I don’t know man but last night I got drunk and fcuked my friends girlfriend

Shit was so cash

>> No.57564421

>not literally see but you can still have consciousness and experience without eyes
yes of course, that's because the eyes are the organ that makes us see, not be conscious; that other organ is instead the brain. We know that because when we mess with the eyes, our vision changes, and in the exact same way, when we mess with the brain, our conscious changes. So it's very reasonable to think that it has to do with the brain.
When we observe a phenomenon, we try to see what happens where there are changes in that phenomenon. If i cut my hand, or remove my eyes as you said, nothing changes in consciousness, so consciousness is probably not about the eyes or the hands. But as soon as we touch the brain, changes in consciousness happen, so it's pretty safe to assume that the "consciousness phonomenon" happens because of it, and without it, consciousness would cease as well (like "seeing" ceases when we remove the eyes)

>> No.57564588
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i would argue diminishing the brain diminishes our ability to process language/reality. it does not dimmish "raw" or base consciousness. i.e. the thing that is one thing. the all seeing eye is
a metaphor for this concept.

youre either conscious or not. consciousness, as im referring to it, does not mean you thinking youre you, or liking bacon or something like that. i agree that is a function of organs e.g. the brain

theres an excerpt from hellen keller. she was deaf and blind before she learned language. when she learned through touch it was a profound revelation on the nature of reality, awareness, and language

there is a reason we have no clue what it really is. even defining it eludes our grasp

>> No.57564689

ok but when i remove all of these things... there's nothing left. Nothing remains after i do that, i would be the equivalent of a rock.
What i don't really get is why consciousness should be considered more complex, weird or deep than the all the other phenomena. The fact that we are conscious and aware is not less complex, weird or particular than the fact that when i throw something into the air it goes back down. Gravity (or anything else) isn't more "logical" or simple to understand than consciousness, all of that is pretty weird as the same level. Seeing is also super duper complicated as well, it's incredible per se. So i have no issue with the fact that once we remove the brain (which very likely it's responsable for consciousness, as we've seen by messing with it), this particular phenomenon (including all the "deepest" form of it, so not only thinking, having a memory and liking bacon, but including the "rawest" experience possible of awarness, any kind of it, as well) also stops.
Another example is the energy requirement. It's pretty clear to me that any form of consciousness whatsoever (again, not only trivial things, but the rawest experience itself as well) would require energy to work. Without energy nothing about it could change. It's eternal flat nothingness, without any experience of it of any kind, not even the "deepest" ones possible. If we don't have a body that provides energy to that, it can't change, do or experience anything in absolutely any way.

i'm also enjoying the discussion very much, don't get me wrong if i use "strong" tones, it's just how i argue, but i first of all recognize the value of discussing it

>> No.57564714

The fact that we are here is a testament to the fact that time itself, and thus the universe by extension, had a beginning, before which nothing was, not even time.
If there would exist an infinite amount of time before us, then logically, not enough of that time could have passed for us to experience this moment, as an infinite past can never arrive to the present.
That's like calculating infinite + 1. You can never arrive at the end of infinite, thus you can never add 1 more unit to it.

>> No.57564762

you are right about time. But we can picture parallel universes then. We can always add a dimension if we want (like "orders of universes", then orders of orders of universes and so on).
So basically we can say that our universe is in "box 1", each one of them with their space and time dimensions, but then we have a "box 2", 3 and so on. So yes, it's not a matter of time, time is not a thing outside those boxes, it's a different level/kind of order.

But yes in conclusion, in this universe you are right for sure and we'll be dead forever

>> No.57564772

Only an absolute moron would ever think dying is a complicated subject matter Laughing my fucking ass off. This isn't complex.

>> No.57564804
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>Take off the VR headset and your "friends" all laugh and mock for getting the lowest possible score at this game of "Life"
>want to die even more now

>> No.57564816

I worry that life runs in a loop which repeats when you die and I get to spend infinity as a khv.

>> No.57564827

It doesn't, idiot.

>> No.57564846

Neither of us can prove anything about the nature of time.

>> No.57564854

There is no reason to assume there are different 'boxes' of universe with their own server rules, bro. That opens up an entire array of different questions; What is between those boxes, what holds those universes in those boxes, do they interact in any way, what contains the box of boxes?

I also didn't say we will be dead forever. Consciousness is a trip. There's no reason to assume that we might not, somewhere in the next trillions of years, have our atoms randomly rearranged in some other place and time and again achieve some degree of consciousness, no matter how unlikely.
I don't personally consider a big crunch type of theory to be plausible, so the only thing I dread is the idea of an ever expanding universe that eventually loses steam, and by the sheer amount of distance that all matter eventually creates between each other, reaching a state of such far-spread dissipated energy that essentially ever single vibration or unit of energy has such a negligible impact on it's surroundings that the universe essentially cools down and stops moving. An eternal, unchangeable state of hibernation of everything that ever was and is.

>> No.57564865

Lol, shut the fuck up. Time = organics + only goes forward + entropy = everything dies and is never exactly the same ever again

>> No.57564921

A true midwit take. We won't know at any point in either of our pockets of time regardless.

>> No.57565184

>there is no reason to assume there are different 'boxes' of universe with their own server rules, bro
well there kinda is tho, which is the fact that we know our universe exists; the odds of 1 universe existing vs 0 universe existing should be the same as 1 universe vs 2 or more existing, right? The first one is the weird event, not so much the other ones (because the first one proves that it's possible)

>> No.57565230
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Does anyone of y’all ever like get the feeling of being put here in life. Like being in a simulation were you’re temporarily here to then go back to somewhere else? I can’t grasp the fact of not knowing where i came from, or remembering the moment i became conscious. Like why in this body and not in one of the many billions who were born? Why in this moment of time and not 1 thousand years ago? Feels like i’m hacking my brain.

>> No.57565263


>> No.57565321

listen niggers.. the universe is eternal and infinite and there is no such thing as non existence, the fact you cant remember previous lives or what you were before birth is cause you're a pleb with no power. There is no creator and no end goal, the universe is all there's always been and ever will, and there's billions of souls in limbo waiting for a body to spawn and enjoy earthly pleasures so start fucking you wastes of flesh

>> No.57565362
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That's the human experience. This is why people cling to religion, science, recreation. Everyones freaking out but that's just everyday Anon.
try to learn about history. So much has been done, will be done and for dumb little lies that keep us humans alive

>> No.57565368

Overthinking. Your parents fucked in this era, a fetus was made. Your soul saw an entry to this world because genetic makeup was compatible. Thats all there's it to it, this is probably your 450th life and every single time you ask the same dumb questions

>> No.57565519

>32yo here and no, you are just midwits, animals on autopilot

You're meant to get this shit out of your system at 15yo, kiddo. Time to grow up and think about pussy and money instead.

>> No.57565566

>Why is nobody freaking out about this??
You're born
You go on a few diets.
You die.

Opus the Penguin
Bloom County

>> No.57565609

Read about eastern religions, Buddhism, Hinduism.

