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8183485 No.8183485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do I meet girls after college?
>Be me
>before high school, life was good
>parents pampered me did everything for me, got me all the coolest games and went on amazing vacations every year
>went to an expensive middle school with college level tuition
>Made tons of friends and was the last time I remember being "cool"
>After that everything went downhill
>Parents decide to enroll me in an all boys catholic high school
>Only contact I ever made with opposite gender was at seasonal school dances which were not even fun because teachers would police to check for any inappropriate dancing or touching
>school prom comes around have no one to go with
>mom calls up her old friend and hooks me up with her daughter whom I went to elementary school with
>Shit went horribly everything was awkward never even kissed
>Confidence goes down tremendously
>Fast forward to graduation
>Mediocre grades only gets me into one school I applied to out of 10
>Lost all contact with high school friends
>went to college for computer engineering
>Literally 1 girl for every 100 guys
>Always up to my eyes in work so no time to ever socialize
>Get depressed as fuck
>Graduate with a 2.4 GPA
>Still a kissless virgin at age 22
>Don't even know what I want to do with my life since coding isn't particularly exciting to me even though I code occasionally
>Living at parents house for three months since I graduated last December
>Have no idea where to go to meet people my age, no idea how to network and make real connections
>Apply to few jobs because I don't know what I truly want to do
>Life is spiraling out of control
>What do biz? I need to turn my life around

>> No.8183545

>Eat Healthy
>Try to unclutter your mind

Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

>> No.8183609

Your life sounds a lot like mine, same age and very similar experiences and outlook on our future. I'm not graduated yet though. I wish I could help you but I can't even help myself.

>> No.8183622
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Im in the same position OP. I just go to my wageslave office job and funnel some savings into crypto, only thing giving me any hope

>> No.8183648

opie have you considered killing yourself? jokes aside, if you have the money/time take a week off go to /tvl/ and go stay at hostels and shit for several months.

>> No.8183686

Turn your life around.
Go back to the basics:
Why are you engineering? Do you actually want to do that?
Are you getting enough sleep, exercise, and eating right?
Drop the porn, drop the netflix, curb your computer time, start reading things made out of paper. If you're on the computer, watch Jordan Peterson videos.
Go to the gym every day until you have a habit and will go at least 5 times a week.
Spend six months working on yourself and see where you are, then. You've got a very long life ahead of you. I wish I was 22. Hell, I wish I was 32.
The friends will come.
The women will come.
The job and self esteem will come.

>> No.8183687

Jack off more.

>> No.8183717

honestly anon i think you wasted the best time of your life already. high school and college were the best part for me, carefree and limited stress.
All you can do now is make friends with some coworkers or find a hobby

>> No.8183775

just torrent a bunch of project go videos and then go out and start hitting on girls in the street
worked for me

>> No.8183780

How does one unclutter their mind? And I still exercise but I can't really find the motivation to stick to a lifting routine anymore, why should I do all this when there's nothing on the other side for me? Why work hard in school, why work out everyday, why work my ass off in life and be disciplined when I'm ugly with zero confidence or self esteem and destined to end up alone? I just can't find the motivation to do anything anymore because there's no reward. It's not rewarding in and of itself to go and move some weights around anymore, it's a hassle and I never make any progress. It's not rewarding to spend hours studying engineering textbooks or writing lab reports, it sucks ass and it's not rewarding at all to get a good grade on it anymore, it feels like a childish concern to even have ("look mommy, I got an A on the test!").

Why put all this effort in if there's nothing waiting for me at the end of the tunnel, no girl, no happy family, no nice house, no enjoyable job? Why not just jerk off and play video games?

>> No.8183789

Do more anime and more world of warcraft and become a wizard

>> No.8183823

hey dumbass, everyone gets older. and you're gonna look back in 5 years and wish you did something.

you'll regret things and hate yourself even more.

pick yourself up and grind, and one day you will thank yourself

>> No.8183897

I'm already doing all those things like exercising and eating well and trying hard in school. I'm asking what the fuck the point is? Why do I need a good job when I can't even get a girl to look in my direction? Why do I need a nice body? Why should I eat well, what do I want to live a long life for if there's no one in it?

