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57758540 No.57758540 [Reply] [Original]

Do WFH CHADS have life so easy?

>> No.57758789

I was WFH for 13 months and I was miserable. I like socializing. I can genuinely say it's not for everyone

>> No.57758823

Socializing with normalfags at an office sounds like ropefuel brah

>> No.57758832

stfu normie
yep its great i've been (not) working from home for the last 6 months

>> No.57759019

>I like socializing
so you are gay aren't you?

>> No.57759022
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I'm wfh right now. I'm watching shitty B 80's movies on one screen, and shitposting with you bastards on the other.
But to be fair, they'll probably fire me in the next 6 months (assuming I can't keep gaslighting my boss into thinking this is all his fault).
It's hell.

>> No.57759079

>t. losers that never leave their home

>> No.57759102

I was WFH for a while then I got laid off, which is extra annoying because I was actually doing work.

Now I'm just NEETing for a while because the thought of getting another job where I have to go into an office all the time makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Having to make small talk about the latest sportsball game, pretending like I'm actually happy to be there or else being told I have an attitude problem, listening to office ladies treat it like their extended fun-family and spending all day doing everything except actual work, smelling bargain bin pajeet coders stinking up the hallways with their reheated curry lunches and BO, doing 'mandatory fun' teambuilding exercises, wasting my life in traffic every morning and evening surrounded by roadraging retards who don't understand that tailgating and swerving in and out of lanes erratically isn't going to make the 500 cars in front of you magically disappear and open a pathway

Yes I do believe it's either another WFH for me or permanent neetdom, there is no other option

>> No.57759135

I go for a walk everyday but yh, basically. Why else would I say what I said you retarded faggot?

>> No.57759203

Normie life is unironically the best. Go to events with friends. Get invited to expensive dinners that are paid for. Meet lots of women, fuck them occasionally. See the world. Have prestige among my peers. No existential dread.

What's that? You make six-figures WFH? Huh, that's cool I guess. You're a level 85 on your 6th playthrough of Skyrim? Hoodie and sweatpants each day? Hmm, the girls I talk with like my button-downs and suits. Well at least you bought a house. That's nice. I'm going boating and BBQing this weekend with the guys. What are you up to? Nothing? Well maybe your Asian wife will watch the Mario movie with you. See you around.

>> No.57759249

>t. aphantast that can't live without external impulses
you're literally a fag and npc, npc faggot

>> No.57759252

Yes WFH is good because it's an arbitrage to get a high paying job and live in a low cost of living area, or a high cost of living area without high paying jobs.

>> No.57759306

Holy niggeroni semantic drift the odds of me having a disgusting fishfaced gook wife is pretty much nil while for the "wimmnez at my office be verry purdy wid dey button down soots and sheeit da bossman sae dat I da big man i got dayut prefteeege" is more like 70%!

>> No.57759321

>Do WFH CHADS have life so easy?

>> No.57759334

I don't play video games btw ;)

>> No.57759370

>Hmm, the girls I talk with like my button-downs and suits.
ye sure bro im sure you fucki da womenz
press x to doubt

>> No.57759395

WFH management is where it's at. I just delegate tasks all day while doing whatever I want. If I just put the bare minimum of effort in, maybe 8 hours a week, we hit our goals and renew our work orders.

The key to WFH is that you are actually amazing at your job and don't need 40 hours a week to do it.

>> No.57759401

Op is a faggot

>> No.57759417

My schedule
>wake up
>take meetings
>do maybe 1-2 hours of work
>post goon nap
>work out
>go on 1-2 hour walks
>start on dinner with 2 hours left of the work day
It's a pretty blessed life but I have noticed some drawbacks. Social skills have degraded somewhat (95% of my daily interactions are with my wife), days pass by in what feels like seconds. Like you look at a clock one minute and it's barely 10, look at it again the next minute and it's half past 2. I think I'd probably prefer a hybrid schedule where I go in to the office 1-2 times a week. Clock would move slower.

