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File: 50 KB, 604x403, babooshka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6354489 No.6354489 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz/? Sure, you could have all the money in the world, but what does it matter when you don't have a QT3.14 that you can cuddle up to at night when your coin turns red. Someone who truly loves you for who you are, and will no matter how far you fall. TFW you will never have that.

>> No.6354560

Get a bf then homo

>> No.6354609

I have a gf. She sucks my dick and costs money. I wish I were single, but as soon as I became single (like a month later really) I'd wish I had a gf. Its a vicious cycle.

>> No.6354652

get a gf with a job

>> No.6354685

If you only like her because she sucks your dick then she's not a real gf. I've been with girls I've fucked and could have made into my gf, but it's just not the same. A real gf is organic. You can't just pick and choose it. Thus money can't buy it.

>> No.6354693

Sounds like you're just a dummy

>> No.6354699
File: 209 KB, 250x263, 1514787832734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I value freedom and health over any female. Females come and they go. A lot of times a female is only with you because of what you have. Don't take females too seriously OP. I know when you are young they are are the center of your life but as you get older your perspective and values will change drastically.

>> No.6354755

She has one, its not much but she does cover her half of the bills. Although I end up spending more, because woman.

Its been better lately desu. Its like this with all my gfs. Really it just comes down to I'm a private person and I like to be alone, shitpost and trade.

I am.

>> No.6354793

If you want a gf you won't make it.
Most of the people here are failed males so they shouldn't be wanting a gf but should want to be the gf

>> No.6354900
File: 29 KB, 852x480, 1515733643361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That woman in your picture, she is absolutely gorgeous. I love women but when you go through a heartbreak and abandonment you see females and people in general differently. I just want to be free from it all, the expectations, the pain, the need for attachment. I hope nobody in here ever gets betrayed by a woman. It will fuck you up.

>> No.6354962

I value those things too, but almost too much, to where my romantic life is non-existent. I take care of myself but sometimes when I go to bed at 3am I feel a pang of loneliness.
That's some next level beta shit.

>> No.6355008

you're special and worth loving, your mistakes don't define you, your future is bright, you are fun to be around and attractive in more ways than one, never leave you and all that
now that will be .01 btc

>> No.6355032


Had a couple of these. Then they left. And eventually they all will. Better to just face the facts and focus on the gold rush for now, other things can come later.

>> No.6355034
File: 441 KB, 884x720, 1513986536409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kissless virgin at the age of 25
Well, being a bullied loser all my life did that to me. I had no friends and at home I only played videogames and anime all day. Also, being a socially retarded in my elementary, middle and high school days. Took me over a decade to become socially adjusted. Now, not so socially awkward but I still spill spaghetti when women talk to me, just not every 5 seconds like my high school days.

>> No.6355042

I feel you anon, it's terrible.

>> No.6355064

>Sounds like you're just a dummy
Sounds like you`re just a women

>> No.6355073

I have a qt korean gf and I'll I want is for this crazy bitch to leave so I can play vidya and trade memecoins

>> No.6355147
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that you value freedom and health because most people don't understand what freedom is. As far as the loneliness man I cry almost everyday. I was left and abandoned by a woman I been with for 4 years. She told me she loved me for 4 years and left me. What the hell am I supposed to do? This is why I look at females differently. It's fucked up, I really loved her.

>> No.6355206

Go to a house concert and take MDMA. Completely serious. I'm not a druggie, only taken them a couple of times, but no matter how awkward or low confidence you feel, if you take MD you can talk and have a nice conversation with literally anyone in the world. As long as you're not fugly, I can almost guarantee you you'll lose your kissing virginity, but not the full V because your dink don't work when you're on it.

>> No.6355243
File: 233 KB, 808x805, 1507160669341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a gf of 3 years
>tfw she wasnt a virgin when we met
>tfw she got fucked by other dudes and it eats away at me

What do I do

>> No.6355288

Get over it or date a virgin. I'm dating a virgin and I don't think I could ever truly love another girl who had someone else's penis inside her

>> No.6355319

as long as she is loyal to you and you love her what can you do? Don't destroy your relationship over things you couldn't control. If you want a virgin you should have wen for that instead.

