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705151 No.705151 [Reply] [Original]

funny/awkward job interview story time
>be me
>go in for interview for sports coordination
>guy hands me a piece of paper with basic duties and what not
>says i should have already read it when i applie
>"uh...yeah" (i didnt know they had it posted)
>he reads it off, no problems
>goes to questions, has a second guy join in
>second guy is younger, maybe 22
>first guy "what three words would your friends use to describe you"
>stare at him
>he stares at me
>i stare at him "..."
>not those words, keep it pg
>finally mutter "interesting, trustworthy, chill"
>he says " ok, explain interesting, thats very vague and broad"
>"thats why i chose it"
>second guy loses his shit, says "fair enough"
>couple questions later
>"if you were a day of the week, what day would you be?
>think about it, reply "tuesday"
>he writes it down.jpeg
>asks me to explain
>well, no one ever thinks of tuesday, until that song, now everyone knows it
>second guy again cracks up, first guy is like "wat"
>finish up interview with no problems, expecting call next week

>> No.705384


>> No.705400

>sports coordination
kill yourself

>> No.705414

im 18 looking for an easy job in the park district, all it is is setting up fields for people to play sports on and sitting there to make sure they dont die

>> No.705417

I'm just fucking with you, sounds like an awesome gig for a college kid. Also, that interviewer is retarded and probably really bored with his job

>> No.705429

the guy didnt seem that retarded, but he didnt seem like an office worker, seemed like a gym teacher tbh. he mustve printed out some questions online, seriously who the fuck asks "what day of the week are you?" i shoulda asked him waht variety of lemon he is

>> No.705933

>go to interview for financial advising internship
>interviewer is pretty chill
>asks "what do you spend most of your free time doing?"
>respond "usually hang out with friends and research stocks" (which is true)
>interviewer then says "so if you were at a party would you be the first one to the kegs?"
>hired the next week

>> No.706034

Not sure if this counts since it was a manager in training of mine interviewing people for a clothing store I used to manage, but this groups spaghetti:

we'll call my employee bob.

Bob starts the interview with a group of 3 explaining, since it's a group interview, don't just repeat the other people's answers.

Bob asks what you would do to prevent shoplifting at the changerooms.

Guy 1: I would go into the changeroom with the customer
> wat
Guy 2: cameras in the changerooms >(illegal)
Guy 3: cameras

This interview continued with the tard trio giving answers like
> I would just stand there
> I would just stand there too
> me too

Another, non group interview:

>Bob asks how many times you think its ok to be late to work a month
>girl replies
>"oh, whenever, I can't do much if my alarm doesn't go off. Or if I just wake up before my shift and feel kinda sick im obviously not gunna come in"
> you're obviously not getting a call back
> girl has her mother call and request if she would get the job
> girls group of friends come in, request to talk to manager (me), ask why she wasn't hired
> tell both we found someone more experienced
> she tried

>> No.706042

>Bob asks what you would do to prevent shoplifting at the changerooms.

>No one said the simplest solution of placing sensors for those sticky things on merchandise

>Girl's group of friends come in to ask

Da fuck? What did they expect the outcome to be?
>"Well... now that you've shown you truly care... Oh what the hey your friend is hired!"

>> No.706057

unfortunately security tags are not that hard for shoplifters to remove. The answer we hoped for was something along the lines of being attentive (two birds with one stone; its both customer service and theft prevention). Ultimately anything even vaguely logical would have worked, though, as I was willing to train anyone with half a brain.

I see a lot of people here complain about having to take those shitty screening tests online, how could someone not pass it, how retarded could you be, etc, but those are time savers. There ARE people that dumb out there and they apply all of the time.

> people who answer "I don't know" to even the simplest questions, entire interview
> wat were you expecting to be hired for showing up

Remembering this job makes me lusty for a retail stories thread

>> No.706077

>There ARE people that dumb out there and they apply all of the time.

>Tfw i'm not that dumb and thought I've done well on interviews only to have them never respond

;-; why can't i just get a job

For those kind of questions I tend to answer either I'd check with a manager on what to do, or if none is available I'd try to handle it on my own by making the customer as happy as possible. Is that wrong or something?

>> No.706164

It's not wrong, it may just be that they really are finding people with more experience.

Try to be personable with your interviewer if you can, more likely to hire someone I like even if their answers aren't on the ball.

Do try to think outside the box a little. If you're giving cookie cutter answers then there's no reason to pick you over others.