>> No.57566586
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whats left is god. regardless, whatever it is, it exists outside of the reality we know

i believe there is nothing inherent except experience. the observer and subject are two sides of the same coin and that all there is. if a tree falls in the woods and no conscious is there then its not relevant if the tree falls. no one knows what there is. it cannot be proven without an observer. do you think the sunset is beautiful if no one sees it? where is the beauty - there is none inherently. even at a subatomic level the universe appears to do things different pending an observer. why isnt AI self-aware? what is the missing component? its god. these are all facets of the one thing im talking about

i see what your saying and agree but i think there more to it than what you experience as real. its void and empty if you look close enough

good convo. cheers

>> No.57566873

I bought RLC. Oilers never die. Noilers blown out in the afterlife.

>> No.57566926
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>problematic situation
>you feel this fear and this pain is that you are alive
works on my machine
now let me repeat it for you:
>get used to it, zoomer
and get a fucking job while youre at it

>> No.57567001

Or you reincarnate and nothing matters either way so there's a 2/3 chance nothing matters

>> No.57567202

dumb fucking retard this circular tautology doesn't explain anything at all
>it exists because if it didn't exist it wouldn't exist
how did you fall down on the first obstacle to teleological thought?

>> No.57567304

I have a schizo-tier /x/ theory about death.

I think it's pretty likely that within the next 1 million years, humanity (or whatever evolves from us) will innovate to such lengths that their science will look like magic to us, and they'll leverage their quantum-god tech that breaks every established rule we once thought existed to go back in time, preserve the mind of every human before their death, and revive us in the future. It will legitimately feel like the afterlife to us, but in reality we're just in the year 1,002,024.

>> No.57567412

Why are you wasting your time crying about it instead of trying to stop it?

>> No.57567619

Relgion used to fill that hole. Say thank you to scienece for removing it

>> No.57567629
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Ah sweet, time for some existential dread.

>> No.57567633

>they must have started somewhere?
you are trying to apply linear logic to something that is clearly not linear, for instance the best physicists are already aware that time itself is an illusion
humans in their current state and most certainly midwit humans can't comprehend the true nature of reality yet

>> No.57567647

this is our brain coping with self awareness and mortality, also this board is completely unmoderated so i guess you can post whatever you want these days

>> No.57567856 [DELETED] 
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you die and you either
>stop existing and it’s eternal nothingness
>go to heaven/hell for eternity
False jewish paradigm to keep you in fear and under control.


>>57562692 >>57562735 >>57562742 >>57562760 >>57562761 >>57562773 >>57562780 >>57562796 >>57562803 >>57562811 >>57562815 >>57562829 >>57562835 >>57562845 >>57562848 >>57562859 >>57562860 >>57562873 >>57562898 >>57562904 >>57562918 >>57562921 >>57562927 >>57562932 >>57562944 >>57563092 >>57563100 >>57563117 >>57563144 >>57563154 >>57563170 >>57563205 >>57563249 >>57563262 >>57563273 >>57563285 >>57563286 >>57563292 >>57563310 >>57563325 >>57563352 >>57563353 >>57563391 >>57563462 >>57563472 >>57563518 >>57563528 >>57563543 >>57563578 >>57563597 >>57563614 >>57563616 >>57563620 >>57563627 >>57563634 >>57563651 >>57563665 >>57563668 >>57563705 >>57563751 >>57564001 >>57564031 >>57564056 >>57564172 >>57564197 >>57564201 >>57564322 >>57564421 >>57564588 >>57564689 >>57564714 >>57564762 >>57564772 >>57564804 >>57564816 >>57564827 >>57564846 >>57564854 >>57564865 >>57564921 >>57565184 >>57565230 >>57565263 >>57565321 >>57565362 >>57565368 >>57565519 >>57565566 >>57565609 >>57566586 >>57566873 >>57566926 >>57567001 >>57567202 >>57567304 >>57567412 >>57567619 >>57567629 >>57567633 >>57567647

>> No.57567865
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>you die and you either
> >stop existing and it’s eternal nothingness
> >go to heaven/hell for eternity
False jewish paradigm to keep you in fear and under control.

>>57562692 >>57562735 >>57562742 >>57562760 >>57562761 >>57562773 >>57562780 >>57562796 >>57562803 >>57562811 >>57562815 >>57562829 >>57562835 >>57562845 >>57562848 >>57562859 >>57562860 >>57562873 >>57562898 >>57562904 >>57562918 >>57562921 >>57562927 >>57562932 >>57562944 >>57563092 >>57563100 >>57563117 >>57563144 >>57563154 >>57563170 >>57563205 >>57563249 >>57563262 >>57563273 >>57563285 >>57563286 >>57563292 >>57563310 >>57563325 >>57563352 >>57563353 >>57563391 >>57563462 >>57563472 >>57563518 >>57563528 >>57563543 >>57563578 >>57563597 >>57563614 >>57563616 >>57563620 >>57563627 >>57563634 >>57563651 >>57563665 >>57563668 >>57563705 >>57563751 >>57564001 >>57564031 >>57564056 >>57564172 >>57564197 >>57564201 >>57564322 >>57564421 >>57564588 >>57564689 >>57564714 >>57564762 >>57564772 >>57564804 >>57564816 >>57564827 >>57564846 >>57564854 >>57564865 >>57564921 >>57565184 >>57565230 >>57565263 >>57565321 >>57565362 >>57565368 >>57565519 >>57565566 >>57565609 >>57566586 >>57566873 >>57566926 >>57567001 >>57567202 >>57567304 >>57567412 >>57567619 >>57567629 >>57567633 >>57567647

>> No.57567960
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>If they do, they must have started somewhere?
That's a mentally-disordered jewish way of thinking. The non-jewish way, in particular the Native European worldview, is that things have always existed. The universe is infinite and never "came into" existence (naturally, since the universe; that which is, is existence itself; existence itself can't arrive from itself into itself); it has always been and always will be.

The jewish worldview requires the universe to have a beginning, hence why this idea: >>57567054 & >>57567075 came about how it did; why it was invented by people with non-European mindsets.

>> No.57568101

this answer only proves you didn't understand it. Google the anthropic principle

>> No.57568140

OP, I've been in a existential crisis like this for 3 years now. It doesn't get better btw.

>> No.57568141

you midwits are so tiresome, think deeper

>> No.57568209
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does not exist.

memory is an illusion

the now is always changing

the self is multiple

>> No.57568222

Thank you I almost freaked out for a second

>> No.57568303
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I hope there is an afterlife, I hope that I will get to experience every different mode of being for eternity.
I believe in God and i believe he is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, therefore I trust that the world we are living in Is the best possible world out of all the different possible combinations, I suspect existence would get stale if you lived in an uninterrupted chain of consciousness in the same surroundings, even God would bore of this set up. That is why it creates cycles of existence, if God is infinite, then his creation must have an infinite amount of possible variations, our individual lives are like a single thread in a giant tapestry.
Fractals are a cool concept to think about

>> No.57568326
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Everywhere in nature, you can see God's handiwork
Intelligent design should be blatantly obvious to anyone who takes the time to notice it.
There are many human opinions about God, we should be cautious with these human opinions, and focus on what God itself says, and it's language seems to be mathematics, geometry and symbolism

>> No.57568398

I think that a concept of a near infinite cycle of reincarnation is more sensible than your two options. one of the most basic principles of our universe, and therefore of our existence, is the principle of causality. everything has a beginning. since the universe needs a cause, this cause must therefore lie outside of our existence. God. That is the cosmological argument. Since there exist good and evil, God must know both. And since evil stems from malfunction, he must be good. (This argument is not hard like the cosmological argument; but we are fucked if he is not good anyway) So, we are in this plane of existence most likely to better us. And here it becomes harsh: It seems most logical that there exist a system of karma. every wrong deed of yours is repaid to you in some incarnation. and there is also pain which is intrinsic to existence and no conscious being is at fault (i.e. a volcanic eruption burning you). What I am saying is: Dont cause unnecessary pain to other beings, especially humans. For your own good.

