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File: 697 KB, 2033x1085, xCurrentSantanderApp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8831816 No.8831816 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Ripple continues along with their integration into real world applications.

All while /biz/ approved shitcoins have been busy pulling exit scams, announcing fake partnerships and collecting donations for their taxes.

Today's example is xCurrent powered money transfer app from Santander.


>> No.8831853
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>> No.8831860

Unironically still holding 100k. Daddy needs this.

>> No.8831861

>but it doesn't use XRP

crawl, walk, run

>> No.8831905
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Easy Hondo let the clowns come dancing in before you start arguing...

>> No.8831919

Awesome, now just tell me what the token has to do with it...

>> No.8832012

xCurrent speeds up transactions compared to the traditional messaging system. They still need to settle those transactions somehow and xCurrent can use XRP.

see >>8831861

>> No.8832131
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First they improve payments and when settlements are lagging behind with the current slow system (Swift) Ripple can position/sell their next product xRapid

>> No.8832435

Feels comfy having a legitimate company pushing my shitcoin

>> No.8832486

Goddammit, I'll be so annoyed if this piece of shit actually does well longterm.

>> No.8832529

Your tears will be like truffle oil, the combined tears of this fucking put will satiate the gods, and prevent your destruction.

Thanks for your sacrifice

>> No.8832662
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Ripple/XRP is currently a slow moving freight train with no breaks. If you can't see the down slope ahead then nobody can help you.

>> No.8832792

just buy 100 xrp, 50 bucks so you can start looking at it in a unbiased way, you will start to purge all the unfounded hate you have of it, and will start seeing its potential, thats how i started

>> No.8833009
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"One wealthy Bitcoin investor ... offered a bribe to posters on Bitcointalk to post lies about Ripple and XRP. At the time, the terms of the bribe were “5 bitcoins to post specific language that Ripple is a scam.”


>> No.8833430
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All-in and buying more.

>> No.8833450
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>> No.8833725
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Proud of you anon

>> No.8834177

haha, i dumped them all to you.

>> No.8834217
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>> No.8834268
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>> No.8834347

what is this meme

>> No.8834434

It's a divinely inspired vision of the future.

>> No.8834456

preach the gospel brother.

>> No.8834474
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XRP = $10 EOY

>> No.8834481

Bearable guy 123. Picture syncs up to an article, xrp will be the new world currency.

>> No.8834611

damn i readed it, it is so subtle yet so powerful

>> No.8834819
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>> No.8834886

Xrp doesn't do anything

>> No.8834992
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>> No.8835148

I want to hold some coins, give a good wallet

>> No.8835191
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>> No.8835572


>> No.8836254
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shh... dont let them in on the secrets... we need to accumulate

>> No.8836569


>> No.8836621


Ripple is a glorified SMS service. If you guys can actually provide me with a single technical feature that makes Ripple superior to existing technologies then I will go all in.

>muh banks love it
>muh 10 trillion txps
>muh normie appeal

What is the actual TECH advantage? Not once has a ripple fag explained how it works and why its valuable.

>> No.8836695

1. One of the few very crypto assets which is fully scalable RIGHT NOW (doesn't need lightning, plasma etc or anything in development which will probably fail)
2. Serves as a bridge asset between different fiat currencies - solves multi-trillion dollar nostro accounts problem (look it up)
3. 1500tps scalable to 50k tps off-chain which can be used once a payment channel is created (as fast as visa)

need I go on? if you cant see the writing on the wall here youre a bit thick no offense

>> No.8836854
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This is actually a good example, I am not baiting you and I would like to have a genuine discussion about this, but the issue is you're describing WHAT ripple achieves, not HOW.

I understand that it is fast, cheap, and scalable. But whether those are significant achievements or not, depends on how they are achieved. I read:
and all I got out of it was that ripple is essentially a messaging service with built in settlement. This is 1980s tech riding on the cryptocurrency hype wave. This could be achieved by a mainframe server running excel and a LAN messenger. This is my major problem, is that giving me 3 days and I could develop an alternative, equally effective, way to achieve what Ripple does. This means Ripple is not a tech company, it's a marketing company. Relying on connections to ultimately sell their product that provides nothing particularly new to the scene. Banks could have done this years ago if they wanted.