And if you have no experience lie on your resume. Just make sure you can lie if asked about it in the interview. Get a friend to pretend to be a reference and have them lie about being your former employer.

Before you do an interview, consider what your job duties will likely be and then think of ways to achieve them. Most people are just gunna ask you basic ass questions, but you can always give a little more in your answers. Ex.

>'what would you do if you caught someone shoplifting?'
"Well my actions would depend on company policy and what I am trained to do. However, I would try to assess the situation and see if I could passively let them know I saw them shoplifting, without accusing them of anything, to see if they would put the item back."

Sounds better than "I'd ask a manager what to do"

also, be positive about EVERYTHING. If you're asked some bs like 'what did you hate about your last job?' Don't actually say something you disliked.

Anyway tl; dr good luck anon, just keep applying

>> No.706188

No, no the "ask a manager what to do" part was more for questions about customer complaints or if a customer spills their coffee(I don't wanna say I'd just give them a new coffee if that's not customer policy).

I do try to laugh and smile after giving a response to seem more personable but it just feels shite when you think you did well in an interview and their response to your answers was good but then they never call back.

Thanks though, maybe it's a numbers game and I should just try harder.

>> No.706195

how many times is it acceptable to be late? id say 3 times a month if under 10 minutes, but maybe 3 times over an hour every 6 months

>> No.706201

heres a retail story
>customer wants to buy smelly bead things for a room, it rings up $7, she says a sticker said 5.
>i ask for confirmation, she goes back there to show other employee
>manager gets involved and check
>there was no tag for the smelly bead thingies, she was looking at the tag for FUCKING DRAIN CLEANER
>bitched saying she wanted the price she saw

>> No.706202

>how many times is it acceptable to be late?

It's never acceptable. And even if the manager will let it slide you don't want to make a first impression of planning on being late.

>> No.706204

Yeah I know what you mean. Even with dickloads of experience or charismatic bullshitting I've been turned down tons.

Haha, watch you'll get a call back now that we're talking about it.

Well, I won't off topic post any further. See ya anon

>> No.706218

Even if it's like less than 10 minutes?

I have sleep issues, diagnosed and all!

>> No.706233

well i mean of course you wouldnt say its ok in an interview, but id like to know when it starts pissing managers off, my current employer isnt too anal about it, like one time i was an hour late, but that was more their fault for not contacting me and telling me they changed my schedule

>> No.706242

>interviewing girl for retail job
>it goes well, she seems friendly and intelligent, just a college student looking for some side money
>I tell her we have to wrap up with some mandatory questions before she goes
>ask about criminal record, let her know we background check, etc etc, no problems
>ask her if it's ever acceptable to steal
>I visibly wince and look up from my question sheet
"I mean you shouldn't but if it's a small thing I doubt anyone would care"
>I begin to shudder uncontrollably
>I lower the question sheet as my erection emerges
>A single tear runs down her cheek as she realizes what comes next
>I stand, boner in full view, and reach across the table to shake her hand
>She stands and haltingly offers her own, shaking like a leaf
>Tell her we'll be in touch and thank her for coming out
>She turns to the door and reaches for the knob, her final hope
>I circle the table and tell her
Allow me
>Her tears stop; she is totally and utterly defeated
>I turn the knob and open the door
>Without looking at me she steps through
>Our entire staff is on the other side, the men with massive erections, the women lamenting her plight silently
>She turns to me, very slowly, and thanks me for my time
>It was my privilege

>> No.706247

i like it

>> No.706281

Set your alarm 10 minutes early.

You're welcome.

>> No.707008

more stories please

>> No.707099

>be me, can't find job and getting desperate
>apply for warehouse listing their items on amazon
>get to interview dressed decently
>fat jew in shorts and crocs walks out
>says it'll be a few minutes
>another guy pulls up in his truck and starts talking to jew
>jew pulls out a fucking gold watch from his pocket and starts selling it to this guy
>sells watch for $4,000
>invites me in to building for interview
>shit everywhere, boxes upon boxes, entire office area and warehouse is full of unorganized shit
>his desk has a stack of Sea Biscuit DVDs, about 30 of them
>fill out papers then he shows me around
>other employees visibly depressed
>leave, get a call back, but decline

The worst part was it paid the same as my own college's entry level IT position.

>> No.707116

>No one said the simplest solution of placing sensors for those sticky things on merchandise
You can buy the removal tool online for like 10-20€. The same as the cashier's desk uses.

