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File: 229 KB, 1456x1563, 1521994053484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8606694 No.8606694 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Bizz,

I want to learn to make dapps. Where do I start to learn. I can't even build a fucking website right now. Should I learn something easy like that first to get the vibe. Or is it not related at all. Where to start to get a feel of it.

>> No.8606720

start with codecademy or some shit to see if you like it

>> No.8606802
File: 16 KB, 90x78, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're a noobie I would suggest https://cryptozombies.io/

by the way, serious question, why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with this one image to start threads? like, are you one person who starts every thread they make with this image, and spams it daily, or are there dozens of people obsessed with it? i understand that they're hot, but there are hundreds of other pictures of them, and thousands of other brap thots online who are equally hot, or hotter.

>> No.8606842

Please don't bother. It takes many many years of rigorous practice to actually become good at it. You'll just reach pajeet level before giving up.

>> No.8606993

Start here https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html
then go here http://learnyouahaskell.com/

>> No.8607148

Is there a download link for that mit book? Didnt find it on that one.

>> No.8607476

yes learn conventional web technology, see how 'easy' that is lol. Which it kind of is if you're not a brainlet, but it still takes several years of total commitment before you can really bend it to your will and not just mindlessly tinker. That's if you're naturally good at it

>> No.8607951

If you have to ask on 4chan, then you are not going to make it.

>> No.8608257

Uhm, i posted 3 threads with it since yesterday i guess. I just have this pic, saved it from an other anon. And some picks for my hold's if i shill them. So convenience.

Also, thanks everyone.

>> No.8608554

Don't do it

>> No.8608642


>> No.8608700

Learn how to make something you actually want to make and then make it. You live in a day and age where almost everything about a language you could ever want is online and easy to find out.

>> No.8608744

>I want to learn to make dapps
why? by the time you get good at it the crypto fad will be completely over

>> No.8608818

Blockchain won't be gone in my opinion. If I'm wrong so be it.

What do you mean, like make an app of something i think is cool on the blockchain, just start with it with all the online info?

>> No.8608858

There isn't really any point in making dappps since apps make a lot more sense. Blockchain is good for accounting purposes and unless your app needs that I don't see the point unless doing it for fun.

>> No.8608898

do like sirgay, he's a philosophy major who doesn't know how to code and made millions with chinklink

>> No.8608924

read the solidity documentation. Watch youtube videos. Read about blockchain architecture.

>> No.8609091

hope you succeed OP. let us know when you finish your first dapp

>> No.8609109

Your low IQ and general laziness will prevent you from doing anything valuable. Don't even bother