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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 300x283, vechain-logo-2C020E4B55-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7950127 No.7950127 [Reply] [Original]

I'm buying 300 BTC worth of VeChain in a bit, time for those silly whales to lose their stacks.
See you guys on the VECHAIN REBRAND EVENT.
I'll be speaking tomorrow.

>> No.7950145

K larp daddy

>> No.7950149

i just told my family to invest thank you

>> No.7950166

just buy the 973 eth wall right now on binance

>> No.7950186

I'm buying 100K.

>> No.7950191

I have seen.

>> No.7950255


Can you flash it as a buy wall on 1000 sats to proof?

>> No.7950289

This, also are you planning on selling the news or hodling mr.whale?

>> No.7950305

In VeChain we trust, hold we must.

>> No.7950481

Not og

>> No.7950538

Can you flash us a buy wall to show us you are legit?

>> No.7950597

you heard the man, flash that bUY WALL

>> No.7950653

Wall flash or sage you dumb nigger

>> No.7950808

Buy it or stop larping

>> No.7950889
File: 7 KB, 226x223, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy 5000BTC worth of VEN in a short time. Now /biz/nigs, go and buy some cheap VEN.

>> No.7950994

Give me 30 minutes, my BTC is transferring.

>> No.7951013

Following... If OP isn't fag I'm in.

>> No.7951051 [DELETED] 

Can you please help me with some ven? poor fag here only have 79

>> No.7951071

The Coca Cola Cuck

>> No.7951073

>only have 79
nigga i could only afford 47 ven, your doing alright.

>> No.7951086

You Have seen fake partnership with DNV GL


>> No.7951088

Everyone's a whale on /biz/ who's just about to buy or sell x coin.

>> No.7951119

noce larp, faggot

>> No.7951139
File: 169 KB, 2042x610, Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 18.39.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DNV director is happy to cooperate with cryptos, but does not buy their currency"

"He emphasizes that they would like to enter into similar intentions with other crypto companies."

"We have no exclusive deal with vechain, but we want to explore the future with such companies."

"I think the companies behind the crypto currencies and expertise are important, and I think there will be many blocks in the future, not just one that controls everyone."

>> No.7951160

Alrighty post which exchange and pair you flash it on when you do. Deliver OP deliver

>> No.7951168

retard, that ceo is just saying they like the tech, but they arent fiddling with the crypto. not surprising considering how generally reluctant the average norwegian is towards change and magic internet money which 'kids use to buy drugs online'

>> No.7951182
File: 333 KB, 2151x2603, EE182A2F-C082-4AA0-95BF-F80F573EE3F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only 43 VEN and I feel very sad that Im missing out so much

>> No.7951186


>> No.7951189

No fucking shit. Only people buying cryptos are degenerate speculators

>> No.7951199

200.. notreallycomfyhere. We'll make it..

>> No.7951200

Cmon non, show us that buy wall.

Maybe even the transaction of btc you speak of.

I've made two btc transfers since you said your waiting and have gone through.

You using a 0 sat fee or somethin?
This is pretty nub hour if you ask me.

>> No.7951201

ok I just sold

>> No.7951215

Praise kek

>> No.7951230

sold my ven last night to wait out btc crashing, woke up to the midst of the minipump and sleep fomoed in and lost part of my stack. even in dreams im a faggot

>> No.7951238



>> No.7951244


yes, so they'll enter a contract with Vechain the company who will purchase THOR generated from the market to power their applications.

It's just like how you pay Amazon Web Services and they set up all the security/servers/infrastructure, Vechain is a blockchain-as-a-service company.

>> No.7951256

screenshot of sauce? can't see the order book

>> No.7951275

holy shit the delusion
THOR is a crypto too idiot
the fact is they are given free vet and will generate free thor and dump on the market with both.

>> No.7951302


walty detected

>> No.7951310

Post screenshot bls

>> No.7951327
File: 37 KB, 306x423, waltonchainholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7951334

60 eth worth bought in the last 5 min.