>> No.707150

The automatic tests I took (over a decade ago - dating myself) never really had an answer along the lines of "using company policy, ..." They expected you to pick among 4 choices, one of which is almost always to go get the manager.

Never. Oh, and you were never late to a previous job you held and never called in sick. I fucking failed an automatic test at stop and shop just for being honest that I was late 1-3 times in the last year. Luckily my brother worked there who told me what was up, and I retook the test saying I was a perfect punctual employee.

Would an answer of "make the prices more competitive so people don't feel compelled to steal your merchandise" work?

>> No.707225

I don't know how that'd go down but price means nothing to thieves. I've volunteered in a charity shop and people had no qualms about stealing the clothes there. Doesn't matter how cheap it is at all.

>> No.707232

>not picking the obvious answer of inspecting the niggers

>> No.707320

> Would an answer of "make the prices more competitive so people don't feel compelled to steal your merchandise" work?

Maybe if it were a position where your job was pricing. What we were looking for, though, was someone willing to do good work with what we already had in place. Price does not matter to a thief, so if I was looking to hire someone to prevent loss, and their answer instead made it sound like we had unfair product pricing, id actually be more likely to suspect you of potential internal theft.

Before I managed stores I worked internal and external loss prevention, though, so I can't say this is the normal reaction of a interviewer. They may like that you're thinking beyond the general answers. For me, though, I'd probably just reply by asking how you'd stop shoplifters who don't care what price things are. Everything is circumstantial, though, of course!

>> No.707353

>well, no one ever thinks of tuesday, until that song, now everyone knows it
Kek, that was pretty clever.

>> No.707401

>Price does not matter to a thief...

That is patently false, though.

> Maybe if it were a position where your job was pricing.

Theirs isn't, but your feedback could be. Are you saying that you are not a place that encourages constructive feedback from employees? In that case, I wouldn't want to work for you.

>> No.707424

Has anyone else had to do an interview with someone who can't fucking speak english? God damn that shits frustrating.

Had a phone interview at a software company and I could not fucking understand a god damn thing this asian bitch was saying. I eventually just started throwing out generic terms hoping that maybe it had some relevancy to what she was asking. Didn't get the job but I got another interview with someone who I could actually communicate with and he hired me on the spot.

I think if that lady was conducting an interview with someone who was asian they would not have spoken in english and he would probably have had a better shot at getting the job. Kinda pisses me off.

>> No.707471


The difference here is that there is no short supply of people willing to do that job who aren't you. If a company can hire a compliant worker who does just as well, why would they hire one who can:
a) not give them a direct answer to an interview question thats hypothetically been asked twice
b) already thinks they know better than their superior

Whether the latter is true or not, it's not the position that needs to be filled. If you can find better and this job is of no necessity to you, why aren't you working somewhere else?

It's fine to keep to your standards, but its silly to think a business will bend theirs to have you.

>> No.707528

That was a direct answer; you just didn't like it. It is also a fact that shoplifters do consider the price of the item when they steal, so I don't *think* I know more than you, I know that I know more than you.

But here's the real rub: you clearly aren't valuing creativity in the responses you received. Don't you have a company policy employees are supposed to follow? Did any of your interviews know this before going in? If not, then why are you asking stupid questions? If so, why would you ever hire someone that didn't just regurgitate your store's policy for preventing shoplifting?

Unlucky for you, mindless part-time retail/clerk jobs are a dime-a-dozen. So you keep acting like a tool asking stupid questions and throwing around 'muh authoritah.' You're a goddamn retail store manager, you're not infallable.

>> No.707536

>me unemployed after grad school
>I'll do anything but work as a shitty commissioned financial adviser selling variable annuities and whole life insurance.
>Receive numerous emails from every insurance agency recruiting FA positions
>Phone call wakes me up from afternoon nap
>Recognize name from spam recruiter email
>"If this is an FA position I'm not interested"
>She says we have numerous non-FA positions available
>Drive an hour to interview
>First question "Why do you want to be an FA"
>at least I got practice tying my tie

>> No.707544

thank you, i believe i will be getting a call back ebcause i made man number 2 enjoy it, he seemed to be a good guy, and i think it was really his ultimate decision and guy number 1 was teaching him hiring process

>> No.707555


I had an in-person interview with an Asian woman who had a THICK accent. I could barely understand a word she was saying and would ask her to repeat her questions two or three times. It was a truly awkward and frustrating experience.