>> No.8183911
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Sounds to me like you are coddled by your parents, go on soc and add all the whores on there. Hone your social skills by just talking to them, don't fall in love. Eventually you will get nudes and your confidence will grow. The rest is up to you, take a vacation and visit a girl you meet online or something

>> No.8183922

why do you need a girl?

guys like you dont understand its that faggy attitude that repels women

>> No.8183935

If you lift, you can become un-ugly. Sure, you can't change your bone structure, but if you're fit it won't be so apparent. You say you've got "nothing on the otherside" but are ignorant to the idea that *everything you want* is on the other side. If you work out for a few months and then go to a music festival, you'll have no problem talking to girls.

>> No.8183962

if you have a good job, a good body, and a good attitude, girls WILL look your way you dumb fuck

>> No.8184043

For A sad soul like you, your only hope is Tinder.

>> No.8184067

This basically. Especially the working out. You would be really surprised how happier and more social you get when you exercise regularly.

Also, when you get a bit more confident start doing classes that women would usually take. Like yoga or dancing or whatever. Don't be a creep though and start hitting on everyone, you need to actually be interested in the class. It's just to get you exposed more to people your age.

>> No.8184144

I don't want to die alone, it's not like I'm acting like some desperate faggot when I'm around them.

Well I have a decent body and I didn't used to and it hasn't seemed to help. I don't want them to be attracted to my job, it would suck knowing I was always passed up on for other people my age when girls were choosing guys just for the guy himself, not some money making potential or something. It makes you feel like there's something really, really wrong with you. And I'll admit I have a terrible attitude.

>> No.8184252

This is me except i will never graduate.

>> No.8184590

Guess what? Women are different. They are never going to love you like you love them back. Its not in their nature. A womans love is opportunistic. Men are romantics, women are opportunists. They want to be dependent on a strong man. Your ideal is her ideal. A woman only wants her partner to do to his best to truly love him.

Kill your inner beta or suffer the consequences. Its your duty as a man. Never feel the need to explain your value to a woman. Know your value within yourself. Only that builds confidence.

>> No.8184666

life is an illusion. it doesn't matter. just do your own thing and quit givin a fuck bout what the system wants.

>> No.8184750

Its full of degenerate std animals

>> No.8184846
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get skycoin, bitches love skycoin

>> No.8184885

First cut contact with toxic people. Realize that the only person you are competing with is yourself. Start with a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Then upgrade to personal hygiene and an exercise routine. These will all be short term goals for you. You'll feel more and more accomplished as you continue to achieve goals you've set ahead of yourself. Your accomplishments will make you feel confident and comfortable with your own self, and that will be reflected to the world. The right people will be attracted to a disciplined and confident man. Godspeed anon.

>> No.8185197

Aside from the obvious (lift, dress nice, hygiene, good job), learn sales. It will benefit you in every way possible

>> No.8185228

You want the rewards before the work dumbass

>> No.8185276

Everyone else my age gets them, but I'm not even asking for a reward right now, just a small hint that I'm even making ANY progress. Just fucking SOMETHING.

>> No.8185506

Thanks Satan

>> No.8185604

What do you know about others lives and what makes them attractive? Maybe they have a trust fund, drug connections, or social status from some organization/sport you just don’t know. Just focus on yourself and maybe one day people will wonder why women/other people are attracted to you. Speaking from years of experience here, it gets better but don’t expect a congratulatory trophy you’ll end up with haters but a better life overall.

>> No.8185679

You have to put in the leg work, throw parties, understand social dynamics, invest, lift, study etc the list is way too long. It takes a long time, and the changes are imperceptible day-to-day. You have to be prepared to put in a decade or more, without thanks or recognition. If that seems not worth it, save the effort and give up now because there will be others who rise up.

