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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8201434 No.8201434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8201464

>investing in assets to minimize inflation is bad
The absolute state of Keynesian hyperconsumers

>> No.8201529
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>they think inflation is a necessary and intentional purpose of currency and not an unavoidable byproduct of valueless fiat money that bootlickers have been conditioned to think is good for them

>> No.8201590

And we’re still richer than you.

>> No.8201598

Just pay inflated prices like any normal person and stop complaining and trying to cheat the system. You butters need to learn a few lessons from us.

>> No.8201708

How does (((Mr. Shekelstein's))) mutilated cock taste wagie? I bet you let Mr. Shekelstein fuck your wife too. Cuck

>> No.8201755

Lessons on how to be a massive cuck?

>> No.8201758


>> No.8201762

>these "weird people" don't like it when their stuff is taken away
Gee I wonder why

>> No.8201764

lmao, there's actually a place dedicated to BTC hate? how salty must they be, RIP nocoiners

>> No.8201786

Pay your taxes

>> No.8201804

>implying I have a choice

>> No.8201807
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>not ashamed of being a plebbitor

>> No.8201878

>being so buttblasted about being a poor nocoiner that you create an entire subreddit on plebbit to cope

>> No.8202021

Cryptodegenerates are the worst

>> No.8202095

Of course inflation has a purpose. Wether there are better forms of money is up for debate and BTC is an interesting experiment. Maybe sound money really is the better money, but we won't know until it's been tried in a real economy and not just as part of a model.

>> No.8202100
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>ywn die alone and penniless F5ing bitter reddit threads demeaning the success of others

What is this feel?

>> No.8202112

Do you get something in return for the taxes you pay?

>> No.8202135

There are better forms of inflation than the current "airdrop the banks because they are the shareholders of the FED".

Monero has a 1% yearly inflation after the fixed number has been mined.

>> No.8202149

>mmmm yes government let me lick your boot. Heres my ass you can use freely so I can buy more percocet and live my useless life.

>> No.8202151

also this those Keynesian kikes got us good, they did a better job brainwashing than the Marxist types

>> No.8202209

>get raped in an underpass
>rapist leaves you with 100$
>"What's your problem, you got something out of it, didn't you?"

Another analogy would be you going into a supermarket and purchasing products vs you getting robbed as you enter a supermarket, and then someone gives you a certain bag of goods, the total value of which is LOWER than what you paid in. I'd be okay if any of the following would be true:
>taxation would be voluntary
>the only people who could vote would be people who pay more in than they get out (yes that would mean most government employees can't vote)

>> No.8202221

How's 8th grade going?

>> No.8202225

You still don't understand the point of inflation. If a company's $1m will be worth $1.2m in a year, why would they spend $500000 to grow the business to put in extra staff, if the return would only be $600000 (a 20% ROI is considered a great investment in an inflationary climate).
The money would stay in the bank, there is no longer as many jobs for the increasing population, you would not have a job, and you would not have any life savings.

>> No.8202227

No. I get literally nothing. IB roads. The roads are fucking shit.

>> No.8202285

Firefighters, police, schools, roads, hospitals, lightning

>> No.8202351

Let's ignore your poor analogies for now and move on to the argument.

If taxation was voluntary, how do you exclude people who don't pay taxes from reaping the benefits of rule of law, clean air and water etc?

>> No.8202355
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>inflation is good

>> No.8202365

nice reddit pasta

>> No.8202404

Inflation Coin has no limit on negative value. It can literally drop to negative infinity

>> No.8202426


I am 100% positive that entire subreddit is a subtle attempt to shill bitcoin.

>> No.8202429

>clean air
Brilliant, let's push an air tax, if you're breathing, you're getting taxed! Let's tax livestock and birds for breathing as well. Don't be ridiculous.
>rule of law
Well guess who's not getting legal representation.
Please, I pay for my fucking water to the water companies already.

Any other great objections?

>> No.8202439

I'm assuming you're American, in which case I have to say: taxpayers are getting shafted in the US because your gobmint (doesn't matter whether republican or democrat) uses most of your money to wage useless wars, subsidise inefficient industries, pay for a shitty education system, pay for a shitty healthcare sysem and pay for pensions for boomers who've had it easier than any generation before or after them. So I can't really disagree with you there.