>> No.57759507 [DELETED] 
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you goon daily on your work while you have a wife? lol wtf

>> No.57759540

I'm a horny guy that needs release daily, sex with wife is a 2-3x weekly thing.

>> No.57759545

I'm a WFH data scientist/"AI engineer" making $200k and this stuff comes in waves really.

Sometimes youre in full crunch mode not even having time to eat trying to ship something, and then sometimes youre just chilling delegating stuff to BE/FE devs

In any case i was a lead engineer, non AI, in a smaller startup previously and that was way more stressful because i was just doing everything. Nonstop deadlines where i had to do almost all of it myself.

So if youre doing remote either do UX to data science.
UX is most chill because its easy af and you don't have much work. But it also doesn't pay well. Data science is as described above, sometimes good sometimes bad. You also need to be actually talented for this, because management will crush you if your models don't actually, you know, work. But if they do, you're perceived as the smartest guy in the company and no one will fuck with you.

Would NOT recommend management. Those guys are sitting in meetings all fucking day and have to talk to braindead boomer clients. That shit is actually soul-destroying.

>> No.57759549

his wife probably goes to work all day while he sits at home jacking off and then not fucking or having bad sex a couple times a week

>> No.57759567
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I open webex for our daily 15min standup meeting (camera off, of course). I'm on east coast but they're on west coast, so it's 12:30-12:45 PM for me. Can just sleep in however long I want.

And then LITERALLY fuck off for the rest of the day. Go do errands, gym, play vidya, whatever the fuck I want.

I moved out of California years ago and they're still paying me Cali money lol. $160k/year + benefits for doing almost fucking nothing. I'm the only one who knows the system and I can make everything sound extremely complex and time-consuming when really all I do is SSH in and restart Apache once in a while.

On top of that I WFH for another company in the crypto space for an extra ~$75/year, and got to the point where I barely do anything for them, either.

It is truly hilarious how much filthy money I rake in doing almost nothing. It can't last forever, I know that, but I have so much saved up now that I could coast for decades easily.

Some of the staff actually still work in an office. Goddamn, I am so glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore.

>> No.57759617

the way he looks back
Wonder who is filming tho
>MIGHT be a tranny

>> No.57759620


I'm working from home for 5 years now almost and i barely do anything. My company some times ask me things that can be done in a hour or two but i take a week to deliver.

My bosses are not technical people(the company does cartoons) so they think coding is a complex magic of some sort.

Most of the time i spent shitposting here or watching cocomelon with my 18 months daughter.

Oh and i make 4 times what i used to working in my previous company.

>> No.57759638

Are you Jewish?

>> No.57759649

Being early to a company and having built systems only you understand is such a good move.

Devs from my previous gig still message me all the time asking for help lol. Founders still love me because i've built everything and give me easy consulting gigs on their other ventures.

>> No.57759677

>I was actually doing work.
This is where you fucked up. If you spend your time just appearing busy but doing nothing, management needs to confer with each other to figure out that you're useless. To do this, one of them needs to admit failure in managing you to their peers, or worse their boss.

>> No.57759680

Do you like Niggers? (Black people?

>> No.57759725

You are fucken odd bro

>> No.57759777

no! hispanic actually.

I used to work to this very bad company that paid like shit but i built connections with people there. One of them got a really good job after more of a decade of wageslaving and set me up in my current company.

At first there was a lot of things to do(nothing complex just a lot of things) but since then my job consists of waiting for them to ask me new tools,fix bugs or extend current tools.

Thing is,since they use the same pipeline for everything, things are stable. Working from home help me hide the fact there is no reason to keep me fulltime anymore.

>> No.57759800

meant to reply to >>57759638

>> No.57759808

I have taken countless 3-4 hour lunch breaks over the past few years.

I probably do 2-3 hours real work on average

Morning surge on caffeine high
midday email check
Afternoon surge to respond 'the same day' or before the database is locked before overnight update

>> No.57759838

yeah pretty much

>> No.57759845

actually insightful post bro, i have stem degree but no skills i have no idea what i should do, if i was a woman id be hired immediatelly im sure but ... as a white man
what would you advice me?

