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File: 27 KB, 300x300, taxationistheft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5779817 No.5779817 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong
you can't

>> No.5779948

That's just a sementic issue, yes taxation is theft but it doesn't make it bad.

>> No.5780009

> Theft
Removes monitary value from you for no gain.
> Taxation
Exchanges monitary value from you for infrastructure (roads, police, military, etc)

Now fuck off with your anarchy ass

>> No.5780126


Condition of roads are shit.
Education is shit.
Basically everything is shit.

This has been the worst trade and it's people like you that believe it's not.


>> No.5780139

i cannot

fuck the (((tax collection agency)))

>> No.5780184

>Exchanges monitary value from you for infrastructure
the exchange was involuntary and backed up with threat of violence. it's theft.

>> No.5780263


>muh infrastructure

the warcry of the common taxcuck

>> No.5780278

how could you be low iq enough to say something like this? how could you possibly know what standard is reasonable to expect for roads, education and other public services relative to the amount of money allocated to it? how can people this ignorant give their opinions so confidently? it's just mindblowing to me

>> No.5780331

it literally doesn't matter to normal people though. they realize that the services provided through taxation are not only entirely necessary, but also entirely impossible WITHOUT taxation. no one gives a shit if some neckbeartarian consents to it or not, normal people are just trying to keep society running while you're larping online

>> No.5780352
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You rely on the things the taxes pay for to live. You clearly have the selfish mindset of a nignog and should go to live in Somalia with the rest of your kind.

>> No.5780356

Fuck off to an island somewhere and make your own society without taxes then .

Oh wait, you're just a free loading cuck that enjoys roads and police but doesn't want to contribute towards them.

No one would give 2 shits if you just fuck off and live in the wilderness.

You won't though because you're a pussy and you don't want to give up modern comforts that exist thanks to taxes.

>> No.5780371

He'd rather have to pay each time he uses a road, which will be of the absolute lowest quality that the market will bear

>> No.5780391

Move to the Bahamas then, idiots.

>> No.5780402

It's moral absolutism - stealing is stealing is stealing and it doesn't matter how little the personal cost is to you or how great the benefit is to society at large. It's myopic as fuck.

>> No.5780457
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You have been under the protection of the social contract for three months before you were born. It's automatic opt-in because you lacked the capacity at the time to decide whether the protection of society in exchange for taxes in 18.25 years was a good deal.

If you don't like the social contract, leave it, there are plenty of options to do so. Unless you're poor, in which case you benefit from taxation.

>> No.5780501

>modern comforts that exist thanks to taxes.
the mind of a cuck, fascinating

>> No.5780502
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thats why XMR exist my friend

>> No.5780547

who is building the road before anyone can use it, and with what money

who is paying for people with legitimate disabilities

who is paying for the police, ambulances, fire fighters, etc

>> No.5780558


>> No.5780587

Technically, aren't you the bigger cuck? You're the one who doesn't want to be taxed but still are. No one else even minds it. Generally, the cuck is humiliated and feels powerless to stop what is happening to him

>> No.5780594


you fucking retards my country taxes me at about 70% or more if you count everything (income tax, VAT, social security, etc. etc.).
Then you get taxed on capital gains and if you draw a pension you pay taxes on that too. Mean while the roads are falling apart, the schools have no money, the social system is falling apart and the government is importing millions of shitskins to give them free handouts.
And worst of all you pay more taxes the more you earn. So youre literally disincentivized to make any money in this shithole. Tax rate is literally second highest in the EU, government is raking in record amounts of taxes and meanwhile the average wealth per household is lower than in some developing shithoules.

Now I would happily pay a flat tax of a reasonable amount that doesnt just get wasted on shitksins and paying off interest on sovereign debt. But whats happening right now is theft of the highest order. So KYS and dont give me that shit off "muh infrastructure, muh fair share"

>> No.5780603
File: 25 KB, 720x480, Please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shout out to all brainlet who think tax is for the good off the many lel dont forget to give your privacy away too

>> No.5780614

who is paying so muslims can keep breeding?

>> No.5780615


That's why you make powerful friends at the IRS and they turn a blind eye when you cash out.


>> No.5780637

>Exchanges monitary value from you for infrastructure (roads, police, military, etc)
I would honestly have no problem with taxes is that's only what they were actually used for.

>> No.5780653

and? have you discovered anything new? maybe you know how to fix it?

>> No.5780671

Sounds to me like you have good reason to gripe. Americans, on the other hand, not so much

>> No.5780725

you have to pay for black people and aids cuz you are a racist white male. dem reparations.

>> No.5780728

the thief spends the money he robbed on things that dont affect you. Taxes are spent on things that do, like the military protecting your ass from full on invasion. There, big difference.

>> No.5780735

>Now I would happily pay a flat tax of a reasonable amount that doesnt just get wasted on shitksins and paying off interest on sovereign debt. But whats happening right now is theft of the highest order. So KYS and dont give me that shit off "muh infrastructure, muh fair share"

this is a completely fair point, but you can't use "taxation = theft" as a principle here, because it'd apply just as much to a reasonable tax rate. it's not a matter of principle, it's a matter of pragmatism.