>> No.6355330

You'll probably never truly get over her, but time will reduce the pain you feel. I was dating a girl 2 years ago who was a 10/10, but she drove me batshit insane, because she was. I eventually ended it with her because I couldn't deal with the bs anymore. Still miss her even though I was the one who ended things. I'll likely never be with a girl that attractive again.

This is pretty typical these days. Otherwise start going to church or something.

>> No.6355349

women are incapable of love except to their kids, retard

>> No.6355390

Get over yourself
The only thing that matters is if she's supportive, good company, doesn't take your money and is attractive. Everything else is meaningless.

>> No.6355397
File: 42 KB, 400x400, QgdhElkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again

>> No.6355408

There's much, much more to life than exclusive companionship with a woman. And money makes most of them more easily attainable.

>> No.6355411

I think I heard this before but it never really made sense to me.

>> No.6355413

Yeah that's pretty much a nightmare scenario yet so common. I suppose the challenge is trying to not get too emotionally dependent on your S/O.
How many? I find it a good rule not to ask about her sex life. You can usually weed out if she's a virgin or not the first time you bang her. Also looking at her lifestyle and her friends is very helpful. If she's gone to festivals and shit where shes dressed like a slutty alien, then she's definitely took a lot of cock, etc...

>> No.6355451
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>> No.6355482

Yeah, that's because it's bullshit

>> No.6355592

Man, I've been alone my whole life. I feel I've experienced just about everything but a GF. And I don't want to stunt with money to get one. I'd maybe only tell her if I've been in a committed relationship with her for a few years.

>> No.6355665

>How many?
2. And they weren't even in relationships, they just went on a few dates and fucked. Makes me uncomfortable desu

>> No.6355701

Find a girl you like and just go tell her you love her and ask her if she would want to be with you. It's really not that complicated. The man always has to take initiative. We are the ones who call the shots period. Understand that women just wait for shit to happen.

>> No.6355824

A dog does all these things for me and it's loyal.

>> No.6355853
File: 214 KB, 550x605, babooshka6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but if she told you 2, then it's probably 3 or 4. If you're sure it's 2 then that's honestly not too bad, considering the way girls are today. If she loves you, keep her. You don't want to end up like me.
I've never found a girl I've liked on that sort of level though. I'd rather be in no relationship than in one with someone just for the sake of it.

>> No.6355920

>in college
>gf is rich af
>pays all bills while I sit on my ass and trade crypto and study
>bought a cute fucking dog

Am I winning OP?

>> No.6355965

Get off 4chan and talk to more people in real life. Evaluate your life, carefully and honestly, see if you're blaming others for your problems. If so, stop it and be a man. Follow rules 1 and 2, *especially* rule 2. Learn how to be actual friends with a woman (can be hard if you're in the wrong cultural environment, but it's with it, just one or two good ones will do) so that you aren't nervous around them anymore, and can be the best version of yourself with confidence but not obviously over-the-top machismo (which is easily seen through s overcompensating). Then, it's easy to find a woman who really likes you, because you will be very very likable. You can use that for a relationship or just easy sex as long as you're up front about it and stay honest about your intentions.

>> No.6355971

Probably a freshman majoring in accounting. Fucking fag.

>> No.6356016

She's fucking a black wannabe rapper sorry bud

>> No.6356017
File: 228 KB, 500x709, tumblr_ope84pdAFq1uq67iyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at you faggot straight guys. get on our level

>loyal male partnerships
>no bitchy drama
>sex whenever we want
>free to disregard norms and get away with it
>p spot stimulation
>massive crypto gains

but don't worry, keep cucking yourselves by chasing women. I'm sure that'll work out just fine


>> No.6356192

What's the secret?
It's funny you mention the women friends thing because I've actually done that for like the first time ever over the Christmas. Caveat is I did it when I and they were drunk and loquacious. Whenever I talk to them IRL they're shy af despite my best efforts to make them feel relaxed.