>> No.57759896

You needed to dig out your coder nest in a middle-sized corporation before the coof.

>> No.57759897

Saar, I...
Lo siento. Checked

>> No.57759930

I don't think the sex is bad, I'm pretty in shape and I make her laugh.

>> No.57760160 [DELETED] 

>latinx striver
Says it all really, I knew you were either a migrant or super poor. Without the droning cacophony of the sound of others your widdo latinx brain would stop working (as hard as it already has to kek) and call you to the open, fat encrusted arms of the "prefteegious jawb where i be travullin all ova."
There is very little difference between you and a negress who wears overly large glasses with an AfriAm PhD who tells others to call her a doctor. You grew up a poor, low IQ subhuman and will always be one. You probably view the concept of working at your 80k trashy job as "conquering your environment" kekkkk. Keep sucking down those onions malt beers with the vegetable grease barbecue fatso, you are totally like Alaric sacking Rome. Or to use an example more familiar to you, Cortes conquering the brown goblin Oaxacan whom you are faced with every time you look into the mirror.

>> No.57760341

I mean, yeah WFH can be pretty easy depending on the context.

I just got an IT job at a major insurance company and I'm not even monitored by my direct superior manager, I mostly talk with people from my squad at the daily meetings and the guy who assign tasks and mentors me is a senior analyst who takes the role of scrum master/product owner. But 95% of the time there's no pressure to deliver, so you go as you please and reports your progress saying whatever shit at the meetings. The HR, who has the power to fire you, has no idea how are you doing in the company and then it always stays pretty much the same.

The tide certainly changes if you are working for a small startup specialized in the IT area. Sure you still will have the standard WFH flexibility, but you will actually have to work since you are supposed to take an important role inside the company and even the CEO will be aware of your actions by constant monitoring through the days, plus all the people know what the work is about. It's not a pleasant experience, you feel that you are always urged to deliver and people will demand actual results all the time.

Now all of these advantages don't come with drawbacks. Your social life will be inexistent, you don't build a meaningful link with your coworkers (no matter how cool they are), you will have to hunt new people somehow to build your own social networks, it won't come naturally like school, university or workplace. You end your working week only to face an empty weekend with nothing meaningful to do, week after week. I am still struggling with this and it is visibly taking a toll on my mental health, some advice from fellow WFH /biz/raelis would be much appreciated.

>> No.57760345

Degrees don't really matter. I'm a yuro high school drop out and still made it to Silicon Valley. No one ever asked me about my degree in an interview. Ever. Never pretended i have one either.

It's all industry experience and, if lacking that, personal projects or made up experience.
People online will tell you to just grind leetcode and that might work for some of them, but i never did that. Both of my gigs i got due to having published stuff myself that was interesting and showed beyond doubt that i can get stuff done.

Before the lead eng gig i had published multiple apps by myself. Nothing successful or particularly interesting, but still, complete, published, feature-complete apps.

And for the data scientist gig i did a bunch of open source work that got lots of attention on Twitter and Hackernews etc. Obviously a chunk of luck involved there as well i'm not gonna pretend like that's an easily repeatable pattern. But you basically gotta build this image of "achievement" around yourself. No matter how exagerrated it actually is.

>> No.57760349

are you the retard who missed out on ez rlc gains

>> No.57760388

no but i'm still here on fucking biz despite making 200k
not a difficult guess that i didn't exactly nail my investments

>> No.57760413

> believing the larp in ops screenshot
Either the op that wrote that is lying or they work for a company that will file bankruptcy in the next few followed by layoffs. No company just lets their workers do nothing from home these days. The pandemic got management wise to all the tactics.