>> No.7951363

Sunny controls the THOR/tx setting, so it’ll get dialed up if THOR is cheap and vice versa

>> No.7951375
File: 292 KB, 646x1416, Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 19.57.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH/ VEN buy wall .... ;//

>> No.7951389


Yes, you have 300BTC but you don't know to transfer using ETH. And you are going to buy 300 BTC worth at once. Nice one.

>> No.7951430

This brainlet

>> No.7951433

op wont deliver, but I cant stop watching

>> No.7951551

I'm delivering, keep an eye on the walls.

>> No.7951576


>> No.7951590

you are doing gods work anon

>> No.7951620


>> No.7951651

The article makes it clear that the director himself doesn't hold any cryptos, not that DNV will not hold any tokens (obviously they couldn't utilise any blockchain if they did not). The whole ending paragraph is about how he is interested in the tech but hasn't bought any coins despite his son trying to persuade him to. It also mentions that his son has gone quiet since the crash. It doesn't say anywhere that DNV won't be utilising the VeChain token.

>> No.7951659

Both, Binance.
Currently waiting for the Palms and then we can go.

>> No.7951661

appreciated northern anon

>> No.7951672

the headline literally says dnv gl likes blockchain but doesn't buy cryptos.

>> No.7951676

What walls are there anyway? I can't find ones on BTC, tho there is 165 one on ETH.

>> No.7951697

If legit plankton me is gonna liquidate my entire 10k XLM position and put it all into VEN to ride ur wave

>> No.7951703

if you really CCK, what we see tomorrow?
1. CiSCO?
2. BMW?
4. PBoC?


>> No.7951719

is it true that you are a girl?

>> No.7951724

huge sell wall just come ;/

>> No.7951741


>> No.7951745

There are a lot of misleading headlines in crypto articles. That's how they spread fud because they know most people won't read until the end

>> No.7951757

wtf? its suppose to be a buy wall

>> No.7951768

You guys are aware that he's probably baiting you to dump his bags or something right

>> No.7951796


Get in before anyone else!


>> No.7951806

plz geif wall, we wait

>> No.7951814

Thanks. Sold my house to buy VEN.

>> No.7951815


>> No.7951820

No. It say "The DNV Director" likes blockchain but doesn't buy cryptos, which is something completely different and refers to the part of the article in which he talks about not buying cryptos himself.

>> No.7951833

https://gyazo.com/22bbcaec69964fb9892266c3f9e19063 INSTANT ORDER/SPLIT ORDERS?
You guys choose.

>> No.7951841


>> No.7951850



>> No.7951851

instant breh

>> No.7951861
File: 6 KB, 180x186, 1518832911112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7951862

Instant, but first proof with buy wall

>> No.7951872
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1516491459176s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

its real

>> No.7951890


>> No.7951893

Crowd is following, just did 30x 1000-2000 VET orders.
Look at my twitter for a new riddle soon.

>> No.7951895

how you know is real? i just see huge sell wall on binance ETH and BTC/ VEN

>> No.7951897
File: 66 KB, 891x501, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pockets area ready

>> No.7951905

when new post?
PBoC or CiSCO tomorrow?

>> No.7951924
File: 48 KB, 856x515, rorooror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ill be damned...

>> No.7951928


>> No.7951929

its supposes to be a buy wall no?

>> No.7951935
File: 4 KB, 250x187, 1519530099019s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include me in the screencap

>> No.7951936

still waiting for pboc

>> No.7951948

>buys 3 thousand dollars worth of VEN
>calls it 3 million dollars worth of VEN

>> No.7951966
File: 116 KB, 322x290, uhmnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7951976

>mfw when I report this obvious PnD to SEC and collect my $100k

>> No.7951986

yes he sad 300BTC is more than 30 x 1000-2000 VEN

>> No.7952013
File: 28 KB, 642x252, minn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, it spiked like mad in minute candles

>> No.7952024


>> No.7952033


>> No.7952034

cck uses a trip code

>> No.7952061

No he does not, but te posts the thread on his twitter

>> No.7952084

See you on twitter.

