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6760846 No.6760846 [Reply] [Original]

>showoff your bitcoin mining setup

>> No.6760979
File: 596 KB, 1734x975, mining_rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6761020

Wow i cant wait to buy your 0.00000000001 BTC in a weeks time!

>> No.6761058
File: 345 KB, 1600x1200, 5F800831-94D5-4DCF-AFD1-EA557FC082AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ the machines are organizing the singularity is real

>> No.6761061
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>> No.6761256 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable.!

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6761299
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20180118_220703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a small start but you gotta start somewhere. I've been picking up parts for a proper rig as they come in stock for the last few weeks. Hoping to have a proper rig up and running in early February.

I opted for 1080 TIs as they seem the most future-proof and profitable per card. How retarded am I? Mining zclassic btw.

>> No.6761304
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Don't have one of it all hooked up but that was last year around this time

>> No.6761621
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>> No.6761705

What's a general estimate on how long I should expect for a 100% roi these days? Considering dropping a couple thousand on some GPUs

>> No.6761729
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>> No.6761743

OP is 12 and lives with his parents or he likes burning money.

>> No.6761771

do you guys browse for new coins and mine them and hope for the best? I have free electricity and 3 shit graphics cards, thinking of getting into mining for an excuse to build and tinker.

>> No.6761773

If you buy the gpus at a normal price. ROI at max 8 months. Now fuck its laughable

>> No.6761818

what is all of that shit on top of everything

>> No.6761854

Clearly it's mud to keep it cool without a fan.

>> No.6761936

Honestly, I dont know why biz hates on mining so much, it's literally a machine that makes money on it's own. My first rig had a 3 month ROI and is pumping out $1000/month net revenue on $60 of electricity. Next one I'm building will cost about $9000, net about $3000 a month with probably $80 in electric. Seriously...literally..free money..whats not to love?

>> No.6761982

Are those premade rigs on alibaba a scam?

>> No.6761996

Caught fire and melted

>> No.6761997

I mine myself. No hate at all from me. $80 electric a week? Cause thats pretty much impossible in NA.

>> No.6762076

They sell you pre-mined rigs with abused cards. If you think a shortened rig lifespan is a scam, then yeah

>> No.6762081

I dont know I built mine
I'm southeast US, so 8 cent per KWH

>> No.6762104
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>> No.6762123

I'm at 8 cents a kwh too. $80 a month on a machine that produces 3k is impossible or you know something I don't.

>> No.6762202

well 80$ was an estimate, i don't know what the power consumption of the cards I'll be using is so it was a proportional guess, but the rig im running is about $60 a month on continuous 1KW

>> No.6762232

this is how you die in your sleep
>fucking carpet to top it off

>> No.6762381

I'm a software dev but have no idea on most of the hardware components to build a rig. How difficult were these to set up yourselves?

I'm assuming most of you are using GPU rigs?

>> No.6762429

Literally everyone in this thread with a pic is running a massive fucking deficit

>> No.6762444

You're that fag who did the LARP about killing yourself over Bitconnect arent you.

>> No.6762482

Do you have any resources for learning/getting in to mining? I'm a software engineer so not retarded with computers, just need some good resources as I want to get into mining.

>> No.6762620

12x p106-100
6x 1070ti

making about 2000-2500$ a month
roi is like 3-4 months
feels pretty good

>> No.6762686


I hope you are larping faggot. This is pathetic by all means

>> No.6762941

fire started in the attic and the fire department had to break his shit hosing it down, its from old LTC forums

>> No.6762952

It has started to create more efficient structures.

>> No.6763236

Why does everyone use wood? I would be nervous to leave it alone in case of fire.

>> No.6763252
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1 short, please send help

>> No.6763281


Pretty retarded

>> No.6763373

You can start by buying your cards, that's literally the hardest part at this point

>> No.6763934

Thats pretty, i have 3 antminer s9s and looking into getting some cards. How much are you pulling with that setup daily and how much was the initial investment?

>> No.6764318
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Be sure to observe my chad bulge

>> No.6764320

5-6k, ~.90 ETH a month which at current prices is around $35 a day. Paid off in about 5 months, could have been shorter but bought frames, expensive risers, SSDs and 1200w platinum EVGAs. Will be worth the extra time for ROI long term.

>> No.6764612

can i buy a premade miner? I have 5k to spare from crypto gains and would like one, my dorm gets free electricity too..

