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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, shitblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7096815 No.7096815 [Reply] [Original]

Press S to spit on grave

>> No.7096858

I'll start for you

>> No.7097109



>> No.7097279

fuck bitgrail man and everyone who defended this piece of shit and now also a scam of an exchange

xrb will recover tho

>> No.7097318
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>> No.7097340

Hey anons I'll hold your worthless bags for you just send them to:


>> No.7097587
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What's happening?

>> No.7097623

No Binance listing poor anons

>> No.7097670

Bitgrail admin forcing people to cash out and close accounts causing a crash as that holders on that exchange panic. Complete shitshow.

>> No.7097750

why would anyone use that shit exchange when KuCoin is available. those idiots deserve to lose their money for still trading their the minute after XRB was available on KuCoin

>> No.7097803
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Fry pajeets fry

>> No.7097924


>> No.7097975

Lmao what, the fuck

>> No.7097987

Can confirm, Bitgrail owner, Francesco 'The Bomber', announced today during an update that only verified users within the European Union will be able to withdraw XRB.

What that means is that basically, the rest of world with XRB stuck in their Bitgrail must file for account termination and sell their XRB for BTC.

Personally, I was required to sell thousands of XRB because of this. I still ended up with a profit, but it sucks.

>> No.7098048
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shitgrail is shit
nothing to do with XRB

>> No.7098102

look at all those retarded brainlets that dont even understand why its dipping and instead of being smart and buying the fuck out of this dip they shitpost on biz
ok let me educate you faggots
the bitgrail owner told all US faggots to terminate their accounts
but they only can withdraw in btc
so they market sell anything (including xrb) and gtfo
the result is this dip
see you at 20$ in 3 days

>> No.7098140

Do we buy the dip?

>> No.7098182

wow why would he do that

>> No.7098213

because he knew people wanted to flee his shitty exchange to kucoin or binance so he did semi revenge - semi exit scam

>> No.7098215

shhhhhhhh don't make the poor rich or they will only hurt us in long term

>> No.7098246

too late, check 5 min graph on kucoin. it's going back up

>> No.7098494

he's keeping the xrb
getting it at preferential rate
shit'll be 50$ in no time
what a fucking asshole

>> No.7098548

I think it was always a bit cheaper there because smart money was avoiding the exchange. It’s now $10 on bitgrail but $16 on kucoin.

>> No.7098619

He’s going to be unspeakably rich by artificially crashing the price for himself before rebrand, mobile wallet, binance listing, etc.

Post binance listing, no one will use his shit exchange so this is actually a solid move on his part.


>> No.7098678

dead cat bounce

>> No.7098684

>open blockfolio
>says xrb is at $11
>look on kucoin
>it's down, but it's at $16

How do I get this shit app to actually honor the exchange I'm tracking?

>> No.7098693

Lmao who buy this scam coin?

>> No.7098711
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>> No.7098714

click on the bitgrail name on shitfolio then switch to kucoin

>> No.7098717

my very first time getting just'ed. i have 75 of these shitcoins

>> No.7098734

Sell them to me.
I beg to be fed.

>> No.7098735

I heard it was hacked. Did they find a flaw like IOTA?

>> No.7098740


>> No.7098746

Thanks homie

>> No.7098747

HAHAHAHAHA yeah sure

>> No.7098752

so because one shit exchange going down with a reputation as a shit exchange, that didn't allow less than 100 XRB deposits, and reluctantly lowered it to 10 XRB, somehow makes the whole project worthless. Makes sense.

>> No.7098756


>> No.7098760

> Wasu wasu wasu

>> No.7098769

Yes, the lead dev ran away and we haven't heard from him since 2 weeks. The mainn exchange shut down. The transaction speed turned out to be bogus.

>> No.7098774

That's nice, but those idiots are affecting those of us that aren't retarded too.

>> No.7098778
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When there's blood on the streets, you buy.
Even is the blood is yours.

>> No.7098818

Is there a way to benefit from this if im verified on Kucoin and on Bitgrail?

>> No.7098858

Yes, buy as much XRB as possible

>> No.7098859


>> No.7098862

Yes. Buy on BitGrail, transfer to Kucoin, sell.