Not a problem, I just bought bags.

Later today or tomorrow.

I have proven myself today, I will be speaking tomorrow.
I have a little surprise left in a bit.

>> No.7952107


your English is better than usual, the real CCK is a pajeet.

>> No.7952119

When is the rebranding happening? (Time)

>> No.7952123

OP delivered

>> No.7952132

Cck always could talk english perfectly. He does it on purpose

>> No.7952222

>obvious larp
>start to doubt
What the hell is this really the CCK
I feel like I'm meeting one of my favourite celebrities

>> No.7952237

those digits

>> No.7952242

thanks for your time. just sold all my XLM for VEN

>> No.7952266


nice try, entire Vechain foundation employs outsource to india, exactly why pajeets promote it so much, cant keep mouths shut and they all buy it. nobody else wants it.

>> No.7952296

Hm looks like it's dumping desu

>> No.7952297

Now ops dumping noice

>> No.7952312


>> No.7952322


ofc it is. doesnt take long for markets to figure out sudden market sells for no real reason, same with sudden market buys.

>> No.7952324

I'm not dumping, market working.
Totally normal and expected, the surprise is coming.
Tomorrow is a big day for VeChain, we know what happened with the AntShares.

>> No.7952335


But we also know what happened with ICX tho?

>> No.7952349

Alright man im following this

>> No.7952359

It is not Chinese and supported, overhype.
That happened.

>> No.7952368

>The Coca Cola Kid
i am pop a cold bubbly Coca Cola ®
For you

>> No.7952402
File: 10 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being anally loaded with korean eth
ICX is one of the literally worst shitcoins ever.
Not going to say it won't dump (actually hope it does to accumulate), but ICX vs VEN? Come on

>> No.7952408

Poor here, I have 79 VEN and 0.2 eth, should i buy more ven with my eth left?

>> No.7952411

Nice work CCK. I managed to throw in a buy order there too

>> No.7952418

so what's the plan
we dumping when the event starts, right?

>> No.7952420

Man I hope you have a good day CCK. Unless I get dumped on, then just have a regular day.

>> No.7952426

Thanks for helping us out.

>> No.7952430

DEW IT Anakin !

>> No.7952471

Hey Cck Thank you for the push.

Sorry for your wife

After sore times come good times

>> No.7952521

"To clarify. If 4chan is used, it'll be linked here or within my Reddit". No tweet no cck

>> No.7952537

Why do you guys insist that this rebrand will be different when EVERY SINGLE ONE before dumped?

>> No.7952546

Just read that Vechain might be partnering with a prostitute ring to ensure that all the prostitutes are real women. reasoning for the sudden partnership is that apparently Sunny was doing some early celebrations tonight and ordered a prostitute but he got a ladyboy instead and out of fury he demanded a fix to this.

One of the 40 man devs leaked it into the telegram

>> No.7952566


>> No.7952572


ofc it will dump retard. stop trying to get anyone to convince you to FOMO. make your own decisions.

>> No.7952574

That’s what everyone will try to do. Dump to rebuy lower or just get rid of it.
That’s also what VEN’s marketing team wants to prevent. Will they succeed? Who knows.

>> No.7952596


well, if a tweet comes later, then i'll believe. Usually the tweets only come with announcements
at the very least, the dude bought a fuck ton of VEN kek

>> No.7952612

it' perfectly normal and healthy for an asset to correct. If it dumps it will be back up soon because next stop is thor.

>> No.7952646

it may dump but right now it is forming a perfect cup and handle bottom

>> No.7952653


thor isn't until June, so they have a few months of wait
the real question is how they'll manage to fill that time to keep investors interested (considering everyone is impatient in crypto)

>> No.7952663
File: 88 KB, 500x643, 234EBA64-3D29-4CBE-BD37-B366D1936038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only can afford 650 VEN...I’m not going to make it am I?

>> No.7952697

ICX is useless and overhyped

>> No.7952722




>> No.7952754
File: 7 KB, 235x214, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN is a literal scam. You really think companies would use a public blockchain to track their goods rather than implementing their own? If you do you're literally retarded.

