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7804982 No.7804982 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7805104

Don't buy this coin. Sunny prototyped it on his human trafficking ring. And he's a fart fetishist. Really fucking sick guy.

>> No.7805127

Why didnt i buy when it was 40000-50000


>> No.7805180

I love VEN, but seriously.. can we break an ATH again before we post this shit?

>> No.7805203

Fun fact.. I don't give a shit as long as it makes me money.

>> No.7805267
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 9A8ACF2A-21CC-4B70-8CCD-42B6E51CCF6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dey told me dis just a wanabe walin coine was dey wrong or was dey right

>> No.7805786

Yuge fan butt

>> No.7805828

Huge fan of vechain, but lets face it; we will be lucky to still be above 1$ eoy. just being realistic

>> No.7805970

Don't buy this coin. I know a lot about Sunny, he's my stepmom's husband's business partner (my stepmom's husband owns sweatshops that manufacture shoes for fetishists) and I think there are some problems with Ven. Last night I was watching nature documentaries in my bedroom when I heard tapping on my window. I opened it and Sunny was outside with a handful of pebbles. When he saw me, he pretended they were candy or something and just started eating them, walking around my backyard like he was just doing normal things. It was super weird. I could hear his teeth breaking and grinding in his mouth, and he was dribbling blood. He eventually dug up all of my stepmom's flowers, stomped on our sprikler heads, vomited blood and teeth and small rocks onto my tampoline, and jumped over the fence into my neighbors yard, crying.
There's no way he can keep doing this.

>> No.7806014
File: 24 KB, 720x540, 1515690990880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i did

>> No.7806027
File: 453 KB, 498x717, 1510849042992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And he's a fart fetishist

So is half of this board

>> No.7806069

This, were not even ath yet guys wait a bit

>> No.7806169

i sorry

>> No.7806194

yah dont buy Ven , i wana see you fags cry while i check biz on my new boat

>> No.7806232

>its hilarious watching drumpf crash and burn but seriously we can't let the guy get the nuclear codes XDDDDDDDD

>> No.7806252

brrr brrr BRR bRRRRRRAAp

>> No.7806721

I hold 50k VEN for fun, huge fan, but seriously, prolly -sats EOY desu senpai, you'll owe Sunny Money