Bitcoin and all the other shitcoins might fail, and have their flaws, but at least they brought something *new* which was the blockchain and decentralised payments which are useful for money laundering and drugs. Ripple doesn't have a niche, it's just a marginally better (?) way for banks to communicate. It's 'WhatsApp for Banks ™'.

>> No.8836905

Its SIGNIFICANTLY better than the SWIFT system on which banks currently operate. Cross-border transactions take 1-3 days, require costly transaction fees and require costly nostro accounts for local fiat liquidity (currently a multi-trillion dollar problem).

XRP settles in seconds, with subcent transaction fees, and frees up the trillions trapped in nostro accounts, capital which can be better put to use elsewhere (potentially saving banks/FI's an ungodly amount of money)

>> No.8837311


I'm not going to use the 'they'll make their own version!' argument which is stupid. But the bigger question is, how big of a problem can Ripple actually be solving if anyone could have solved it ages ago but didn't?

If securing encrypted messages across a delegated network using low latency protocols coupled with built in transaction settlement is worth millions, why did it take 30 years to incorporate when the technology is entirely non-proprietary. This isn't even a question of 'why didn't x do it first', this technology has existed built into almost all enterprise grade servers for decades. There is *nothing* new about Ripples implementation either, so why would the banks use SWIFT if it's so inefficient compared to a distributed ledger (aka a big fat excel spreadsheet).

>> No.8837317

Ripple is a payments software company that builds on top of the XRP ledger.

xCurrent = messaging services, the Whatsapp for banks as you say.
xRapid = settlement app that sources the decentralized XRP tokens from certified exchanges to facilitate settlement of transactions

The best thing about ripple/xrp is that they dont need to beat Bitcoin, Litecoin , Nano etc. They just need to be better than the 1970s era tech that Swift are dependent on.

>> No.8837451

How can an excel spreadsheet settle transactions between different currencies?

>> No.8837525

Go back and re-read my comment.

>> No.8837555

If you still can't see why XRP solves a very expensive problem idk what to say to you

Just because you say someone could have solved this problem ages ago and didn't doesn't make it true and doesn't eliminate the problems I listed above with the current cross-border payments system using SWIFT

>> No.8837704

xcurrent and xrapid are private networks, and have nothing to do with the public network, and especially nothing to do with the xrp token.

>> No.8837728


>> No.8837737


>> No.8837749

fucking compelling article
bearableguy is an insider for real

>> No.8837760


I mean there are more efficient ways than excel spreadsheets, but theoretically every function necessary for currency settlement is contained within excel. It's just large scale arithmetic. The complications come when you consider infrastructure needs for other uses.

Which brings me to my point, I did more research as to why banks use SWIFT instead of just building something like Ripple (which again is very easy, both xcurrent and xrapid are basic functions packaged nicely) and from what I understand SWIFT is currently used in so many other applications that require cross communication, like exchanges and government networks etc. that it would appear that changing from SWIFT is not feasible.

I mean really just consider these basic facts: SWIFT is *owned* by the banks themselves, it's a cooperative. Why would they adopt a third parties solution when that solution is itself entirely non proprietary. I mean I feel like you're not thinking this through in terms of incentives.

Before you counter argue with the whole 'then every company would make their own microsoft, business prefer outsourcing' this comparison is completely false. Because Microsoft was in some ways innovating, Ripple has made a product out of TWO extremely rudimental functions: messaging and settlement, and it's entire valuation rides on banks spending lots of money to upgrade to them when if upgrading was feasible the banks would have done it ages ago.

Maybe Ripple will succeed but I feel like it's a marketing company, not a product company, and I think it's a little bit of a coincidence that it only started generating any interest after Bitcoin went up in value. If Ripple had a valuable product on it's own merits they would have generated more interest between 2004-2008. There's no denying that the only people interested in Ripple are cryptocucks.

>> No.8837769
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>> No.8837776

"xRapid uniquely uses a digital asset, XRP, to offer on-demand liquidity, which dramatically lowers costs while enabling real-time payments in emerging markets. Built for enterprise use, XRP offers banks and payment providers a highly efficient, scalable, reliable liquidity option to service cross-border payments."


>> No.8837779

vahiguru ji ka khalsa vahiguru ji ki fateh
ripple is a jew coin pray to our father vahiguru ji akaal purkh that wanchain becomes #2
vahiguru ji ka khalsa vahiguru ji ki fateh

>> No.8837785

no, xCurrent and xRapid are Ripple Co products.