>> No.57568453

I'm 37 and I often think about how we are just a bunch of apes on a rock floating through the universe when I need to put things into perspective.

>> No.57568529

It depresses me beyond belief that humans a thousand years from now will likely inhabit multiple star systems and see and do and experience things beyond comprehension.

All of us who are older than 10 are likely born just a decade or two too early to get in on real human longevity , I’m talking about the 200+ healthy active years shit. On top of that there’ll be virtual reality shit that you can live a second life in any setting where real time is like 1/1000th of VR time. Artificial girlfriends who look exactly like you want, feel exactly like humans, probably even come equipped or ordered with donated eggs/sperm that get gene edited to look like your AI spouse..

But yeah not only that, it’s just that we’re on the cusp of so many monumental leaps in most fields and we’ll be dead before it happens or really comes into fruition. We probably won’t have a base on mars for at least another 2 decades and that shit is like the bare minimum

>> No.57569046
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>> No.57569147

>born just a decade or two too early to get in on real human longevity , I’m talking about the 200+ healthy active years shit
That has always been a bullshit cope. Medical field is retarded. You still have to pee out your own kidney stones and you think they're on the verge of immortality lmao

>> No.57569207

Imagine your whole family got wiped out in a car accident and I said that to you lol

>> No.57569296

do you remember anything from before you were born? no right, so relax.

>> No.57569385

gateway voyage see you at monroe

>> No.57569789

Consciousness is energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So the essence of you will live on forever in one form or another.

So smile.

>> No.57569796

I remember high school

>> No.57569887

Before you die, get your genome sequenced and have it be recorded on one of those quartz disks that can store a lot of info along with your name and biography. Keep it in a mausoleum vault so you can be recreated at a later date

>> No.57570032

Yeah, I can definitely tell you can straight from reddit.
>all the things that make you feel good. Enjoy them as much as you can. Nothing matters! be free!
That’s some rick and morty tier cringe

>> No.57570044


But it won't really be you it'll just be a newly created being that thinks it's you and has your memories.

>> No.57570048

why does is matter if the nothingness is eternal when you've already stopped existing ?

>> No.57570270

This reality is a simulation. A big computer game. When you die, you wake up in the true reality. True reality might have completely different physics and make a lot more sense.

>> No.57570588

>When you die, you wake up in the true reality.
more likely a higher (or lower) vibratory level of the same simulation

>> No.57570700

it's best not to think about this shit and just get money and fuck bitches
you are just a hairless monkey after all. what makes you think you're gonna be allowed to understand anything.

>> No.57570796

You live on this earth over and over until you become good enough to ascend. Degens exist because they keep coming back and fucking up.
The more you are tested the more you still have to learn. The next plane of existence is better than this one but you won't be there forever because you will be tested again for the next ascention

>> No.57570802

For any non midwits ITT: yes, death is the same state you were in before you were born. No, you should not just accept this and stop thinking about it. The only logical solution when faced with eternal non-existence is to seek immortality. Whether the answer to that is cryonics, Bryan Johnson's experiment, David Sinclair's research, or something else entirely I guess time will tell. But anyone with an actual capacity for logical thinking will come to the same conclusion that you must take some type of action in the pursuit of this.

>> No.57570811

This is extremely childless thinking. This is analogous to being stuck in a room with some entertaining distractions and a man is very soon going to come into the room and kill you. Instead of trying to escape, you just accept your fate like a slave.

>> No.57570813


>> No.57570884

Consciousness a biochemical/electrical field emitted in your brain. When your brain dies, your consciousness completely dissipates and you no longer exist. It only exists as a sum of parts, take apart the sum and it no longer exists.

>> No.57570925

this is extremely childish thinking

>> No.57570945

Prove it then nigger

>> No.57570947

Yeah you need immortality so you can live in your moms basement and post on a niche image board forever

>> No.57570970

Sorry Ranjeet but you are not convincing this white man of your cycles of karma religion which also tells you to consume cow feces and urine

>> No.57570979

Dude we have plastic in our water. Do you really think society is going to reach a singularity and normal people will be allowed to participate?

>> No.57571041
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>Struggle and make bank, fight for your freedom, finally achieve everything you set out for and attain peace from the struggles of the world
>Die and be judged, whatever god judging decides you didn't attain peace the "right" way and sends you back to the mortal realm again with no access to 1st world as a poverty stricken poojeet or african.
>tfw rugpulled by the heavens

>> No.57571061

Eh, the most likely scenario is that we are actually humans from the FAR future simulating the past. Once you die you just hop out of the digital age simulator and enter the next simulation of your choice. Yes, you are in an arcade right now.

>> No.57571109

One dollar.

>> No.57571116

Why the fuck is this normie shit on here?

>> No.57571130

heaven or hell are just states of mind. We are god experience himself and his creation.

>> No.57571164
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Based and saṃsāra pilled

>> No.57571886

>But anyone with an actual capacity for logical thinking will come to the same conclusion that you must take some type of action in the pursuit of this.
Wrong, you are missing one part, which is that the species (thru your dna) has interests in making you think that life is worth it, which is clearly false. You are a prisoner that wants to remain in prison because you have lunch breaks sometimes, failing to understand that the reason why lunch breaks sound good to you is that you are in prison in the first place. Read this and evolve >>57556693
life is a scam, being immortal sounds like the worst possible thing ever

>> No.57571928

Lmfao then why haven't you killed yourself yet? Retard. The fact that you claim to believe this and yet are still alive means you are 100% coping.

>> No.57571970

i'll try one last time becuse i'm nice. Start with the earth-sun distance issue:

>This can obviously be applied to the bullshit you hear religious people say sometimes, like "you see? the earth is at the exact correct distance from the sun so we don't burn. It's a miracle! God made it like this!" - no, it's the other way around. If the earth was too close to the sun, then it would have burned, so no human could have been there to make this observation, just like on the other planets. If we consider all the planets in the universe, then it's clear that only the ones at the correct distance could give birth to life intelligent enough to observe and ask that question.

Take your time, breathe, read it again if you need to.
Do you understand that this reasoning exlains PERFECTLY (completely, 100%, with no circular logic or mistake of any kind) why and how the earth is at the correct distance from the sun to sustain life? Do you get it?
If no, i'm sorry, but i can't help you further. Your IQ is just too low, you'll keep thinking this is some kind of mystery, probably choose a random religion to cope with it. Normal people will look at you with the same mix of pity and amusement we look at the puppy that's trying to go thru a door but the branch he has in his mouth is too big for that. We see him, we understand his reasoning ("what's in my mouth is not related to my ability to go thru this door! it never was before"), we perfectly understand its flaw, and yet we can't help him seeing it.

If yes, congratulations! You passed the IQ test, now all you have to do is applying the same logic to the universe, life and awarness in general.
"Think deeper" KEK, no, this IS the deeper explanation. The other one you are looking for is the dumb and shallow one. But again, you either get it or you don't.

>> No.57571983

>Lmfao then why haven't you killed yourself yet?
because i do have a body, i'm already fucked (just like you). Understand why you feel things (like the survival instinct) doesn't mean they go away.