>> No.7098875

typical pajeet pnd, one of the most shilled around here. Happy it is comig to an end

>> No.7098885

Lmao who fell for this retarded XRB? Even Vitalik said today it is flawed.

>> No.7098889

>most shilled coins
the stinky linky are here they would like to talk to you
also the FUD threads was me btw

>> No.7098890

Bomber is blocking bitgrail withdrawals. That’s why everyone is selling off on there.

>> No.7098904

For unverified users, right?

>> No.7098958

this is LITERALLY money for the taking right now, even on kucoin. Easiest buy of my life

>> No.7099029

Yeah, unfortunately I don't have any spare ETH/BTC on Kucoin.

>> No.7099083
File: 43 KB, 576x432, 6673C55C-6BC9-4127-9980-E1A7365722D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes moron go buy these bags

>> No.7099097

Can anyone confirm that as a verified user on Bitgrail it is possible to withdraw and deposit?

>> No.7099357

You're not smart. You invested into "the neeekst beetcoin", a coin that has absolutely no function and its only selling point being fast, feeles transfers of said useless coin between people. Nobody cared about this coin until reddit started hyping it in december and I assume you bought in. Now you're completely delusional and in love with it because it got you some profit. But this is not the future of crypto and blockchain as a technology. You're going to get burned hard when reality hits you and you realize absolutely nobody will ever give a fuck about "currency" cryptos in the future.

If are actually smart you're going to sell your crap the moment you're in the green.

>> No.7099735

They're only bags on the illiterate wop exchange dumbass

>> No.7099755

not possible

>> No.7099802

XRB has hands down the best community in the entire crypto space. It has developer transparency. It has industry standard testing procedures and actual engineers behind the scenes. It's like the AMD to Nvidia. You're making a mistake by not getting in while it's still relatively early, not to mention the mistake you're making by not accumulating more while it still struggles with exchange partnerships which is exactly the reason for its current dip. Once more solid exchanges are utilized and/or more regulation prevents bullshit like this from happening, XRB will be one of the best holds into the future.

>> No.7099858

You're delusional. The days of cryptos having no function or use cases like bitcoin, dogecoin, litecoin are over. In a year from now only cryptos that serve a function will exist. This means things like ETH due to smart contracts and things that facilitate those smart contracts - QSP, EOS, LINK, REQ.

>> No.7099908

Let em FUD, who gives a fuck, biz is completely irrelevant, full of niggers

>> No.7099909

It has one function: currency.
It does it well and in a decentralized way.
Others do not.

>> No.7099934

cry me a fucking river cunt
me fomo buying this shit at 3$ dumping at 26$ and rebuying last week at 13$ was the best shit ive ever did
>muh btc clone
thats what LTC,VTC,Doge,and a fuckton other shit are doing
the difference is that this one is fast as fuck and works flawlessly now
>inb4 muh smartcontracts
we got ETH for that and every other shitcoin that tries to do the same is getting blownthe fuck out every day like VEN ARK etc

>> No.7099961

That's nice, except many of those corporate use cases are using an ERC20 token as a placeholder to accumulate cash from morons while they develop their own private blockchains that don't even need you to operate.

>> No.7099987

oh you mean the 32 million$ ICO Heist with no working product and 2 devs of wich one is a faggot that doesent do shit and was never seen in blood
and the other one is getting fatter and fatter while traveling thailand and fucking bitches?
great stuff

>> No.7100074
File: 28 KB, 500x336, 870FB8D7-6768-44E0-99A6-41F15A2076D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator just sold everything and left the project. How is this the best community? It’s a shitty pnd

>> No.7100097

No he didn't you dumb fuck

>> No.7100115

down 22% on cmc, biggest loser on the top 100
"It's just on s-sale, right bros?"


>> No.7100146
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god damn exchanges are too powerful

>> No.7100175
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>It has one function: currency.
so in reality it has no function and no inherent value and the only reason it has any value is reddit speculation.
and you're aware of it.
well, good luck with your speculation, I hope we all make it, but if I were you I'd sell this at the top of the nearest pump

>> No.7100221

>so in reality it has no function and no inherent value
wow like literally every fiat currency you mean

>> No.7100240

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

>> No.7100280

>People at biz don't look at this as a buying opportunity
Buy high sell low am I right guys

>> No.7100283

I definitely will sell on Kucoin during binance listing.