>> No.7952755


holy shit

>> No.7952779

This just out?

>> No.7952793



>> No.7952812

true, as far as their marketing goes I doubt they don't see that gap.
Also consider this:
Thor will slowly be priced in, people will buy into it and want to be early for June. It may actually dump in June then.
This so reminds me of the stock market when the dollar appreciated against the euro like 30% in month ahead of a fed rate raise of 0.25% and retard 'financial analysts' were discussing if this 0.25% may actually choke the US economy.

>> No.7952853

also, sunny literally confirmed during the DNV livestream that ALL enterprises will be required to use the chain

ALL of vechain's employees are have substantial amounts of VEN

>> No.7952857

Do you know the principle of externalization kek?
most of the companies wants to externalize the production, logistic, accounting in order to reduce cost and gain time. It's better to trust expert in a certain field because they have competence and are quick to implement a product or a service.

>> No.7952896


There was talk of “assuming.. final form.”

Is this it?

>> No.7952920

Thinking of dropping 300 eth on this shitcoin. Convince me not to

>> No.7952933


>> No.7952937

do you think it really was CCK?

>> No.7952938

they will release announcements/partners until the mainnet in june to keep hype up.

>> No.7952955
File: 30 KB, 563x542, 857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's just pathetic to even try

>> No.7952957

It's in the peak of its hype.

>> No.7952999

lots of NDA's further China partnerships CNBC and mainstream media coverage.

>> No.7953058


An apotheosis is the assumption of the form of a god.

>> No.7953091

Price prediction for tomorrow? Os it sellable news?

>> No.7953098 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 300x250, APPPELbBh6-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor here, can anyone help me to make it with some VEN? :(

>> No.7953120


>> No.7953132

They will do whatever China tells them, because that’s where all their shit is being made.

>> No.7953134

x2 - x2.5 max

>> No.7953156

CiSCO, BMW + more

>> No.7953163
File: 3.40 MB, 2388x1300, Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 12.24.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already signed with 22 enterprises/partners in talks with 160++ more

Bitocean ceo, chief scientists vechain, bitocean Japan rep. George of DNV gl(china ceo), sunny, Huang of Pwc (china head), jay cfo vechain

>> No.7953167


You Have Not Seen

>> No.7953184


I have long suspected you were the God of Thunder.

>> No.7953207

how can sunny be so smug 24/7?

>> No.7953215

Still alive, anyone questions?

>> No.7953231

He called it

>> No.7953235
File: 131 KB, 650x750, 1518815638744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will i make it with 20.000 ven?

>> No.7953245

Yes is they will announce CiSCo or PBoC tomorrow?

What is your price prediction for tomorrow and end of march?


>> No.7953258

Trips and they'll announce PBoC tomorrow
>inb4 unrealistic kys

>> No.7953264


With the "red swarm" in your latest tweet - did you mean the chinese people? Since the KRW pairing on coinnest, I am thinking.

>> No.7953268

when tweet

>> No.7953270

New Twitter post when?

>> No.7953275 [DELETED] 

Can you spare some ven? i only have 79 :(

>> No.7953282

you're not real. You only bought like 600k worth of VEN. Definitely a whale, but for someone with as much insider insight as you, it doesn't seem like a lot. Unless you have more VEN elsewhere?

>> No.7953283

because he is shady

>> No.7953285

Will the re-branding and tomorrow's news be priced in or are we talking a launch into andromeda? Should I go all in on VEN now?

>> No.7953298

Do you like coke?

>> No.7953310

Asked in other thread, I got 8.5k ven should I risk selling the news to swing to 10k? I neeeeed my strength node.

>> No.7953318

Price EOY? Thor price prediction?

>> No.7953327

Will there be an announcement bigger than a hypothetical BMW announcement tomorrow?