Yeah, and I didn't get the position.

>> No.707558

i had an interview for an asian restaraunt over the phone, i could understand her and it was ging great until she asked if i can speak any foreign languages, that was her last question and i never got a call back

>> No.707684

Hahahah okay, you got me at first. Good b8 m8 cheers

>> No.707761

what grad school did you go to that allows you to sell financial products for a commission? I'll send the SEC their way.

>> No.707787

This isn't really funny but fuck was I pissed

>Interview at Futureshop (Bestbuy)
>Come 10 minutes early because why not
>tell the service desk im here for the interview
>they call the manager
>manager proceeds to talk to some milf for 40 minutes
> Walks by me a few times, doesn't even acknowledge I was there
>Finally asks me to join him in his office
>finally get in
>he's the biggest douche
>there is literally nothing in his office accept a desk, two chairs and a computer.
>get hired
>manager is never there
>quit 3 weeks later

fuck that place was a joke, no wonder they are closing all those stores.

>> No.707803
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I have a futureshop related story.

>just looking around the audio section
>"sir can i help you with something?"
>provide the sales rep with a stare of death
>he gets the hint and turns away as i walk towards the software(kek) section
>I see a rep trying to sell a shitty yet very expensive AV to this old couple
>Realize how much of a fucking jew this guy is and decide enough is enough
>I was triggered, not by the fact that he was jewish, but because I could not bare the elder abuse I was witnessing
>walk up to them with a confident smile
>"Excuse me dear madam, may I have a word one moment?"
>The old lady walks away with me as I start explaining to her that she is about to waste a lot of money on a program she could otherwise get for free, and that this rep just wanted to make money off of her ignorance of technology
>She gets visibly rustled and says "George! Come on let's go home."
>Before they left I recommended they download Avast! and it should be fine for their purposes
>the rep gives me a death stare, I death stare him back
>he whips out a fake lightsaber and says "this isn't over" and walks away...

I am dead fucking serious, I swear he probably browses /g/

>> No.707806

Ahahah #rekt that faggot.

>> No.708181

Not b8 at all...you make what, $30-40k a year as a retail manager and you think that your position is so important that the drones you seek to hire can't possibly know more than you?

>> No.708202

Wrong. One of my ex friends is a kleptomaniac that stole books from libraries

>> No.708222

Nope. It was an old job of mine (not present) which I already mentioned.

And whether someone knows better or not is irrelevant, knowing better was not the job we're hiring for. Hence the whole 'it'd really depend on the person and circumstances'. My post was quoted asking if that was an acceptable interview answer or not for the hypothetical question asked, and I gave my reply based on personal experience and opinion.

I've seen this whole 'u must be a power trippin' managurr hurrdurr I'd never work 5 u ignorance' argument in biz a few times this past month. So its pretty easy to come to the conclusion that you're either trolling or a seriously buttmad individual with jimmies so rustled it generates infinite free time for shitposting.

Hey, I'm not hatin' though. I've been off topic posting all the way through this thread. Whatever gets you off, yknow?

anyway, slightly more relevant story:

> be 17 or 18, have job as assistant manager at different retail store
> absolutely hate manager, constant power tripping, abuse of rules, time theft, makes other employees cry, etc
> manager loves me for some reason though
> still a cunt
> manager is under investigation for the 5th time in company, but store makes $$ so hirer ups don't seem to care
> am doing interviews
> am told I will be interviewing a guy, we'll call him josh
> josh comes in, is wearing a skirt
> shrug and continue interview like normal
> half way through interview josh explains they are transgender (ans prefers girl name, we'll say josheena)
> talk to manager about it later
> she is against hiring josheena, angerily so
> almost worked herself into tears over it
> finallyaweakpoint.jpg
> call josheena later that day and tell them they're hired
> tell manager I will walk out on her if she doesn't let josheena work for us
> she folds
> later claims josheena has to dress in guy clothes or it will scare the customers

>> No.708227

>Write some bs business plan for my follow.up.interview.
>Under job experience, the guy reads "marina" as "marijuana".
>I laugh, but he keeps the joke going, asking serious questions, or what he probably thinks are serious questions, about selling weed.
>I don't really know dick about it, but keep bs'ing the conversation with what little info I had about it.
>After 10 mins he let's the joke go and I state at the very end just for closure that I was just playing around as well.
>"I know, but you stood your ground and made it sound somewhat believable as far as I know."
>Offers me the job.