Both use Ripple net, but xRapid uses XRP for liquidity (eliminating the need for the nostro / vostro accounts)

>> No.8837796
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>> No.8837809
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>> No.8837823
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vahiguru ji ka khalsa vahiguru ji ki fateh
vahiguru ji ardas karo sri maiya beant hove vrtn nuu khalsa vaste
vahiguru ji ka khalsa vahiguru ji ki fateh

>> No.8837831

Im very interested in how you could possiblely use excel and arithmetic to settle transactions.

I mean you could set up an excel sheet/ledger between bank A and bank B and deduct/add to numbers on sheet. But what about bank C or company X or the coffee shop on the ground floor. They arent on the spread sheet. You could send a payment over the spreadsheet but you can't settle it (i.e. send something of value that could be used elsewhere)

>> No.8837836

> it's entire valuation rides on banks spending lots of money to upgrade to them when if upgrading was feasible the banks would have done it ages ago

Banks are already upgrading to xCurrent in droves, what are you talking about? Over 200 industry partnerships including BoA and BoE. Upgrading to xRapid from there is a click away. Banks don't even have to hold xrp to use xrapid - part of the xrapid protocol is that xrp is bought and sold from exchanges in seconds as an intermediary between fiat currencies. The only reason banks aren't using it yet is because the regulatory infrastructure on exchanges isn't yet in place to make this system secure.

Other than that, your whole argument rests on two ridiculous assumptions:

a. That there aren't any inherent problems with SWIFT, because if there was any problems banks would have solved it ages ago. There are problems with SWIFT. See above >>8836905

b. Banks have had the technology to fix the SWIFT problem for ages and just haven't despite the fact it can save them ungodly amounts of money

Both these assumptions are fairly ridiculous. Can you see that?

>> No.8837845

The guy thinks blockchain is a feature of microsoft excel

>> No.8837848

excel and TX settlement = fucking retarded idea

>> No.8837859

Sounds mighty cult-ish, I'm out

>> No.8837874

its actually the other way around. xrp hate is the cult

>> No.8837894


>> No.8837901
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>> No.8837904


Again there's vastly better ways to do it, but you could through together an intranet that updates balances on a spreadsheet. Don't forget spreadsheets themselves are essentially extensible. Underneath the Ripple software is basically just a bunch of arrays moving numbers around. That's what settlement is. DLT, distributed ledgers, are just spreadsheets shared/controlled/updated by multiple parties. You understand that Ripple is essentially TWO functions: messaging, followed by a settlement function. Settlements are usually done via third party banks deducting balances, aka more spreadsheets. Ripple is basically saying 'I know all you banks have your own thing, but let me be your bank for you!'


Except point is demonstrably true. If Ripple is the solution, then it makes no sense because Ripples technology is essentially non existent. It's just a copy paste of existing tech, I mean you have invested in Ripple but can you actually describe how Ripple is 'settling' transactions that is in any way different to how banks have been settling them for the last 20 years? Forget all the marketing stuff, what is Ripple doing DIFFERENTLY. Sure they have the Ripple currency but from the point of view of the computer the Ripple currency is a pointless variable, it could be using a temporary value set every time since the input and output is always the same (fiat).

Either banks knowingly didn't implement this easy money-saving solution, or the problem is harder than we realise.

You also have not addressed the fact that no one cared about Ripple before bitcoin came around. Why wasn't Silicon Valley investing in this brilliant solution in 2007?

>> No.8837909
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I dont think he knows what settlement means

>> No.8837938

dude xCurrent reduces the hops(banks) -> dramatically reduces time and cost
while legacy system SWIFT has to go through 10 different banks across the world
xCurrent sends the message to the last bank in chain to settle using SWIFT.

xRapid is not fully there, with banks because of regulations that need to change and they will eventually
but xRapid can now be used in settlement companies like WU and Moneygram, they are PILOTing
xRapid as we speak (PILOT means it's pre-production system, and usually happens after the TEST environment)

>> No.8837939
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>Mentioning blockchain in a conversation about Ripple.

t. pic related


Define settlement, explain how at the end of the day it isn't updating values in a database/array/spreadsheet/matrix/ledger?

Bank A send money to Bank B, explain how the 'settlement' happens and what precisely makes it impossible to achieve using spreadsheets, note that I use spreadsheets as a PoC example. I am saying settlement is not a difficult function, it is EVEN possible with Excel, there are better solutions, but they are trivial in terms of developing and extremely costly in terms of implementing due to standardisation.