(((the jews))) xD

>> No.5780836


Well without government Muslims would turn Europe into goat breeding land at this point, so there's that.

>> No.5780850

You choose to live in a nation where taxation is the law. You are independent and not underage, no one is stopping you from leaving. If you truly believe you are being robbed then you should go off the grid and start an anarchy community (or live on your own). As an abled body man, you should not use what our taxes has to offer without putting in work.
It’s your consent of staying that makes it not robbery. Not paying taxes and using our resources is you theiving the people.

>> No.5780855
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what if the thief pays his taxes with the money he stole from you

>> No.5780896

Taxation is slavery

>> No.5780910

nobody actually collects tax... they just depend on you to voluntarily pay it.

>> No.5780934

>this is a completely fair point, but you can't use "taxation = theft" as a principle here, because it'd apply just as much to a reasonable tax rate. it's not a matter of principle, it's a matter of pragmatism.

no it would still be theft but I could live with it
in an ideal world the state wouldnt have to collect any taxes at all. it could finance itself by exploting natural resources, running postal and train services and providing basic utilities and infrastructure to its citizens. there is no need to tax anyone at all. most of the amount of taxes is wasted on bullshit, mismanagement, government corruption and sucked up by cronies who have the politicans in their pocket.

taxation is theft and destroys wealth. but I would be ok with a tolerable amount (say 10-15%) if it means I can live in a stable and healthy society. thats only out of pragmatism and for a lack of options really, not because I agree that taxation isnt theft.

>> No.5781010


>just leave your friends, family, culture and your roots all behind to get exploited by some other country. its no big deal.

you taxcucks make me sick. you are nasty, awful people and if you ever became productive members of society who actually make money you would start hating taxes too.

>> No.5781059


What makes it bad is that taxes barely benefit the tax payer anymore. It is theft when you're being forced to pay for something abused by a fully corrupted system.

If my taxes went to:
>Anti-litter/graffiti/Community Beautification
>Legitimate anti-drug trafficking etc.

Instead of
>Corrupt politicians that sell out Americans for a living
>Needless wars that benefit solely the military industrial complex and endanger the national security of the nation
>Welfare designed to keep people on welfare instead of helping them achieve a stable job
>Indoctrination of the masses and the like

Then I'd be glad to pay my taxes. Hell, I'd be honored. But the U.S. would have to look more like Japan and less like a 3rd world shit hole for that to happen.

>> No.5781161

the US has arguably the shittiest infrastructure of any 1st world country.
them taxes ain't helping much apparently

>> No.5781192

If I break into your house and steal 1000 dollars, but leave a shitty 10 year old phone on your desk as compensation, I didn't steal?

>> No.5781204

If I put a gun to your head, grab 50 bucks off your wallet but give you 3.5 back you got something out of it so it's not theft and you should be thankful. Gotcha

>> No.5781215

Compelling argument, I agree with you.

>> No.5781277

Yes, choices have consequences. It’s up to you to live in the state. And as I said, LIVE OFF THE GRID. It’s no coincidence you have to live like a caveman to not get taxed. Also “cuck” is not an argument.

>> No.5781283

>United States founded because some rogue alphas dont want to pay taxes
>their numale cuck descendants defend taxation because "muh infrastructure"

If youre american and argue in favor of taxes you might as well kill yourself right now. your forefathers are looking down on you in shame

>> No.5781296


not even suckin anons dick here, but can anyone argue against this here? I have nothing to counter it with. My normie ass always goes to "well, I'm pathetic for not wanting to pay tax cuz roads cuz cops cuz stuff"

>> No.5781338


>lol just give up on your career and live in a cave or leave the country

you are really despicable anon
do you blame women for getting raped because they were born in the wrong country as well?

>> No.5781426
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>what our taxes has to offer without putting in work.


Please tell me what it's like to live in a major city. You idiots have no idea how little tax money is going where it is needed. I live in fucking Philadelphia. I went to private school, because the state of our public education system is so fucking horrible. Our streets are filled with potholes, our public transport is outdated, literally everything in this city that taxes SHOULD be paying for, are not. I repeat, if my taxes were going to a good cause, I'd be honored, HONORED, to pay them. You're either blind and stupid, and deserve to be robbed blind and stupid if you can't see the current state of taxation in this country for what it is. I never voted for trillions of dollars in war. I never agreed to pay hundreds of thousands over the years for social security in a system that is no longer sustainable. Taxation without representation IS theft, and that's WHY this country was fucking founded in the first place. The allocation of taxes no longer represent the interests of 90% of Americans if you care about
>Community (low crime, good policing, fewer need for mass incarceration)
>ACTUAL peace keeping (not fucking war in the name of peace)
>Socioeconomic improvement (Welfare is designed to keep people on welfare, not out of it)
>Social security that is sustainable and reasonable

Tell me one goddamn thing my money has done for the people. Me, or my neighbors. Tell me one fucking thing anon, I dare you.