Then rebuy after the inevitable crash.

Nothing has inherent value. Currency is as good 'real world' application as any.

XRB is the best contender for mass adoption of crypto. It is easy, works and has a good community.

>> No.7100417

Seems like a good time to buy if he's doing that lmao

>> No.7100451

Discord PnD groups are hard at work here on /biz/ trying to get some cheap XRB

>> No.7100561

Nice just sold on Kucoin and bought on Bitgrail, 700 XRB profit. Thanks again America

>> No.7100717

fiat is backed by the jews
raiblocks isn't

>> No.7100869
File: 312 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_Telegram_20180130-165116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitgrail? Rings a bell. Picture related.

>> No.7100911

>sold everything
>spent it all on XRB at 0.013ETH on Kucoin
>All my XRB sitting comfy in an offline wallet because I'm not a retards

Can't wait for the binance listing :)

>> No.7100941

I realized this a week ago and sold all my XRB, made a good profit.

>> No.7100970

>XRB has hands down the best community in the entire crypto space
This is b8, right? The community has the worst people, with massive shilling, giving no shit about what the token actually does, and only focus on moon missions.

>> No.7100999


Literal retard confirmed. Go buy some TRX you brainlet dope.

>> No.7101063

Enjoy your bags, buddy.

>> No.7101119

At least learn what Raiblocks actually is before spreading FUD you dumb cunt. I seriously don't understand what your motive is. Do you even KNOW what an ERC20 token is and why you're a fucking moron for calling XRB a token?

>> No.7101237

Because they couldn't withdraw XRB from Bitgrail. It's off for almost a month. That bitgrail CEO better watch his back

>> No.7101266

wow ur so salty. Were you the salty reddit poster crying about how he lost all his life savings because of the bitgrail dump? hHAHahAHAH Salty retard kiss your shitcoin goodbye faggot lol go buy some toothpaste with it since its so useful

>> No.7101311

Damn I wish I was in Europe right now.

>> No.7101369

Haha you guys xrb will pump when it gets listed on binanace. There's no way that's priced in and how it hit $35. It's going to pump just like it's been pumping all month on kucoin!

What do you mean, there's still large amounts of xrb held hostage on mercatox and bitgrail? Naw the people who got in super early probably don't have a lot lol!

>> No.7101448

Now it is almost certain to pump on Binance
Only question is, when is Binance going to list it

>> No.7101611

Being a good currency is almost the only legitimate usecase for crypto... I haven't seen one other legitimate usecase that actually works. eth doesn't work for example. Millions of products on its chain but none work. Lol.

>> No.7101907

my account is fine. lucky euro bastard i guess.
I am loving this. buying my ass of at the moment. Anyone with a working account should be buying right now. This is literally free money. Sometimes this world makes no fucking sense.

>> No.7101943


>> No.7101984

But why are xrb withdrawals down again, i dont see a reason for that.

>> No.7102027




>> No.7102756


>> No.7103053


>> No.7103123

You are obviously a delusional xrb-tard. ever tried coins like xlm, they do everything xrb does but actually has a secure and stable network AND has smart contracts and icos, literally no reason to use xrb. But stay delusional, you deserve to lose everything.

>> No.7103157
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>> No.7103198

So that everyone cashes out and this "Bomber" fuck can profit. It's nothing to do with the XRB tech and everything to do with market manipulation.

>> No.7103220

XRB will be fine in the long term. It takes more than incompetent wee brains leaving their XRB on an exchange and not withdrawing it in the 2 week period when they were warned verification would become mandatory for me to sell.

>> No.7103467


>> No.7103598

I'm considering hiring a hitman for Bomber. He's not gonna get away with all the shit he has done to me.

>> No.7103658

You did it to yourself.

>> No.7103711

I'm sure such a defense strategy works in court. You should become a lawyer.

>> No.7103726
File: 146 KB, 545x617, 1515202998518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew. i think i got lucky. When i knew it was listed in kucoin i waited for the xrb wallet to be fixed and immediately withdraw all my raiblocks from bitgrail. i dodged a bullet.

>> No.7103766

What crypto do you use to transfer from KuCoin to Bitgrail?

>> No.7103931

Am eurofag and Raiguy but not verified on Bitgrail yet. Should I send some LTC there and double my XRB stack or will he fuck over euros as well?