>> No.6356205

>tfw gf
>beautiful, very smart, loves and cares for me
>took her virginity

Great feels but makes the pressure to succeed heavier. Sometimes it's stressful.

>> No.6356251


this post gave me GRIDS

>> No.6356282

my first gf was a nymphomaniac I fucked her all day all night for almost 2 years, then spend the next few months masturbating furiously and trying to get laid with random whores. I ejaculated so much that my hair started falling out

I dropped out of UNI and now I'm a 24 yo neet in a basement and I havent spoken to a real human being in weeks

dont end up like me guys, do nofap

>> No.6356351

thanks for the pasta homie

>> No.6356441

You can be free from wagekeking, go live in mountains kiaking in mountain lakes and going around historical monuments, buy nice cars and drive around the world in them, are you retarded?

>> No.6356486

Also get a dog who can come with you

>> No.6356487

Don't take too much though. You will feel great but you will be a sideshow clown.

>> No.6356503

Yah though I'd actually recommend just having women friends who you're not trying to fuck. Made it way easier for me to talk to the ones who I do want to fuck or date. Not just "talk to" as in approach, but actually have the conversation go how you want it to, be able to tell what kind of person they are from the conversation, etc.

>> No.6356595

its true though. I had a one night stand with a slut from london and lost my job because I was working as a night porter in a shit hotel (she was a guest)

>> No.6356610

That picture is of a popular bitcoin millionaire

>> No.6356631

Fully aware unfortunately kek.
I generally find it hard to meet girls in a casual friendly environment though. For example, I've gone to an all-boys Catholic school my entire life, and in my college course, there's only 1 girl. I've been cursed.

>> No.6356709

>all-boys Catholic school
>1 girl

That wasn't a girl, anon.

>> No.6356764

No no, like the course I'm studying in college now only has one girl.

>> No.6356830

Same, 4 years. I think she left when she realized I was really going to be poor forever.

>> No.6356915

Ah, yeah that really sucks. I've been lucky that it's been a pretty even 50/50 in most schools/uni and extended social circles I've been in. Get some hobbies I guess? Is it your whole uni or just the course? Clubs etc can be really good resources for getting into a hobby and usually welcoming to newcomers. I made a couple of good new friends at my unis mountain bike club even though I'd literally never ridden a bike until a month before I joined at 25 years old - made for a pretty good conversion starter.

>> No.6357191

It's just my course but my college has a terrible social life. And yeah I'm fucking sinful at going out and trying thinks like you did. My hobbies are basically going to the gym and playing the guitar, both pretty solitary. I met a few new friends from back home that are in the city I'm in for college so my goal is to branch out my social group through them so I can start enjoying life a bit more.

>> No.6357211

I'm dead inside, no woman can fill the void

Also pornography destroyed my mind, normal sex couldn't even get me off...

>> No.6357232

just do online dating. it's way easier and less stressful

>> No.6357286
File: 126 KB, 710x473, 1511996489248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are nothing but trouble. I feel sorry for a lot of young men (under 23 hypothetically) who chase the absolute trash that is the modern woman and get depressed when they receive no gain from their hard work.
Take it from me. Things turn right upside down after 25. For the last 5+ years women have done nothing but want my attention. They like the things I have because in my youth I did nothing but keep fit ans hit the books. In their booms I'm an adonis at my age because I've done nothing but stay fit and get educated.
I feel like a fucking god rejecting them. They're all entitled cunts the lot of them. They used their youth to ride the cock carousel, have over 20+ partners and now they suddenly they want to "settle down" while doing nothing but degrade their bodies lol
Fuck that. Why the fuck would I want a woman like that?
What I say to a lot of young men, wait it out and get a younger girl. The window for male fertility is a lifetime, you don't suddenly become infertile at 45+ like women. Abstain and put the pressure back on them, it'll turn around, I promise you.
Maybe I'll say this in crypto terms:

>> No.6357296

Are you me? I also like being alone, but at the same time like being in a relationship on my own selfish terms

>> No.6357323

I had gf for 9 years. One day she said she wants to leave, next day she moved out and never called again. Showed no sign of unhappiness before. I have been 4 years single confused autist since.