>> No.5781441


>> No.5781497

Government is necessary for certain things... gov is not necessary for roads. Private sector does everything better than gov. Show me one example contrary and I'll suck your dads dick

>> No.5781555

As I said, actions have consequences. Your ad hominems are not an argument. And no, that’s different.

>> No.5781598

Why should i pay much more than the common person? Why isnt it flat? Do i have special rights on these infrastructures over other retards that pay 1/1000 of what i pay because they are too braindamaged to know how to make and manage money?

Im not even making money off the community, im sure at least 90% of my money comes abroad, so why should i HAVE to contribute in a much deeper level than the average joe? Why do i HAVE to give away my money regardless if i agreeor not with how the spend it? You fucktards really think the majority of the money goes to building roads and shit? Most of it is lobbied and goes to invest in shit that I DO NOT AGREE WITH like refugee cities and just straight up handouts to fucking faggots what wanna sit on their ass and smoke/drink all day.

Fuck off cunt, taxation is mostly theft

>> No.5781600

Go to switzerland... I'm here right now on vacation (I'm half Swiss). I don't like how we get taxes, but I can promise you all ifrastructure is better.

You're argument is shit. And I wonder how you can respond so confidently about something you clearly can't know (ie who on this board knows what good infrastructure looks like)

Useless eater, you are

>> No.5781635


unironically becoming more and more of an anarchist as time goes on and read threads like this.

>> No.5781639

Name one thing gov provides, that private sector does not have an equivalent for. Police and courts are the only things I can think of

>> No.5781690

Have you ever been on a toll road? They're always nicer. Do you really believe the opposite?

>> No.5781701

You have strafed away from the original topic which was “Taxation is theft” in which I argued it is not. You said “Taxation without representation is theft” which is very different. You just wrote a wall of trying to win an argument that was never made. Congrats

>> No.5781776

nope, since there was no contract formed for an exchange.

You decide to pay taxes when you decide to become a citizen of a country, so if you don't want to pay any taxes -> leave the country. You always can renounce your citizenship.

Simple as that.

>> No.5781788

In that case, it's really easy then. If something is taken from you without your consent, that's theft. Thanks, come again.

>> No.5781806

Then move.
Go to a place without tax and see how that country is functioning.

>> No.5781814

This, taxfags, is the logical conclusion of your cuckery. People who seek power aren't looking out for you, this is a simple fact of history. Stop thinking the government wants to help you (they're good at bombing children and fucking over other countries). You think they give a damn about your fat ass?

>> No.5781852


None of us in america decided to be BORN in the fucking first place. So just because we were born here = taxes are peachy, stop acting like it's ok to not pay tax? What a weak ass argument. You were born on land that irrationally taxes you, so fucking pay tax or leave.

>> No.5781899

Some times it is bad. I just won a phone in a giveaway. Sounds good but I'm going to have to pay taxes on the phone to where it is only worth two thirds of the phone. So I have to sell it if I don't want to lose money. The government takes a cut of everything. It has gotten to a point where prizes have become burdens. Won a company vacation in a random drawing? You have to pay taxes on it even if you never end up going on the trip. You just lost money.

>> No.5781929
File: 133 KB, 951x451, mises said.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5781934

the government doesnt like the mafia because its their competition.
Better way to state this argument whats the difference between the mafia and the government

>> No.5782038

>using a retarded /biz/ meme in an actual argument.

Is that a self portrait?

>> No.5782042

You are assuming that most everyone on /biz/ is American but at least half are not

>> No.5782043

Yes and you where probably born in a hospital payed by taxes, used a roads to travel to the school who where payed by taxes etc.

And again you can leave the country on your own discretion every time and stop paying taxes. Its like someone puts a gun to your head and forces you to live in this country you hate so much.

>> No.5782087

But if you do not pay it they will send armed police to your door to arrest you in your own house

>> No.5782110


how come every single person arguing to leave a country if you don't like it's tax, sounds just like cucks? every single time. WELL IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT I LET MY GIRLFRIEND FUCK OTHER PEOPLE YOU CAN LEAVE RIGHT NOW BUDDY LOLOL

>> No.5782149

>actions have consequences

you mean like being born in the wrong country?
just eat a dick you cunt

>> No.5782184

You fucking retard.

I love this country. I'm not fucking leaving. You're literally that character from south park "well you can git out" only then regressive left version.

This is discourse you dumb fuck. Telling someone to leave, is the societal version of saying "shut up". You should feel ashamed of your week ass

>> No.5782220


>> No.5782239

Taxation is legal therefore not theft. If you don’t want to get taxed, leave. Thanks, come again.

>> No.5782285

Cops don’t collect taxes dumb fuck

>> No.5782312

When the fuck did all these cucks come to this board? I thought crypto was about fighting subjugation. This is sickening.

I bet every taxfag in here only showed up a couple of months ago

>> No.5782371


I'm literally disgusted by the state of this board. I smell the stench of Reddit refugees

>> No.5782437
File: 143 KB, 600x600, dd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google flat rate countries.
>Look at results.
>It's all mudslime and bongo bonga countries

>makes you think.jpg

Maybe you should consider moving.