>> No.6764708


>> No.6765084

Gaming is beta bitch brainwash

>> No.6765553

blessed with cow shit to appease the 11 armed cat god apesh so it doesnt burn down your hut while your at the att call center.

>> No.6765668

Is it even worth trying to mine with just one GPU (6gb gtx1060)?

>> No.6766255
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93.772 Teraflops a secong with these bad boys. Ultra compact.

>> No.6766324
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>> No.6766484

no piss bottles or ashtray. 0/10 you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.6766633

needs more airplane models and discarded television remotes

>> No.6766767

2 1070tis here. I use crypto coinz.net to calc which coin to mine. Right now I'm mining Goa coin I get about 1.2 a day. Is there anything better I should try and mine?

>> No.6766773
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x1836, 20180111_213209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 1070s
Also mine with 1080 and 4770k in my main pc when not in use which is usually.

>> No.6766814
File: 160 KB, 375x500, 5D147D97-CB26-4761-8E59-2088984A492E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6766859

all that wood and paper

>> No.6766897

It's a mining rig not a fireplace anon
It's been running since early July

>> No.6767320

man,buying all that stuff, putting it together, losing space / a room, the noise, checking its running still etc. Then theres electricity price in the UK...

I guess if your young and don't have a bank account its a good way of getting into it?
But for $2k a month; the 3-4hrs a day i spend trading back and forth seems easier and pays better (especially if i add electricity).

>> No.6767582

Yeah that's what I don't get. I invested $10k in crypto 2 months ago and now it's worth $40k. Why don't miners just do that?

>> No.6767701

Because the hardware will retain value in the event of a crash.

>> No.6767746


If I drop 1k on crypto and it crashes the next day i'm fucked. If I drop 1k on a kick ass GPU and crypto crashes the next day then I have a kick ass GPU I can still sell.

>> No.6767754

I paid for my rig installments with a high-limit, interest-free credit card. It was the best move at the time, but other than this specific situation, building a mining rig just feels like a less risk/less reward approach on crypto

>> No.6767813

16 1080ti
5 1050ti
1 1080
1 970

summer is coming, not sure wtf I am gonna do with all the heat

>> No.6767823

How much does electricity actually cost in the UK?
Is it not worth it to mine in the Uk cause of this?

I'm gonna wageslave until I've got the money to either buiild a rig or invest. But investing is more risky... Specially to a noob.

>> No.6768072

Pipe it through your hot water heater

>> No.6768135

How about the electricity bills guys?

>> No.6768340

I wrote a script on a pi to ping my gateway and my rigs and reset if necessary. Doing it manually was a bitch and my wife would turn off my breakers because facebook didnt work. (if a rig crashes, sometime it sends broadcasts to the network and fucks it)
Winner of this thread so far. This is how the pros do it. A Mobo on it's box wire racks and zip ties. I hope those aren't 460s or 2GB cards.
The electrician is coming Monday to add 4 30 amp circuits on 10 gauge wires. The new risers have better power connectors. The Sata/Molex can have these results. Try to buy Molex risers.
I calculated 100 day ROI on Ethereum in June when it was $250... I held some, sold some. Even though it's paid off I look now that ETH is $1100 my new ROI numbers are under 45 days. Im with you anon $650/month @.12 cents/kwh bill to have $3000... not rocket science. I have bots trading but the money isn't as steady as the mines and I hate bags and watching the markets all the time is stressful.
Hes right, even at 8 cents youre still gonna pay about $4-500 to get 3k. The only thing I'm worried about is getting raided for grwoing pot or something. 6600 watts is not average according to my bill.
RX 570s of you can get em. EVGA 1000GQ power supplies. CPU/RAM. You will get dead risers so buy extra (1 in 8 or so) and get the molex powered ones. Ethos is what I use on my rigs and it is a pretty nice OS with a WebConsole. Modding the BIOS on the cards is a process but easy once you get going. Dont need a hard drive, just boot to thumbdrive. (you can even pull it out once its loaded into the ram, not recommended tho)
Its a cheap insulated material. Wire racks if you want 12+ GPUs are the way to go.
It's gonna take forever to hit the threshold of a pool, but If you had been mining 3 months ago the card would be paid for.
My trading funds just kinda slosh around and get lost. Plus I like computers.