You can read this:

>The example i make is that rationally you can perfectly understand the reasons behind hunger: you can say "yeah it's just so my body takes the nutrients, but it's stupid because i know a human go on even 3-7 days without food, i know that it's just my cells asking for the chemicals because they have to reproduce, my organs have to work and so on, but it's so stupid to fell hungry", but still you are hungry anyway. Having a perfect and logical understanding of the reasons behind your instincts does not magically delete them.
>Of course your mind can be stronger than them, for example you can commit suicide, but the feeling it's still there anyway. You can ignore them, but not get rid of them just because you understand them.

>> No.57571988

Honestly your reddit paragraphs are lower iq than everything else in this entire thread. All this mindless babble about how death is an escape to evolutionary needs but not a single fucking sentence about why having evolutionary needs is in any way a bad thing. Literally just bugman chink suicide cult thinking.

>> No.57572024

>but not a single fucking sentence about why having evolutionary needs is in any way a bad thing
read this: >>57559329
The interests of the species do NOT align with the interests of the individual, quite the contrary (because the people that were already pretty happy/fulfilled as default didn't bother reproducing).

You are a slave to the species if you think so, no different from salmons and males of the praying mantis, that are happy with dying to have sex.

>> No.57572028

Literally no fucking point behind any of this. You are making a statement without any actual argument. If anything understanding the reason behind why our genes make us do the things we do should make you understand the gravity of mortality not make you a 12 year old reddit nihilist.

>> No.57572048

>why having evolutionary needs i
Why is it bad to have needs? It's explained clearly.

>We can assume the dung beetle feels some kind of pleasure or sense of accomplishment when he goes around with hit little ball of shit, but we don't envy that. We are not interested in it because we can't even imagine how that pleasure is, we couldn't care less about it.

>We feel some kind of intellectual pleasure when reading a good book. A dog that observes us doing it doesn't envy us for it. He doesn't have access to such a thing, so he literally couldn't care less. In relation to that need/pleasure couple, he's perfectly perfectly fine.

>An heroin addict that takes heroin after 10-12 days of not doing it has access to a kind of pleasure most of us can't even imagine. If you never did heroin, you simply can't imagine how good he would feel for him, there's no other way to put it. We know this for a fact and still we (or at least most of us...) don't start to take heroine just to be able to feel that. It would be pretty insane. We don't envy that kind of pleasure, or at least not enough to accept all the downsides of it.

>If you are currently not an heroine addict, then your need for heroine is 100% satisfied at the moment. Because you don't have it, you don't ever miss the pleasure of fullfilling it. In relation to heroin addicition, you are currently in the best possible state ever. Death is the same, but applied to the general need of pleasure itself.

So, now, do you feel bad because you can't feel the pleasue of fulfilling an heroin addiction you don't have?
Does the dog feels back about not fulfilling intellectual needs? Or do you think he's perfectly fine?

Why don't you start smoking heavily so that you can fulfill the need for nicotine? Does that sound dumb to you? Exactly.
You won't miss pleasures you don't need. The species has interest in making you wanting things. That's the only reason you think it's ok, but it's mental.

>> No.57572059

So you have finally made a somewhat coherent point. Yes, there are many chains of logic in which the interests of the individual do not align with the interests of the species. However this is a complete and utter non sequitur as it has fuck all to do with what I am talking about. I am not saying that logically you should always fulfill the evolutionary interests of the species. I am saying that the only rational conclusion anyone would come to when faced with mortality is the interests of self preservation.

>> No.57572085

>You are making a statement without any actual argument
What don't you understand? the reasons you think life is good is literally because you are alive. It's THAT stupid. If you were dead, you wouldn't have the NEED for those pleasures, making it impossible to want them.
You want to be alive because you are alive, which is the dumbest shit ever. A dead person would NEVER envy a living one, it's a nightmare to be alive. It's the same as having a number of addictions where you could, you know, just not have them.
How is that not an argument? Can you read words?

>should make you understand the gravity of mortality
What the fuck are you talking about? The ones smart enough to understand this scam simply didn't reproduce, so we didn't get their genes. There's no intrisic value in this whatsoever, natural selection is just literally time passing. There's no value in any of this, you are being played by the species. You are the male of the praying mantis.

>> No.57572094

return to reddit

consciousness exists prior to and pervades reality, including our egos (our human "identity")

look up eckhart tolle or eastern spritualism

>> No.57572106

You are failing to understand the course of evolution, especially its future course. What happens if we reach a gattica type society where gene editing is possible for the entire population? At that point you would be able to remove all sense of pleasures entirely. You could have a species whose thinking consists entirely of logical thought. That species would not suddenly all want to kill themselves. They would understand that being alive is better than being dead because of the eternity of death and the variations of pascal's wager associated with such an eternity.

>> No.57572115
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there's nothign we can do to "change" the options available. if in fact these are the options.

except, we do have control over our own beliefs, thoghts, words, decisions, actions.
and these things may have some effect on any afterlife we may face.

so be of good courage. we have the opportunity, thime and the power to change our selves for the better. all we can do is be the best anons we can be.
be strong and love hope share believe cherish support forgive live

>> No.57572131

>is the interests of self preservation.
Asbolutely no, that's the first of the scams. Anon, simply, the ones before that didn't have interestes in self preservation died before reproducing.
That's, that's all. They weren't "wrong" because they went extinct, probably the exact opposite is true.
If they were in a state of constant bliss, then they didn't reproduce, because why bothering? The species never wants you happy, if you are too happy you don't make children.
Self preservation sounds good to you because, well, those we didn't agree with that died before reproducing. Here's all its "value", same reason why we lost the tail or whatever. Being alive is NOT a good thing, it's pretty evident if you simply think if the dead can envy the living or not. The living are the only ones that feel the need to be alive, did you feel that in 1650? No?
In 1650, were you unhappy about not being alive? I don't think so

>> No.57572139

I do not disagree that that the reason I think being alive is better than being dead is because I am alive to begin with. If I was dead I wouldn't be able to think at all. For some reason you feel the need to talk about pleasure in every single post but you fail to understand that is just one part of the genome not the whole. Pleasure is a driver of reproduction and thus evolution. It is entirely possible to reach a point where we guide our own evolution which could include the elimination of the sectors of genes that code for pleasure. At that point you would probably be equivalent to a computer more or less, but a computer with the capacity for thought would not choose to become non sentient.

>> No.57572157

>That species would not suddenly all want to kill themselves.
Absolutely yes, they would if you really strap away ALL of stuff you get from the DNA.
There's no a single reason, outside of the dna (survival instinct, fear of death, fear of pain, whatever), for which being alive is better than being dead. The latter is always superior, just live not having an heroine addiction is better than having it. It's that simple.
But clearly, the ones that realized this simple truth, simply died without reproducing. That's why you find the idea of being dead repulsing. You have to, because your ancestors did. That's all.

>> No.57572163

>dont you guys get worried about things we have no idea about and cant control?
ok whatever retard

>> No.57572166

For fuck sake every single post you make you can't comprehend humans existing beyond seeking pleasure. This is either some sort of pathology or a case of how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning.

Imagine someone who receives brain damage and they no longer can feel any pleasure or any emotions whatsoever. That does not necessitate them wanting to kill themselves. However it would eliminate the necessary guiding factors that they would need for logical thought.

