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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6919162 No.6919162 [Reply] [Original]

No LARPing allowed in this thread.

This board is full of people shilling and fake blockfolios where they pretend everything is just fine, but i'm certian there are others getting ABSOLUTELY ANALY RAVAGED in this market like myself.

I entered crypto in early December with 11k. Peak about 2-3 weeks ago was 37k.

I currently have about 18k. Just been holding this entire time while my coin not only droops in fiat value, but in satoshi as well during all of this.

>Serves you right for holding a shitcoin XD

Wrong. It's not a shitcoin. It just isn't moving anywhere in this piece of shit market right now.

Every day i'm becoming more and more depressed. I feel like surely we must be nearing the end of this cycle where I'll be rewarded for holding through all of this, but every day im bleeding out just a little bit more.

I feel like unless you got out prior to this market, are some kind of savant, or went all-in on Cindicator, nearly everyone should be getting fucking REKT right now, yet the shills on this board would have you believe otherwise.

So how are you holding up bros? Be HONEST here. At what %loss will you be getting the rope?

Are we going to recover soon?

>> No.6919182

Also it's not reddit spacing you faggots.

>> No.6919578


I bought in at the beginning of september, basically buying eth at ATH before the china ico ban shitshow. In 2 weeks i was basically down 50% from my initial investment. Not peanuts, €60k to 35k or so.
Now 4 months later i am 6x my initial, ( i was up way more 2 weeks ago, bleeded out like anybody that did not take profits and tethered up i guess).
In a few weeks it will be all right, a lot of projects have nice milestones this Q1, eth and bitcoin are going to stabilize, koreans are back in the game, this year the normans and stacies are going to start using blockchain related products without even realizing, and anyone with half a brain will get rich.

>> No.6919654
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not your personal blog salty soyboys.

>> No.6919730

Bears are losing power. Manipulation is at max, fud lasted for entire month, btc was pushed back to 9.5k but not anymore, rebounded 3 times of 10k already. Plenty of big guys put buy orders at 8.5k but its not working out for them.

>> No.6919793

You entered in the greatest bullrun we've ever had and you're only up 1.6x? Yeah no, you're holding shitcoins. Even after the BTC correction any investor who'll make it is at least up 10x.

>> No.6919816

Lol faggot thinks were larping. Should have bought VEN cuck

>> No.6919847

No, it's the spacing of a brain-damaged retard. Didn't read, fuck off.

>> No.6919866

I entered at the same time as you, shit was a bloodbath. I did really well after then though, x40ed my entire stack by ATH before this correction. Down from 1.3m at the peak to 900k right now so I'm still sitting pretty comfy.

>> No.6919983

oh Tron 2.0 PnD?

No thanks

>> No.6920154

Started in December with 3k. Had 9k before the crash. Fell for the fucking hodl meme and now I'm at 2.4k (withdrew 1400 in profits). Trying to make back some of my losses day trading because every fucking thing I hold goes back down as quick as it goes up. How the fuck did i get JUSTed holding a project as solid as ENG?

>> No.6920188

yeah im holding LUX but I made the mistake of buying in when it was fucking high ($45).

Prior to that I had been all-in on ICX from $2.40

I literally sold ICX low and bought LUX high. And this damage is amplified times 5 right now because of the dumb fucking market

>> No.6920286

Puts in 18k. Watched it 2x+. Didn’t remove initial investment to insure maximum comfy. Wyd senpai?

>> No.6920351

Y u no remove initial investment?

>> No.6920360

all or nothing.

I put in 11k btw, not 18

im not interested in withdrawing small amounts from this.

>> No.6920401

Posted twice. Thought captcha boned me.

>> No.6920456

Was at 25k before the dip. Now I'm at 15k. Blows but my initial was 4k so whatever.

>> No.6920489

To each their own I suppose. But I got to tell you, as soon as I 3x and removed initial, I felt amazing. At this point idc if the whole thing crashes to the ground. I’m playing for free now.

>> No.6920511
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Started with 9k, now currently at 49k and shopping cheap alts, ATH was 70k

>> No.6920533

He said no larping.
Pls go

>> No.6920544


What are paragraphs you uneducated mongoloid

>> No.6920561


Your problem is that you entered crypto around the biggest bull run in history. Everything fucking pumped.

The market still hasn't fully recovered but we're nearer to what is typical. Rapid growth continues but not with every token under the sun.

To people who have been in this game longer, the current period is nothing to worry about. It's happened before, multiple times over.

It's just a matter of time before the market goes on another massive bull rally. People just have to be fucking patient.

>> No.6920578

Down from ATH of 1.6m to 1.1m. Just hold, it’ll get better.

>> No.6920589

You're up 6 grand in two months, and you think you're getting ravaged? Crypto maybe isn't for you OP. Sell your coins and GTFO.

>> No.6920631
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Ah yes. Uneducated but yet you think the difference between 11k and 18k is 6k.

Maybe you should use your crypto earnings to get cosmetic cranial surgery since you literally look like this IRL.

>> No.6920646

This, stop panic selling your shit and wait.

>> No.6920678

Right, you're up EVEN MORE than I thought at a glance and still crying about your losses. KYS.

>> No.6920710

even being still up from initial investment, going to get justed by insane taxes, goddmnit.

>> No.6920951

I feel for you OP but I also feel like maybe you do have some fucking shitcoins.

My high was 29k and I have been oscillating in the 21k to 25k range recently. After going as low as 16k on Jan. 16th (my birthday, actually)

I'm half in ETH at the moment and I think that has helped.

>> No.6921098

I'll add that I am considering cashing out everything to pay off my student loans. The tether FUD, the current (relative) stagnation, the scare that I had on the 16th, the constant worrying signs like Ponzicoin / Kodakcoin / BCC mooning AFTER the exit scam are all getting to me

>> No.6921218
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I was at 90k at my peak. Initial investment was about 1200ish. Not a larp just long hodl.

I bled out about 40k getting back in the 50k range. But my two biggest coins I am invested in most are not fucking kidding around. Steem and EOS. These two coins have been fucking insane honestly. Back in the day when I used to hold BTC I never would have thought I would see numbers like that.

Well anyway the rest of my portfolio was fucking cut in half... I had like 12-15k invested in ADA XRP and ETH. ETH held up well but XRP and ADA DIED. So now I have this fucked up portfolio where its like towering 30-40k amounts of steem and EOS and and fucking 3k left for my other god damn coins. (This includes some life costs too but nothing crazy.)

My portfolio literally fucking reversed where my holdings in steem and EOS where marginal and everything else was my biggest holdings to LOSING FUCKING GOD DAMN EVERYTHING ALMOST in everything else. At this point I am kind of venting more than I am contributing to the thread.

If I wasn't in steem and EOS right now I would have been FUCKING WIPED OUT. But somehow I got very lucky with my choices. I don't know what to fucking do with the remaining 3k I have that I used for my other coins. Its like a joke at this point compared to my other coins. That 3k used to be 15k .. IT USED TO be more than 1/3 my folio!!!

MORE THAN ONE THIRD!!!!! Now its shit! holy motherfuck!!

WTF should I do? so at the moment I am at 70k and I am pretty much invested in two coins... If that Dan Larimer guy dies I will be 100% fucked. I have lost the ability to actually diversify my shit. I am too afraid to touch ANYTHING right now.

>> No.6921405

no rope brah.
I invest the money I can afford loosing. So simple. And while I'm comfy AF I just hold and will have more money in a few months or I won't have extra money at all...

> buy low now?