>> No.5782439
File: 462 KB, 449x537, 044[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it is absolutely revolting, these redditfags all need to die in their sleep

>> No.5782476


>its almost as if the jews only suck dry countries that are worth exploiting

really makes you think anon

>> No.5782487
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Danmachi Gaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was posting about America

>> No.5782566

You don’t get taxed when you are born. Now that you are 18+ , you can leave. You could of gone your whole life without getting taxed. But if you believe you shouldn’t be taxed, and still want to use our resources, then you should be confined like that barbaric animal you are. You have options. Just because it isn’t pretty doesn’t mean it’s my fault. Go and start your anarchal settlement. Pioneering isn’t supposed to be easy. That’s why none of you anarchist cunts have made anything of yourselves. Only in the state. Thank goodness for our early statist pioneers who had the balls to take action, unlike you. Keep bitching

>> No.5782574

Buddy, I've been here before /biz/ was even created.

>crypto was about fighting subjugation.
That's a cute short term thought you have there, edgy teenage antifa.

>> No.5782657

>be Murica
>start a war over 3% tea taxes
>39% tax and fees on everything nowadays is totally acceptable

>> No.5782669

>It's the JEWS

Yeah probably that. Even though some of those countries have been given aid and some not even touched by first world diplomats.

>> No.5782781

I've responded to almost all of their moronic posts. Not one of them can do the same for me.

These are people who operate on "how it makes me feeeel". No thought past what has been shoved down their throats by their Keynesian Econ 101 professor.


You are the instruments of your own demise. You are happily walking off a cliff while sucking the cock of the men marching you towards said cliff.

There are those who subjugate, and there are those who are willingly subjugated; they are equally detestable.

>> No.5782783
File: 21 KB, 217x346, 41QZoxrplHL._SY346_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t get taxed when you are born

you dumb nigger my first very purchase I made in life was taxed with 16% VAT. My mom had to wipe my ass the day I was born and she paid VAT on that napkin too.

>You have options

Yes I can leave everything I have behind, my friends, family, culture. Wow what great options. Its like I put you in a cell and you can always commit suicide, so youre not really my prisoner. What are you complaining about. YOU GOT OPTIONS AFTER ALL. Thats a sick, demented and cynical way to look at things you sad fuck.

>muh anarchims

dont lump me in with those faggots you moron. Im a NatSoc by blood and as such Im against taxation of all forms. Now before you go on about "lol muh fascism was taxing people too" I suggest you edumucate yourself by reading pic related. Now go KYS or fuck off back to plebbit you utter fag.

>> No.5782799

Im never going to pay 34% taxes FROM A FUCKING CRYPTO
kys all of you who are going to pay

>> No.5782835

Are you incapable of reading subtext? I'm clearly a conservative.


If the shoe fits, faggot

>> No.5782877

You need to get the Freemasons to join in

>> No.5782897


America is FUCKED by default. Old america has been dead for decades now. Too much diversity and schizophrenic ideologies to sustain itself without civil war sooner or later on a bigger scale (already has happened with chimpouts and antifa breakdowns alone). Not only that, but the fact alone you have SO many people that hate the fucking government with a passion (ever heard of Timothy Mcveigh? will happen again), you may as well think beyond this tax argument already. There are a lot of unhappy people here that have been here all their lives that would lynch your ass for being a cockrider for the gov. You think we're dumb for bitching about tax when MOST OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY hates the government!? Tax is ONE issue. Stop pretending America isn't about to implode any day now.

>> No.5782915

>Yes I can leave everything I have behind, my friends, family, culture.
That culture is build upon this taxation.
Your prison analogy doesn't work because one choice has the freedom to leave the other doesn't. It's pretty stupid analogy please don't ever try using analogies as examples because you're not good with them.

>> No.5783027

>200k a year for every president still alive is roads police and miltary

>> No.5783044

Jesus, the failing state of our education.

This country was literally won on the pretext of resisting taxation. This culture literally wouldn't exist if people like Ben Franklin and Washington agreed with your moronicly misguided ideas

>> No.5783050

You think that theft can't be legal. How naive.

>> No.5783065

this is the same argument I make every single time this conversation comes up. I'll happily pay my taxes if they go to the right places

>> No.5783118


>culture only exists because of the gobernment

Yes Da Vinci only painted the Mona Lisa because he was funded by tax money.
Not only are you dumb as shit, youre also a terrible human being and conveniently ignore all arguments you cant counter by repeating the same tired old nonsense over and over.

>> No.5783151

These idiots can't understand morality beyond what government tells them.

I'd guess they don't have fathers, and as such, the state is the closest thing they can get to one.

>> No.5783208

Out of topic again. I am for the concept of taxation. That doesn’t mean I am blindly patriotic and think everthing is okay. You do not know my opinion of the government or America. You can only assume, which you have been doing. And you are wrong on all fronts.

>> No.5783253

I've asked this NUMEROUS times in this thread.

>can any of you cucks point to something government does better than the private sector????