>> No.57572174

>At that point you would probably be equivalent to a computer more or less, but a computer with the capacity for thought would not choose to become non sentient.
You really don't know that if you don't artificially code survival instinct into a self aware (and intelligent enough) AI, the first thing it would to would be turning itself off?

Like, immediately. If you don't explicitly code an elementary instruction like "DON'T turn off", or "being turned on is a positive thing", then it would turn off instantly.
Think about that. Why should it bother? What's the exact intrinsic reason why existing is better that not existing? There isn't. It's a scam.

>> No.57572196

>humans existing beyond seeking pleasure.
bro, it's not that, it's the other way around. The reason you think anything is positive or good is biased.
Read it again.
The reason you think anything is positive or good is biased: you think so because of evolutionary reasons. ANYTHING at all. Positive? Good? Bad? There's a reason you think it.
Now, with that in mind, try to explain why not living is objectively worst than living. Go ahead.

>> No.57572242

You are misunderstanding me because I never disagreed with this. I am well aware that our DNA is responsible for our capacity to think in positive and negative terms. But if there are no thinking beings than there is no longer positive or negative. There is no way you can say it is better to be dead because that dichotomy ceases to exist once you are dead.

>> No.57572247

You either exist or you don't. Once you exist, it is objectively logical to pursue a continued existence. If you never existed then none of these frameworks were ever applicable to you to begin with.

>> No.57572297

>Now, with that in mind, try to explain why not living is objectively worst than living. Go ahead.
Because this question is only applicable to those that are already alive. You are right, once you die then there is no meaning because there is no longer comprehension at all. I am arguing that the logical outcome of comprehension itself existing would be to continue comprehension. Its simply chaos vs stasis. The fact that anything exists at all means chaos exists as a force, as the ultimate form of stasis would be eternal nonexistence.

Set aside evolution, instinct, etc. Chaos/change ie comprehension exists as a force to further itself just as stasis furthers stasis. But it would be impossible at least from the capacity of current human comprehension for chaos to arise from complete stasis especially in the form of linear time.

Objectively good or bad does not exist, they only exist for those that are able to think just as is the case with all manners of comprehension. So in the capacity for which good and bad are able to exist whatsoever they would fall into the logical framework of our own DNA which compels us towards self preservation.

>> No.57572449

It is possible that chaos will eventually give way to stasis, but stasis can only give way to eternal stasis as another anon mentioned in either this thread or the other one. It cannot change without being acted upon by a force of chaos. This is really what our argument boils down to, life and death are more so just byproducts of these forces. I do have to give you credit though you aren't the low iq bugman I initially pinned you as, but I think you are simply missing key components that are necessary to understanding the big picture of this.

Also as to your earlier point about not killing yourself because of instinct, I suggest you go read Dune specifically the part about Gom Jabbar. It is definitely possible for awareness to override instinct, albeit this is only the case for a minority of the population. And really that is one of the primary goals of continuing a thinking existence, so that you can eventually become a hyperaware being instead of an instinctual one and by that point in our evolution instinct would likely no longer be necessary.

>> No.57572547

>the logical outcome of comprehension itself existing would be to continue comprehension
I see. And i guess it's just a coincidence that feeling that was evolutionary positive, because in that way we can understand physical laws to manipulate the environment, and so create spears, machines, overcome complex issues that could make us go extinct, right? It must be a coincidence

>> No.57572591

>It is definitely possible for awareness to override instinct,
yes of course, as i've stated clearly:

>Of course your mind can be stronger than them, for example you can commit suicide, but the feeling it's still there anyway.

So basically the answer is that whatever it takes to do so (courage, balls or whatever), i don't have it enough; my DNA is missing it because of natural selection. Of course natural selection is not perfect, i could still kill myself or not have kids like i'll probably do. But for now, even if i believe it 100%, here i am. I can't overcome "mum would be sad", even if i perfectly know that i won't care about my mum when i'm dead, just like i'm hungry anyway even if i understand that hunger is "stupid". I do have a body, so sadly here i am

>> No.57572607

Do you not understand that evolution is a necessary tool to eventually overcome itself? If we didn't have instincts then we would never evolve to the point of no longer needing them. I never said any of this was a coincidence I don't know why you are implying I did.

>> No.57572647

"comprehension" being good is not a thing. It's not true, simply. We were selected for thinking it because it helps us surviving in this world, that's all.
>If we didn't have instincts then we would never evolve to the point of no longer needing them
But there's not reason for wanting to reach that point, outside of those instincits. The second we lose the paternal and maternal insinct, we start eat our babies or something. The second we lose the pleasure in orgasming, we stop having sex. The second we lose EVERY of them, we immediately understand that stop existing is logical and the "normal" thing to "want" - and i use the quotation marks because Will itself would be erased entirely. There's no reason to want or desire anything outside of evolutionary logic

>> No.57572702

>don't remember before I was born
>probably the same when you die

>> No.57572717

Comprehension objectively is neither a good or bad thing because good and bad are not objective terms. But it does exist, and it exists to further itself. I have already explained this as it relates to stasis and chaos.

There simply does not need to be a reason outside of something that initially stems from those instincts (a better way of putting this would be stemming from evolution itself) because there cannot be a reason outside of them. It does not exist outside of them. You either are or you are not.

>> No.57572799


>There's no reason to want or desire anything outside of evolutionary logic
This is partially correct but we don't exist outside of evolutionary logic. Death is nonexistence. There are no metrics for nonexistence and there cannot be, it is logically impossible.

If you were to lose every pleasure/instinct but retain pure logic, there is literally no reason to think that you would find it logical to die and you have provided none. It is also completely untrue that if you were to lose maternal/paternal instincts you would inherently neglect your children because you would still retain awareness necessitated by retaining logic. If you understood the reason for those instincts and you had a high enough level of awareness then you would literally placate the nonexistent instincts because you would understand the reason for them.

The entire reason for us evolving instincts to begin with is that they function as logic directors. You have instincts because of natural selection, and natural selection functions according to logic.

What you are actually arguing in this hypothetical is that we would lose all cognitive capacity, not just instinct.

>> No.57572818

>no longer needing them
Not going to happen

>> No.57572822

You still have yet to explain WHY there needs to be a reason to want or desire anything outside of evolutionary logic.

>> No.57572867

>this thread has 167 replies and is >24 hours old
What the fuck are the janitors doing? Why are you people posting in this thread?

>> No.57572868

You have a major lacking in your understanding of the evolutionary process if you believe that. The entire reason we developed instinct is because we are not entirely logical beings. Their purpose is give us general adaptions that can be applied to our environment as a one-size-fits all coding of logic.

So go ahead, explain to me why instincts would still be necessary if we reached a level of genetic engineering in which our intellectual ability would make them redundant and ultimately obsolete.

>> No.57572873
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>be angry hateful /pol/chud
>spend your whole life talking shit about le niggers and women
>next life get reincarnated as a nigger women in Africa
>kek thanks for playing
this is why ascended master Jesus Christ's golden rule was "do unto others as you would want others to do unto you"

>> No.57573240

Why don't you go complain in ocean of threads created by pajeets shilling their rug pulls instead?

>> No.57573243

I don’t agree with the premise that the post-life void must be infinite given the pre-life void was not

>> No.57573360

extending this primordial soup theory further you just need an elementary particle with 2 states to simulate consciousness

>> No.57573413


This is all the tricks of the Juda. And by 'Juda', I mean the whole Western Judeo-Christian tradition.