>> No.7953329

When is the event

When do I sell my VEN

What's the meaning of life

>> No.7953333
File: 1.22 MB, 779x960, A0B4823D-39E3-48E6-9689-EFD4B23E5966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an idiot or a shill

Every time this shitcoin gets a measly 7% then all the shills come out of their holes but whenever this shitcoin loses the 7% it gains, shills disappear

Pleas screen cap this
This shitcoin won’t do much tomorrow on 26th
There might even be a fucking dump

>> No.7953341

sunny seems like the type of breh id like to pound bud lite lime with 2bh

>> No.7953343

I would maybe risk it if I had like 9.5k

>> No.7953354
File: 275 KB, 1000x827, 1518567599069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7953359
File: 34 KB, 495x495, 1210368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was inb4 you

>> No.7953369



You aren’t going to make it anon.

The blessing of Thor shines not upon you.

>> No.7953385

>look how legit we are guyysss
>has an insider tweeting
great coin , really.

>> No.7953386

you're so close. it's an entire 30% increase, i would definitely swing trade, but not the entire stack. You could easily gain 1,5k vens

>> No.7953391

because his name is sunny the chad thunder cock

>> No.7953411

30% increase in thor i meant to say.

>> No.7953492

Imagine the FOMO and price if Vechain announced you could start earning THOR retroactively.

>> No.7953729

Motherfucker gtfo

>> No.7953794

Hey guys, I’m still here. Anyone want their cock sucked?

>> No.7953802

Ok, it's 100% the real CCK

>> No.7953824

yeah look are we selling during the conference or after we are all fucked up over here bro

>> No.7953833


yes, i also wish i had more than 600 ven ; ;

>> No.7953849

What do you think VET will be EOY optimistically?

>> No.7953851

lol u fucking retard

>> No.7953873


>> No.7953881



>> No.7953898

Post tweet fakerfag

>> No.7953924

wassup larp?

>> No.7953948

lol that's if btc doesnt >166B

>> No.7953955



>> No.7953957

Do yourself a favor brainlet and kys

>> No.7953982

mfw sunny co-ordinated the biggest bull run in the history of mankind with VEN rebranding

VEN will unironically be $100 after event

>> No.7953985

What will the buttcoin do and will it matter, during the rise of the phoenix?

>> No.7954006

Kys as well

>> No.7954024

Actually that would be ironic.

>> No.7954026


>> No.7954062

That's how it is with pretty much all shills except for stinky linkies. Enthusiasm drops when your coin is dropping.

>> No.7954066

Guys don’t be naive. VEN and CHINA need this coin in the top 10. This has to happen very soon. Once in the top 10, it will see serious institutional FOMO.

>> No.7954075

Ven partnering with Jesus announcement tomorrow ?

>> No.7954094

TOP 10 after rebranding
screencap this

>> No.7954099


hitting 10 dollars would actually be huge kek

>> No.7954123

animal farm partnering with your mom yesterday

>> No.7954129

when is the rebrand? HOURS PLEASE

>> No.7954133

OP what is your twitter - for these riddles

>> No.7954148

12 hours

>> No.7954171

Oi cck, give us a hint or clue what we can expect you cuck. <3

>> No.7954186

prove that you are cck.
huge fan of ven, bullish that it will hit 10$ eoy.
also bullish on cck, you will hit 15k subscribers by eoy.

>> No.7954189

30 k ven here... wish I had more :(

>> No.7954227

Yep alarm set CCK

>> No.7954254
File: 191 KB, 1199x1057, p8atuuz23b601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking brainlet suck a veiny dick. they dont need cringe marketing like you chink slime dick no brained single cell parasites do. go suck on sunnys dick some more and get out my board chink faggot

>> No.7954281
File: 671 KB, 825x1236, 1D56C99C-3817-4327-93EF-8A72CD690438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vechain stole our logo.

>> No.7954288

Lol did you make this picture for the last hour and a half

>> No.7954298

Actually I've decided to sell all my vechain and buy all sell walls of telcoin.

>> No.7954305

You greedy 30k is enough to buy Lichtenstein in a couple of years.

