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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 400x388, 1nu1mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6195203 No.6195203 [Reply] [Original]

I know some of you might give me shit but I am tripping balls right now on mushrooms and honestly I'm just thinking about this whole crypto shit and how I have been here for the last 10 months shitposting with lots of you guys and making money and shit and it's just some god damn beautiful man idk. Like i've died laughing at some of the shit here, I survived the bear market, china ban, influx of recent cryptomarket, and all this other shit and it's just been so much fun. maybe yeah i should be putting my time in other things but fuck it im not perfect but im trying and I don't even care if the whole thing crashes at this point I have a such a postive time here with everything... it's such a good break from all the bullshit in this short life that we all live and it's just so nice to spend it with you all :)
love you all and let's all make it... and if we don't all make well at least we made some great fucking memories!

>> No.6195239

Look in the mirror anon, do you like what you see?

>> No.6195307

Were gonna make it bro, and you haven’t been wasting your time if you have been accumulating wealth, this is the single greatest transfer of wealth are generation will ever see and you are capitalising on it!

>> No.6195309

dude, go outside. tripping indoors on mushrooms is lame. you have to be in nature. go now, but stay away from busy areas, you'll feel awkward around all those people

>> No.6195333


Amen. Enjoy your trip! :D

>> No.6195364
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thanks OP luv u 2 bby

>> No.6195383

I feel you man. We’ve all had some god damned fun haven’t we? Fuck yeah. Enjoy your trip.

>> No.6195405

Enjoy your trip :)
Have fun anon. We love you too.

>> No.6195421
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love you anon, always know that you are loved

>> No.6195438

Just zoom out on all the charts on CMC, tell us if you see a universal truth.

>> No.6195442

Best idea. LSD outside is fun, shrooms is too.

>> No.6195452

go outside anon! find a cool looking bug!

>> No.6195468
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Never forget that you are a wonderful person, anon.

>> No.6195495
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Just don't look at your penis, OP. You might get scared and cut it off. Don't do it.

>> No.6195508
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>> No.6195529



being a dick rules

>> No.6195535

Do you have any universal truths anon?
I used to trade while stoned out of my mind and I made the most money that way. The universe spoke to me in a different way.

>> No.6195569

Together we will live forever

>> No.6195619
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>> No.6195644

These are insane...

>> No.6195656


the shrooms are telling you its gonna crash anon?

>> No.6195716

This thread is amazing

>> No.6195732
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>> No.6195764

Oh sheeeit
Newfag here. What's the best board on 4chan to browse while tripping?

>> No.6195766

Cheers /biz/bro, let's keep the good vibes alive despite all the shills, brag threads, FUD and other dumb spam shit that keeps happening.

>> No.6195770

Listen to adyashanti or alan watts on psychedelics

>> No.6195778

Aw OP <3

>> No.6195791
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>> No.6195837
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>wholesome /biz/ post

>> No.6195855

Thank me later, OP


>> No.6195864
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I find reddit to be better for tripping actually.

>> No.6195919

420chan my dude

>> No.6195921

I don't know you but I like you already anon.
*digital huggin'*

>> No.6195955

I am listening to Fela Kuti right now but I will save these

>> No.6195986
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>> No.6196043
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here's my favorite image I discovered while tripping anon

>> No.6196076

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6196079


Oh man, that super empathetic, borderline manic phase of a mushroom trip is so fucking good. I remember being in tears watching Sportscenter or some shit and watching people cheering because their team won a regular game on like a Tuesday.

Godspeed. Don't freak out during the part where everything seems pointless and arbitrary.

>> No.6196098


Know what the craziest part is, anon? It's just getting started. We're literally all gonna make it, all our dreams are gonna come true. Who'd have thought something like this ever could have happened?

>> No.6196102
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>> No.6196127

As always it's an honor shitposting with you all. Should all my money evaporate my good times laughing with a bunch of Mongolian tap dancers will never be forgotten

>> No.6196145
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That feel when alive

>> No.6196149
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and then i made this. my favorite folder

>> No.6196187

go outside

>> No.6196243
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>> No.6196301
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laughing my ass off at this and I don't even know why

>> No.6196305
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I was feeling the same thing. Feels nice to be in a pre 2005 /b forum. Instead of links to cp its links to dogshit scam coins and im ok with that.

Cheers to OP for getting a comfy thread going

>> No.6196343

/psy/ was my first home

>> No.6196354


This is what amateur psychonauts always say before dosing, then 45 minutes into the trip they're like "Let's go inside I'm freaking out". Tripping indoors is perfectly fine + way safer.