>> No.57760528

>Your social life will be inexistent, you don't build a meaningful link with your coworkers (no matter how cool they are), you will have to hunt new people somehow to build your own social networks, it won't come naturally like school, university or workplace. You end your working week only to face an empty weekend with nothing meaningful to do, week after week.
That has nothing to do with WFH and everything to do with your own life choices, though. I love weekends and they're almost all filled with fun things to do with friends (all made outside of work), my family, and my wife.

>> No.57760589

not everyone wants to be a codenigger, seemed like you had stuff to say about other jobs too but guess not

>> No.57760654

>or workplace.
huh you dont just work with old people and women all the time? i never had socials from work

>> No.57760713
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>mfw I heard "we'll have offshore employees slowly transition back to the office" on a call

>> No.57760843

>i want to be poor


>> No.57760854

Best option is hybrid. 1-2 in office to network, socialize, etc and then wfh a majority of the week. You don’t even need to spend the whole day on those days.

The time you save from commuting is amazing. I’ve learned German, worked out & have been able to read books on my list in that time instead of sitting in my car for hours or bullshitting with others who won’t care if I quit tomorrow. I make time for my genuine friends and family and that’s what really matters in the end.

>> No.57760932

I don't know, I'm a guy who made most of the friends during school and university, and my first job was a WFH right away because of the pandemic. I have a feeling that the workplace would be a natural evolution from university. As I grew older and moved up with my life, I barely talk with people who I used to see everyday and now I have no idea what places I have to attend to meet new friends.

I guess it depends on the company, there are companies with a lot of young people like me (Im 24) and others, generally big and old companies (my case), have more people in their 30s and 40s who already built families. But I guess that one standard friday's happy hour with the coworkers happens in most companies no matter the age gap.

>> No.57761012

not everyone is a codenigger. its nothing personal but i hate coding, i dont know if theres something i like in IT but i wouldnt know, i know basic coding and i think its pretty gay, on the other hand probably AI can code, i know literal women who are like you who have no real degree and have IT jobs now and they literally use AI to do it lol its ridiculous

>> No.57761029

>Go to events with friends.
>Get invited to expensive dinners that are paid for.
>Meet lots of women, fuck them occasionally. >See the world.
>Have prestige among my peers.
>No existential dread.
this nigga is posting through time from 1985

>> No.57761065


High school dropout? How good are your stats skills, can you even derive bayes law on the spot?

For other IT roles yeah, I can see that working out but if you actually need to use some math (specially some stats considering you're in a DS gig) I don't think that will work out well. But more power to you anyway.

>> No.57761104

Hybrid is cuck tier. Wouldn’t ever choose to socialize with boomers, dress up, commute and put on a fake smile to whatever bullshit politically correct speak they come up with. At least in meetings for my company it’s almost all completely on topic, then I’m back to whatever I want to do.

Best option is fully remote while you frequent a hobby with other people 2-3 times a week. For me it’s tennis and I’ve gotten regular gfs from that alone.

>> No.57761168

>wfh some days, random BJs from my homemaker wife when kid is napping
>when in office lunch is catered, im alone in my office all day with no one bothering me
>work on personal projects about 20% of time
>work on work about 50% of time
>shitpost/watch YT vids the other time
>small, conservative software company with no deliverables and very steady income
>”great job, here’s a 25% raise because the economy is insane”
>”thanks, yeah that Biden is something else”
>side project is producing cash flow now
>prospects for management position in the next year or two
ez pz

>> No.57761623

don't you guys like sitting in traffic? you get to drive your CAR!

>> No.57761724

you know, it's possible to WFH and NEET during the day essentially, but also have a social life outside work. that's ACTUALLY the best of both worlds

>> No.57762149

a version of the sunk cost fallacy

>> No.57762576

I have a WFH BD job paying $100k (living in midwest). I don't work. There is no oversight. My boss is an old boomer lady that doesn't bother me. Never going back in the wagie cage. If they downsize me I'll debtmaxx and go on welfare. My Asian wife loves rimming my asshole.

>> No.57762796

He came that fast ? That’s actually sickening holy shit imagine seeing that
Which city is it ? London ?