>> No.7954315


Can you buy like ... 130k more on binance with btc? Shit's crazy

>> No.7954336
File: 33 KB, 637x921, 349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa its over!!! SELL SELL SELL

>> No.7954339

ICON will be great in a couple of years. That’s how long it will take for any of those lines to mean jack shit.

>> No.7954353

The meme pic kek

>> No.7954372
File: 72 KB, 750x1334, i51UZA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh meme pic

you retards dont even know what icon is. not my problem you missed the biggest ico of 2017

>> No.7954377

Brainlets don’t understand opportunity cost

>> No.7954400

please don't think that this is the real CCK

>> No.7954401

Need 9600 more for strength node.. Any1 wanna help? Will do sharpie pooper

>> No.7954407

Any richy whallie donating some of their breadcrumbs ? Im poor student with 300 vens with a dream of being a Jim Breyer in the future. I LOVE CHINA


>> No.7954410
File: 78 KB, 263x167, thiccbottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being anally loaded up with 'muh korean eth'
you will get neutered by mr market himself anon

>> No.7954426

>300 VEN

piss off

>> No.7954443
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1517817272355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I see are market partnerships

>> No.7954451
File: 95 KB, 634x467, gypsy-beggar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gypsy beggars everywhere.

>> No.7954471

why would you buy literally Nigger: the coin?

>> No.7954514

hey VEN Thor lover here please send the tokens on my adress that you want to get rid of even your shitty coins that worth nothing thanks very much may Thor be with you all tomorrow 0x2b854f70598210C451F668d38A3F8BfD21A42d34

>> No.7954536

The only platform with possibly more adoption than ICX will have is ETH. How can that be when ICX just launched their mainnet though and aren't even getting a wallet until next month? It's because there's theloop blockchain that's been around the past few years that hospitals, insurance companies, and universities are using.

There's a problem with this, these are all independent blockchains, using the same theloop tech. This is where ICX steps in. ICX will allow all these blockchains to communicate and interact together - and they got the partnerships to do it. Partnerships for enterprise businesses is the adoption smart contracts need and will drive demand for the token.

In other words fromhttp://spec-rationality.com/icon/
>‘theloop’ as Enterprise blockchain provider & ICON as it’s public ledger manifestation
Read everything there if you really want to be shilled about it. I'm 90% in

THIS IS THE MAINSTREAM ADOPTION. Crypto going mainstream won't be about replacing some countries shitty fiat with btc/eth/ltc/doge. No normie wants the risk of holding their own coins and make things more complicated for themselves (they don't even understand their current financial system). The adoption will come from businesses, you won't even know are using crypto, using them on their backend to work with other businesses to make a more efficient business/society with smart contracts. ETH is one of the strongest contenders here, but ICX has such an insane amount of partnerships that once everything is up and running they'll be years ahead of adoption of every other coin. Korea will be driving demand because their businesses will need it. With real world uses, it won't be subjected to nearly as much drops as other speculative coins. Once it gets a KRW pairing Korean speculators will be driving it too.

>> No.7954581

Expect a solid x5 tomorrow.

>> No.7954596

i unironically hope you get paid for this you thicc retard

>> No.7954636

I promise my wife and kids to go in Lego Land after rebrand but I think it is not enough 106 VET for that :)

Please donate hi hi hi 0xdc390F36462D3CAab86Cf7a03850220ae6f68F13

>> No.7954643

ICX pumpin now tho

>> No.7954655

not bmw, but the mative group of lambo

expect more in a bit

>> No.7954660

>13 posts by this id
I bet you mongrel do by sunny nigger.

>> No.7954681

Fuck a whitepaper boyo.

>> No.7954686

PBoC is not going to be announced tomorrow as it is in early stages, the other company is.

>> No.7954700

>Only x5, PBOC will be announced tomorrow.

>> No.7954710

What's with all the begging? How fucking sad are these people?

>> No.7954750

Its why I can’t justify selling VEN when usually I’d have moved on by now. It’s still going to perform like an aggressive coin, but it’s the safest coin in sports. Jeezus I get tingly every time I think about that. Which is almost every day.