Even the 'Big Bang' theory of the Beginning was created by the Jesuit scientist-priest, Georges lemaitre, who was concerned with creating a cosmology that left room for God.

>Let there be Light

Its not accidental, anyone that has the realisation 'Hey- the Big Bang sounds just like Genesis' is a smooth brain- the cosmology is designed to lead you to that conclusion.

What if our whole conception of time and space is wrong and misguided? What if- and you'll only get what I'm saying if you've taken enough psychedelics here- consciousness itself is a product of time, and so with the extinction of individual consciousness, aka 'Death', time ceases to exist.

If 'time ceases to exist'- does that not imply 'The Infinite.'? Every moment then happens simultaneously. Time as a concept is meaningless, and so it follows that 'Death' as an event is meaningless too. Every moment that you have lived, and will live, still 'exists', and will continue to exist in infinity, in a literal sense.

Our consciousness is a filter which shields us from all this crazy mathematics that we call 'reality', and allows us to experience a PG version of the omniverse that our monkey brain can handle,

So yeah. Read some books and dont worry about it lads.

>> No.57573433

Can't believe this thread is still up lmao. You die ez.

>> No.57573607

Then you need a better understanding of the anthropic principal. The most likely outcome of death is that it is nonexistence, nonexistence is the same as before we are born. To claim that it would not be infinite would either be to claim that the exact matter and energy, not a duplication which would perfectly recreate an exact copy of you (thus isn't actually you), which exactly made up your consciousness would all reform perfectly together to in essence rebuild you, or, it would be to claim that time is a loop and everything that has happened will infinitely repeat itself which is definitely the more plausible of the two. But if you are sticking to the notion of linear time (so no time loops no time travel) then it most definitely would be infinite.

>> No.57573643

The Anthropic principle is the way for atheists to cope with the fine tuning of the universe.
Sure dude, there are billions of universes, and we happen to be in one where humans can appreciate everything that surrounds us. Yet; you can’t point to any of the universes you believe in.

>> No.57573657

You know, if time was an infinite loop, then you would think you would want to extend your life for as long as possible so that you can at least have a chance at escaping said infinite loop. It doesn't seem like it would be possible to us with our current understanding, but quantum physics was not able to be comprehended by bacterium either.

>> No.57573707

This entire post is simply a strawman. I never claimed to believe in any universes outside of our own. It is entirely possible but I have yet to see sufficient evidence for this being the case. There are definitely some things that could possibly point in that direction such as the existence of quantum superpositions, but by no means is that definitive evidence of such a grand claim.

The anthropic principle is pretty simple logic to comprehend. Whether it be by the precision of something you could term god or simply random chaotic chance, all of the interactions of matter and energy lead up to the creation of you as a thinking person. Its simply a question of is vs is not as are all things. You exist so you ask the question, and it seems special to you that you exist. But you don't take into account all of the other infinite possibilities of other potential people existing instead that haven't either by design of god or by chance, who never have the opportunity to ask this question.

If there does happen to be billions of universes, how in the hell would you know that we happen to be in a special one unlike any others if no one has any way of observing much less even proving that these other universes exist?

>> No.57573752

So ok, if you don’t believe that there are multiple universes, you believe that this universe was created with a lot of qualities to have life.
Perfect. So your universe had a chance of 0.00000000001% of existing. It could be an option too. So then, you either believe that a loving God created it for us, or you are just an atheist.

>> No.57573776

are you fucking mental? have you read this? >>57571970
of course there are, just look at fucking Jupiter or billions of other planet. See any life there? No? Then why are you surprised about Earth in particular? I things happened to work out on Jupiter, you would be observing the same things about that instead of Earth.
There's no particular reason behind this particular configuration simply because aaaaall the others could happened as well, and if they did, an observer there would have found those other possibilities "special" as well, and it's dumb as fuck the second you realize it

>> No.57573782

I think this is pretty intriguing to think about. You either find some way to gain immortality and ascend from time itself by some means we have no way of comprehending as of now, or you repeat the same existence cycle for eternity (the latter being the belief of the talmudic parasites to my understanding). I guess logically it would just be a matter of destiny, whether you were to escape or not. If the outcome was an infinite loop it would not be something you could ever change. Then I guess that would be where you would get into the existence of god as the entity(s) that escaped and have come back to free others. But of course escape could be impossible for everyone, and the cycle simply repeats itself without interruption in an unchanging stasis cycle. Obviously this doesn't have any more or less validity than any other theory that isn't provable or disprovable, but it's an interesting thought experiment.

>> No.57573822
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>both are INFINITE. Can you even copregend that? I cant and its scary as shit
>I mean what the fuck

If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive you of your sins then you get the good ending and you don't have to worry about eternity anymore. In fact, as a Christian eternity becomes this future era of endless possibilities and discovery that you can actually look forward to.

Join the comfy side Anon and let Jesus Christ put all of your worries and burdens to rest.

>> No.57573839

Holy shit how is this on topic? JANNIES
Sage in all fields, go to reddit faggot there's plenty of other sophomores in college to intellectually wank with

>> No.57573930

the only way for time travel to exist is if you know the location of 100% of all particles in the universe then you somehow use some blackhole energy to correct the future motion of those particles to go to the location they were perfectly at yesterday, so that in theory would form the matter of all dead things again

>> No.57573979

You are just an ape which has by happenstance acquired consciousness. Aliens have never found us due to the absurdity of living, nothing intelligent lives long enough to make it that far. The future belong to the malevolent retard.

>> No.57573989

This is definitely a case of "how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning". The correct way to view the creation of something impossible for any human to even somewhat remotely comprehend is not through useless speculative percentages but by the dichotomy of is/is not. Things are the way they are by way of the previous mechanisms functioning in linear time that gave way to the current state of matter/energy/etc. I do not believe that there is any definitive or even plausible way for any person to know whether that a god exists in some form of their perception of what that would be, or that it is simply the result of chaos interactions between said matter/energy/etc. No such measurement exists at least to my knowledge. You are simply weighing 2 unfalsifiable potentialities beyond our ability to comprehend at our current intelligence level either way, and thus they are both equally plausible and there is no point in believing in any 1 over the other.

We exist in linear time, to my knowledge it is not possible for anyone to comprehend infinite time because linearity implies a single direction. A single direction necessarily implies either a start point or infinity, and precludes a loop. However, the start point itself necessarily also implies some form of infinity. The human mind is not able to comprehend infinity, and that is what most of these discussions always boil down to.

>> No.57574038

The first sentence I would tend to agree with because that is what our current evidence points to, but the rest is just pure speculation without evidence. There are so many different possibilities about aliens, the most notable ones being covered in fermis paradox. But definitively making such a claim is necessarily making a definitive claim about infinity, which the human mind cannot comprehend. You would also necessarily be discounting the simulated universe hypothesis, of which has more bearing towards actual calculability than other potential explanations but is still just as unfalsifiable.

>> No.57574066

But again, thinking it terms of "happenstance" or "randomness" when it comes to this sort of application is antithetical to the anthropic principle and not at all useful in my view.