>> No.57763031

I've been WFH since 2015 other than like 7 months in an office at one point.

Im an Adobe After Effects guy so i constantly have to put out actual animated videos.

Maybe you guys can help me here. I've been freelancing this whole time and this past year finally cleared six figs, 108k. My expenses are obviously higher since im self employed, but since I have multiple stable clients i can truly fuck off at any time and say I'm "booked" by someone else. I also take around 2 months total off each year. Thats' the big ticket item. But I do have to work on an hourly basis (yes I pad them) and if I'm not actively working on a project I'm not making money.

I see WFH jobs that I qualify for listed with salaries sometimes up to 150k+. I think, boy that would be cushy and I'd get paid even when they don't necessarily have something for me to be doing. BUT they all have limits on the days you can take off. Like two paid weeks a year then 10 holidays? the fuck is that? Idk if I can take unpaid time off.

I've been applying to them for fun and don't want to throw away something good. But it's not like a web based job which is largely maintenance. Design might be too productive. At least hourly I can just bill 3-4 hours for a 30min task.

Can anyone attest to a similar WFH salary position vs. freelance? I really like my fuck off time.

>> No.57763107

the key here is to never make your work your social life, unless you have a dope job youre passionate about with similar workers.

I WFH and get to fuck off with my friends all the time. Normie corporate coworkers are fucking wack, always. The only time your coworkers are cool is when you work service/retail poor jobs at like 17/18. Never again. Get a hobby.

>> No.57763243

Probably Preston, UK

>> No.57763344
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I actually work my ass off from home. It is the only place I can concentrate in so I have to make up for the two days I waste in the office.
Says the incel who can only socialize at the office.
Yep, office is hell. I have to show up twice a week, commute is 1h40m each way on average.
I kneel NEET king. I used to be one for almost a decade, but I now have to be a wagie for a while.
Hybrid is shit. I socialize just fine in my private life. If YOU want to go to the office, go ahead. The problem is when there's a critical mass of you normalfag cunts, you (yes you, passively or actively) pressure and force other people to show up as well. The moment I find a remote job is the moment I give a two weeks notice. I won't even mind if I get a 30% pay cut.

>> No.57763362

>go to events with friends
coworkers will never be "friends", they will only talk about work outside of work and the only events they will go to are a bar.

>> No.57763406

>Asian wife
The most important ingredient for a happy life. Sound like the strawman won, anon.

>> No.57763428

This retard is so blind to the fact that he’s the fat that will be trimmed in the very near future. Zero awareness

>> No.57763881

>Try going to the office 5 days
>Not so bad because the office is empty and quiet.
>Constantly bottlenecked by work from homos
I like jerking off on company time too, but can you please try to do the bare minimum?

>> No.57763891

Nah, that's very far from what todays DSs actually do.
You're thinking of research roles, not applied AI.

I do some research-y stuff within the bounds of my projects as well, but modern AI is all about keeping up with the open source shizos on X, having an intuitive understanding of what kind of datasets work for what kind of models, and being able to train big models with only little initial data.
I'm almost exclusively training LLMs, 7b parameters and upwards. Training runs are expensive and time consuming, so you need to have a clear vision on what works and take into account papers from like 2 weeks ago.

Statistics are hardly relevant at all besides some shared evaluation metrics. The most sought after talent is all esoteric autists that try to build god.

>> No.57764053

Work from home jobs are almost impossible to get. I work a 60k WFH job but has offers for in-person 100k that I didn’t take because WFH is that much better

>> No.57764090

>Well maybe your Asian wife will watch the Mario movie with you.
Hang on.. that doesn't sound so bad?

>> No.57764186

She should be giving a blowjob in her off days. You need to train her

>> No.57764281
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what the FUCK was that webm?

>> No.57764290

>t. normie

>> No.57764334

you couldve left off that 2nd paragraph desu, the first is fine because thats clearly what you enjoy doing, but the 2nd makes you sound unbelievably bitter. do better anon

for what its worth i dont wfh and enjoy going out fairly often

>> No.57764377

>Get a hobby
well I got plenty, I just don't know where I can socialize with people who got the same hobbies of mine...