>> No.8202472


>> No.8202485

>If taxation was voluntary, how do you exclude people who don't pay taxes from reaping the benefits of rule of law, clean air and water etc?
Protip: the majority of Americans already contribute zero to the government in tax dollars. If you don't make $80k/yr or more, you're basically a leech.

>> No.8202503

I think you misunderstood the point. Taxes are used to maintain clean air and water by way of regulating industries, penalising pollution, and providing waste disposal. That is something that everybody benefits from, whether they want to or not. If people opted out of taxation, they'd freeride on the tax contributions of others, because they cannot be excluded from the benefits of those taxes. However, if nobody paid taxes, there'd be nobody to assume responsibility for maintaining clean air and water (and the environment at large).

>> No.8202527

>they want to have their wealth in a form which cannot be taken
Is there some reason this is bad?

>> No.8202528

So what are you complaining about then? You don't pay taxes, brilliant.

>> No.8202542
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>hahaha how is society supposed to endlessly consume the goods we produce when the supply of money isn't constantly losing value

>> No.8202551

clean streets
road maintenance
public transport

i can go on all day

>> No.8202587

>clean streets
These streetshitting pajeets dont care about that

>> No.8202595

fucked i studied about this years ago in uni in some econ class, forgot about it already. esp focus on freeriders iirc

>> No.8202641
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>not paying your lightning tax

>> No.8202645

You must have missed the fact that I was replying to someone who implied he didn't get anything in return for his taxes. It was a RHETORICAL QUESTION...

>> No.8202670

They teach Econ in Amish school?

>> No.8202685


>> No.8202691
File: 27 KB, 400x400, Bruce_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP is an SA oldfag, I want you to know that I laughed at every single one of you balding aids ridden manlet leftist "twitter comedian" faggot retards from the years 2011-2017

After last december it was just too sad.

>mfw they say "I still wouldn't buy butts even knowing what I do now"
>mfw the utter denial
>mfw buttcoin turned from comedy gold into an aids & bankruptcy support group
>mfw some of them have been in that thread since the beginning
>mfw most of them were too lazy to even try going short at any point
>mfw the greatest transfer of schaudenfraude in human history

>> No.8202736
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>> No.8202737


The state of this board.

>> No.8202762

you're a tard

>> No.8202773

Why would anyone want to own a store of value that cannot be taken away? Silly coiners teehee

>> No.8202800

No one cares tbqh. We made money speculating on complete junk. Sorry you missed the boat

>> No.8202802

Government regulation could easily destroy the value of cryptos.

>> No.8202819

Just ban monero lmao

>> No.8202889

and gov employees shouldnt vote as the conflict of interest is massive
its like parliament voting of mep wages, wtf

>> No.8202910

he gave two options
the second has your "leches" taken care of by linking taxation to a vote
just like greece did back then

>> No.8202927

The vast majority of civil servants has absolutely no part in formulating legislation, so I don't see where the conflict of interest you purport lies.

>> No.8202950

Linking taxation to a vote would only marginalise those who are too poor to vote and exclude them from the political process. What's the purpose of that?

>> No.8202961

government workers still pay taxes.

>> No.8202970

you dont see why MEPs shouldnt be the ones to vote on legislation concerning their wages?
why a civil servant who is paid with other peoples taxes shouldnt really have the same decision making power as the people who pay him?

>> No.8202987

Why should every retarded loser get a vote? Why should a welfare scroungers vote be equal to the one of a successful entrepreneur?

>> No.8202990

oh come on you know thats just calculations, they are paid with taxes
it would effectively exclude those who dont put in money to decide how its spent

>> No.8203000

name a government employee that pays more in taxes than he receives in wages

>> No.8203034

sure but voting its not only about wages, its about law making too. Say you dont want X law to pass the wo you vote for the party that does not support it.
And voting for X does not directly affect most of the people employed by the government.

>> No.8203042

Those are two different things. MEPS are elected politicians, civil servants aren't elected.

And as for the right to vote: taxpayers pay civil servants to perform a service that offers a return for the taxpayer. Decision-making power, as you put it, or participation in the political process is separate from that. So no, I don't see why civil servants should have less of a day in this.

>> No.8203099

name one job that cost you more in taxes than you make in wages.

>> No.8203107
File: 65 KB, 645x729, ECD6A58F-AB4D-435C-AECE-32E594EB71EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn man your 250 word. Ocabulary needs an update.

