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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 476x358, picture-of-businessman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6013673 No.6013673 [Reply] [Original]

I laugh at you miserable idiots. I work as a Canadian real estate agent and make more money than you fuckers can ever dream of. Ive been on 4chan for a while now, mainly on /Pol/ but when I heard about you dummys from over there I had to come check you fags out.

Literally everyone of you are screaming your new shill cuck coins. You're gambling with Internet funny money!!! What you fail to realize is no one will ever adopt your fucking buttcoins and shitty linkies. Holy fuck you don't realize it. Everyone who is rich is already rich and has ABSOLUTELY ZERO FUCKING REASON TO BUY YOUR DIGITAL GARBAGE!!!

On average my homes that I sell are worth easily $10,000,000-$30,000,000 I make 3% of this. That means every week I make between $300,000 to $900,000 that I can actually fucking hold in my hand. I can own any woman I want. Women respect men with careers and successful jobs, not lazy basement dwellers who live in mommy's basement.

Let's face it you fucking cucks, no one wants your fucking buttcoins your stupid linkys or your garbage altcoins. Literally listen to any financial professional like Warren buffet. They say its a fucking speculators game at best and none of these cryptocurrencys bring any real value.

Just wait until the government audits all of your wallets and bans the bitcoin mining and shuts down the exchanges. ROFLLLLLL you think the NSA or CSIS doesn't know about all of your bitcoins already? They know your fucking names, your pictures, your ip address and your home address. You guys are literally the ultimate cuckolds that I have ever seen.

This whole crypto garbage is literally a bunch of autists throwing their money at worthless vaporware. No rich billionaire will ever buy your crap, everyone knows this is a scam. I can't wait to see the amount of suicides you turds experience when uncle Sam shuts this down.


>> No.6013970

nice larp

>> No.6014142

>posts on /pol/

pick one

>> No.6014307

lol shut up faggot.
you have a little dick, just accept it.

>> No.6014807
File: 11 KB, 155x202, 6enc7t.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks we don't already know how ridiculous it is to make money of memes
>thinks were a bunch of reddit fags that plan on using said memes to buy houses
>thinks we don't all have exit plans
>op is a stupid street shitting pajeet

>> No.6014969
File: 26 KB, 379x285, 3ms1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying real estate is stable value placeholder
>implying not getting taxed 60% on his earnings
>implying he sells 30mill houses every week in most artificially inflated market in history of mankind
>implying he is not a larping house that makes 3k a week and lives with his parents
>ultimate state of FOMO nocoiner in denial

>> No.6014988

>picture of businessman.jpg

>> No.6015089

Not a real Canadian, didn't say "aye" once. Fuck off imposter.

>> No.6015107

Funny, I was at a high-rolling new years eve party in Vancouver with real-estate agents, investors and investment bankers, etc.

Everyone was talking about their shitcoin gains and about how 2018 will be awesome for their portfolio.

>> No.6015240

nocoiners are getting more and more desperate every day.

They sit on the sidelines "waiting for the dip"

Good luck with that wageslave

>> No.6015270
File: 77 KB, 1263x386, PostFinance E Finance Home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulation buddy, I own a real estate agency and have over 940 faggots like you that run for me. You actually make make 3% of the 5% total provision so more like $30k max per sale.
Stay poor buddy and enjoy getting replaced by the next Chang if you fail to make 3 sales per month. I hope you put your change into something useful instead of blowing it on shitty cars and "clubbing with the lads" like all the little retards running for me.

For me, I stay at home, spend 30min per day to keep the company running, take care of my kids and trade some meme coins for shit and giggles.

>pic related, personal checking account

>> No.6015288

Eunuch spotted.

>> No.6015326

Leafs need to be fucking exterminated. Sick of these plebs posting on every board I go to.

>> No.6015422

What a retarded generalisation.

>> No.6015487

i believe you

>> No.6015564

lmfao you stupid cuckfuck OP i work as a real estate appraiser and come along you retarded as agent who think you know anything other than simple addition/subtraction math. fuck off back in your hole you inbred spastic.

>> No.6015826


Go home Toby

>> No.6016048

It's funny that people larp on here and always have garbage spelling and forget to capitalize shit. Shows the kind of person that bothers typing out these walls.

>> No.6016065


>> No.6016534

Honestly, It takes me 20 sec to read a shitpost, 10 to laught at it, and another 2 sec to wonder why the fuck this dude wasted his life typing that shit.

time spend posting is my own fucking buisness

>> No.6016592

>Selling 10 to 30 mil house

Lol pick one fagget, nice larp

>> No.6016723
File: 23 KB, 1022x756, puddi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain you have more 100k+ LINK you despicable FUDDI

>> No.6016737

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

>> No.6016857

>real estate agent
whats it like dealing inside of a bubble?

>> No.6017458

Real estate in Vancouver is some of the highest in the world.

Op is definitely a larp though lol

>> No.6017595

But do you make enpugh to go to the moon?

>> No.6018251

>1 post
>smug ad hominem
>muh career instead of muh investments
Retard confirmed. Here's your (you).