>> No.57764495

I trade shitcoins for a living day trading.

Yes it is that easy.

>> No.57764856

>Describing in detail how empty your life is.
>Being proud of it

Please stay away from the rest of us.

>> No.57764871

>t.smelly anti social Jew hating lunatic

>> No.57764895

WFH is great as long as your hobbies/social life does not revolve around your job. You would be surprised to know how sadly common that is.

>> No.57764988

Yeah, I was WFH fully March 2020-May 2022. It was great at first but then started to get very monotonous and every day just blended together. I had a lot of anxiety and dread when it was announced we'd have to do 2 days a week in the office, but it's a perfect balance. I met some cool dudes that started during the pandemic that I had never met. We all sit together and just bullshit all day. I always thought I didn't need social interaction as I'm a typical introvert, but it's pretty obvious how that social interaction basically benefits everyone. I don't have many friends(my best friend moved to another state) so it's nice talking to people other than my wife. We go out sometimes after work. Next week we are gonna do hot pot. Should be fun.

>> No.57765030

Most people don't though. Socialization has basically been destroyed. Even normies barely have friends these days(men mainly). Not even memeing if it wasn't for work I'd be able to legitimately go months without talking to anyone. This is the unfortunate reality for us zoomers

>> No.57765062

>Yep, office is hell. I have to show up twice a week, commute is 1h40m each way on average

Dude you gotta get a new job! Holy shit, no wonder you hate going in. My commute is 12 minutes with traffic. I go in at 7AM and leave at 3PM to avoid traffic. When I WFH I sleep til 8 and sign off at 4PM

>> No.57765072

i would make the same sacrifice honestly, time and health are so much more valuable

>> No.57765118

>Well maybe your Asian wife will watch the Mario movie with you
you threw the copypasta away there, the straw man literally beat you

>> No.57765126

Ah well most people have hour commutes. I wouldn't mind going to the office if I had a short commute. The only thing I hate about the office is not having my own bathroom like at home. I avoid coffee in the office cause I find shitting in a public bathroom disgusting. I hold it in until I get home. I don't understand how people sit on those nasty toilets shitting with someone in the stall next to them. Fucking gross. If I had a 12 minute commute I would go home at lunch to shit.

>> No.57765168

>The key to WFH is that you are actually amazing at your job and don't need 40 hours a week to do it.
this is the truth

I WFH for the last 4 years, have to go back in Monday; I maybe put 2 hours a day on average, some days it was nothing at all, other days I worked 60 hours weeks depending on the project

retarded C suite kikes think you can't waste just as much time as work

>> No.57765367

Anyone over employed here? My first job is easy AF and tempted to get a second but wondering how hard it is.

>> No.57765477
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Thought about it, but imo you're better off channeling that into starting your own business

>> No.57765512

I go to the bathroom stall to drink vodka before meetings.

>> No.57765513

Wonder if we work for the same company. They doing lots of jeet offshoring?

Anyway don't look to work for socializing just go out after.
What coins you have btw? I'm in kaspa mostly.

>> No.57765762

I would like to have some sort of hybridization but I am an industrial/mfg engineer so I kinda have to show up. In the right situation it isn't so bad:

>my coworkers are S++ based tier
>the work is interesting and challenging
>most weeks i fuckoff after 40 hours
>i dont work the entire time, maybe 6 out of 8 hours
>i learn a shitton about stuff

The only problem is that wfh is primarily coding only. I could do data stuff or programming, but I don't love it that much. I always saw coding as a means to achieve a result, never a primary job. I also hate the faggy ass coder culture, whereas real engineering still has good cultures. Are there hybrid manufacturing engineering jobs where I could wfh 1-3 days a week?

>> No.57766009

Nah, fuck that shit.

I'm never going back to playing dress up and commuting.

I'm also far more productive at home because I don't have constant interruptions.

