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File: 601 KB, 1732x1154, UFR is the new piratebay and kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6000876 No.6000876 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you faggots, I'm going to shill you the next 10-100x moon coin.
You see the logo in the picture? That's the logo that's going to get you into lamboland.

UFR aims to combine the worlds most revolutionizing conceptual technologies: decentralization and information sharing (filesharing). UFR is completely unique in it's idea and execution, there is no other competitor in the market. Therefor, the potential to boom is enormous.

>why it will moon
Current Torrenting technology suffers from the issue of being centralized through trackers and magnet/file exchanges. Piratebay and Kat.ph. What do the latter two have in common? They were both centralized, and were both shut down by government. Many pajeet sites impersonating the latter two have popped up and it's fucking up pirating at large. This pattern of instability will continue forever until Torrenting becomes decentralized. UFR is The Piratebay/Torrenting meets Blockchain. UFR works by having a distributed hash table on the Ethereum network, completely decentralizing the filesharing process. Everything is handled within a nifty GUI connected to the blockchain.

- Absurdly low marketcap
- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain

- No proof of concept yet.
- Anonymous team.
- Not on many marketplaces yet.

The developers have stated that they are working on getting UFR on Bittrex/Binance. The price is almost guaranteed to at least double before that. The alpha launches in 2018 Q1, which will pump up the price guaranteed, no matter the quality of the initial product.

Unique blockchain technology that is guaranteed to at the very minimum 2x, with chances of it booming up to 10-100x as it's currently criminally undervalued. If you do anything, read the whitepaper.
Do your own research on this coin and do not blindly believe me or any other fucking shills here.

>> No.6000914

look at the talking points he copied and pasted from his discord PND group


>> No.6001117

bought in at 44 cents yesterday frok cryptopia. was 0.70 last time i checked. lamboland here we comese

>> No.6001146
File: 46 KB, 600x400, flag_ufr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king of coins.

>> No.6001277
File: 832 KB, 1000x1000, upfiring_free_cash_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad he missed the free gains that have been shilled for over a week now.

Yes. Over a week. No fucking pump and dump takes a week you retarded nigger. People are holding this coin, some of them in a discord group. Does that change anything about this crypto? About the future it has? About the potential to moon? Absolutely fucking not.

Fuck off unless you present a substantive rebuttal of UFR.

>> No.6001326

up 50% today and no sign of dump

>> No.6001356

honest and detailed review pal

>> No.6001397

up 600% this week, 50% today
doesn't seem to be dumping to me

>> No.6001450
File: 18 KB, 512x512, DAMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys already missed out on this one, although it still has a lot more room to grow.

>> No.6001600
File: 253 KB, 400x400, jinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /comfy/

MOON Lets go

>> No.6001700

Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring Upfiring

>> No.6001749

Oops, sorry, no ban pls

>> No.6001831

I've lost the opportunity on the shilled coins here like Lisk, TRX,.. Now I'm hesitating between ICX and UFR. Can someone shill me more?

>> No.6001850

VTR is a million times better than this shitcoin

>> No.6002030

not a catchy logo or name, normies won't buy into vtr , normies will love upfiring

>> No.6002075

Upfiring is relatively new and already has way more hype. That says a lot about future potential in a market where everything is based around image.

>> No.6002077

obvious shit coin, no team, no github fuck it

>> No.6002155

"As mentioned in the medium update, we plan to open source it - particularly once the UFR/ETH wallet has been tested extensively. Because our app involves wallets and the transferring of UFR between peers, we want to be sure users' funds are secure before releasing the source code."

github coming

>> No.6002239

What anime is this? Chick is hot, need source plz.

>> No.6002298

ICX's market cap is 3bil, UFR is 10m, way easier for this to 10x than for ICX to 1x.

I'm risking a little, maybe It'll pay off maybe it won't.

>> No.6002303

Jinx from League of Legends nigger

>> No.6002370

>Being this out of the loop

>> No.6002508

>Doesn't know LoL

How clueless are you?

>> No.6002515


I'm a neet asian, I watch anime, never even play LoL.

>> No.6002636

Nice fud nigger. Can't wait for all the pink wojaks when this shit moons

>> No.6003295

50% Up just today, lambo land here we go. UFR is the way to go

>> No.6003299

VTR will have a functioning product immediately adoptable by the 150 million people that use torrents daily with almost no learning curve. Good luck beating that.

>> No.6003529
File: 628 KB, 800x1071, upfiringreign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been watching UFR closely for several days, and there is clearly no sign of and pnd. If it were, it would have gone up to an insane amount already for no apparent reason.
I'm signing up for the first release, and I'm fucking eager to mine UFR by sitting back and seeding. This coin will easily enter top 100.

>> No.6003791

upfiring has an alpha within 3 months and a full release this year.

there are still no torrents on vtr

>> No.6003795

yeah dude christ this is getting shilled way to hard, relax lads ur coin is nothing crazy

>> No.6003797

Yea sure let me just go all in at ATH...

>> No.6004024

Look at the marketcap. It's literally nothing right now.

>> No.6004177

Torrents dropping very shortly. Plus zcash implementation, Chat and 2fa on your wallet.

>> No.6004283
File: 314 KB, 1024x876, 1514063352423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be out before 3 months.

>> No.6005049

Yep. Vtorrent is the next x1000

>> No.6005318
File: 125 KB, 400x216, Screen_Shot_2018-01-06_at_17.06.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man its fluctuating between 30-50% today you could easily buy in while its still this low

>> No.6005603

Going all in on at ATH a 1b+ Market Cap is probably a bad idea.

HOWEVER THIS COIN is currently under a 10 mil market cap. Plenty of room for growth. Prices quickly rise on low market cap coins.

Regardless of if this is shilled or not, you'd be stupid to not to hop in and ride the normie money that this will bring.

>> No.6005667

No thanks

>> No.6006201
File: 172 KB, 499x368, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a fag. That's where all the normies are afraid to go, and where therefore all the hidden gems lie. UFR is one such hidden gem.

>> No.6006268

It is being added to a larger exchange in 2 weeks. Big moon coming

>> No.6006336

Been rising steadily for the past few days. Glad I listened to the shills for once

>> No.6006348

Either you buy now or wait to get added to Binance when i will be rich af already and its not even the end.

>> No.6006444

Cryptopia suspended ltc trading for like a whole day now its a joke. Etherdelta is the worst website in the history of the internet

>> No.6006518

bought 200 for x1000 gains

>> No.6006533

I have not used any of those shit exchanges since 2013 and will not start now? What proof is there it will even be added to binance?

>> No.6006636
File: 118 KB, 334x342, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will never make those 10x gains unless you venture outside of binance into low market cap coins. By the time coins are on binance it is too late to make those exponential cheap gains you always hear about.

UFR is sitting at around a 9 million market cap. Combine this with the price already looking at the $1 mark, this coin is due to explode.

Don't be the one that misses out on this easy cash.

>> No.6006726

I have made over 80x tho. But you are right I fucking missed Raiblocks at like $1 because I refused to use that shit exchamge

>> No.6006755


Sign up without your main-main email and pass so you'll be able to trade without paying fees.

>> No.6006886

EtherDelta isn't even that scary. Use MetaMask so you don't give them control of your private keys. Cryptopia does suck though. It's a necessary evil to get the mad gains that low mcap coins like UFR and PFR provide.

>> No.6007271

So you actually mean cryptopia is even shittier than ED?

>> No.6007327

>been around since 2014
>still no working product

yeah right faggot

>> No.6007951

Informative, gonna pick some up

>> No.6008200

nah, crypto is cool, ed is shit