>> No.6357349

I have a gf and every faggot in this thread bitching and moaning because gfs cost money are just little faggots.
You don't spend money on girls, you don't go live together, you see them a couple of times a week, fuck and that's fucking all.

>> No.6357409

yeah this but unironically. I intend to marry an 18yo when Im like 50yo

the next decade(s?) is ALLME time

>> No.6357466

lol me too but I found crypto and I think I am going to be wealthy as shit.

>> No.6357485

you're a child

>> No.6357510

That post was dead serious anon. That is the best advice I can give to young men.
There is no short term solution, no easy pill to swallow. It's hard emotional and physicsl work bit it will pay off.

>> No.6357531

Probably older than you, bitchnow post tits and vegana.

>> No.6357618

Sounds like you're on the right track. Those are pretty sexy hobbies, you'll be fine if you just keep working at improving yourself and don't get too down. Don't believe the 4chan memes either. While there are lots of girls out there like described in this thread, there are more who are just normal people, but the people here will never meet them because they're just stuck in their basement all the time. Don't end up like them. And do get out there and try new things if you can muster the energy - don't force it but this is the best time in your life to try new things, don't were the opportunity either. Good luck, anon.

>> No.6357641

I have a wife but even then just not having to wage cuck every day is motivation enjoy. I guess you’re a college fuccboi who has no idea what the life of a wage slave is like.

>> No.6357683

Been single for 8 months now. At first it was good, not having to deal with the stress and bullshit that comes with a failing 4 year relationship. But now I'm craving the intimacy and closeness that you can only get with a long term girlfriend. Wanking to porn just doesn't cut it, and I have no interest in fucking random tinder whores. I just want to find a loyal, pretty, friendly girl who isn't a whore and isn't obsessed with social media. But there aren't many of them.

>> No.6357696

I had a gf for 10 years and she fucked our neighbor. She was my world from 15 to 25. Lost my virginity to her. Get over it you fucking pussy.

>> No.6357699

"wait it out"
waiting for nothing, this society will breed more of the same. we have to take away their independence if you want this to actually happen.

and no, it wont turn around on its own. contrary to what theyre willing to admit, 10 girls dont mind sharing one chad for one fuck every week and a half. they dont even need to know about the other girls, and they like it this way. but they dont even know - if they tried to wonder if it was true, they would just get sad. girls are good at suppressing what they dont like. and the most hilarious part is that they think theyre empowered. girls, straight out of college, living in a home on their own. they go to work, get their chad fix every here and there, and think theyre empowered, independent, and powerful.
well the news is that when they hit their low 30s, they will get depressed as fuck, and suddenly want to start a family. this is what you called settling down.

so youre right, but youre wrong. not bad though

>> No.6357848

Then find one who can support herself.

>> No.6357881
File: 7 KB, 228x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf told me she slept with over 50 dudes in the year before we met, more before then

>> No.6357936
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>> No.6357938

And shes still your gf?

>> No.6357979

I'm too beta to leave anon I was a virgin before meeting her. She's only a 5/10 and she's mean to me as well.

>> No.6358066

Having herpes must suck.

>> No.6358067


Just start acting weird when she's around and your problem will resolve itself

Or, you know, just tell her to fuck off

>> No.6358094

Yeah, there are. They're not the majority, but there are many. They're just not hanging out in the places you are because they have rich fulfilling lives. They're not in your basement, or on social media, so you can't just find them in those places.