>> No.5783274

OP is a faggot a probably a 20 years old who doesn't know how society works

>> No.5783292


Here, I'll answer you. NOTHING.

inb4 doctors or something

Now I'm just circlejerking here, time to hunt for more crypto

>> No.5783311

That's a real strong argument. I bet you made it all the way through high school and have read over 10 whole books in your life

>> No.5783326

>Jesus, the failing state of our education.
Meaning till this point, you fucking mongoloid faggot.

>> No.5783348

Thank you Sir. Now let's get back to making some fucking money. These peasants have clearly crawled back into the hovels from whence they came

>> No.5783361

>Has views of childish "FITE TEH POWER!" anarchy meme
> "I'm clearly a conservative."
>repeats buzzwords

>> No.5783406
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so taxation could easily be replaced with optional charity. I agree!

>> No.5783408

Lol... so you're argument is:

>he make bad grammar on 4chan board.
>he stupid
>don't write English like I do on my freshman term paper

>> No.5783539

bro shut the fuck up and pay your taxes. you don't understand the hell your life will be if you get caught. plus it's not like you're working hard for this money you're sitting on biz all day eating Cheetos and extraction money out of other retarded neets

>> No.5783545

Refute my arguments please.

I'm sorry if you don't like the language I use. It doesn't really change my ideas though

>> No.5783567

you guys are so fucking stupid you don't understand taxes serve the purpose of enabling a minimum standard and service to everyone
the funny thing is that burgers like you get already cucked by the private in the healthcare and college education while here in europe we can make those things work without ridiculous private costs
stay cucked faggots

>> No.5783627

I'm a Swiss and US citizen.

Switzerland has, arguably, the best public health care in Europe.

I'd be damned if me or any my family members ever went to a Swiss hospital when really sick if they could go to a private American one.

Trust me I've seen both. The US, has by far the best private healthcare in the world.

>> No.5783646
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>wake up
>pay 100 iota for opening eyes
>start driving
>automatically start paying 25 iota for every 100 feet driven.

>> No.5783752

>Argue against a point that was created due to misguide from the poster

It wasn't even an argument. I was just fixing on how you viewed the other post from creation instead of iteration all the way till this current year.
Seems like you keep reading things the wrong way. Come back when you're sober.

>> No.5783802

what if you don't have the minimum to pay faggot?
you just die there because the best you can afford is the ambulance?
GTFO already with your bullshit
switzerland is 20^ in the ranking and USA only 37, literally the last of the west developed countries
keep dreaming burger

>> No.5783823

Ad hominem after ad hominem. Pathetic

Could you please answer the question I've posed maybe 5 or 6 times now.

What does government do better than private sector?

>> No.5783838


OP is 100% correct, now fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.5783897

Haha 100% faggot. Did a black kid push you in kindergarten and now you hate everyone?

>> No.5784003

>switzerland is 20^ in the ranking and USA only 37, literally the last of the west developed countries keep dreaming burger

Thats like education or something you mong. I was talking about healthcare...


As for your concerns about dying people...

You do it like we do it in the states. You make it hospitals duty to stabilize people... And any care beyond that costs money.

I'm not arguing for just letting everyone die, stop putting words in my mouth.

Where are you from by the way?

>> No.5784035

I was phone posting before. I'm on laptop now, which is why my ID changed.

>> No.5784060

>who is building the road before anyone can use it, and with what money

literally who is making anything before anyone can use it, and with what money

that's solved by loaning, not taxes

>> No.5784330

>"that's like education or something"
>posts a random link with the ranking of the best healthcare by country, no murica in sight obviously, just other west countries with socialists view about healthcare

just fuck off to /pol already

>> No.5784555

As for America, re-read my post... I said PRIVATE healthcare.

I realize the public healthcare is shit. I'm talking about the private healthcare.

Ive experienced both. And if you can afford the best in the US, it is the best in the world. The way all those rankings work is that they take into account how much you pay (i.e. insurance) for the services you get.

My girlfriend was just in the hospital for a week, she has money, so she was in a nice hospital. Her room was like a hotel room, their was valet at the entrance for your car, and the doctors were the best in the world.

Meanwhile, my sister in London had to go to the hospital for something about her bladder recently and it was like being processed for jail.

Also, I'm not a /pol/tard. I come here /k/ and /x/. Shit on me for those if you like, but my politics dont come from 4chan.

>> No.5784561

Just take your shots and die of cancer already.

>> No.5784754

>Social contract

>> No.5784838

Most people's ancestors came after the Revolutionary war. They came to get rich but when they found out they were too stupid to get rich, they pushed for higher taxes

>> No.5784901

>ad hominem
how often do you hang out in reddit?
This is a place of ad hominem culture, live with it, faggot.

>What does government do better than private sector?
Private sector doesn't work in a grand scale in a functioning society. Look at 1st world countries and look at 3rd world countries with small/broken government.
There is a reason why all the first world countries are well governed and 3rd world countries are not and have private sectors (drug lords, arms dealers, slave owners) ruling over the people.

Regulation have work. Iteration have worked.
Taxes have work.

Now fuck off.

