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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5800953 No.5800953 [Reply] [Original]

biz already forgotten about DBC or what?

>> No.5800971
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>> No.5800992

you trying telling me i got pajeeted??????

>> No.5801000

Is this how it feels to chew 5 gum?

>> No.5801006

nah, we are just waiting for the houbi moon

>> No.5801115

Strong Hands Always Remember DBC

>> No.5801146

We bounced back nicely off the bottom.

Also I was pleasantly surprised by the low marketcap. Potential for srs gains in the next few months :)

I actually thought it was a quick 2-3x when I bought it but now learning it's also got 10-50x potential over 6 months

>> No.5801187

People will remember the brainlets after the huboi listing and we're all sitting in out X10 profits.

>> No.5801357

People should learn to hodl better

>> No.5801415

issue is i don't have the funds to hodl

need to double up 6x before i'm a hundred thousandair so...... short gainz is the game, that said i have like 700 dbc because i believe in it for reasons other than the gains

>> No.5802064

Nah baby, we didn't forget
Holding comfy

>> No.5802140


>> No.5802198

Time to fuel the rocket?

>> No.5802348

100k dbc here holding until 2020

>> No.5802350

keep dreaming brainlets

the chinese dont want it. Drop it now before it goes to 0

>> No.5802374

Already pumped and dumped
Save your money for the next ico, don't bother about this one

>> No.5802391


or https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r =1b3ya without the space.

Use this code on signup on kucoin and let the bonuses commence. We all get rich.

DBC is going to the moon now. Get in while its cheap.

>> No.5802403

Selling my bags,

Getting added to houbi after 1st January 2018.

>27th March 2018

>> No.5802452

>the chinese dont want it

it's backed by NEO you fudding faggot

>> No.5802473


doesn't want it.

>> No.5802492


>> No.5802495


>> No.5802855
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>> No.5802926

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.5802957

Why is a coin being offered on Houbi considered a negative?

>> No.5802965

bad shop. it's literally impossible that it won't get a listing with NEO backing but as to where it goes from there I can't say. I am holding this shit for at least two years I got in so fucking low any growth is massive for me

>> No.5802976

fake. eat shit and spit it out on the street pajeet.

>> No.5803022
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Should have already been listed.

>> No.5803104



>> No.5803121

Not sure if you're serious but it was postponed to "after jan 1st"

>> No.5803150

are you trying to accumulate or what lol. if you genuinely consider yourself holding bags with this coin crypto is not for you

>> No.5803163

It's not too late to buy now. Already at a good price so you don't need to FUD it lower.

>> No.5803172
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Jan 1 not anymore...

>> No.5803200


Source: https://www.deepbrainchain.org/pc/indexEnglish.html

>> No.5803226

We knew this already. Because we know it's not there yet and we know what the current day is. Nice FUD 5 times in a row with the same ID retard.

>> No.5803252

Thats a big gamble. hope it pays off.
I got 21k DBC, will hodl

>> No.5803253

don't make my heart jump like that anon

>> No.5803280

Twitter is dead for 2 days now. They used to update daily.

>> No.5803325

I an not really uncomfortable, due to the fact that the dealt orders book is all green and peolpe are accumulating and selling right now is not an option at all. It has to see some increase, but I am not sure how significant would it be

>> No.5803349

All in right now btw

>> No.5803361

maybe, but the growth of the AI industry in chinkland is spastic af, if dbc can actually find a way to legitimately offset overhead with mining network it will be fucking massive. i don't really believe the savings figures posted in their whitepaper but we will see

>> No.5803458

are your parents proud of their retarded fud spreader kid?

>> No.5803497

You fell for a scam with "AI/Deep Learning" buzzwords. Nobody can explain what this coin does.

>> No.5803534


Thanks, just dumped my bags.

I knew i should have gotten out with all these shitty Buzzwords.


>> No.5803551

why you care so much then retard? :)
you want people to sell so u can buy?
PAJEET spotted

>> No.5803559


>> No.5803577




>> No.5803593


you realize people can read ids right?
am laughing hard at your 3 years old techniques

>> No.5803597

I like how you didn't explain what the coin does because you don't know.

>> No.5803599

>replying to yourself
well at least we know you think DBC will moon also since you desperately want to buy some

>> No.5803606



>> No.5803610

mining network outsources computational power required for AI to miners. miners get paid for computational power in dbc. espcially relevant given all the crying over btc miners' power usage lately, at least this way mining rigs wont be doing pointless calculations and will actually be contributing to something

>> No.5803617

you are replying to yourself now?
mentally ill?

>> No.5803629

fuck off ranjal with your shitcoin

>> No.5803635



>> No.5803656

Heres the explain fag in every fucking thread. Heres your you little nigger.

>> No.5803669

Why would he do that?

>> No.5803673
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i am a veteran bizzer i know dbc

>> No.5803687

thread too deep for my brain

>> No.5804015

Bro why are u proactively FUDing so hard, even go as far as making deceptive shoops, did u get burn on the sales ?

>> No.5804059

/biz/ got in on DBC early so he knows he can make a few dollars if he gets people to drop their bags now

>> No.5804086



>> No.5804108
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Kuckcoin isn't letting me in.