>> No.8185784

High school was way more fun than college for me. I blew it in college by not going till I was 21, not living in dorms, and only living on campus for like a semester and being sober the entire time due to past drug/alcohol issues. Had a fucking blast on high school tho parties, doing/selling drugs, women you name it. I think I peaked in my teenage years I still have fun now but haven’t gotten laid in 2 years and will turn 28 in like 7 months.

>> No.8185821

for older women, not as much

30 year olds on Tinder are looking for relationships

>> No.8185952

You should have gone to the bars in college if you were 21. Also, dorms were super lame, I really only started having a lot of fun after I got out of them. You didn't really miss much.

>> No.8185959

i dunno man, this is how i look at it

work out due of vanity. get a good body because of disgust for your current form. get a good job to have money and find hobbies that fulfill you. eat well because you'll feel better. do anything it takes to build up your ego so that you can live for yourself and be content.

i hope this doesnt come off as an empty platitude.

>> No.8186040

Honestly not a bad thing.

Im 19, lost virginity poorly at 16, have had sex with 7 women since. Im a sophomore finance major with a lot of family finance connections. I dont really care about money since being diagnosed with cancer, I just want to live. Oh and I got chlamydia last semester. Could have been a tinder chick or a random street whore. (I go to a big state school with a campus, girls wander around looking for dick) Do I worry about STDs? no, I just have fun. It sounds like you lost that years ago. You need to laugh and live man its not good to be tortured for years like that

>> No.8186077

This is good advice. You need to work on yourself and it will all happen naturally.

>> No.8186116
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>I dont really care about money since being diagnosed with cancer
You realize there are correlations between STDs and cancer? Sounds like you deserve cancer for being such a degenerate desu

>> No.8186133

It's not bad advice, I've seen it work for others and I've read so many stories of guys turning their lives around doing that exact thing. It just doesn't seem to be doing fucking anything for me. It happening naturally seems to be the exact opposite of the truth, nothing is happening. Each day goes by the same as the last, I do these little self improvement things and these discipline things and nothing ever gets better or changes.

>> No.8186214

Clean your room, bucko.

>> No.8186662

i wouldn't say things get better naturally. they allow for a nice foundation to find what you want though. it is impossible to be happy if you hate who you are as a person. and so these methods of self-discipline, strength training, eating healthy, etc are methods people use to become more content with themselves. but thats really only the beginning imo

>> No.8186774

You sound like me 2 years ago now I'm 25 and a NEET

>> No.8186811

Going to bars when you don’t drink sucks man. I’ve been to a few concerts and music festivals that were fun but I can’t do the bar scene when I don’t drink.

>> No.8186979

> implying women who just got off cock carousel aren't degenerate std animals

>> No.8187000

Yeah I do and my type of cancer is totally unrelated you anime virgin. Well most likely unrelated

>> No.8187043

enjoy your life but dont be reckless just because youve been diagnosed with cancer. imagine cancer + aids = gg. most std's can be cured but some are life changing.

>> No.8187083


>women who have fucked for fun from the age of 16 to 29 are now looking for "serious lol I don't have sex on first date" relationship

Jesus Christ how blue-pilled are you?
Older singe women are the most used up women in the entire women-spectrum


>> No.8187087

You seem like me bro, if you're by a Boston lets chill homie.

>> No.8187372

Is 25 too late to get a cute early 20s gf?

>> No.8187399

No. Just have cool car.

>> No.8188330
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>be me
>finish college doing accounting
>do work experience in accounting
>decide accounting isnt for me
>smoke cannabis heavily for next 4 years until I get a psychosis
>earn $$$ from steam workshop in the meantime
>in recovery unable to work due to antipsychotics sedation
>struggling to decide what career I want
>finally find out alcohol was a contributing factor in my pyschosis
>cant smoke, cant drink unless I want to become full schizophrenic
>still can't decide what career path to go down

>> No.8188605

I mean, many early 20s girls prefer older guys so ya, not even close to being late.

>> No.8188691

>implying they don't have sex on the first date

they're "looking" for a serious relationship

but they go to a hotel with you anyway