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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6570957 No.6570957 [Reply] [Original]

so the BCC lending is closed but they said you will get all of your money back at a rate of 363$

so now the site is down but when it will went up again you can exchange your bcc for that fixed price at 363$

so now people ar fudding hard on it and the price is down to like 20-40$ so buy the dip and exchange it back when the site is back again

search for the article i saw it 5h ago on their site but now i gues with all the poeple trying to accsess their wallet and stuff the site is slow/down

link to the officalsite dont work but here you can read the detail on the 363$ thing


youtube vit that shoes its on the officalsite

BUY the dip

>> No.6571289

I'm not touching that shit either way.

>> No.6571368

Yeah of course bro. And SALT are buying token back for 27.5$ !! Better stock up on them, companies LOVE to give out free money like that, totally gonna happen!

>> No.6571394
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1512431355510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 10k

>> No.6571445

this is under the assumption that they are solvent enough to come up with 365 per BCC they issued. now with BTC in the toilet i do no think they'll have the capital to cover the losses.

>> No.6571686
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btc is not down the toilet same shit happens every year and i think they made enought money to do that

another thing is that in the 2 years of bcc and 1 year of the lending programm their is 0 proof that someone didnt get their money

why make an ico and than scam people?

>> No.6571729

wait for the storm to set and you will get your money at that rate

>> No.6572556

Retard alert

What they mean is, the amount of money you had being lended will be refunded to you at a rate of 1 BCC per $363. So if you lent $3630, you get 10 BCC which is roughly the price of a used hot pocket.

>> No.6572635
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Guys, this is just the standard January dip. If you'd look at the chart history you'd see that this happens every year. I just bought $40k of Bitconnect and I can't wait to dunk on you noobs with my riches.

>> No.6572694

Only If you sell at hitbtc or something
Read through it 363$at their Exchange not hitbtc or any other exchange
This could be a 10x

>> No.6572726

only after a confido style legal ruling, if there's one. Shit will be months off, buy then when its 2 dollars a coin

>> No.6572747

man, the guys who created this are going to get away easy with all that btc, and the idiots shilling it on youtube (who just gave the sec all the evidence they needed to fine and or jail them) are going to take all the heat.


>> No.6572753

i never thought people could be this stupid. you. you're stupid.

>> No.6573030

You know what, you’re right. PLEASE go all in and buy as much BCC as possible. Laugh at me from your lambo.

>> No.6573069

good luck with that

>> No.6573084

Just bought 1 bcc for free could be worth 3 fiddy wth

>> No.6573094

are there really people this stupid OP, i mean it was an actual 100% ponzi scheme

>> No.6573134


>> No.6573135

Have you faggots seen Craig Grant in his cruise trips, yatchings, showing off his BTC balance? Shit is real, I want to live like a king!

Craig just posted another video, no one is running away, stop FUDDING.

>> No.6573143
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>> No.6573173