>> No.8837960

Holy shit dude. How is it taking it this long to get through your thick fucking skull.

> can you actually describe how Ripple is 'settling' transactions that is in any way different to how banks have been settling them for the last 20 years?
Settles in seconds, subcent txn fees, frees up the trillions trapped in nostro accounts, capital which can be better put to use elsewhere

Do you honestly think you know something over 150 major banks don't know? (inc. Bank of England, Bank of America)

>> No.8837975


Yes but explain how Ripple is eliminating these hops? What is it bringing to the table technologically?

Here's an example of what I mean: Facebook has value because it uses proprietary algorithms using collected user information to sell targeted ads. Do you understand how that is a fundamental value because no one can copy Facebook and succeed. This makes the technology and the service valuable by packaging them together.

Meanwhile Ripple's solution is 'hey guys instead of hopping through ten banks, go through one bank, how about just go through us?' it's essentially marketing itself entirely as a service. It has no unique tech, it has no 'killer product', just marketing.

>> No.8837979
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> Mentioning blockchain in a conversation about Ripple

errr... dunno if you know this but XRP is a blockchain asset

>> No.8837997

> What is it bringing to the table technologically?
Settles in seconds, subcent txn fees, frees up the trillions trapped in nostro accounts, capital which can be better put to use elsewhere

Find me a digital asset that can do all of this

>> No.8838000


I can not even fathom being this fucking pathetic.

>> No.8838004


>Settles in seconds, subcent txn fees, frees up the trillions trapped in nostro accounts, capital which can be better put to use elsewhere

Holy shit, talking to you is like talking to a door to door salesman. Stop selling me the product, stop telling me how great it is. Tell me WHY it's great.

What in the Ripples software source code makes it better than any alternatives? What makes it hard for competitors to copy?

>Why is this car's engine better than other cars?
>It's 10x faster
>Yes but how is it faster, how does the engine work, how many cylinders is it, is it petrol, diesel, a different type of fuel?
>Dude it's 10x faster everyone will want, why don't you understand this.

That's what you're like.

>> No.8838016

The message to settle using xCurrent is sent over the Ripple net (the blockchain) to the last bank in chain of the original SWIFT transaction.

Legacy: Bank1 -> Bank2 -> Bank3 -> Bank4
xCurrent : Bank1 -> xCurrent -> Ripple Net -> xCurrent -> SWIFT -> Bank4.

>> No.8838018


Oh shit I didn't realise. Please tell me how many blocks are on the Ripple blockchain? What's the current block number?

>> No.8838021

Dude don't ask me to explain this to you on a codebase level I'm not a fucking software engineer. Look it up

>> No.8838032


>This knife is the best knife in the world
>What makes this knife special?
>It's sharper and better than all the other knives
>What about this knife makes it sharper?
>It's sharper and better than all the other knives
>What is the knife made of?
>It can cut anything!

Are you a telemarketer by any chance?

>> No.8838033

Can, shoulda, woulda

>> No.8838036

Why can't you talk about blockchain in a conversation about ripple?

>> No.8838049

Ripple Net is great because of 3 secs TX and virtually 0 fees.

XRP is great as a value transfer token and provides liquidity for xRapid.

The HUGE incentive for FIs to use:

xCurrent = saves TONS of cash for the cross border payments (TX costs). [still can take up to day]
xRapid = saves additional 30% on costs because no SWIFT is used, the settlement is 3 secs, nostro/vostro accounts are no longer needed (2.7 trillion dollars in nostro/vostro)

>> No.8838055


Except I did look it up and I found nothing remotely unique. What concerns me is people that are software engineers can not summarise a single thing about the software that is remotely useful or unique. I am not a programmer but I understand why Bitcoins blockchain was a unique thing, because of PoW hashing etc. I get the USP. I don't necessarily get the value.

With Ripple every argument is about the SERVICE Ripple can provide. No one ever actually explains how the product is any better than anything else out there. They simply say how much more efficient using Ripple as your middleman is. But the problem is it doesn't address the fundamentals. There are lots of things that are more efficient if you eliminate steps and use middlemen, the thing is often times theres a reason we do certain things without middlemen.

>> No.8838062

>And nobody uses XRP cryptocurrency
All that money going into Ripple's ecosystem never sees XRP crypto, so its pointless to invest anyway.