Sometimes even folks high up can be pretty cool.

>> No.708237

>josheena has already been working for us wearing whatever the fuck they want (within respectable reason)
>Weird to enforce different dress code out of no where
> remind her we also hired josheena for stock, josheena never interacts with customers
>manager next day suddenly claims josheena needs to start working with customers (we did not need ant more associates on the floor not doing stock)
>this gets escalated to hirer-ups
>(not by me)
>In the end its decided josheena is allowed to wear respectable ladies clothes, company wants to be supportive of trans etc (there was a big controversy in the news at the time about companies being boycotted and shut down due to muh lgbt equality, may have played a role)
>cunt manager flips the fuck out, breaks down and quits job
>josheena ends up being one of the hardest workers weve had in some time
>the witch is dead

ended up quitting that job shortly after for a better offer elsewhere, but I'll always lol about how she rage quit over a tranny

>> No.708304


>> No.708311

I just got off the phone for a dream internship at a highly ranked research institution.

>be me, sick
>eat some spicy Thai food to feel better last night
>next morning, drink coffee, supposed to have interview at 9
>9:15 no calls, this was expected, had to reschedule twice already and was barely qualified anyhow
>coffee + spicy Thai = morning poop of the gods
>run to bathroom slightly dejected that I didn't get the call
>as I reach poo peak, get the call
>take entire phone interview with two professors sick and stuck on the shitter

We'll see if I get the position or not.

>> No.708380


> Whips out fake lightsaber

Would you have been surprised if it was real?

Surely someone working at futureshop cannot afford a real lightsaber with focusing beams and all

>> No.708404

have you ever talked to someone in a bathroom through a phone? It is clear as day that that person is in a bathroom because the echoe is weird in there...
the two professors must've known...if they don't then they're retarded but that's unlikely since they're professors

>> No.708422
File: 301 KB, 341x544, SlavSuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get interview
>find out interviewer is Russian
>wear pic related
>instantly hired

>> No.708457

A large public bathroom maybe, but the little crappy one in my house probably not. Had a carpet and lots of towels too, to dampen sound

>> No.708582

carpet in a bathroom? why the fuck ever

>> No.708603

didn't understand

>> No.708916

I'm not mad at all. I've gotten to a place in my life where I laugh at posts like yours - not because the person you were interviewing was retarded (I expect that for an entry-level retail job), but because the manager doing the hiring is clearly inept at his job and wonders why he can't find decent help.

In one fell swoop, you:
-Conducted a useless group interview for a retail position that pays near minimum wage.
-Asked vague questions when there is a clear-cut company policy that addresses those issues, but the future hires don't know it.
-Don't value creativity in answers, but got upset that your 3 prospective employees all gave similar responses.

Your post was literally the embodiment of the stereotypical nonsense interview that wastes everyone's time and picks the wrong candidate for the job at the end.

It's retail. You need to know 5 things:
-Will you show up on time
-Will you frequently call in drunk at the last minute
-Can you follow simple directions
-Can you count
-Are you going to steal from me

That is it.

You keep carrying on doing what you're doing and plugging away at those low salaried retail manager jobs, though.

>> No.709014
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>> No.709090

Interview at huge software company you've heard of:
> solve problems on the board in C
> stumble over one problem
> the guy tells me I should get with the times and use C++

Interview at large software company you haven't:
> they ask me a bunch of "how would you design this" questions
> because of last experience I always propose the advantages of C++
> I'm a C guy though so I wasn't actually very good at arguing for C++
> at the end they ask if I have any questions, so I ask about their codebase
> "Oh, all of our code is in C"

I got the second job though.

>> No.709705

Can someone PLEASE help me fucking not interview like a total spas

>phone interview
>get asked question I don't have a prepared answer for
>hesitate, start talking quickly because I don't want there to be awkward silence
>just start rambling about nonsense
>realize I'm not using a specific example, throw in a half assed answer from my McJob about flipping burgers more efficiently

>tfw you'll never be hired anywhere

>> No.709738

Just practice. Get comfortable with there being a silence. Don't think of it as some difficult test or the person is judging you, you are equals. Might help to google interview questions and their answers, too. That way you'll feel more prepared, even if the questions are different.

