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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58023573 No.58023573 [Reply] [Original]

which wallet and DEX are you guys trading Solana shitcoins with? I would like to get in on this

>> No.58023607

use bonkbot (telegram based bot) but make sure to export the private key and load it into phantom.

you just paste a contract address and it buys immediately, its a must have for solana shitcoins. some smart people I know also used something called photon lately but I have not tried that.

>> No.58023707 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 713x1258, plebbit socialfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that soon .sol names will be implemented into plebbit so that sub/board names can be .sol names.
this means that your .sol name wil lbe able to have a cryptographically owned public social community attached using the plebbit protocol.
plebbit is free to use, opensource and has working demos.

>> No.58023714

phantom, but desu i dont think it matters

>> No.58023726

what should my slippage be.

>> No.58023841

i have it on 2% for buys and sells. the lower the better but for these memecoins that are volatile you will get a lot of failed orders if you make it too low