>> No.5804131


Its all good man just use huobi... oh wait

>> No.5804185


>> No.5804350

Listen to me guys. Carefully. I'm beginning to think this coin is dead in the water. It originally got shilled so hard because a group of biztards wanted to get in on the next release of a coin that will 10x. Me included

We then created mass amounts of shill and posted it everywhere. This coin was a complete fucking gamble from day one. I think the peak already happened. I have been watching it since day 1. Jump ship imo this is literally carrying bags. Btw go YouTube an interview with the ceo he knows fuck all about the project and reads off a script the whole time. Not joking

>> No.5804392


Interview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYm4kF31OIc&

>> No.5804423

I think /biz/ owns a majority of these shitcoins, I've already jumped.since /biz/ shilling tactics only work on /biz/.

This coins is going to stay where it is until the next ICO comes around and /biz/tards dump to buy that one.

That's my theory.

>> No.5804436

you deserve 0x gains. go sell at a loss.

> literally can't wait 1 week until huobi

>> No.5804442


Not the CEO

>> No.5804468


1 Week says who???


CEO was having technical problems with the call.

>> No.5804489

Yes senpai this exact interview.

>> No.5804495

>Eat da poo poo

>> No.5804517

Agreed mate. Honestly wanted good for this coin, think all of us did but it didn't turn out to be the moon we wanted.

>> No.5804557


Listed for less than a week and expects moon, patience

>> No.5804567

Nah I sold for small profit. I'll admit I pussies out. Whale moves his million plus sell wall for next in queue. I noticed right away and sold before it tanked. It however recovered but I played it safe.

>> No.5804580

i keep telling you that the entire proposition is complete shit and they don't even have enough infrastructure to stream a video during peak hours on their webpage.

it's shit m8s

>> No.5804596


I had a very similar idea over a year ago and pitched it to a several of my comp sci profs. Not so much the AI part, but using the computational power for something productive instead of just guessing numbers. They were all interested in the idea. I got allot of faith in dbc. seems like the right idea at the right time if you ask me.

>> No.5804610


Using logic with crypto. Wait for 5-10x and sell.

>> No.5804627

>Coin has been available for about a week
>Not even on a main exchange yet


You aloo-gobbling, street-shitting, call center-working, Ganesha-worshiping pajeets. You can't even wait a few weeks for a coin to get its footing?

Go on, FOMO into the next flavor of the day that's already mooned 100x on Binance. Buy high, sell slightly higher, that's how you make it in crypto!

>> No.5804648

>"the entire premise of dbc is bullshit AI and blockchain don't mix. There's no need for it and you will lose all your money"

Didn't realise that 4chan NEETS were better blockchainers than Da Hongfei (CEO of NEO). Not only is this coin supported and approved by NEO but NEO have invested 15m into it.

It may not 10x overnight but you'll get your damn moon mission just be patient.

Your move anon

>> No.5804708

Let me add that I'm a short term trader.

This coin may very well 10x, 100x, etc
I don't see it happening soon though, if you look at the patterns a lot of ICO's have then there's a good chance that DBC will stagnate for minimum a year depending on how their team handles and develops.

I dont like to invest this way. It's gambling with 50/50 odds. I prefer gambling in a way similar to poker.

If DBC keeps generating buzz I'll still be able to buy in and make vast profits.
Don't get me wrong, this coin does have potential but I don't think it's going to reach that potential by EOY.

>> No.5804779

what's the difference between this and golem, smartypants.

hell, ethereum too.

>> No.5804802

Hahhahha thx for the laugh

>> No.5804821

All good projects.

What's your point? Golem mooned pretty hard iirc and is still a solid mid-long term buy.

>> No.5804830
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If i buy at ath then its a shitcoin. End of story

>> No.5804846

just wait till it is on that chink exchange, i just bought some more, it's pretty low now

>> No.5804957

>You can't even wait a few weeks for a coin to get its footing?

Why would you do that?

>> No.5805044

easiest hodls of my life, anyone selling this is retarded

>> No.5805114

Sounds like a copy paste of Bounty0x one week ago... /biz/ history repeats itself

>> No.5805179

But bounty isnt backed by NEO you brainlet

>> No.5805312

Bounty0x Pajeets saying the same shit about DBC .. But DBC doesnt have a working product yet bla bla bla you brainlet

>> No.5805408

Like what lol i dont see any similarites at all i think youre just fucking unintelligent. A working product is not a necessity for gains in this market you literal retard did you start trading last week? Is that why you're pissed that youre stuck holding bounty bags lol

>> No.5805468

You hurted my feelings.

>> No.5805510
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>You aloo-gobbling, street-shitting, call center-working, Ganesha-worshiping pajeets

>> No.5805667

What's this Airdrop they posted on Twitter? Free money?

>> No.5805677

better returns.

dont fall into the day traders fallacy

>> No.5805955

137k sats and still going down. im scared

>> No.5805985

yea, buy DBC my friends, we going to the moon soon https://www.kucoin.com/#/ ? r=1r7ba use my ref and go HODL

>> No.5805993
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It's a good sign. All coins that moon hard go through a period of slow decline first.

>> No.5805996
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We knew what we were getting into - at minimum a one-month hold. Patience, anon. 59k here.

>> No.5806025

I posted in a COMPLETELY wrong thread by accident. XRB is the one dumping, not DBC. sorry :) Im holding on to DBC for dear life!

>> No.5806045
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>tfw still up 2% despite the dip

>> No.5806809

Whats up niggers I'm in it for the long haul I put it on DBC 70/30 of what I have
Fuck what u FUD trolls are saying
If this does moon I'm calling u all out on this