>t. grew and sold mushrooms from 13 years old to about 16 years old

>> No.6196385


Love u bro

>> No.6196389

No one is taking that bait

>> No.6196403

This is the best of biz.
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.6196494

i tried to open the one wehre it was a dudes head

I love you anon

>> No.6196497

uhhhh i have to disagree man but i think its just personal preference

>> No.6196538
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This board really is a great place once you sift through the pajeets and other shills. Once I make it, I'm gonna give away some money to anons here just to give back. Love ya guys.

>> No.6196562


I love you OP, it's been a great run with all of you and I hope we all make it. We're all lucky to be alive in this fucking crazy time.

Here's a classic to trip to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-hdiaB6Duk


Enjoy the tunes, see you on the moon bruh

>> No.6196575

Nothing better than bug patterns on acid/shrooms

>> No.6196581
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>> No.6196583
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You probably do really low doses then desu.

>> No.6196588
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>> No.6196601

Guys I kinda stopped taking lsd lately because I was worried that it could be making me bald. anyone relate to this??

>> No.6196608
File: 1.97 MB, 400x535, 1513736366760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it depends on where "inside" and "outside" are

sadly im not on my main computer, with all my good images. so have this dancing guy instead

>> No.6196636

Hell yeah brother. Whatever happens it's a whild ride :)

>> No.6196646
File: 31 KB, 200x200, snrrrk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my sides. we've all been there anon. Thanks for sharing

>> No.6196654
File: 1.87 MB, 400x400, 1515261649099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fggt

We're gonna make it brah

>> No.6196662
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>buy drugs with crypto

>> No.6196666
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We are all gonna make it bros

>> No.6196671

Thanks bro love you too no homo

>> No.6196713

Depends on your fortitude and physiological make up. ( how your body processes the poison) used to go to doofs tripping fucking balls and some people handled it well and others did not. Have two friends who never came back, one of them is convinced there are pig farms on the moon and gov. Satellites are listening to him. Dude chased us with an axe once because he thought we were replicants coming to kill me.

>> No.6196746
File: 23 KB, 540x629, Spicy+meme+it+was+inevitable_18e17b_5659885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6196803


I think both inside and outside can be good. Outside can be awesome with trees blowing in the wind and the movement of clouds in the sky, feels like the earth is talking. And sometimes it's a lil chilly outside and inside feels /comfy/ and relaxing

>> No.6196807

Steroids made me bald. Maybe the anxiety and stress from the trip and comedown could have done it

>> No.6196867


>> No.6196887

Good post anon. Love you too bro <3

>> No.6196912

hahaha if only you knew man, going camping on 3 hits of acid cant be beat, having your close friends around you making a comfy fire is just the peak of my trip experiences

>> No.6196934
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>> No.6196964

I don't know how you can use a phone or computer when tripping, it makes me feel like an alien or some shit.

>> No.6197016
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>> No.6197022
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here you go man i can dump my whole collection if needed

>> No.6197041

Love to you anon! have a nice trip.

>> No.6197179
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>> No.6197180

i caught some serious nostalgia itt
long live e/b/aums

>> No.6197209
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>> No.6197225
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>> No.6197270

fuck yeah thank you

>> No.6197419


>> No.6197420
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>thinking psilocybin is a poison

>> No.6197550

Weak. If you're not in a ball crying then you didn't take enough. If you never made it past the crying, you never took enough. If you know what your conciousness looks like, know what death feels like, know who we are, then you've had enough.

>> No.6197620

We love you too my crypto brother . Crypto will be the glue that bonds all of us.

>> No.6197638
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enjoy my dude, some of the best times i've ever had have been on shrooms. get outside if you can

>> No.6197715

y-you too

>> No.6197786
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Yeah man this shit has been really fun. I've been down in the dumps this last year. Crypto saved my life. The fucking memes and chaos here are hilarious.

I genuinely hope we all make it. We all deserve to be happy and have the financial security to allow us to do the shit we actually want to do. Enjoy your trip anon.

>> No.6197803
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God bless you /comfy/ anons. This thread made me feel warm and sparkly inside. Thinking back to some of my fondest memories, and realizing how many of those are moments here on 4chan with you complete strangers, my favourite people on this planet.

We are all gonna make it.

>> No.6197961
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>> No.6198122
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I miss mushroom growing sometimes. Also, the only crypto I have is 119 namecoins, wut do?

>> No.6198258

okay terrance mckenna

>> No.6198307

smoke dmt at the peak of your next trip and get back to me