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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7649256 No.7649256 [Reply] [Original]

i do love my bizbros but


i think i dont really LOL

get rekt faggots. spamming my board with this shit for days. stupid burgers were euphoric joining an ico just to get absolutely JUSTED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7649297

The only reason ICOs do 10x on release is because burgers can't get into the ICO. If we can get in, there is noone driving demand.

>> No.7649333

exactly. who is there then left to dump on?

>> No.7649381

Nigga chill out IF you don't even hold bags then why the fuck you make 10 threads a day about this shit u fucking moron

Dude is literally hypnotized by this coin lmao I bet you check it 50 times a day on delta secretly hoping for a moon mission u beta cuck

Should've invested ur last 20 bucks in something else nigga


>> No.7649948

had 0.1 in it, not really caring but whatevaaaa IM ZAR WHATEVAAAAAAAA stupid ico

>> No.7649984

Outside of confido, I can’t think of any other ICO investors that got this fucked.

>> No.7650038

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.7650804

The fuck are you on about you retard

>> No.7651060

Nah op

>> No.7651181

Every fucking day at this time we need to put up with spam from this total shitcoin because they allowed burgers to buy and now they holding bags that are half the ICO price.

We won’t buy your fucking bags so stop this shill posting!!!

>> No.7651786

Oh don’t worry, you will, but not now at -40% from ICO, noo, your dumb ass will be making threads asking “Is it too late to get in now?” when this thing goes to $0.50 in a few weeks

>> No.7651839

hahahaha didnt you say this was an instant 10x?
didnt you say this would explode when it was put on a real exchange?
you literally invested in one of the worst ico's of all time.
the traders telegram is literally infested with literal pajeets literally begging people not to sell

>> No.7652465

He means most ICOs at least 4x this one did a -2x

>> No.7652550

Hey bag holder. How are you holding up with your useless token? So happy I only put .1 Eth in this absolute piece of dog shit

>> No.7652653

how can it do a -2x??

anyway just dumped my stack for some XCM

>> No.7652791

Majority of you will be dick riding this coin once it starts going up

>> No.7653381

With Resolvr, users are able to view, in real time, spend data across their company; providing live data for intelligent profit maximization. AXP tokens will be used for e-bidding, procurement and being a general means of exchange and transactional utility. The AXP token also serves to reduce the incentive for cyber security threats by securely decentralizing the distribution of our software. As a founding member of the International RegTech Association, aXpire’s blockchain technology leaves an immutable trail of transactions; providing value throughout the auditing, compliance and reporting process.