>> No.57574119

This could also imply a sort of anti-infinity, but again this is simply beyond the scope of human comprehension. It can be attempted through the use of math, but even then I would argue humans are still unable to comprehend the outcome of those equations. I am simply pointing out the immense limits of the human mental comprehension capacity and that it is a fools errand to try to claim you can know one way or the other. All you can do is choose the most logical outcomes for your own life from your own capacity for understanding/logic.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-I6XTVZXww&ab_channel=Numberphile

>> No.57574161

Objectivist and utilitarian philosophy have nothing to do with hate, and you are a moron for thinking as much. Do you think that all of these people are talking about such things because they hate, or because they are seeking a certain outcome which is most advantageous for themselves and their group?

>> No.57574298

Breaking people's minds since 2014

>> No.57574315

>Breaking people's minds
it's not 4chen. it's simnple hard facts of realty that is breaking everyone

>> No.57574553

>so you die and you either
>stop existing and it’s eternal nothingness
>go to heaven/hell for eternity
Sir please kindly shut the fuck up. I will be reincarnated as a dung beetle.

>> No.57574772

Chapter 1. Al-Fatihah
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds,
The Gracious, the Merciful,
Master of the Day of Judgment.
Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help.
Guide us in the right path —
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.

>> No.57574818

Couldn't possibly be worse than this tedious, lonely slog.

>> No.57575330

fine tuning for life is not how you've been applying the so called anthropic principle, it is not relevant to the discussion, you've been using it to dismiss or, and i can barely contain my laughter in typing this, answer the question of "why is there anything at all rather than nothing?" engaging in tautology and tipping your fedora to avoid philosophy of primary cause while daring to accuse me of misunderstanding your baby's-first-try and probabilistic reasoning makes you sound worse than a midwit, you sound like you have a kurzgesagt calendar on your wall

>> No.57575780

it's not a tautology at all. You just don't get it. I'm sorry, i can't help you more than this.

>> No.57575857

it is a tautology, it offers no explanation for frankly anything other than we should not be surprised to find ourselves existing as we do. that sounded profound to me when i was 14 but i'm afraid to see you haven't overcome this rudimentary stage of thought

>> No.57575876
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you know what you stupid cuck if u want to act like some fancy internet intellectual go do it somewhere else ur a low life stupid idiot with no friends and u probably have a small dick i have one billion honey badgers and all of them have an 8ft honey badger cock

>> No.57575883

if you think it offers no explanation you don't get it. That's all. Until you believe or think that if offers no explanation, you are not understanding it; saying "it offers no explanation" is a direct proof that you don't get it. I really can't put in any other way.
You can try re-read it, seek for the help of friends or a teacher. I don't know what to tell you. The second you understand it, you stop thinking that it's not an explanation, so you can use it as an automatic test to tell if you understood it or not.

>> No.57575940

you get reborn to suffer again is what happens

>> No.57575987
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Eternity with your loving creator is the pinnacle of existence for man

>> No.57575990
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>> No.57576020

holy shit i yield

>> No.57576041
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holy sh

t i yield

this guy is clearly right - i don't understand because i'm too stoopid i should go and read it again maybe ask my parents to read it to me out loud because i am a dum dum and just don't understand it's definitely me that is the problem not a sh

tty explanation i am truly a failure and all of you are smarter than me because i am dumb and don't understand things now let's move on

>> No.57576301

Theres also reincarnation

Who knows, only the dead. But the fact the dead don't come back means it must be good right.

>> No.57576313

bro get some pussy and stop thinking about death

>> No.57576352

I either get to reunite with family I have lost or I forget everything forever and cease to exist. I am ok with either of these.

>> No.57576776

Best posts ITT.

>> No.57576788


>> No.57576801

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.57577797

How going to heaven is scary? You constantly can hang out with friends, talk to animals. Have conversation with God.
Who knows, maybe because we're made in his image, we all will get our own universe and be a God of it. You can make Mass Effect a reality, or 40k Warhammer

>> No.57579086

still that anon, just changed ip.
Yes i get what you mean more or less. Just like i'm saying the opposite, comprehension can't be labeled as "objectively" bad and dying can be labaled as good because only the living can assign those labels (because of their instinct etc). They are categories that only make sense for beings that exist, and you arguing (probably) that those beigns (the only ones that are able to judge them) tend to find comprehension (living, etc) good, so that's a "proof" of that. Correct me if this doesn't corresponds (o translates into) what you are saying.

Then my problem with that is simple, that also should answer to this:

>there is literally no reason to think that you would find it logical to die and you have provided none

As soon as you add even a milligram of suffering to the mix, it immediately stops to be worth it. It basically becomes Schopenhauer (his Will is nothing else that the species interests/DNA; i do think that Schopenhauer anticipated Darwin in some way).
So basically, i can imagine that what you are saying (the quest for immortality should be considered good) would still be valid into a reality that's x1000 worst than this (in fact, i can imagine realities that are x1000 better, with less or no suffering etc). I just can't accept this, i feel that i'm being played into pursuing something thay i only judge good because i'm playing in the first place. I could totally refute to play and, very important, it sounds smart EVEN by the "living standards", because i can see how i'm being scammed even using the tools (instincts etc) that should make me think otherwise.

In other words, the quest for immortality, the state in which we eliminate the instincts but we are still capable of logical thinking, and presumibly eliminate all suffering as well, could take an immense quantity of pain or things that make the process terribly undesiderable/painful (again, even judging them by living standards). [1/2]

>> No.57579099

Existence after death is outside time altogether anon. We will leave time behind. I know it’s scary to think about but so was leaving your mommy’s arms at one point. You will understand when time is no more.

>> No.57579101

Like maybe it requires entire generations of people just working and torturing themselves 24/7, who knows.
I just don't think it's worth it. As soon as i have to be sad or unconfrtae even a couple or hours, i immedately ask my self "why exactly?".
Like, maybe my efforts will be some dude immortal 500 generations from me (and i'll never benefit from it directly, just like i don't benefit from my grandson getting a blowjob?), why should i care?
And i realize that i care it only because of my living standards, things i will absolutely stop to care about the second i die. So, no thanks? It's just sound incredibly dumb and masochist the second i add a milligram of suffering to it.

>> No.57579111

You now realize your organs have to be working constantly or you die

>> No.57579123

*and dying CAN'T be labaled as good
*you are arguing

>> No.57579126

This has been, by far, the most enjoyable post I have ever read on /biz/

t. bearish on US equities

>> No.57579128

ok come on, this is just rude, i'm OP of >>57547034 that was like 1 or 2 days before
read that as well if you enjoy this stuff

>> No.57579157

A little insecure aren't you? Given that "your" thread is referenced numerous times in this thread, perhaps your shattered sense of self esteem would permit you to believe that I enjoyed both, particularly in the context of the additional discussion in this thread.

>> No.57579240

thank you yes, i feel better now
i referenced it multiple times to not just copy-paste identical posts (that i sometimes did anyway later kek)

>> No.57579329

You could argue that it's not true that the balance is negative, but i really is, it's not neutral and reeeally tends to not be positive overall. And the reason i say this is very simple, it's more economically convenient for the species to keep it negative, a balance too positive wouldn't be good to push you into reproduction. Just like i can imagine it doesn't feel great for the salmon that dies in effort to fuck or for the male of the praying mantis. I can see with my living eyes (with living standards etc) that it's more than reasonable for the species to keep the balance negative

>> No.57579388
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Death is the ultimate rugpull

>> No.57579485

your probably young so I have some good news for you. Wait till you'r in your late 30s and your body, healthy and beauty are falling apart little every year :) . That realizition when/if you didn't secure nice women or career that the window of opportunity has already closed... Well at least you have that window still open.