>> No.7103944


fucking retarded moonboy, your coin is shit and is unproven on large network congestion. muh 300 tps, bitch it promised 9k+ easily. There are plenty of teams with "engineers" on them. Raiblocks was a one man dev team until december, leddit piece of shit. And Raiblocks has by far the worst community in crypto right now, along with IOTA and Vechain. They're terrible communities mostly rooted in reddit, calling moonshots on every 5% rise. If you have market sentiment like that from normies the common practice is to sell.

>> No.7104032

You aren't making any sense.

>> No.7104065


pajeetblocker detected

>> No.7104080

I think even verified people can't withdraw. The exchange is in "maintenance" according to what I've read on reddit.

>> No.7104109

Lol already back in 160k's. How it feels biz? lol

>> No.7104143

XRB is brainchild of guy who worked at qualcomm, AMD and Dell. Sorry if he is not philosophy professor you fucking retard.

300 tps was tested, no where did the guy testing it say it was nearly best it could do. Fud harder, we are back in 160ks

>> No.7104150

Feels like I've lost an opportunity to buy cheeps XRBs. My balls are too small to gamble in such a shitstorm.

>> No.7104226

I sold the last time there was an XRB shitstorm, when there were node problems. Shortly after it mooned. Not chickening out this time, but also not holding bags this time if it goes ATH...

>> No.7104255

Imagine being this upset that you missed the XRB moon mission that you start spewing such incoherent, inaccurate statements. I'd tell you to do some research on the outdated points you brought up but I can tell you are just emotionally attached to the concept that this coin should die. There would be no point.

But... I mean, it's not too late to get on the Mars mission anon. You'll just have to get over all that built up anger and emotion. I know it's not easy but... well...

Good luck anon, seriously.

>> No.7104435

Nobody gives a shit where he worked, faggot. None of those companies specialize in transactions. There are tons of other projects with excellent people and teams.

The network that Raiblocks uses has no reliability with a larger userbase. It has no partnerships, no marketing. Exchanges like binance are struggling to even put Raiblocks on their exchange because of its shitty network. Best tech doesnt mean shit with no marketing, no proper team, and no proper procedure for getting on exchanges.

Wow amazing 160ks?! Whatever keeps you up after going down 60% after ATH bro.

>> No.7104526

Why so much butthurt? You keep repeating your FUD over and over again, and it's just bad. Old news combined with complete bullshit. It doesn't work, as you can see.

>> No.7104536


>moon mission
>60% ath loss
> no marketing attempts
>not reliability tested for large userbase
> Majority of normies will now associate Raiblocks with a scam because of Bitgrail ( Cant be denied sorry )

You'd tell me to do some research, but you cant provide anything because you know I'm right on the network topology. There is no proof of DAGs being reliable on a heavy amount of transactions.

>> No.7104548

why so salty nigger. i think i'll take best tech over marketing, partnerships or any other shit

>> No.7104644


Will never make it when competitors to XRB has equal tech, but better marketing,partnerships and actual stresstested network at high volume.

>> No.7104816


disprove this "bullshit" then, faggot
>The network hasn't been stress tested properly under massive volume.
> DAG is new tech, lots of bugs and investers will be wary
> Small dev team
> There are other very fast and (near) fee-less cryptos, and not always the 'best' tech wins adoption.
>There's no real financial incentive to run a node outside of commercial self-interest.
> Code has not been through a security audit
>Network is subject to DDOS attacks, devs admitted it themselves, still looking to implement solution

still see no reason to use this over xlm who is proven to be secure, stable and can add smart contracts and ico's. And i can see the counter argument coming from here, "but xrb is free", and the answer to that is; would you really take this perk as a trade off for an unstable, insecure, unproven, featureless coin instead of paying fractions of a cent in fees? The answer is no, unless you have way too much emotional attachment to xrb. You only have to open an xrb wallet and the syncing issues begin, exchanges dont want to list it because of the issues it brings with it.

>> No.7104862


Hahahahah BTFO

>> No.7105035

do you think it can be profitable to grab some cheap xrb on bitgrail? i am from the eu btw

>> No.7105056

*crackles knuckles* Alright faggot let's tango

>Nobody gives a shit where he worked, faggot. None of those companies specialize in transactions. There are tons of other projects with excellent people and teams.