>> No.6358122

I've been divorced and now Im too old to get a qt gf without used up women my age who are all hitting the wall getting jealous and calling me names trying to shame me presumably that would convince me into giving up on the young qts and becoming a ex carousal rider's provider and maybe pop out a retard or two with those dried up eggs. I want to move over the eastern europe where age gaps arent given such a bad time and get me a young hottie gf who will cook and clean for me. am I going to be able to make it, biz?

>> No.6358141

I went to South Korea and found a girl. YMMV

>> No.6358158


>> No.6358225

You also only find the people who are on online dating sites. Not ideal.

>> No.6358616

I'm gonna get a 18yo eastern euro wife and come back here and rub it in your face mate. I wont bring her back though cause I know the shitstorm and name calling from all the used up whores hitting the wall hoping for a guy like me to fall back on as their backup after all those years of riding around on randoms.

>> No.6359047

I found my wife who is amazing and wonderful. The kind of traditional conservative qt that you won’t find anywhere else bc she spends her Friday and Saturday nights at home watching Netflix or with her parents.

>> No.6359125
File: 1.37 MB, 1433x1283, Screenshot_2018-01-12-15-42-49-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser in elem, middle and high school

>hitting a gym for 3 years
>get into most prestigous CS uni
>20 years old, 1 year more to get bacheelor degree and then get internship/finish master for 2 more years

>mfw Il have my own place and a car by the time I hit my 25

Not to mention deem girrllzz man late highschool girls are sticking to me like crazy and back in the day they hoter ones wouldnt even view me as human being.

>> No.6359139

Become attractive. Physically, financially, socially. If you have money, then work on the other two. What else do you have in life Anon OP? Just do, and then be.

>> No.6359493

>A guy like me
When coming from a first world country is the only thing you have to offer no wonder you aren't doing so well mate

>> No.6359525

That's awesome, happy for you, but it's not really the norm

>> No.6360236

>Not having a live in slavegirl
I mean shit im a poorfag compared to you cunts, step up your game

>> No.6360314

>lol at you faggot straight guys. get on our level
>>loyal male partnerships
>>no bitchy drama
what fucking shit.

i seen you gay fags punch'n each other up all the time over bullshit drama and so much deceit there it isn't funny.

>> No.6360613

Thanks anon, appreciate the advice, seriously.

>> No.6360637

Slow down faggot need to make some more money first we aren't all full of monies like you

>> No.6360877


exactly. I've fucked plenty of girls, and it feel good but afterwards you just get this empty really shitty feeling.

A real girlfriend is more than something to fuck, it's a companion for a portion of your life that can't be bought or setup. I've had several girlfriends but only one that I saw as a companion. Unfortunately we broke up after 3 years, I don't know anon. I'm still young I hope someone special comes into my life again that I can really connect with. In the meantime I'll just keep studying, working out, and making money through crypto. what else can I do

>> No.6361025

I just want to remind everyone in here that replacing companionship and deep intimacy with some MGTOW hobby is literally biological cope.

I quote the Unabomber: 39. We use the term “surrogate activity” to designate an activity that is directed toward an artificial goal that people set up for themselves merely in order to have some goal to work toward, or let us say, merely for the sake of the “fulfillment” that they get from pursuing the goal. Here is a rule of thumb for the identification of surrogate activities. Given a person who devotes much time and energy to the pursuit of goal X, ask yourself this: If he had to devote most of his time and energy to satisfying his biological needs, and if that effort required him to use his physical and mental facilities in a varied and interesting way, would he feel seriously deprived because he did not attain goal X? If the answer is no, then the person's pursuit of a goal X is a surrogate activity.

>> No.6361257

There's literally nothing wrong with coping
Stop trying to feel superior to random people on the internet, it's pathetic.

