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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6477015 No.6477015 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6477041
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>tfw only 6k WAN

>> No.6477110

>tfw our 6.8 eth turns into $100k

>> No.6477243

Guys, you should buy this on Etherdelta before it hits any real exchanges.

>> No.6477388

can i buy this on idex to?

>> No.6477425


You get in at the ico?

>> No.6477434

This is currently only available on Etherdelta. Buy as much as you can

>> No.6477479

WHENCHAIN? I want to buy some!

>> No.6477485

why you trying to fuck the people you piece of shit
they told several times not to buy from Étherdelta and wait for the release
im in their Telegram btw.

>> No.6477503


Why is that? A scam?

>> No.6477521

You fucking pajeet dont fuck other people's money. If you buy it on ED, you are litteraly fucked those tokens are worthless. Just ask in telegram.

>> No.6477529

Why did they say this?

>> No.6477547

This is fud spread by whales that are accumulating. Buy now!

>> No.6477552

No not a scam but the tokens in ED are worthless, you can only buy it after mainnet and other exchanges.

>> No.6477584

Enjoy bagholding those worthless tokens LOL. Faggot

>> No.6477585

Oh good, never use ED anyways but was just wondering, getting this when hits the exchange for sure then, fucking hate coins being on ED, they get fucked over before hits any decent exchange by price being crazy high

>> No.6477586

I don't know anything about wanchain but they said something like only the wan in whitelisted wallets counts and will be traded for the actual wancoin or something.

>> No.6477593

Buying wan on ed is a gamble. They claim those tokens won't be valid on the main net and thus worthless after a trade. How do you even know the ed contract address is the real wanchain token?

Might be worth a gamble of the price is low enough on ed that one is gonna explode when it hits the exchange.

Anyone know how wanchain can even enforce the no trading before main net rule?

>> No.6477605

Why not? Faggots who don't make their own research deserves to be fucked.

>> No.6477677

i swear biz is getting worse by day
pajeets and brainlets everywhere

>> No.6477709

Why spoonfeed retards?

>> No.6477712

fucking faggot

>> No.6477738

because faggots like you are far worse

>> No.6477741


Could someone explain this more. I was close to buying Lamden weeks ago on IDEX, was that also a scam?

>> No.6477761


>being this cruel and sadistic

The absolute state of this guy.

What a fucking disgrace

>> No.6477777


>> No.6477803


Quints confirm Wanchain moon.

>> No.6477805

Nice digits, nigger.

>> No.6477860

You can't get in any good ICO as an American

Fuck this world. Getting in a good ico is a free 50k minimum instantly in your pocket.

>> No.6477868
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early retirement confirmed.

>> No.6477905


Lol you are taking actual time and effort to fuck with peoples livelihood for the pure joy of it.

Enjoy your self loathing you faggot

>> No.6477910

Yes you can you dumb cunt just use a VPN or whatever. god americans are such fucking pussies.

>> No.6477917

This would be a good lesson for pajeets that constantly ask: "should i buy this? What does this coin do? When do i sell? Should i this and that?" You're basically encouraging that kind of retardation. They constantly rely on advice of other people and don't do their own research. They don't have what it takes to be in this game and deserve to be fucked.

>> No.6477923


What are you selling for on opening day. Assuming you were just getting rid of like 5 percent

>> No.6477973


Yes obviously I would be willing to use a VPN. But my understanding is that the better ICOs have strict KYC verification and request passport pictures and shit like that. Was this Wanchain ICO not like that?

>> No.6478012


Let then play without chasing them out, fish provide gains for the sharks.

>> No.6478030


I wonder if us Americans could use fake IDs in this situation and get away with it.

>> No.6478038

nothing less than $100 per WAN. and i wont be selling for months

forgive the reddit, but read this https://www.reddit.com/r/wanchain/comments/7orp6j/why_i_think_wanchain_is_an_incredible_longterm/

>> No.6478146

Got 15.8k WAN.

>> No.6478300

Holding 63,184 WAN. Plan to dump $70K into it the first hour or so when it's listed.
Let's go boys.

>> No.6478338

holy fuck you lads are going to be absolutely minted.

>> No.6478610

>What are you selling for on opening day.
If i realized I could have set up multiple timed transactions in parity it would've been a lot more. I was chatting with one of the team in the discord and apparently even during the presale nobody got as much as they wanted. I'm praying for an early dump under $2 but anything under $5 and I'm pushing my whole stack in.

>> No.6478931
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>> No.6478966

I put 2 ETH into this back in autumn. How many WAN do I get?

>> No.6479097

NICE TRY PAJEET, someone tell this nigger wan isn't even released yet

>> No.6479131

Come on you niggers I want to know if I will make it. That's now $2.5k worth of ETH so this bitch better be $10k total

>> No.6479293

1760 WAN

>> No.6479987

Blockchain revolution WANCHAIN - releases tokens they dont want people trading because "how to code?"

>> No.6480351

Enjoy getting raped by the irs when you go to cash out

>> No.6480491
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>> No.6480583

I think wan will be the perfect complement to chainlink. I'm new to this coin so forgive me if this has been pointed out already. Plan to go 50% link, 40% wan, and 10% for moon chasing once this gets on an exchange.

Thanks for raping the thread faggot

>> No.6480835


>> No.6480866

the fuck is your problem?

>> No.6480869

How shit people who are going to rush to buy this when it hits binance are going to get absolutely rekt. Wanchain is the most overhyped ICO yet. This might be a 100x flip! Suckers are probably going to buy this shitty ethereum fork for over 1 bil mcap straight out of the gate and are going to get dumped on hard.