>> No.7954767

“Pump” vs “Growth”

Someday you’ll get it kid

>> No.7954809

Make it pump once more so i can sell the rest of my bags.

>> No.7954831

its over lads. it was a nice ride with vechain, but now on it will be slow bleed for atleast one year. where is everybody moving their money? OMG?

>> No.7954844

PBOC won’t be until May.

>> No.7954850

If PBoC is not going to be announced and BMW/Cisco is, it won't do ANS. It just won't do, not in this market. ANS went crazy, BMW/Cisco might help with 30%, but that's it.

>> No.7954889

I come from the stock market anon. Hint:
Smart money is not interested in some muh paypal replace by 2050 vision. They will hop on board once it gets interesting, they don't care that much about price but real world growth.
I thought about holding icx many times, always sold, these coins are nasty overhyped bullshit to me.
Simple question which can never be answered:
Why will people buy ICX for a X premium in 10 years from me? Why will its price rise? The token has no underlying value reflected in price, it would work if it was 10 cent or 10k. Guess what happens.

>> No.7954911

Nothing will come of the oboe shit, you might get a bmw announcement but Cisco is not working with them

Honestly it probably won’t pump for a week

>> No.7954917

DNV along is > any partnership ICX has on their map put together for mass adoption. You know this you disingenuous shill. You do disservice to an admirable project ICX. Your lack of integrity is not becoming.

>> No.7954922

What do you think of WTC?

>> No.7954979

reminder VEN dumped during DNV GL conference from 0.00081678 to 0.00042867

>> No.7954983

He's a viral marketing guy for Vechain, what do you expect him to say?

Do you also think that car salesmen have your best in mind?

>> No.7955003

That was after a mad Elliot wave 5 FOMO rush and market already tanked weeks earlier.

The most we’ll see from here is a small dip followed by more growth. This coin is destined for the top 5 by June.

>> No.7955025

Walton is cool, I’d even say undervalued.

Comparing to Vechain is folly.

It’s as good as ICX.

>> No.7955029
File: 66 KB, 360x335, 1395898801523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk. i asked him if he likes coke earlier. i dont really care what he says, i just want him to talk to me.

>> No.7955043

oh shit imma be rich!!

>> No.7955059
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tweet
Get the fuck out larping faggot.

>> No.7955071

Retard.. average down over weeks to months with a stick like that or just greendildo is into mega-gains territory big daddy and we all sell.. your call

>> No.7955074

He thinks Vechain will not dump.

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ think.

>> No.7955093

Here's the discord for those who are interested

discord gg VCDwbN3

>> No.7955096



>> No.7955100

I'm the real CCK.
PBoC is going to be announced tomorrow.

>> No.7955103
File: 91 KB, 400x400, Siip Huup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try talking to real people instead of someone who is trying to profit from you.

>> No.7955219

a whale just wanted to pump the price slightly and sell before the event.

>> No.7955254

its not because hes just a person, he might actually be the real sodiepop child and i want senpai to notice me desu

>> No.7955275

No im the real CCK.

Vechain is a scam, its going to be announced tomorrow

>> No.7955284

I got 300VEN, will I make it?

>> No.7955295

>/biz/ tells everyone to sell
Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.7955299


You sound like it.... lol

>> No.7955318

If a supply chain/IoT isn’t a top coin, I’m leaving crypto

>> No.7955326

I'm the Coca Cola Chad, got my lambo on the moon while wearing my supreme.

>> No.7955345

Please stop impersonating me, the tweet will go out. Only this ID I have correspondends with the OP.

>> No.7955352

>reads just the headline
Found the retard

>> No.7955375


>> No.7955485

Tomorow VET 50$

>> No.7955505

I the official CCK will join a Discord Server of choice. Ask me anything.
Please check my ID before you add me, I'll verify me in the chat.

>> No.7955519
File: 6 KB, 250x250, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some of BTC killer too.