>> No.8203115

meant to reply to '

>> No.8203117

you should really try to write shorter sentences, it helps to structure your thoughts.

i believe its unfair to let people who receive welfare vote because they impose their political will on thos epaying their welfare. it takes away the spirit of charity, id prefer a country ruled by meritocracy to a country where the poor vote and are catered to by parties engaged in a bidding war, each promising a higher minimum wage and better welfare benefits
its retarded. prosperity and security are societies mortar, charity is its soul or some other hippie shit

>> No.8203132

How is that supposed to refute anything?

>> No.8203149

almost all business owners make less than their total sum of taxes. dude, otherwise it wouldnt work maaeeen

>> No.8203150

This is a very long philosophical debate that goes beyond what I am willing to type in a phone and I don't think there is a right or wrong side to this, just a question of how we, as a society and as human beings, want to organise our coexistence.

I believe that all humans are created equal (in then philosophical sense, not biologically) and that no human should be subjected to the domination of another. Otherwise he/she has the right to shake off that oppression, by any means necessary. So unequal voting rights based on wealth (something that is in most cases more contingent on when and where you were born rather than individual effort) is inherently unethical and those who are subjected to such oppression should revolt.

My view, you may disagree.

>> No.8203154
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>Retards calling out someone who is right
>I was merely bamboozling you into thinking I'm retarded

It's schadenfreude you homo's

>> No.8203159


>> No.8203167

Inflation forces people to perform for the money as they cannot simply "make it" once by making a couple of millions and then just idling for the rest of their lives, and their children's lives, and their children's lives, since their money loses value even if they don't spend it. The same applies to businesses by forcing them to perform even for the huge amount of capital they already possess, since if they do not perform for it then it just simply melts away from inflation. Another perfect example (which I doubt that modern /biz/ has ever done else you'd know about it) is trading stocks - you're forced to make at least *X inflation for the year*% plus another couple of percents on top else you're actually at a loss - it's like the casual filter of the stock market where people who do not manage to perform better than what the inflation takes from their portfolio are taxed, even if they actually DID make a minor gain with their dividends.

In fact, the universe operates in the exact same way - there is a passive decay of matter (or rather structured matter) which is called entropy, and the point of life is to fight that entropy. That struggle to perform against it is the very reason why consciousness exists in the first place, and without it there would be no point in being anything higher than a randomly-scattered soup of particles perpetually floating without any limits whatsoever

>> No.8203180

I sort of agree but relapse poor with stupid and you fine. There needs to be some sort of literacy minimum for voting.

>> No.8203181

any one job.
that is legal and taxed
give a specific example

>> No.8203194

bullshit people don't do things that are not profitable

>> No.8203206

What in the fuck are you even trying to say

>> No.8203212

Go back to Something Awful, faggot.

>> No.8203219

so i can revolt if im born in a country where the organised majority decides i owe them 55% of the fruit of my labor? is that what you mean?
i dont think you do, i think you have a very specific definition of "subjected to the domination of another"
you believe that someone who owns something you dont is dominating you, right?

>> No.8203220

Ever heard of communism?

>> No.8203232


>> No.8203234

Everything in that top comment is completely reasonable and rational... who the hell would want to be taxed or lose money to inflation if you have a choice? Fucking hell

>> No.8203258

oh my god, youre comparing MONEY to the UNIVERSE huurrrr
my grandpa grew up in portugal during fascism. he never hoarded the fascists money because he knew it would fall with the government. know what he hoarded? gold. doesnt decay, accepted everywhere. in fact, he is still hoarding it today! smart man, and sure, if hed tell people that he paid cents for a gram of gold back then, the idiots among them would get mad and yell how unfair it is that they lost everything and he didnt. thats the way it is, because its much easier to be mad at someone else for figuring out something you didnt that accept that you were wrong.

>> No.8203262

I'm starting to think the Keynesians have something going for them after all

>> No.8203278

what are you even saying here

>> No.8203280

just like age
in germany, something like 8% work for wages
ALL major parties want a minimum wage because they know that workers gobble it up
there is no economic thought behind it - its just a bidding war and its frustrating to see
it creates a people who look to the sky (government, and thus tax money of productive citizens) when they are in need of something

>> No.8203292
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>so i can revolt if im born in a country where the organised majority decides i owe them 55% of the fruit of my labor?
reminder that those ripe fruits are being squandered on lazy niggers, fat spics, mudslimes, and other assorted human garbage

>> No.8203294

okay my friend
if you have a company that has a turnover of millions, do you think that your income as ceo is more than the total tax paid by that company?