>> No.6361439

What I'm saying m8 is that waiting out will improve a young mans self esteem
It's not going to improve society at large no lol

>> No.6361545


who said I'm trying to feel superior?

t. 23 year old basement dwelling NEET with an utterly tragic love life

>> No.6361565


Because some of us are not insecure faggots, who require the validation of those who are emotionally invested in you, therefore, will most likely give you an answer you are looking for. This way you don't have to deal with the introspection of making a huge fucking mistake going in on an absolute shit coin and the general state of your life.

>someone who loves you for who you truly are

Imagine being this much of a fucking useless piece of shit human being who just wants someone to love them, without any actual effort to bring any value to another humans life.

>> No.6361613

Dude if I was rich I could go rock climbing and surfing and skydiving and shit whenever I want. Could have cool car and nice house. If I'm doing all this cool shit the bitches come natural

>> No.6361636

I've only been in one relationship from 17-23. I've been single 4 years and idk where to meet women. I refuse to use online dating

>> No.6361706


jesus you're 27 now dude. Once you hit 30, you've become an old guy. You will have to deal with women 30-40, all of which have most likely been filled with every flavor of cock again and again. Good luck dude.

>> No.6361780

online dating is okay

but much better in Asian countries if you're a white dude, you suddenly have MUCH better matches on Tinder and shit

>> No.6361859

SK or Japan? Which has more beautiful women with better asses?

>> No.6361921
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, taeri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SK for me, Seoul is filled to the brim with hot women

although they're usually skinner so their ass is not as fat ;_;

>> No.6361945

I'm also from Ukraine. I was thinking about somehow getting a 20 year old girl from kiev when i make it with crypto

>> No.6361974

but did u take her v

>> No.6361990

I didn't try in Kiev. But I'm Ukrainian so it's not like I would have any advantage unless my profile made it very clear I'm a US citizen

>> No.6362025
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>tripcode on biz

>> No.6362073

Well i am a us citizen, and speak Russian fluently. I'm also not bad looking. I was just really fucked up from the breakup and never really dated. So im kinda clueless as to what do

>> No.6362189

Kiev is fun, I smoked weed with a girl from the hostel, but I didn't bang her

You can try Tinder in Kiev, I was too busy meeting family and shit so I can't say how it would have gone for me

>> No.6362659
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>Imagine being this much of a fucking useless piece of shit human being who just wants someone to love them, without any actual effort to bring any value to another humans life.
It's almost as if they think every woman be just like their mother

>> No.6363116
File: 21 KB, 424x362, a0f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last gf really did a number on me. Our time together was some of the best days of my life. I turned into a clingy faggot at the end our relationship and she ended up cheating on me. I haven't been the same since.

I'm currently 27 and I pray to god that there will be good days ahead me that are just as great as those days back then.

Here to you /biz/-brahs, lets pray for the best of times. I hope we all find the love and money we are after. Crypto is throwing us a bone. We are going to make it.

>> No.6363213
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>> No.6363487

There are still got women out there, there are just hard to find. focus on getting money instead anon.

>> No.6363559

I pray for you my /biz/brother of the coin. Stoicism onto you.

>> No.6363692
File: 4 KB, 165x115, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw first and only girlfriend was just chads bags and i bought ATH

>> No.6363744
File: 3.74 MB, 4032x3024, REEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucken Chink is a fucken SCAMMER ...his name is Richard Taihao Chang and lives in

19800 Sierra Meadows Ln
Northridge Ca 9126

DL # D3046055
DOB 10/10/1985

feel free to use his info. He scammed a couple of people out of money.

>> No.6363837


I have a daughter for love and I have friends for sex.

I don't need a gf.

>> No.6363845


>> No.6363989

I have a gf and it's as good as you think it is.

>> No.6364074


Lol you are a wagecuck at TGI Fridays

>> No.6364194
File: 125 KB, 769x431, 1515588528936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6364295

Grow up dude it happens to everybody.

>> No.6364460
File: 114 KB, 1000x664, LUJpYto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are the worst depreciating assets.

Sorry, not falling for the perfect life trick.

>> No.6364606

First you get the money, then you get the power.
Then you get the women.