>> No.8838072


I already told you mate I'm not a software engineer. Don't ask me to explain each line of XRP's codebase to you and what its function is.

Again, I pose the question to you. Do you, some guy on biz, honestly think you know something 150+ major banks don't know?

>> No.8838074


Because as I said before, I am concerned that Ripple is only valuable because of the blockchain hype, which worries me because Ripple is not a blockchain product. There are no blocks. It is a different product and it predates bitcoin.

>> No.8838076

Ok, how do I buy ripple stock?

>> No.8838092


AND on top of everything the XRP coin can still be used as any other shit coin out there.

Payments, smart contracts (codius), dapps, anything you can imagine.

The Ripple Net and XRP will live even if Ripple Co seize to exist, everything is open source.

>> No.8838103

it's a blockchain tech as any other look it up

>> No.8838108


I know the first rule of investing is know your product if you're investing. If you buy Tesla stock you should understand that the value comes from it being an electric car and the advantages of electricity over greenhouse emitting cars. Then I'll do research about how the company is run and marketed etc.

When you can't even pitch me the basics of how this 'killer product' works because youre not a software guy, I'm very worried. Before you use the argument 'what could biz know that banks dont', just look at the price. Markets tend to efficiency, if Ripple had a genuine use case beyond crypto speculation, if banks were genuinely interested, the price would have risen despite Bitcoin falling. Yet it fell in line with bitcoin, because it's a cryptocurrency like everything else. It has no killer product or that would be priced in. All the money thrown around in Silicon Valley, all the billions spent on instagram and whatsapp, yet after 14 years in development Ripple has failed to attract true interest from these people.

The fact that Ripple is pegged to bitcoin means the only money in ripple is crypto money. That's the hard truth. Ripple is a cryptocurrency, nothing more.

>> No.8838123


If it is a blockchain tech you should have no problem telling me what block number Ripple is on? Since a blockchain is *literally* a chain of blocks. I have yet to find a single source Ripple having any blocks. Instead I find opinion pieces on how Ripple 'leverages blockchain technology' and various buzzwords, but then when I look at Ripples own documentation they themselves state that it doesn't use blockchain but another consensus method 'similar to blockchain'.

>> No.8838163

>Ripple is a cryptocurrency
please don't tarnish crypto name like that, xrp is not crypto, and will never be one, its just a huge marketing pnd group

>> No.8838189


It's a cryptocurrency at best, and WhatsApp for banks at worst.

I don't understand how people can buy Ripple and sleep easy at night. This killer product needed 14 years to become well known and despite promising to 'revolutionise' bank settlement has a lower marketcap than Ethereum.

>> No.8838194

Ripple is distributed consensus ledger, it doesn't have blocks.

>> No.8838203

B..B...But if muh coin is on the front page of riddit, muh moneys will come right?

>> No.8838231

Ripple and XRP - Part 7: Consensus vs. Proof-of-Work

>> No.8838268


Which brings me to my next point, a distributed ledger where all parties are known and trustworthy is essentially a database. You're being sold the wheel branded as a 'vehicular propulsion device'. The whole point of blockchain, the sole use-case for it is in allowing anonymous trustless transactions. I.e. solving the double spend problem. Either that has value or it doesn't, but the type of distributed ledger Ripple is advertising is old news.

>> No.8838289

>double spend
please refer here, answer by the main Ripple crypto developer


>> No.8838301

Ripple solves the double spend problem better than bitcoin now.

Over 50% of BTC mining power owns now China, when they decide it's time, BTC is fucked big time.

>> No.8838354

You're gonna be filthy rich man

>> No.8838373


Yes except it's solving it for banks, who are trustworthy parties. The double spend problem is an issue when you have decentralisation because anyone can manipulate the blockchain so you use proof of work to make bad actions costly.

Ripple solves the double spend problem in its distributed ledger but the distributed ledger is fundamentally centralised, so its solving a problem banks dont need to solve. Banks can just use their own ledger shared between the banks and use it for settlement at a very high speed without worrying about double spend.

>> No.8838526

how is it fundamentally centralized? are you just making shit up as you go?

ledger is a database stored on every validator node

anyone now can become validator node without Ripple consent

>> No.8838579

All of them are either owned or picked by Ripple and Ripple alone.
Yes looks totally decentralized, right?