>> No.709780

know your field. 90% of questions for any career-type job are about what you'll be working on. troubleshooting/reporting/working under pressure or timelines/how you react to problems.

generic questions will be about working with teammates, cooperation, or hierarchy issues. good uck

>> No.710096

what i did, was crack a joke. he laughs, i laughs, we pretend to have a good time, and it is comforting to have them laugh, means they are human. if the person above that spoke of his past hiring would care to comment on this strategy of mine, id appreciate it

>> No.710100


Interviewing to be a bank teller
Asked the 'stressful moment and how did I handle it' question.

I said 'this one guy was being a nuisance and coming up to the counter and yelling at my female coworker, and I wanted to hit him'

He laughed.

'But I didn't, I stuck to my training and was polite, albeit through clenched teeth'.

The guy was my age, and we had a good laugh about it.

We probably would have been friends, but he did not hire me.

>> No.710102


Oooh, can I talk about my shitty experiences as a cashier (they are much more fond now that I am a security guard)?

I love complaining!

>> No.710103


>Not waking up two hours early for work.

>> No.710105

Retail story for you:
>work in electronics department around holidays
>a woman comes in wanting to buy an Xbone without the Kinect
>the plain package with that was discontinued and we were out of stock, but we had a package that included a game with it (GTA iirc)
>it was the same price as the normal package
>"I don't want that game"
>Suggest that it's free, and if she doesn't want it, she can just go across the street to Gamestop and sell it
>gets mad at me
>"I said I don't want that game!"
>she storms off in a fit

I don't know how else I could have handeled that sale. Fucking people.

>> No.710109


Customers can be really mad about little things. One lady got mad because I asked a manager for change as he walked by while I was putting her money in the register.

I turned back to her and she was so mad that I thought she was joking at first.

I literally talked to my boss about work for two seconds and this lady got rekt.

All of my coworkers talked shit about her and I was just like 'well fuck, lady must be having a bad day'. (And I added another note to my 'I hate my life' chart).

>> No.710153

Also cashier, have you ever had a customer's dog piss in the store?

>> No.710155


No. But I've had so many dogs in my stores (not service dogs, though I've had a couple of those) that I was just waiting to be called up front to clean it up.

>> No.710156

probably just a little rug

>> No.710160

Kind of unrelated but a gook restaurant I like to go to has all asian staff except for 2 white "college bros" who cook the steak and fish.

I think they hired them because gooks are unable to actually cook meat normally.

>> No.710169

>she was so mad that I thought she was joking at first.

Jesus i know this feel. It's the weirdest thing... Like their face turns red and angry and you get so caught off-guard you think they're about to just laugh but end up scolding you

>> No.710212

>give two weeks notice at industrial sales rep job
>bosses ask if I can call replacement applicants to set up interviews
>sure, whatever, get a few interviews booked a few days later in the afternoon
>bosses call me on lunch typically shitfaced at a bar
>can you interview the candidates we will be running late?
>get pissed and walk out of work leaving my other trainee to figure out what to do
>text trainee later in the day telling him I'm done and ask how the interview fiasco went
>turns out he was afraid to meet the candidates and he hid in the warehouse until they left

>> No.710219


fookin top lel m8

>> No.710222

I worked as a pharmacy technician, call center associate, cashier, and a deli clerk in high school and in college at different points.

Literally fuck customer service. I have a few gems.

>> No.710225

Share your gems m8

>> No.710338

>>turns out he was afraid to meet the candidates and he hid in the warehouse until they left

>> No.710363

Keking hard at the retail stories, my thanks to those who posted. Customer service is truly one of the shittier job paths, I've met some true crazies. I actually called a lady a cunt once for making a cashier cry. Kicked her out and she called the place later wanting to complain to 'whoever was in charge'. My sides were in orbit when she flipped out finding out I was in charge. Never been rude or inappropriate towards a customer otherwise, at least not overly -- have had to call the cops on a handful though.

Not sure if you're talking about me or not, I think another fellow said they were in a hiring position. Either way, I highly recommend this (as long as you joke appropriately and the interviewer is receptive). Obviously it'll depend on the situation at hand, but if you can make the person laugh (sincerely) then they'll likely see you as more personable, charismatic. Wouldn't recommend overdoing it, don't want them thinking you're just gunna joke around, but its a great way to break the ice. Anon I'm quoting seems to understand this, just throwing that in for any lurkers who might want to test this.

(Sorry if this post is a rambling, had a few drinks at a friends 50th).