>> No.8203308

I don't quite follow you, but I don't believe what you want me to believe.

Being richer than someone else is not domination, excluding someone from the process by which the rules of our coexistence are determined certainly is.

If you disagree with the amount of taxes you pay, you should be free to campaign for lower taxes. If you can convince enough people that you've got a good point, the rules should be changed accordingly. That's how a democracy works.

If the majority thinks you should contribute more to the common good, then you will either have to submit to the will of that majority or incur the penalty.

>> No.8203323

What's that 8% you are talking about?

>> No.8203341

nice selfie, fag

>> No.8203342

Perfectly possible. Corporate taxes and personal income tax are two different things, you know?

>> No.8203357

i'm not your friend buddy
retard logic

>> No.8203381

the problem with inflation when talking about the US dollar is that very few people who have their own motives are able to control the inflation.
Inflation isn't necessarily a bad thing, if chosen in a decentralized manner (voting mechanism in staking) but when you put the power of it in just a few peoples hands that is the problem.
You cannot deny people can be evil/greedy and the only way to safeguard that is decentralization. Not to say that crypto isn't rampant with greed and evil just that there are forms of currencies which address the problem of things like inflation and control of the currency in general.
Also, when you shit on BTC, no one cares. Very few people actually give a shit about bitcoin as a currency. I understand you guys probably don't know much more about crypto than BTC or Ripple and thats probably why you hate crypto so much.
You wouldn't even know how to argue about most cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin, no matter what side you are on.
Also, you're a fag

>> No.8203387

>oh my god, youre comparing MONEY to the UNIVERSE huurrrr
I am comparing the dynamics of a system to the dynamics of its parent system, brainlet. If it's how the parent system operates then *surely* every single system under it will operate at maximum efficiency with the same rules. This universe promotes progress through passive decay and there's literally nothing you can do about it no matter how hard you whine about it

Oh yeah I agree, Apple and Google should just convert their entire cash assets to GOLD and only accept GOLD as payment for their services or only offer GOLD to their suppliers. Wanna buy some cloud storage from Google? That's great just haul the physical GOLD directly to their fucking HQ on a monthly basis

>> No.8203401

Welfare is a meme. Most of it goes to old people. Old people should not vote.

>> No.8203410

still profitable

>> No.8203417

thats the problem i have with democracy
its basically oppression of minorities by a majority. in ANY other context than wealth, this would be unthinkable. the "rules of our coexistence" you refer to are very much voncerned with how tax money is spent. its all fair game until you have a crisis and 50% of a generation are unemployed. given the power and enough retardation, they will raise taxation, or have different percentages of tax applied to different incomes, effectively dragging down those who were able to remain productive. why? because they had the power to do so.
i know the world isnt fair but if you live in a country where the "just tax the rich more to pay for shit" thing goes out of hand there will be no more rich people because they went to friendlier jurisdictions. thus, the parasite kills the host, and it does so waving flags and chanting about oppression.

>> No.8203432

85% is what i meant
so you agree that there are individuals who contribute much much more to society than they

>> No.8203434

>abstract concepts of economics are beholden to the principles of thermodynamics
wew, didn't think it could get any more reddit than the OP but here we are

>> No.8203443

>pledge allegience
>to the republic

>> No.8203446

*net ?

>> No.8203452

>noo the rules on our special Earth are different they're none of that universe bullshit :^( kek reddit kek cuck antifa numale soyboy KEK

consider suicide anytime

>> No.8203459

actually these individuals would be taking more from society than everybody else..

unless you're the most generous charity paying person in the world

>> No.8203465

time and time again individuals have protected themselves by buying gold when they felt that a fiat backed curreny went to shit.

ever wondered why governments hold gold? cuz in times of war thats what you pay with.

im sure you can find a nice analogy connecting gold to the universe

>> No.8203472

And that's where you are wrong. All the Eastern bloc countries amassed such high levels of debt that they ultimately had to default. Communism was an economic failure, above all.