Dismissing a programming guru because he never worked at a company that "specialized in transactions." Guess you have to have worked at PayPal to be taken seriously in the cyptocurrency now? (It's funny because someone from PayPal actually helped XRB by creating an easy to install plug in for websites to SPECIFICALLY accept XRB). I guess Vitalik had tons of experience in that field huh? Colin is a fucking boss and you probably already know this. Weak fud, weak argument.

>The network that Raiblocks uses has no reliability with a larger userbase. It has no partnerships, no marketing.

You're right, but if you're waiting on marketing as opposed to realizing the technology's potential before investing, you're not going to make any fucking money. Focus on making the technology better than anything on the market, marketing and partnerships will follow. (And they already acknowledged that they are working on this behind the scenes.)

>Exchanges like binance are struggling to even put Raiblocks on their exchange because of its shitty network. Best tech doesnt mean shit with no marketing, no proper team, and no proper procedure for getting on exchanges.

Jesus, you're really not an organized communicator when you're all worked up like this huh? Node issues are not a problem anymore, it's old news. Should have taken advantage of that FUD to get in low. People are lucky enough that we have another wave of FUD from Bitgrail, but knowing /biz/ no one will take advantage of it.

>Wow amazing 160ks?! Whatever keeps you up after going down 60% after ATH bro.

Gets an opportunity to get in at the dip with one of the BEST performing cryptos the past few months, and for good reason, but decides to sit it out cuz FUD lmao.

Nice try anon, good luck

>> No.7105152

I love you

>> No.7105255

Oh, and if you did your research you would see that they have performed successful stress tests with absolutely no issue. And the rest of your shit is just inaccurate or inevitable traits of an up and coming project. Sorry that they haven't delivered the world to you on a silver platter in a few months, honey. You might actually have to be a bit patient on things. Maybe wait until it hits top 5 to invest, just so you can feel a little more safe <3

>> No.7105549


>Dismissing a [..] "specialized in transactions."
Yes, welcome to the world of normies and investors. Safe and proven is best.

> Focus on making the technology better than anything on the market, marketing and partnerships will follow.

Lets see if that works out for you, anon

> Node issues are not a problem anymore, it's old news

But the reputation remains. think of the normies. And just a week after the node issue gets fixed, Bitgrail happens.

>Should have taken advantage of that FUD to get in low.

Why? so i get caught up in a dead cat bounce like you did? 160ks right now means nothing, Bitconnect also went up right before its death.

>Oh, and if you did your research you would see that they have performed successful stress tests with absolutely no issue.

Yes, transaction tests up to 300 transactions on a node. That's still not massive volume, and the DAG is still untested for any potential mishaps. XLM is fine in this regard.

here's the rest you didnt mention that has nothing to do with being an upcoming project btw:

> There are other very fast and (near) fee-less cryptos, and not always the 'best' tech wins adoption.
>There's no real financial incentive to run a node outside of commercial self-interest.
> Code has not been through a security audit
>Network is subject to DDOS attacks, devs admitted it themselves, still looking to implement solution

Come on, anon. Dont be fooled by reddit. Its time to get off this unstable, unproven, insecure, featureless coin. There's probably gonna be another scandal next week anyway.

>> No.7105970



>> No.7106105

I'm not a short sighted person and I don't try and time the market. I invest in good technology. And I've been in XRB since $0.15 because I saw the potential, and in my eyes we are about halfway there.

You know what else I've held onto with my fucking iron fucking hands? My Bitcoin from 2012. People like you used the EXACT same arguments back in the day.

>It's unproven
>Normies will never buy in
>It won't scale
>The bubble has popped, it's all over

There were legitimate issues with Bitcoin. But if you had an ounce of foresight you'd see that its potential wasn't hit yet. I think we are approaching that point now with BTC. Maybe not. I'm not selling, mostly because at this point I don't NEED to.

But XRB? If you are in the crypto market and still don't understand the fucking potential of this project, I genuinely don't know how to help you. One thing I'll tell you though is that I didn't listen to you guys and your FUD with BTC, and I sure as hell am not going to listen to even WORSE arguments for XRB.

Anon, sincerely, good luck.