Good luck to all the anons job hunting at the moment, don't be discouraged by rejection, it may mean less than you think. We used to interview for filled positions just for training or future networking, wouldn't be surprised if others don't do the same.

>> No.710395


Usually, places interview for filled positions because of turnover. Retail positions usually have successful interviews sitting in the hopper for weeks.

>> No.710564

one time, a black cashier charged a woman for 6 items when she only bought 1, accidently hit the 6 key i guess, well she realized it in the parking lot, came in to ask for manager. manager came up "said alright, my stock seems to follow your story, let me refund it for you" she preceeds to say "ITSBECAUSE YOU HIRE NIGGERS"
he gave her the refund and asked her to leave and not come back

>> No.710580

No offense but it looks like you flunked the interview.

>> No.710583

Never. You are not there to be late. You are there to work your hours and leave just show up and try your best.

>> No.711314

>track suit

>> No.711327
File: 13 KB, 200x150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interviewing at staffing agency for a digital consulting job for another company
>interviewer/staffing agent is a fucking idiot bimbo with typos in her email
>I reference a McKinsey Insights article
>said she never heard of McKinsey
>there's an Accenture office with over 300 employees in the same building as this staffing agency, so I say "they're like Accenture", and she doesn't know who Accenture is
>she claims there is a typo on my resume so she starts lecturing me about the importance of correct spelling in the workplace and how it is "critical to taking a person seriously".
>I ask her where the typo is, she shows it to me, she says I used a semi colon incorrectly, even though I didnt
>I open my email on my phone and show her all of the typos she sent in her emails, including a very obvious one in her fucking email signature that everyone sees
>I tell her "so far you've had blatant typos in every email you've sent me, and you've never even heard of two of the biggest companies in this industry. And one of them has an office of 300 people in this building right now that you work at every day. So, tell me, why should I take YOU seriously?"
>she is speechless
>I walk out
>I contact the company she said is hiring me, get the job for 50% more pay than the agency said I would get because this faggot agency takes a huge percentage of the income of their candidates
>tfw I've been working at the job for a week and spathe staffing agent is still emailing and leaving voicemails to talk about this job because she thinks the company might want to interview me

>> No.711366


The real correct answer is "it doesn't matter, because statistics say the average employee steals $1k+ worth of merchandise a year whereas the average customer steals $100 a year" so the effort should be on reducing employee shrinkage, not customer shrinkage. Specifically for fitting rooms, theres not much you can do without severely disrupting flow and customer service. I actually worked the Nordstrom Rack fitting room like 6 years ago and it's a pain in the ass

>> No.711368

I work for my families business, and we typically employ people at minimum and don't require a high school diploma (Although we should, god damn). Normally my father does all our interviews, but on the rare occasion I end up having to do them. By rare occasion I mean he's been pulled out of town and the person doesn't have a cell phone to tell them not to come, something stupid.

The worst I've ever had (out of maybe 7 people) was a person who wanted to apply for my job, which is running our tow trucks. I'll add that I'm only 20 years old, college educated and pretty good at what I do.

>Interview goes ok, ask a couple normal questions, ask a lot of job-specific questions
>Doesn't believe in removing driveshafts, this can destroy a transmission quickly
>Doesn't know any laws regarding towing
>Doesn't know how to use specific parts of my trucks

Fine, whatever, you don't have to be THAT bright. Decide to take him out into the yard where I have a few junk cars I use for practice.

>Can't roll over a car without dragging it 20 feet, big no-no
>Doesn't know any of the tricks that are almost universal in towing
>Have to step in and stop him a few times before he kills himself or destroys equipment

>Has the guts to ask when he starts after reminding me he wants $20/h

Welp, wasn't even hiring for that position anyway, I have no idea why Dad wanted to interview him.

>> No.711371


>Yfw your dad was trying to give you the boot and your mom probably had to promise him a year of anal just to let you stay

You shouldn't have forgotten mother's day this year you ungrateful ass

>> No.711374


I'd gladly accept the boot, I'm in charge of something I have no control over. Plus I have enough contacts that I could start working again tomorrow if I had to.

>> No.711523

Is it true that in the US cashiers put your stuff in your car for you?

>> No.711722

Sometimes. For nice old ladies

>> No.713035

It's true, or if you are just general y nice and ask for help most likely I'll get someone else to do it tho because I am supposed to stay by register

>> No.714047
File: 956 KB, 500x240, 1381904207748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had an erection during the interview and when I shook the womens hand it was bulging.