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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6380874 No.6380874 [Reply] [Original]

What is that? Can anyone shill it to me? 28k telegram member and still not available on exchanges?

>> No.6381407

From what I heard, it won't debut until release of mainnet, which is currently scheduled for the 24th.

>> No.6381634

this is when I plan on buying it.

>> No.6381738
File: 223 KB, 410x307, Wanbull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circulating supply is about 1/3 of ICX's, pre-release hype is more than double

>> No.6381806

How many x's in 1 month time?

4x 10x 20x?

>> No.6381939

They were selling for $0.34 in the ICO. Provided the market doesn't turn bearish we could see between $15-20 within a month (conservative estimate)

>> No.6381956

Well, ICX was 50x I believe

>> No.6381980

Expecting a dip or an immediate run on the exchanges? Hoping to get in around that .3c mark.

>> No.6382061


What exchange will it be listed on?

When it gets listed, how long should i wait before I buy?
An hour?

>> No.6382160

Is it too late to get into as it could be released at the exchanges really high? I‘d drop 5k into it as soon it’s available on exchanges but I don’t know if it’s too late

>> No.6382249

Yes, projects always fall drastically when they hit exchanges and bleeds out back to ico prices.

>> No.6382271

Will it get listed at ico price?

>> No.6382297
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>mfw only 6000 WAN

>> No.6382304

Anon, stop fucking spoonfeeding them with gems. Delete this thread fucking ICO-bagholder.

>> No.6382433

I don‘t have any wans right now

>> No.6382450

Currently trading on ED

>> No.6382465

My crystal ball says, you are a moron

>> No.6382476

Delete thread, pls. Pajeets don't deserve this coin.

>> No.6382495

Anything linking coin. How is this novel?

>> No.6382552

wat? proof?

>> No.6382587

In their telegram channel they said don’t buy on ED their devs Said that

>> No.6382673

lmao I feel bad for the cucks trading their fake wan on ED

>> No.6382976

I expect it to do the something similar to ICX. It will almost certainly get straight on Binance, then people will be waiting for ICO buyers to dump (which they won't) and the price will keep rising. WAN below $10 is a steal

>> No.6383134

Should I buy right when it gets listed on Binance?
Should I wait like 1 hr or something?

>> No.6383216

It's the real token. Team just said they won't honor swap when they go live

>> No.6383262

what do you mean by honor swap?

Should I buy it on ED then?

>> No.6383269

What does this mean

>> No.6383314

Yes buy on ED! Do it!! Please do it!!!

>> No.6383388


Jesus Christ, what children have invaded /biz/. Or maybe it's women.
Nobody even knows at what price it will debut, last thing I heard (rumors only) was between $4-8, which would decrease their competition to ICX and AION (which would make sense, as they are partners) but also severely kill a lot of demand as the growth would be extremely limited for the extremely short term that most people now eye for profits.
Or they debut for much less, say $.5 and there will be a substantial run on this.
Or maybe mainnet gets delayed further, and kills all hype.
Or some CNBC curry cunt writes another fake news article about bans and whatnot.


>> No.6383407

It's a scam on there
not real token

>> No.6383408
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>> No.6383427

Jesus, pajeets

It means the tokens will not be exhanged voor the real coins once the mainnet goes live because you've violated the conditions of the token sale

>> No.6383456


>> No.6383469

so then they are useless, no?

>> No.6383475

Exchanged for*

>> No.6383481

No it’s real, check the ethereum address on etherscan

>> No.6383522

No not at all pajeet
In fact, they're even worth more

Definitely buy>>6383469

>> No.6383531


>> No.6383638

Thanks for ruining my little bit of fun

>> No.6383704

Lmao, this thing is so overhyped. It willl his exchanges with ICO holders setting high bids and maybe some suckers will buy them but it will tank hard and large holders will sell at massive profits.

It will probably setting around 500-1b mcap and its potential is only a couple bil short term, there are so many coins with better potential. Wan is only good if you got in the ico it is too over hyped now.

>> No.6383790

yeah I guess it's going to dump hard and the devs will cancel the project


>> No.6383882

I'm sure you're a makiposter, you people are always dark and evil.

>> No.6383920


The wanchain team isn't even smart enough to know how to lock their eth tokens, and you except them to build their own chain? Their code, they just forked and bastardized ethereum. There will be a hype pump before the exchange listing, which is starting now, and the listing will be announced to insiders who will get reading to fleece any suckers that buy into the hype, then when the rest of the ICO holders get their coins it will dump hard.

>> No.6383922
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>i i-its overhyped!

>> No.6384059

There is huge demand from USA, China and S.Korea as they were not allowed to participate.

The main ICO ran out in less than a minute. Officially people estimate 4-10 minutes. However, it was much less. I sent my transaction on the first second but it was confirmed 4 minutes later. There were comments of people who sent on 50th second and missed out. This was perhaps the fastest ICO to sell out ever or a very close second to BAT which sold out in 35 seconds.