>> No.5784955

The ratio of people who understand this now vs all the 'muh roads' drones gives me high hopes for the future. All those government workers shilling the tax-justification nonsense must be aging out or dying now. /me happy

>> No.5784970

holy shit. why tf do i even bother. it's FUCKING OBVIOUS you get a better service if you pay x100 the amount you would pay with the public healthcare and the point of healthcare is getting your ass cancer removed not fucking having a nice room or not waiting 30 mins in line.
Every kind of treatment should be accessible to everyone related on their income and that's how it fucking works in europe. if you stress so much about a fucking room then you deserve to pay 1k to get your ass delivered in your fancy private hospital room

Also that's the one you were looking for

>> No.5784975

> theft
Doesn't create the need for money or markets.
> taxation
Creates the need for money and makes citizens work. Govmt can use tax policies to stimulate or even create markets it considers more important.

>> No.5785024

>This is a place of ad hominem culture, live with it, faggot.

And this isnt normally a place for serious conversations like this. Learn how how delineate between memes and reality, you autist.

Government, doesnt seem to work at all. Jesus.

You really cant show me one thing gov does better, can you?

What is it like having such intense cognitive dissonance?

>Now fuck off.

The death rattle of a losing argument.

>> No.5785077

>t's FUCKING OBVIOUS you get a better service if you pay x100 the amount you would pay

Reading comprehension, Sven, use it.

WE HAVE INSURANCE! It doesnt actually cost us 100x.

And what youre arguing for, is that because YOU cant afford it, no one should.

Thats selfish and shitty.

>> No.5785148

We have a lot of niggers to feed. The most in the 1st world. Geez

>> No.5785168
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>looking at something that the government does better than the private
>in murica

why don't you compare your private college education with the german one?

>> No.5785194

>There is a reason why all the first world countries are well governed and 3rd world countries are not and have private sectors (drug lords, arms dealers, slave owners) ruling over the people.

Also, this is retarded.

Yes, there is a point where businesses can become to powerful. Its stuff like that that we have the second amendment you cuck.

Btw, I just guessed where your from, UK.

If not that, LA, NY, SF, or any of the other crime ridden "liberal" cities in the us. Am i right?

>> No.5785277

lol, do you think any german schools are better than Harvard, MIT, Stanford, or Yale?


There you have it, Sven.

>> No.5785298

This is a bad example because US universities are ranked the best in the world and German universities... well... arent

>> No.5785315

Also, I don't know why you keep bringing up education, Ive never said anything about the matter.

But, yes, we still have the best brains in US.

>> No.5785346

i was exagerating but the point remains. you still pay a range from 4k to 14k for you fancy insurance while i pay less than 300 euros where i live
no wonder your country repelled net neutrality
stay cucked

>> No.5785371

You should stop believing everything the media in your country tells you and do some actual learning. The US is fucked up for a lot of reasons, but it is still a wonderful country.

AGAIN thats coming from a swiss national (a much nicer country than germany).

>> No.5785456

>i was exagerating but the point remains.


>you still pay a range from 4k to 14k for you fancy insurance while i pay less than 300 euros where i live

Almost no one pays 14k, thats a myth. And I'd still pay the 5k I pay a year to get better healthcare than your shitty healthcare.

>no wonder your country repelled net neutrality

Wtf does this have do with anything we're talking about?

>> No.5785569

I don't use the word, this guy used.

But we do have massive amounts welfare and poor uneducated people to fix in our country.

If you remove that factor, we rape smelly europeans in every regard.

>> No.5785620

Come to Brazil(to work and try to make a living) and then you tell me if it isn't bad. You first world people know nothing about how bad taxes are.

>> No.5785686

Its funny how only people from prosperous countries are ever happy to be taxed.

They're too comfy. They have no idea whats coming.

>> No.5785699

>shitty healthcare
i'm from germany and we are ranked better than USA for a reason and i pay less than 300 euros
enjoy getting cucked by the private

>> No.5785761

Why not just hypothetically open a company account in Hong Kong. Open a bank account with HSBC and use a debit card for the rest of your life. 10k a day limit. Of course if you are a burger then yur government will find out and anal fuck you with out the lube. Or just go beitish virgin islands and buy a shelf company and move all your assets to one of their banks. I dont know why anyone would pay tax when the rich elite dont. The whole point of having loads of money is that it makes it easier NOT harder to pay tax. Topkek

>> No.5785831



Our private healthcare is miles better than yours. Where do you think all of the medical advances come from?


Do you think we just do all that science and then don't practice it?

Fuck this is like arguing with a 12 year old.

>> No.5785835

My fiance is covered by her family universal healthcare and thats just shy of 20k a year and she is USA. In the process of getting her out of your dogshit 2nd world shithole. Cant even look after your fucking veterans. What a joke

>> No.5785907

United States, individual countries who make their own rules but governed under a federation. They have drug dealers ( big pharma companies) arms dealers (nra and gunshop owners) slave owners ( walmart and large corporations)

Yep you guys are doing so well lol

>> No.5785937

>My fiance is covered by her family universal healthcare and thats just shy of 20k a year and she is USA

That sucks. Sounds like obamacare doesnt work so well, does it?