>> No.8203483

thanks for the information, you just taught me that the total sum of economic value on the planet right now is the same as it was 5000 years ago

>> No.8203528

ah, thats where youre wrong.

you see the creation of wealth as an extraction process, dont you?

the economy isnt a zero sum game. please explain how "these individuals would be taking more from society than everybody else"

i believe if you isten closely to yourself during that process you might find that you have a distorted vision on productivity

>> No.8203535

Absolutely fucking yes, im from (northern) Italy and let me tell you the healthcare you get here is fucking top notch - im fine with the gubernment taking 50% of muh money

>> No.8203573

>extraction process
>zero sum
we're all working for free right? get paid in nothing for nothing to buy nothing and spend nothing on nothing?

>> No.8203643

i get the satisfaction in knowing that all my tax money's going lining the pockets of top government officials.

>> No.8203678
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post pics that trigger SA fags

>> No.8203690

Time and time again I explained to you that gold isn't a viable currency to offer for the modern complex economy. You must protect it, you must haul it to the location, you must store it. Fiat solves most of those problems at the very small annual cost of 2-3% of its value. It is therefor far more desirable to "lose" 2-3% per year and gain so much more by not having to deal with the physical gold than sticking to some retarded ideals and forcing everyone to deal with you only with gold because "fuck currencies dude lmao". The fact that the inflation forces the economy to perform and roots out the inefficiencies that cannot make it is only a bonus

I wasn't talking about changes in the amount of energy in the universe, brainlet, I was talking about the form of that energy and how disordered it is - i.e entropy. When new dollars are printed no additional value is introduced to the dollar but the value of the currently present ones "decays away" towards the state which then redistributes it equally to the population via welfare - in that case ordered structures (under the form of stacked assets of a company or a person's savings) are broken down and their energy is distributed equally in the environment

>> No.8203714

There a number of assumptions you base your argument on that are highly spurious, if not outright false.

High taxes don't lead people to flee their country. That's a neoliberal myth perpetuated by proponents of low income taxes for the wealthy. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc all have high taxes yet rich people don't all move to Somalia, just because there's no effective tax-collection there.

Measuring people's contribution to society only in monetary terms leads to a social order devoid of all humanity (my opinion, opinions may differ).

Not everybody who is dependent on welfare is so by their own choosing. Americans have this odd fear that any form of welfare will necessarily lead to people not wanting to work. Countries such as Germany have a very comprehensive welfare state yet a much lower unemployment rate than the US. Most people actually want to work.

Most rich people aren't rich because they are so productive but because they were born into the right circumstances. There are exceptions, but there is a clear correlation between parents' income and that of their children.

So, again, it boils down to how we view the world and how we want to live. Supporting those around us in times of need also has the benefit of keeping crime low and allowing people to recover from episodes of bad luck or poor decisions. America has the largest prison population outside China and higher urban homicide rates than any other industrialised nation because it just leaves poor people to fend for themselves rather then helping them get back up.

>> No.8203737

if you actually planned on storing wealth and passing it onto your children, would you store it in fiat? its a bet ON the political system, gold isnt a bet against anything.

by the way, if bitcoin gets to be world base currency, are you still going to pretend that its all a hoax and fiat so much better?

>> No.8203739

This was a RHETORICAL QUESTION. read post for context.

>> No.8203757

you didnt answer my question

>> No.8203876


you act as if there were no businesspeople in this world that seek out tax havens. there is a whole industry around it. i dont defend it im just saying it exists. if i had a highly profitable online business i wouldnt incorporate in somalia. curacao, sure, why not? tax is just another business expense.

agree, people are more than their income and many societal organizations that have helped me personally were run by volunteers

im from germany so let me tell you about our very comprehensive welfare state. you get the bare minimum if you have worked for a year, otherwise you get an even lower bare minimum of about 400 euro. most people want to work, sure, however, if you work minimum salary and pay all your taxes you take home about 14k euro a year. let that sink in. i worked with 50 year old fathers of two who got by on that wage. i always wonde rwhat the minimum wage in most manual labor would be without the minimum wage.

do you think its bad to be born into wealth? i think, as does culture, attitude to money and assets is passed on by parent to child. you saying "being born into the right circumstances" implies that someone before them created those. id rephrase what you said: there is a clear correlation between labor that went into the families assets and the value of those assets.

youre right, america has a disgusting, dumb system. but dont compare yourself to the worst. im from germany and im very upset (lol)

>> No.8203892

That's too many assumptions which I never claimed. I was talking about the societal impact of fiat, not the personal impact on me. Of course that I would store my personal value in assets that don't decay, but I certainly wouldn't want the state to do that

>by the way, if bitcoin gets to be world base currency, are you still going to pretend that its all a hoax and fiat so much better?
Again, something I never claimed. I didn't say that bitcoin is a hoax, in fact I think that the next stage of fiat is to transform into crypto as crypto solves the last problem that fiat couldn't - instant transfers. This is also what society has been technically trying to do with the digitalization of money in the last 30 or so years.
But as long as crypto is deflationary that will never happen. It HAS to be inflationary and HAS to follow the rule of "you cannot passively get richer by not doing anything just because you bought a couple of coins some years ago". That is obviously only possible if the state itself decides to switch to crypto and retain full control of the supply of the coins, in which case it will be technically fiat but fully digitalized. You simply cannot run away from fiat.