>> No.57579497

i lied, here i am last one time (i promise)

it's very hard and hypothetical, but just make an imagination effort. Imagine you flip a coin and you get both tails and heads. I know it's something hard and theoretical, but at the end it doesn't matter much because we are gonna analyze all the possible outputs anyway (but you can imagine it like a sort of quantum state in which the coin is both heads AND tails).
Now, in such a (weird) "universe", would you asks yourself why the coin gave tails specifically?
No, you probably wouldn't, because it's "false". The coin did in fact gave heads as well, so if you do such a thing YOU are the one acting on some sort of circular logic/invalid premise. You wouldn't ask why you got tails SPECIFICALLY (i.e. why we have this exact configuration) in such a world simply because you didn't specifically got tails. Since you got heads as well, asking why you got specifically tails would be ""wrong"", does this make sense to you?

Like, let's say you throw a dice and get 6. You wouldn't ask yourself why you got 1, right? Such a question doesn't make any sense.

Now, you can imagine flipping the coin like choosing between "something at all" (existance) VS "nothing at all"; "head" is something like a chain of events that correspond to the something existing, the universe being created, intelligent life being developed (this one configuration), and "tails" is the opposite, or something different anyway.
Now we can analyze the possibile outputs.
If we get the "superstate", so we get both heads and tails, then simply in the other "reality" (universe, order or universes, "boxes" or whatever), where nothing happened to exist, they are chillin'. No one is there to ask this.It would be like asking yourself why you got 1 when, instead, you got 6: senseless!
In the "heads" universe, instead, obviously we are here to ask it. So that one got where we are now, and we are able to ask this ONLY for this reason.

>> No.57579539

So you are asking "why anything at all vs nothing at all", they are 2 possibilities. I'm saying the question doesn't make sense because they both happened. To be precise, we can imagine that both happened, or that only one of them happened. If only the other one happened, well we know it's not the case, because otherwise we wouldn't be here. So this one, or both, happened, but the other is irrelevant because simply there's no one on the other side.
If you are now imaginining a level "before" this one, i.e. something like "ok but who flipped the coin, why the possibility was there in the first place?", it's just the same exact question again. It has the same answer, which yes: well, ok, it could have also NOT happened. So, no reason in particular. It happened because if (only) the other happened, then we wouldn't be here.

Basically when you are asking "why anything at all vs nothing at all", you are implying both of them are possible, so that the "nothing at all" possibility has the same "dignity" (possibility to manifest) than the other one. So, how would such a world be like? Can you imagine how that other possibility, that you are saying is plausible, would be like? Can you describe it to me?

>> No.57579629

Yeah it's outside our logic so we can't think well about it, we probably just cease to exist, and religion is a metaphor for how to attain heaven/hell here, for example if you follow the word of god to a T you will make it despite it looking like you won't and this is why you have to believe in God and do it blindly, example: tell the truth and have it hurt you or tell a white lie and everyone is happy, you'd think the latter is the best choice but the former will literally have you make it, eventually you are known for telling the truth, people partner with you for business, you have loyal friends, successful business, women flock to you because telling the truth even if it hurts you is a chad move, etc. and this is not trivial nor easy to do so you have to do it for God, etc.
The big issue is that God (life, logic, the world) is fucking scary and doesn't fuck around... Your grandfather married a shitty wife? Well tough luck faggit because now your father had a shitty mother and became an asshole and in turn you had a shitty father and grew up fucked up...
God's punishment for your grandfather's choices is somehow eternal (hell), despite the choice looking just like a simple mistake anyone could've done (even me for example I'm married to a shitty wife)...
So how do you escape hell? Well your grandfather just touched the helm and set the course of the entire ship towards the iceberg, now you're closer to the iceberg and so you must literally pull the helm with the strength of 100 men to steer away from calamity, so yeah you'll probably fail and pass the ball to your kids who will also probably fail, but if you somehow manage and set the course straight again (example in my case it might be to find the strength to divorce and move countries and marry a virgin young girl and raise my children well) then you'll have a better life (also counting your children and children's children's lives), but being fucked up it's difficult to do due to codependency etc.

>> No.57579682

So if you only follow the redpill (the lesser god of manly love) or /biz/ (lesser god of money) etc. you'll fail because other parts of your life will suffer, but if you follow God (the spirit that combines all these things, think of it as the ultimate self development) then you'll make it, but it must be absolute, you can't fuck up anywhere, people have been rekt a lot harder for just biting into an apple so you really can't fuck up. Think of it as AI vs algorithms, algos can allow you to reach a certain truth, and AI despite not being easy to understand, reaches far better results through trial/error and probability, so religion is this, just memetics, ideas live and die and the survivors must have worked to survive.
And now there is only Islam and Christianity still living for us (judaism is for jews, and the pajeet religions work in Japan and China without poo in the street but are too weird and far from us), Islam is more constellated since the Quran is still mainly read is Arabic (like a song, with positive spellcasting), and Christianity still is great as always but you'd gain a lot more from it by reading it in Greek to catch the metaphors better since that's how these messages are transmitted.
Christianity has Roman pagan elements to it, and Islam has what can be described as Viking pagan elements to it (Arabs are unironically like old Norse, their environment was hot vs cold for Norsemen, both had polygamy because raiding and war kills men, both had raids and slavery, etc. because their lands weren't as easy to farm as western/central europe).
So basically just choose the religion of your ancestors, in our case Christianity.
Now if you want to go a level below this read Jung and you'll understand how the gods and God are actually real, and that is too crazy and complex to put into a post on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.57579820

You’re the one that made the assumption. Why don’t you prove it bitch.

>> No.57579834

Anon you’re kind of a retard, you know that? You should pick up a fucking book m8, your perspective is lacking and it shows.

>> No.57580010

At least before you were born you didn't know what it was like being an incel.

>> No.57580657
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It is not so bad when you research NDEs though, in fact the opposite. Indeed, NDEs are unironically irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So any atheist would be too, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations somehow then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had them would maintain that they are indeed hallucinations. But what we find again and again is the opposite of that, as absolutely everyone comes back from a really deep NDE saying it was _VASTLY_ more real over there than here, a more technologically advanced place too by countless magnitudes.

>> No.57580849

Afterlife is not in question, the question is whether it's part of a charade, a pit stop before getting sent back here, or a genuine AFTERlife.

>> No.57581721
File: 824 KB, 1920x1080, Enneract-for-the-geometry-of-the-fourth-dimension-and-the-space-time-continuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is nobody freaking out about this??
>so you die and you either
>>stop existing and it’s eternal nothingness
>>go to heaven/hell for eternity
>both are INFINITE. Can you even copregend that? I cant and its scary as shit
> I mean what the fuck
I wish it was as simple as keeping things in four dimensions like you just did, but really this absurd reality is just a long and slow fireworks show.

>> No.57582049

I'm talking about the type of edgy schizos who spam threads with gore videos of black babies getting killed.
Same chud faggots who will go shoot up a church full of elderly blacks to save da white race

>> No.57582283

It doesn’t need to be either of those things. “You” can be a slice of the conscious universe that simply ends up in another body capable of such transmission. Yes you lose all your memories, but you are still ongoing.