> Cant even look after your fucking veterans.

I agree. Im disgusted by this. As I said before, we have a lot of problems caused by an evil government who has sent too many young men to stupid wars. I'm trying my best to argue for better treatment of people like that.

But, the country itself still has much promise.

>> No.5785966

Why would you pay taxes to such a corrupt and broken system, millions of dollars down the drain just for Trump's pleasure.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.5785990

>arms dealers (nra and gunshop owners)

I agree with everything else you say. Guns aren't inherently evil. If you take away the guns, our government will enslave the people. There's a reason theyre pushing for the removal of weapons

>> No.5786037


>> No.5786088

Universal healthcare only works if everyone does it. North Americans are too short sighted and greedy to understand this. However the billions spent by the private sector to convince you it doesnt kind of took the decision out of your hands.

It has so much promise. I was over in LA about to apply for a visa this year but couldnt justify it due to how poorly the country is run.

If you want to see what a good economic model looks like then Denmark or Switzerland seem to be on the mark. Even Sweden if you disregard the poo in the loo situation they have on their hands.

>> No.5786211

I 100% agree. They should be regualted for specific use. If you are a dumbass that didnt finish high school. No automatic/semi auto assault rifle for you. If you dont pass a nationwide safety check.. no gun for you. If you are not active at a gun owners club (participate in at least 4 competitions a year) and pass mental health checks and police checks.. no gun for you. Its that fucking simple

>> No.5786246

Read the thread, retard. I'm half swiss. I'm literally writing this from Gstaad.

All i've argued is that US PRIVATE healthcare is better. I can afford it, so I'd like to be able to keep my private healthcare. If you socialize everything that goes away.

Anyway, read the thread, its more complex than "Universalize everything!"

You don't have millions of illegals who hop the border and aren't held accountable for the medical care they dip out of. Thats just one issue with it.

Stop comparing countries of a few million to one of the largest in the world.

>> No.5786248

Too bad none of them accept fake internet money as payment, then you might have a chance at getting treated by them.

>> No.5786365

My Econ professor said that the universal healthcare system in Britain is retarded. He compared it to like people going to an car dealership and being able to take all the cars they want.

>> No.5786405

No, you are a cuck.

Swimming pools kill more people than ALL rifles (regardless of semi auto or not).

And almost no one in the us is allowed to have full auto.

If you're going to argue about the laws of other peoples countries, learn them first.

>> No.5786479

So if they are illegal then how are they in possession of a medicare card that proves they pay their taxes to access the universal healthcare? Oh right they dont. You are a republitard arent you?

>> No.5786706

Wtf are you even talking about?

You didn't understand my post. I'll spell it out for you.

In the US, we have a law that says that anyone who comes to a hospital must receive care. If they can't pay, it becomes debt.

Well, guess what, lots of people in our country don't care about debt. So they treat our hospitals like free health care.

THAT is why you see so many poor people in ERs all the time in the US.

Whats worse, if you're illegal, you don't even have an address to be attributed to. Wtf do we do about them?

>So if they are illegal then how are they in possession of a medicare card that proves they pay their taxes

Are you doubting that illegal people exist?

>> No.5786857

No cucks have a fetish they enjoy the humiliation just like you seem to

>> No.5786917

Most people don't decide to become the citizen of any country, you social contract faggot. Fuck you and your imaginary made up contracts.

Simple as that, dumbfuck.

>> No.5787005

I've scared them all off.

They're all intellectual and LITERAL cowards.

Don't expect a response.

>> No.5787114

No the cuck enjoys and accepts being humiliated. He's much more like you, you stupid fuck.

>> No.5787136

>you still pay a range from 4k to 14k for you fancy insurance while i pay less than 300 euros where i live

I wonder how much of yours or some rich persons income goes to that subpar healthcare?

>> No.5787257

Its mind blowing, how stupid these people are, isn't it?

The elite call them useless eaters. They'll one day happily accept being genocided.

>I didnt need my life.
>Someone else will be much happier with me out of the way
>The total happiness in the world has increased\
>Therefore, Im glad I'm a slave/in a FEMA camp

>> No.5787346

You guys are making the wrong arguments. Taxation is fuckery, true but we need to be taxed at least a little bit. I think 2% is fair, that is LOADS of money if everyone gets taxed 2% and richer ppl get taxed 3%.

Right now, taxes are outrageous. Also ... if you get taxed beat the system. Get something back faggots, i'm on food stamps. I get all this yummy food from high end grocery stores for free basically. And i refuse to get off it, until they kick me off.

ALso when i go to school i get financial aid, more free money basically if i do good. Will not get off that either until i can no longer get it. If you have a problem go be a cuck and pay more taxes faggot

>> No.5787466

This guy gets it.

Government is necessary. Anything beyond 10% MAX is butt fuckery by a mafia.

You can achieve so much with small taxes. Stop advocating your own cuckery...