And look at their temp eth token. Its tradable, but if you trade it they won't honor it on the new chain? What the fuck. So the wanchain team is either too stupid to write a smart contract to lock the tokens, or is purposely trying to defraud people. Wanchain is just a forked and bastardized ethereum from and incompetent or dishonest team that is just building up hype so that insiders can dump the second it hits exchanges. They even came up with eth token so they could dump before the main net even launched!

>> No.6480977

Who cares, we'll pump straight to $3B, take our ICO profits and leave normans in the dust

>> No.6481045

Bad fud.

ERC-20 versions of wancoin are transferrable purely to allow for moving them out of a compromised wallet as the period for mainnet was so long.

Reason they are NOT accepting exchanged ERC-20 wancoins is to avoid being fucked by SEC. If you allow a pre-functional utility token to be traded you are literally creating an illegitimate security.

>> No.6481055


>> No.6481276
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So this is what /biz/ has come to, autistic kids trying to fuck over his own kind

And retards so deluded on the crypto Kool aid they call the truth #fud, allowing a prefunctional token to be traded is exactly what they did dumbass

What a shitty board we have become out of reckless greed

>> No.6481315


Then why issue the token? If you have to manually keep track of people wallets, to differentiate between a trade and what is just a transfer to the same person's wallet, what is the point of the token? Why not just issue the coins on the new exchange?

So why did they issue the token, and make it tradable?

A. They are too stupid to write a smart contract
B. They intentionally want to defraud people.

So which is it?

>> No.6481395


Additionally, if they are too stupid to write a smart contract, they are supposed to fork Ethereum and build a better chain? Holy shit what a joke!

>> No.6481549

You're a fucking retard or a dyslexic mongoloid. They have actually not allowed a prefunctional token to be traded because it's not redeemable if traded. Thus not a prefunctional token when traded, it is simply worthless. This FUD is so fucking retarded. Hit me with something better you dumb cunt, go read the whitepaper and ask some other retarded questions rather than just repeating the same shit you lazy fuck.

You're equally as retarded as above.

>why issue the token?
lmao. Oh idk, just like, continue progressing the project on $0 instead? No idea why they'd HAVE A FUCKING ICO. KYS.

>if you have to manually track
HOW stupid are you? "Is this coming from an ICO whitelisted address? No? KYC again". It's very fucking simple you imbecile.

>So why did they issue the token, and make it tradable?
You realise like, 0.00001% of the potential ICO buyers aren't reading this, right? You're literally wasting your time and your FUD is fucking awful. You should have got whitelisted you ignorant cunt, anyone could have seen this ICO a mile off. And for the stupid people who don't understand why, even though this thick cunt can get it, the answer is security. It's pretty fucking retarded to lock a token to a wallet for 3-5 months in the event the private key is compromised. Better to allow people to secure their own tokens, but ensuring the people who need to move their tokens are able to prove they still own the private key to the new address.


>> No.6481608

Why not lock it up? I know, they are shitty devs that fucked up.

>> No.6481626


>> No.6481790
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LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE /biz/, just look at this full blown mongoloid drowning in irony.

>Issues a token with the sole purpose of transferring to my own network.

>Oh boy you are taking too long to launch your network/service I'm gonna try to sell this

>Holy shit, they're not locked, what's better, the smart contract allows me to transfer to whatever address I want

>Not a prefunctional token

keep mumbling muh fuuuud at this point you already revealed how much you know amount Ethereum and smart contracts, as a matter of fact you're a normie tier (((crypto trader)))

>> No.6481841

No you idiot. lamden is an unrelated project and a rocketship in its own right. Wanchain is the one you shouldn’t buy on ED or idex because the wanchain tokens trading there now are worthless

>> No.6481859


I wasn't asking why they had the ICO. I'm asking why issue the temporary token. You say its easy to have tokens from non-whitelisted addresses go through KYC, I agree, not the point. The point is why even exchange the tokens? Why not just re-issue the tokens on the new chain from their current ICO contributor list? Why do they even need to exchange the temporary tokens? What is the purpose of the temporary token?

Again, there seems to be only 2 possible explanations for the existence of the seemingly useless temporary token:

1. The Wanchain team is retarded
2. Wanchain is trying to defraud people.

>> No.6481961

wait so its basically just a chink eth fork? dont we already have several of those? why would a chink knockoff version be better than the original that has thousands of developers?

>> No.6482014

Answered in their statements. Their belief that providing individuals control of their own tokens is the right move.

It caters to the nervous and the retarded.


0.1 eth to anyone who can decipher this retard's point.

>> No.6482218

Mostly option 1

Wanchain in and ETH fork, to only award tokens only to the ones who rightfully bought into they planned the interchange from one net to the other option was to award WAN to every single address owning ETH which it's obviously stupid.

This is what your soyboy anon can't even comprehend

That being said, if you want to get into WAN just wait a couple hours or days after it hits the exchanges, you'll see your typical big ass red candle from 100x to 3x

>> No.6482357

Don't trade those tokens kids. Worthless.

Or do whatever you want but remember 2 little words...."personal responsibility". You are an adult and consequences are your own.

>> No.6482381


It just seems like horrible optics for a completely unnecessary move. The coin is supposedly tradable so people can "move the tokens into cold storage," but at the same time the token is supposedly worthless. Makes no sense. Maybe some insiders just wanted to dump before the main net even launched, and this was the scheme they came up with. Who knows, leaves the company looking retarded though.

>> No.6482384

>implying I'm not an ico contributor

I actually hope you're right and it does go to 3x. But with enough time for you to have bought in like you're planning to do.

Good luck faggot. Should have been an ICO investor.

>mfw I contributed to both ICON at presale and WAN at ICO.

Can you even comprehend how much richer I am than you? I'd gladly see wancoin go to zero to have you lose your all in and KYS.