Unlike BAT, individual caps means there were no whales who could pick up large quantities of WAN, therefore, it is very difficult for whales to suppress/manipulate the price. Being evenly distributed is important to avoid pump and dumps in the short term.

This is not another ERC-20 token. Wanchain is it's own protocol and hence has a much higher value than most ICOs this year. You can see on Coinmarketcap, majority of top coins are protocols not tokens. In addition to this, there is no inflation, low circulating supply of 100M and POS means circulating supply will be reduced even more. Coins with POS or masternodes perform extremely well, just look at Dash.

Wanchain is ETH XMR & XRP all in one. In theory, it is superior to all of them. Firstly, it is a fork of ETH so has smart contract capability but already has POS and private transactions. It is better than XMR because it generates a new one time address for private transactions everytime. Lastly it is better than XRP because it is actually decentralised and can allow banks (and normal people) to not only do settlements but also provide credit and lending facilities. The icing on the cake is that Wanchain connects all blockchains with its interoperability features.

This isn't a typical ICO which released a whitepaper after 1 day and ran it's ICO 2 weeks later. This has been in development for 2 years now and has a world class team behind it. They have experience in successful crypto projects and know what it takes to deliver.

>> No.6384073


Because it is. Think about what wanchain actually is. Its a forked version of ethereum. Ethereum will brutally rape this thing by 2018. I am not saying ETH is a better investment, just that the ethereum platform will destroy their money grab forks of eth in scalability by next year.

Why can't the eth tokens be exchanged? Every other chain that issued temporary tokens allowed this. Its an orchestrated attempt to hype the shit out of this project so insiders can dump at 100-1000x profits in the short term.

>> No.6384099

The team are not greedy. They didn't aim to raise hundreds of millions. They set a fair and realistic cap which therefore allows incredible returns for ICO investors or those who buy in the first few days of being listed on exchange. You would be crazy to sell at even 100x ico price (around $3.5B or $35) unless you are hoping to buy back in cheaper. The value for this project if they deliver on roadmap is at least 35b to 70b marketcap which would be $350-$700. I expect this to be achieved within 12-24 months.
Wanchain's target market is huge. There are billions of unbanked people worldwide who could benefit from using Wanchain banking facilities.
Corporate clients and govt. organisations can also benefit immensely from utilising Wanchain's private chains. Think of how companies, hospitals, schools etc... have their own intranets only for their internal employees.
they can still access websites on the internet. This can be done on Wanchain as well

Wanchain is by far the best ICO to date from a regulatory standpoint. Even though it is frustrating to have a 3 month lockup of your ETH. They chose to not allow erc-20 tokens to be tradable in order to avoid any scrutiny from regulators. Anyone who is familiar with securities laws knows that regulators mainly look the ICO and what was done before and right after. When cryptocurrencies become regulated (this is inevitable guys, whether you like it or not). Each project will be heavily scrutinised by regulators and many will be deemed securities. Some governments will not care, but surely countries like U.S, Canada, China etc... Will set explicit laws that ban their citizens from buying certain coins and exchanges from offering them. Sure, there will be decentralised exchanges and a lot of crypto projects will survive because naturally cryptos are censorship resistant. However, there will still be a need for a legitimate blockchain that is approved for investment and utility for retail and institutional investors

>> No.6384137

>so insiders can dump at 100-1000x profits in the short term.

oh so i have nothing to worry about

>> No.6384158


Yeah, the ICO was a great investment. If you were an insider and bought in the ICO you will dumping at 100-1000x gains. No doubt about that. But the ICO is over. They are already hyping this thing way beyond its value. If it hits exchanges at a billion you are an idiot if you buy it.

>> No.6384161
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>mfw 63k WAN

>> No.6384218

your going to be so fucking rich.

>> No.6384257

Guys, you should buy this on EtherDelta while you can.

>> No.6384299
File: 119 KB, 392x379, cbb63de1-57c8-4b34-9a35-2f92464590ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6384441

If the ban on trading the eth tokens was for regulatory reasons, why weren't the tokens just locked?

Is the wanchain team not capable of writing a simple smart contract, or are they defraud people?

>> No.6384565

I've got 5 BTC sitting on binance ready for the craziness. Verification nodes will cost 10k WAN since WAN means 10k in Chinese. And I want enough for 10 nodes.
All the best lads and try not to make too many hype threads before she gets listed, okay?

>> No.6384679

do you think 6k will be enough to make it?

>> No.6384856

You might hit 1MM late this year desu. Aim for 10k though for that residual node income.

>> No.6385368

Admins in the Telegram have been saying it will be significantly more than 10k for a verification node. There aren't supposed to be that many of them

>> No.6385767

> ICX and WAN the most promising projects in 2018
G-guys dont make to much hype plz..ty