>> No.8203902


>> No.8203977
File: 439 KB, 910x898, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, carry on laughing.

>> No.8204006

please stop reddit spacing. i don't know what you're typing about nor do i care. i didn't read your posts because the reddit spacing put me off. please lurk moar before posting

>> No.8204204



>> No.8204310

autist but i guess thats cool

pull your thumb out your ass

>> No.8204313

>If OP is an SA oldfag
i am. regged in 2004. how can i prove this? 2003-2009 FYAD was the golden-age of internet humor and every single funny shitposting trope you see here or anywhere else was developed there by the likes of synthy, paraone, docevil (eat the eggs), manyak, prospect0r, wett butt, barnacle jim, the guy with the goat avatar i can't remember his name, the guy with the flashy dinosaur av i can't remember his name, haoma, etc etc (sorry if i forgot you, bros, too many good posters)

also i remember buying buttcoin because of the yospos thread titled "hold onto your butts, bitcoin just..." back in 2009 or so. now i'm a millionaire

>> No.8204324

this is the gayest thing i've ever read

>> No.8204329

>the guy with the goat avatar i can't remember his name,

>> No.8204334

GameFAQs LUE was better than SA

>> No.8204352

the idea of someone holding wealth and that wealth increasing disgusts you, yet the opposite doesnt.
people have lost huge amounts of wealth, retirement money, during the 2008 crash and subsequent bailouts
im glad you dont get to decide what the money of the future is but let me assure you, it isnt "government backed crypto" lol
can you answer one question, please
why do you trust the state? are you blind?

>> No.8204358

im gay


>> No.8204369

Inflation is not necessary. Opportunity cost compels you to spend the money, even without inflation.

>> No.8204374

The fuck is SA?

>> No.8204378

Something Awful. A site you pay $10 to use.

>> No.8204381

sa until about 2011 was fantastic

>> No.8204386

So am I, this is still gayer than anything i've ever seen

>> No.8204391

i pay my taxes are these redditors delusional?

>> No.8204395

send thighs to Reiko#3333 and i will judge your feminine potential if you dont meet my standards you can kill yourself

thank you

>> No.8204396

feel free to lick my angus

>> No.8204400

Yeah, it was pretty good overall.

>> No.8204402

inflation, the power to print money, is a power that the government will abuse in times of crisis
we need the separation of money and state

>> No.8204657

>the idea of someone holding wealth and that wealth increasing disgusts you, yet the opposite doesnt.
No, the idea of someone holding wealth and that wealth increasing without him doing anything about it disgusts me. In such a society innovation and experimentality is discouraged while laziness and stuffing your money under your mattress is encouraged. Why would I invest in anything or do anything AT ALL when I have this deflationary currency which is enough to afford me everything in this life and not only that but it also deflates and gains value every next day? For me personally, yes, I specifically want that. But everyone else around me? No way as that would completely collapse society and no one would work anything, not even the basic stuff.
Inflation is the filter which filters the bad businesses from our economy and ensures that everyone works hard not only for what they're about to have, but also for what they currently have. It's the evolutionary fitness function of the economy

>people have lost huge amounts of wealth, retirement money, during the 2008 crash and subsequent bailouts
The businesses who were vital to our economy survived and prospered after the crash. The investors who knew what they were doing had a minor dip and went back on the green side on the very next year. The only people or businesses who were thrown out of the economy were the ones who weren't supposed to have so much money in the first place. You can basically think of that crash as the chemo that cured some of the cancer that was infesting the economy, while vital cells and organs weren't affected

>why do you trust the state? are you blind?
I don't, but it's necessary to have them enforce inflation as I explained above. Without inflation we'd be back to a barter economy

>> No.8204729

And I agree, except that I'm against the very existence of government in the first place.