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58198083 No.58198083 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably nothing just standard stuff for Americans in the course of human events.
Continue buying stocks and paper and rentals and stuff.

>> No.58198099

>buy my shiny rocks because society is totally collapsing for real this time

>> No.58198100

>muh silver
Yup, midwits gonna midwit, although this is probably dimwit levels.

>> No.58198104

no way anyone actually does this, this is engagement farming

>> No.58198124

he actually did it
And he now has to bury or store over 1000kg of silver.
That's a literal ton.

>> No.58198155
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Are you guys saying the dollar isn't fucked or what?

>> No.58198187
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Just buy cocoa.

>> No.58198221
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There's more of those parabolic charts than people think lol

>> No.58198228

This. I have some gold but I think stackers are literal retards since there's no way to move all that metal when SHTF. If you've been backpacking before you know that every ounce that you pack in your backpack counts.
How the fuck are you going to move around with literal KGS of precious metal?

>> No.58198238

I can understand if somebody wants to store with a vault, I actually work with a vault in Dubai/Caribbean, and i know they charge 0.90% annually to store silver specifically, a little less for gold precisely because you can buy so much for so little right now (compared to gold the ratio is over 90:1 atm).
But your thinking is correct, it's kind of god's way of building in a failsafe to prevent the kinds of massive accumulations of wealth that come about from a fucked up system like the one we just experienced. 400 troy oz bar of gold is USD$900,000 so how the fuck are multimillionaires supposed to move even 3 or 4 of those bars unless you have security, brinks trucks etc.

>> No.58198240

>That's a literal ton.
I was going to say a metric ton... but then I looked up the conversion and it really is what us burgers call a ton as well ( 2000 lbs, ~907 kg)

>> No.58198258

It's a lot of silver.

>> No.58198263

Checked. It's not going away tomorrow like this guy thinks and his silver is just a liability. He should've bought bitcoin.
Some Americans, don't ask me why, envision this fantasy where society collapses. So they spend all their time and effort prepping for that day, which likely will never come. Even if you thought this was a possibility, then you are better off having bitcoin and a passport. Certainly not weighing yourself down with a shit ton of silver. Like wtf are you going to do with your silver if society collapses? It's fucking idiotic.

>> No.58198283

They might be fantasizing about it the same way Romans greeted the barbarians that were heading to Rome to sack the place with open arms... they were not the enemy they were the liberators.
As far as weighing yourself down he is selling real estate which is sort of stuck in place as well... although with money you don't typically spend it all in one place so hopefully he doesn't melt himself a 1000kg cube and bury it. hopefully he has coins and bars he can pull from his stack to go spend or 'sell'

>> No.58198287

Why do low iq subhumans always claim the collapse is imminent? Wouldn’t this take a couple of years at the very least? Obviously it’s never happening, but even if it was, there is no guarantee it’s not going to take quite a long time. The only thing everyone can be sure about is that nobody is going to buy your fucking shiny rocks if we lose everything.

>> No.58198289

>a couple of years
To be fair it's been a few of those

>> No.58198360

Because they don't understand what the actual (((collapse))) will be, and they think they will see it coming.

>> No.58198367

People are putting their entire net worths into internet money that was created in 2009 in order to get rich, and people can't afford to have children. Not even going to mention the other shit we've seen become normal in the last few decades
That kind of feels collapsy

>> No.58198374

If society collapse I will just rob people with a gun

>> No.58198377

there must not be a lot of guns where you are

>> No.58198417
File: 33 KB, 560x279, Screenshot from 2024-03-30 04-16-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who holds the most amount of gold and silver?

>> No.58198422
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1954 was a long time ago.
Makes you wonder why they closed the gold window at all in 1971.

>> No.58198423

goldberg and silverstein are always trying to sell you this magic metal that "stores value" (???) and is going to protect you from the collapse of the US dollar, the country with the most amount of these metals and 34 trillion dollars in debt

>> No.58198445

man if only we could find a way to prevent this type of byzantine fault (faggot jew lying about reserves/ math)
I guess we shall never have good money ever again until we solve that problem

>> No.58198458

>anonymous twitter handle with numbers
>unaware that silver is fiat too

>> No.58198562

The government is stealing everything it can get its hands on, which these days is anything that has a digital footprint. I'm not super convinced that the solution is digital money man.

>> No.58198899

no anon, dyor.
buy silver because we use so much more than we mine, and have been for years.
they have been supressing it for literal decades.
what commodity besides silver isn't well beyond its 1980 high.
the only way silver doesn't moon is if you believe the government is secretely space mining it and supplying the world with it to keep their fiat game up
but if they were doing this we would have a much more functional society

>> No.58198917

>they have been supressing it for literal decades.
And they can supress or for literal decaded more. And if the economy fails your silver becomes worthless too because "we use it for many things". Well in a collapse nothing gets produced anymore. Silver will go to 0

>> No.58198918
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>inflation means real estate bad and commodities good
what is the logic? neither of them are cash

>> No.58199299

>literal who running their retarded mouth on twatter
go back causal

>> No.58200704

No, they are not thinking of societal collapse in that way. They just think everything will go away and they will emerge from the ruins with their silver. But in that type of world, the most precious commodity will be organizing in groups. So this boomers sitting on a stack of gold in the apocalypse will simply get robbed by roving gang. It's a stupid fantasy really.

>> No.58200709

Never trust anyone with a beard.

>> No.58201285
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>> No.58202824

>Wouldn’t this take a couple of years at the very least?
It has been happening a long time. 2008 was the first real bump in the road

>> No.58202865
File: 145 KB, 1024x846, GerdFröbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last audit was before Goldfinger visited

>> No.58203380

Americans don’t understand that currencies collapse every other day. The US dollar will have everyone simping for it even after its third default. No one at the Fed is worried about being hung.

>> No.58203573

It's fucking 25lbs. Dress poor, put it in a backpack and carry a gun.

>> No.58203611

silver is such a bad investment. unlike gold, silver no longer has any kind of monetary premium. silver miners are jacking up production due to industrial demand, which is going to further drive down the price in gold terms

>> No.58203646


^ I agree with this guy

>> No.58204573

A single bar is 25 lbs.
So just be poor if you have to move, that's my point.

>> No.58206066