>> No.7955531

I like you man

>> No.7955541

$500 nfc sticker printer and no whitepaper...kek

>> No.7955552

Just tweet fakefag

>> No.7955557
File: 329 KB, 614x572, 1396651867486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a question for you

>> No.7955558

Not at these prices you kilobyte deficient troglodyte

>> No.7955610

The disbelievers shall be purged in 11 hours. The mountain is about to be flipped.

CCK out.

>> No.7955837

Partnership with Sysco conformed

>> No.7955901

partnership with crisco coinfirmed

>> No.7955949


The price will 2x

>> No.7955966

Proof you CCK or shut up LARPer

>> No.7956010

partnership with kelloggs confirmed

>> No.7956098

im a nanobot as well but lets kill ltc first before we go after btc.

>> No.7956102

How about official VeChain discord?

>> No.7956105


>their are brainlests on /biz/ who actually bought this vape


>> No.7956183

cringy as hell

>> No.7956357

How do I add you?

>> No.7956413

holy fuck. this looks like a runescape membership ad

not touching this shitcoin

>> No.7956479

Boiz, redpill me on Thor n sheet
Will all pajets like me get this "airdrop" or you need something special? Will i get it on kucoin?

>> No.7956529
File: 141 KB, 442x509, 479f8c88 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments are even worse than the ad

>> No.7956568

he actually fucking did it

>> No.7956660


>> No.7956800

Fucking kek I hate Chinese marketing

>> No.7956846
File: 26 KB, 780x438, fudddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vechain is over, isn´t it?

>> No.7956861

Please god tell me Asians actually like this kind of thing

>> No.7956878

They must do, hence the marketing so far

>> No.7956922

I love crypto, this kind of autistic shit doesn't happen in any other space

>> No.7957058

lotta truth to this. ceos of fortunte 500 companies dont talk to people on twitter or telegram like crypto people do. its an overall much more casual and open environment.

>> No.7957062

Good god

>> No.7957074
File: 56 KB, 774x274, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7957079

What about nano? I'm worried

>> No.7957091


>> No.7957178

>Daily reminder anyone can make a tripcode

>> No.7957195


>> No.7957212


>> No.7957213

$1000 EOY

>> No.7957224

pajeet FUD
somethings shady here

>> No.7957232

Huge fan, but lucky to see $4 by end of year, just being realistic

>> No.7957335

all chinese exchange cisco and bmw dropping boys. 500 eoy easily im all in see yall in the aston martin rapide

>> No.7957420

Also, huge fan (probably bigger fan than you, sorry), will not see over 3.50 by eoy. just the truth.

>> No.7957425

>we know what happened with the AntShares.
for fucks sake you people are delusional

>> No.7957456

>pajeet shillers
>rapist CEO
>cringy trailer
>faggot CCK
>sell the news meme
Sunny violated my sister. Not gonna lie, she was former 40 man dev team and quit over Sunny's workplace misconduct, which apparently everyone knows about but no one does anything. #MeToo movement has not hit VeChain offices yet but when it does VEN will go to sub $0.50. Sunny just thinks he can put his hands anywhere he wants on the women in the UI department.

>> No.7957542

im expecting antshares 2.0 except maybe little less growth bc vechain has a higher market cap

>> No.7957654

what was the antshares rebranding actually like? did anyone expect it to happen that way?

>> No.7957709

$1000 in 5 years or less

>> No.7957733

All you ANS hopefuls are as delusional as stinkies

>> No.7957751

It had a dip after rebrand and mooned 10x starting 3 days after to fuck everyone over that sold the news

>> No.7957791

I didn't follow it closely but i held some antshares at the time.
Antshares was obviously a really bad name so it was really undervalued before the rebranding and after branding to NEO everyone realised that it's the "chinese ethereum" and fomoed in. People had ethereum bull run still fresh in their minds so that had an effect on the fomo.
Then in bled back like 70% during the china FUD.

>> No.7957864

then it fell 60ish% during China fud then 9 months later here we are. Give VEN a year it will be a fucking BEAST top 3 coin

>> No.7958028

lol im not hopeful im coservatively estimating that the growth % will be what antshares --> neo had although it can easily have a higher percentage