>> No.57766365

Engineering is fine, the problem with industrial is the dumbasses on the assembly line (literal felons and drug addicts) and the mgr's who bitch when the line goes down for more than 1s during work hours. Also the unions can go fuck themselves.

>> No.57767080

do you code

>> No.57767094
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I'm "working" from home right now lol

>> No.57767470
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im wfh for the government, i make 75k as a data analyst, im an 'asset' that is lent out to the unit when they need or want to conduct research. Fortunately, everyone is incredibly busy with other tasks and have little to no time with research so I have like only 1 or 2 projects going on where I write very basic data cleaning scripts in R. some days i literally will send only two teams messages, otherwise the laptop is closed.
I will hover around my room to be able to respond to emails or pings when they are sent. Otherwise they also gave me a work phone so I can take that and get teams messages and emails that way as well, allowing me to go to to the gym. Occasionally during the 3 years I've been doing this, I will actually need to do work for some projects that require implementing a more complicated statistical process like bootstrapping/randomization distributions of beta coeffecients in regression models, but those have been rare.
I'm young so while I appreciate the free time to actually be a gooning degenerate, I want to get promoted or internally job hop to earn more money so I can acquire more crypto. But I am afraid I have lost all of my work ethic and might lose my comfy leisure. my favorite coins or btc, eth, ltc, link, and RUNE. I also enjoy dating asian women and they seem to enjoy showing me off a "high status" white boy to their other female friends.

>> No.57767532
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It comes and goes. If there's a big project push then your ass belongs to the company including weekends and god help you if you need to fly somewhere to monkey dance for a customer, but most of the time it's zero to two hours of actual work and then I go ride motorcycles or watch anime or go swimming in summer. Total Permanent Victory mode occurs when you get a job without daily standups so you can keep your own hours for even the limited work you're actually doing.

>> No.57767880

I do solo gamedev when I am meant to be working. OP is based.

>> No.57768157

holy shit this is the best thing I've read this year

>> No.57768204

>4Chud Anon: haha i literally do nothing now that i WFH!, maybe 15 minutes of work per week at most checking emails
>BREAKING NEWS: All workers expected to be back in the officer by next year!

>> No.57768220

Hybrid is basically cope for companies with heavy commercial real estate bags.

>> No.57768348

based as fuck anon
fuck off Sandeep

>> No.57768370
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i cant believe you actually think im going to read any of that bullshit are you retarded or something

>> No.57768579
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>4Chud Anon: haha i literally do nothing now that i WFH!, maybe 15 minutes of work per week at most checking emails

>> No.57768676

found the woman

>> No.57768707

Kek is this the new neet meme? Cause this makes wagie seethe way more. The only grace wagie ever had was getting paid, but a wfh is killing that too.
Fucking normie. How didn’t you kill yourself during covid?
>not going to make 500 cars magically disappear
lol I seen the same thing in every lane. In airport forexample, why don’t retard understand that it doesn’t really matter when you get on airplane? I just sit until the line is almost done and then I walk in kek
Kek you said all that cope, but wfh can buy a house too.
>asian wife

>> No.57768750

>watch how two literal chads became incels without hair

>> No.57769351
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Is it too late for me to become a WFH chad?

>> No.57769382

Did you really just brag about all of this nonsense? You are comparing yourself to literally the worst of the worst and taking pride it. The same way an Indian is proud to be a poop stained menace instead of a nigger.

>> No.57769506
File: 305 KB, 2048x2048, 135492019_1977440835728907_2293179030955071993_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture
i started WFH a few months ago making 2x what ive made in the last 20 yrs. went to the office christmas party to make HR happy and ended up bullied into twerking jingle bells out of a tissue box tied to my ass in front of 100 roasties. never again.

cant complain, sleep half my day, offload menial tasks to outsourced contractors, send complex tasks to my seniors, people outside my department praise me for "my" productivity on the daily. don't do much besides send a dozen or two single-line emails each day lmao. shits so cash.