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7267807 No.7267807 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board right now that coded a bot in a language other than python

>> No.7267894

>i learned python in computer science for freshmen: the post

If you're not doing every thing in C you're a noob faggot

>> No.7267922

Also python is legitimately slow as fuck and worthless for this type of application because you need to make low latency decisions lmao you retard

>> No.7267938

C / Rust / Go / NodeJS?

>> No.7267940

My bot is coded in javascript running with nodejs. hmmm???

>> No.7268016
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>> No.7268023


Very subtle, 7/10.

>> No.7268057

I'm in love with Node.JS. The only thing I dislike about it is that it doesn't have a waifu personification

>> No.7268059


I don't give a shit, la-la-la-la

>> No.7268064

>he thinks you can't make low latency trading bots in python
sounds like you're just bad at programming honestly

>> No.7268080

python is a dead language

>> No.7268087

I made mine in PowerShell because I don't understand computers!

>> No.7268103

If your not using node js just kys

>> No.7268108
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>There are people who program in any language besides Malbolge

Are you guys a bunch if fucking girls? Why not use a language that challenges you a little bit

>> No.7268119

If we are talking real low latency the kernel and network stack is where the biggest gains are to be made.

Arguments about which language are pointless.

>> No.7268137

how do you even get started with this shit... i fucked around with webpack and babel and ended up with so many pipeline errors i couldn't get anything working at all. i just want a simple livecoding server to run locally, why is it so goddamn difficult. server-side is killing me desu

>> No.7268163
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>Also python is legitimately slow as fuck
hello pajeet

sorry you couldn't afford a modern computer that has a modern CPU

>> No.7268181
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>this thread has been nominated for most autistic thread of the day

>> No.7268185

>i learned C in computer science for sophomores: the post
Use the right tool for the job faglord. Learning a language is trivial and it's easy to tell that you don't know fucking shit when you fanboy over them.

>> No.7268200
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sorry that you think a scripting framework is actual programming
python is shit
let it go pajeet

>> No.7268236

>waifu personification
Just javascript or ES5/6 Right?

Webpack takes all your javascript and packs it into a single file
Babel converts fancy new ES6 type shit into javascript that can run anywhere.

What you want is webpack-dev-server

>> No.7268284

God, he uses C? Why doesn't he just write it in assembly like a REAL programmer.

>> No.7268317


Python/C/C++ are for fucking plebs

Everyone who is good uses Malbolge for programming a bot.

>> No.7268325

I know that everyone hates Haskell, but why everytime there's some kind of challenge and they let you choose anything, an overwhelming amount of the time the winner chooses Haskell?

>> No.7268347

all wall street quants work in c++

>> No.7268461

I wouldn't recommend in getting into the more complicated stuff like that right away. Finding a nice simple tutorial that shows you a lot of stuff is kind of hard, but here's a pretty small template that you can mess around with and experiment if you want. It uses the bare-minimum of what's needed to get a Node webserver up and running

>git clone https://github.com/TundraFizz/NodeJS-Template.git
>cd NodeJS-Template
>npm install
>npm install -g nodemon
>go to http://localhost:9001

Any version really. If things like browsers and other languages get waifus, JS/Node should get one too. Unless JS already has one and I never noticed

>> No.7268559
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