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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57720660 No.57720660 [Reply] [Original]

>am black
how can i profit off this?

>> No.57720665

literally do anything productive

>> No.57720674

>am black
>literally do anything productive
Lmao bottom text

>> No.57720679

Take advantage of the myriad programs and diversity hiring initiatives available to you and don't commit crimes.

>> No.57720686
File: 63 KB, 800x600, shitface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steal stuff from Walgreens?
oh wait, they locked everything up. shit. we'll come up with something soon though.

>> No.57720693

In today's clown world you can steal stuff and still be a victim somehow

Haven't you seen videos of blacc folcc just taking stuff from the shelves while being recorded without any repercussion?

>> No.57720706

Hold "How to be a good ally?" seminars.

>> No.57720880

you can’t.

>> No.57720883

Find white girls to creampie

>> No.57720910
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kys and be born again but white, invest into BRC20 tokens

>> No.57720950 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57721012

I'm tempted to buy simply because the layout for coins spells blm. That's probably an old meme but I laughed

>> No.57721140
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Lmao you're black. Can't imagine what it would be like.

But seriously though, if you have even an inkling of the concept of functioning societies and what the root of such societies is, you would hand any and all power you currently have to white men. The historic data shows that when white men have absolute power, good things happen to everyone. The historic data and currently ongoing data also shows that when non-whites have any power of any kind, everyone suffers.

The way in which you profit from being black is by accepting your status as being worth less than a white man. I know it's not what you want to hear, but denying this truth only hurts you and everyone around you. Ya know, butterfly effect and all that sheeit.

>> No.57721223
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Fuck white blonde hair blue eyed women with your bbc for blacked

>> No.57721239

Well, in the current cultural climate, you're basically allowed to do whatever you want. Moreover, you get grants/scholarships and people throw money at you for being able to tie your shoes. So, just do whatever my man.

>> No.57721251

>how can i profit off this?
By unironically going back to Africa. You could be a literal kang over there with a 20-30 IQ point advantage plus you wouldn't have to deal with raciss yt's anymore.

>> No.57721259

go to a blue state and start stealing things

>> No.57721261

>play basketball

pick one

>> No.57721430
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All you have to do is show up on time and not murder anyone and you have it made. Will be a CEO in 4 years.

>> No.57722300

I know you're being a little /pol/ memester, but there is actually a lot of money to be made in Africa as it grows out its infrastructure. My mate's father is managing a shipping firm in Zimbabwe and is making bank.

>> No.57722369
File: 55 KB, 628x630, 0B614528-2327-44B6-AA11-CC7BBCB581BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every 4 years, 6 months before the US election one of your will die to a police officers whilst doing something retarded. Possible money making schemes. This is your business window:

> Loot shit when random cities around the world burn in jew-organised protests. The Air Jordans and TVs go fast as your people are poor and need them to feed their kids
> Make a shitty Etsy store and guilt white liberals into sharing your child-like creations because your are a "black business"
> Take umbrage with something fucking benign like a black child wearing monkey PJs in an online store, or a brown colours bra being labelled "tobacco" or "chocolate" coloured, because it is "saying blacks are unhealthy or something" (No BS this happened at M&S in the UK)
> Get onto a university program or scholarship, or into a job with qualification that a White or Asian person would be laughed out the door with
> Just stamp your feet and demand society buys you sweeties and you'll probably get them. Even moreso than you usually do

>> No.57722925


>> No.57723394

>how can i profit off this?
Do some BBC porn with white women and post some cuck captions in reddit as advertisement to your full manyvid's videos.