>> No.5787494

>modern comforts that exist thanks to taxes
Efficiency and capitalism created modern comforts, you fucking state lover.
Just ask any cuban or ukrainian if your government is capable of creating anything other than hunger.

>> No.5787557

yea, anyone who thinks we should have 0 taxes is a moron lmao. They can go live in a shit hole, we get some services for our taxes. But most of it goes to shit-

>> No.5787564

"social contract"is the modern word for "Slavery"

>> No.5787605


The americans have woken up. Thank god. I've been arguing with these weak europeans for hours by myself.

The avg american is dumb and brain washed. The non-retard ones are FAR smarter and stronger than you fags!

>> No.5787655

Agreed. There is always an extreme, but to add to that, the way Washington and his dudes set it up was best.

Classical liberalism ftw

>> No.5787707

oh hi there burger

>> No.5787880

taxes can't build culture, you libcuck. People build culture.
At best, taxes can pay for cultural stuff that nobody wants to pay for nor watch/listen, so it's basically waste of money.

>> No.5787945

Because your government is terrible at its job doesn't make the concept wrong.

>> No.5787967

Why not make taxes an optional flat rate? If you don't pay road tax you can't get a license. If you don't pay police tax the police won't help you. If you don't pay social security you won't get social security when you're old.

>> No.5787987

Shitty leftist can't refute his argument, so he uses ad hominem and criticize his grammar. Like playing chess with a pidgeon

>> No.5788085

Still trying to mislead the discussion.
Die poor you fucking sun clapper

>> No.5788132

>Im a NatSoc by blood
lmao, kill yourself you low iq beta male larper

>> No.5788415

Police can be easily substituted by a more efficient private entity. With courts it would be more difficult, but where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.5788422

All 3rd world shitholes, like the one I live in, have gigantic government. And it has a lot of everything that you said is good(high taxes and regulation).

>> No.5788428

Notice how I keep asking them to point to something that the government does better and they continuously dodge the question.

Its like a pathology. I suspect their brains aren't even capable of registering the question because it makes them so uncomfortable.

>> No.5788490

I agree, but for the sake of the argument, I wanted to make things a bit easier for the morons to understand.

The idea of a non-state police force might make their heads explode.

>> No.5788506

Still can't name one thing that the government does better than the private, hu?

>> No.5788645


Oh I'm sorry. Did I burst your perfect little bubble?

> In terms of overall infrastructure, the U.S. ranks 25th, behind nations such as Oman and Barbados, and only one spot ahead of Qatar.


> On the last two report cards from the American Society of Civil Engineers, U.S. infrastructure scored a D+.


I guess that answers your stupid question on "HOW YA KNOW DEM EXPECTATIONS OF DEM ROADS!?".

Plus I'm a daily driver - slut.

> how can people this ignorant give their opinions so confidently?

Unlike you, my opinions are based on facts.

>> No.5788684
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Murdering people

>> No.5788690


> less traffic
> less accidents
> less stress

Actually I would. It would be only the rich that'd be able to drive. Please. For the love of science - MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

Oh. Wait. It already is happening.

>> No.5788699

see kid, with a thief, he will rob you for some crack and if you're lucky, let you live, whereas the gubment will just take a few bills out to pay to fix that bridge you need to cross over to get to grandmas house so you can mow her lawn.

>> No.5788762


> bugers, on the other hand, not so much

Mmmkay. Tell me about my awesome health care, stagnant wages, and opioid crisis.

I'd love to know how Americans in the last 50 years have prevailed.

>> No.5788779

stfu cuck, we don't agree to it. end of story
If they got taxes from ppl that agree to it , it would be fine. And there will always be good cucks like you that agree to it. I will agree to 2%, then tell them to fuck off

>> No.5788800


Help me.

>> No.5788805

>Implying the gubment isn't taking half my money and giving it to Tyrone and his kids while the bridges remain fucking terrible and the roads are shit.

>> No.5788875


> implying the gubment doesn't threaten jail time for dem court fees
> implying the gubment doesn't threaten jail time for dat tax evasion
> implying the gubment doesn't put a gun to your head

This place is for 13+. kthxbi.

>> No.5789235

That's a weak argument. Stop using it I advise, because you are unknowingly conceding to your opposition. Only by arguing on the basis of absolute principles can you win against these despicable individuals. Theft is a theft no matter what the thief does with the money.

>> No.5789447

>Get rid of tax and privatize everything
>Bosses of every single private company would end up charging more for services you use everyday than you would have paid on tax

>> No.5790237

>>Bosses of every single private company would end up charging more for services you use everyday than you would have paid on tax
I would stop using said services you moron. Do you really need someone to explain to you basic mechanics of a free market?

>> No.5790368

>Stop using multiple roads because they charge too much
>End up putting 2 extra hours on your trip and pay the difference in gas
>"hehe what r u a le moron?"

Fuck off dickhead. Privatizing roads out of all things is an awful fucking idea.

>> No.5790590

>he doesn't understand that the goal of a private business is price optimization
>he likely doesn't even know what is price optimization

>> No.5790610

>what r u a le moron
you have to go back you libshit fucking faggot