>> No.8838620


Don't confuse distributed with decentralised.

Anyone can be a validator but 51% of validators don't determine network integrity. Basically it works like a pick and mix when you choose to use the Ripple network, according to Ripples own page they recommend clients only choose 5 (five!) validators.


>> No.8838720

muh centralized meme

apparently it's enough, they said it themselves more validators are being added that are owned by 3rd parties
it's solving the double spend much better, therefore is actually more secure that BTC and now even
more decentralized. Again majority of mining power is owned by China when they decide to fuck with BTC you are all doomed.

It doesn't need the power of nuclear power plant, POW is obsolete, slow and unscalable.

BTC is failing bit time, it has no real adoption, and is dragging ALTs and promising new projects down.

>> No.8838783

I don’t own any XRP but I read this whole thread. You need to understand a business does not need proprietary technology or a secret sauce to succeed. It does the job, they’re first to market with the job, and they have the partners. Banks are already investing millions if not billions into incorporating this tech. Even if a better competitor came along RIGHT NOW, it’s too late. The cost to change is too high, and that company will fail even if they do have proprietary tech because they will never get the customers.

Salesforce. Amazon. Apple. Google. Facebook. None of these companies started with some amazing tech or data algorithm. Salesforce was an online rolodex. Amazon was an online book store. Apple built computers out of a garage and smacked a logo on them. Google was a very basic search bar. Facebook was a college message board. They do have one thing in common - they were all first or one of the first to market and one of the first to get clients. From there they built giant corporations which could no longer be replicated.

This is what I hate about egoist devs. They all think their ability to code something is the most important part of a tech business. Guess what - it isn’t. It’s actually low tier, because if I can sell a product made with spaghetti code from some teenager in India, then I can sell that product and I don’t need your fucking ego. Devs who understand they are at BEST simply right place right time (in 15-20 years literally every high school student will have your skill set) are the only ones with actual brains. “Muh tech”. XRP is integrated into apps with the largest banks in the world. Go code your 3 day equal product and compete. Let us all know how it goes.

>> No.8838800

You just lost your own argument with this statement. Enjoy your shitty investment brainlet

>> No.8838831

Lmao if you think every kid in 15-20 years will be a software engineer you’re seriously deluded. Salty you couldn’t get a Computer Science degree and had to settle for some joke business degree? More likely niggers will riot in all the schools in the next 15 years and learn less. You’re a moron

>> No.8838854

This is a bit disingenuous. It's not a multi trillion dollar problem. Yearly it's multi trillion dollar which is millions of dollars per day which given xrps huge supply means that you don't need much xrp and it's doesn't need a large value to solve the liquidity issue given that it's transactions take seconds. It's a double edged sword, it's speed is its strength but also limits it ultimate value because of its quick turnaround time.

>> No.8838872

My 8 year old nephew codes, he learned to do it in 2 years. I as an adult learned to code in 5 months so that I didn’t have to wait for the devs at my company to get shit done. I want to say it was easy, because it was. “Muh CS degree”. Kek. Keep defending the eventually obsolete future you have chosen for yourself. The future of the computer programming job is obsolete by its very nature. The highest level programmers are working on figuring out how to create computers which can replace them. Egotistical retarded dev spotted.

>> No.8838907

The global money transfer market is 2.7 quadrilion USD
if Ripple gets only 1/10 of this market .... do the math.

>> No.8838929

You don't get it. Ripple is useless to Banks because they don't need a middle man, why the fuck would you think they're still using Swift?

>> No.8838948

being this new


xCurrent will save millions of dollars.

>> No.8838951

..then world financial institutions will buy meme tokens from bunch of neets and ripple niggers to transfer their money ;^)

>> No.8838970

You’re responding to a thread where the first post is about one of the world’s largest banks using Ripple and the best you can come up with is “Ripple is useless to banks.” You do realize how flat your fucking skull is, right? I’m literally in awe, this thread is making me want to buy Ripple. If the only fud is coming from absolute braindeads and ego devs who are salty they didn’t have the ambition to do this first, then I’m willing to throw some cash down. Thanks for your contribution, you mongoloid.

>> No.8838997

I literally put all my savings into Ripple at 70c and didn't sell at $3 because I got greedy. Fuck I hate my life.

>> No.8839001
File: 59 KB, 983x509, XRPh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uneducated retard spewing bullshit

No that's the point, banks don't need to purchase XRP.
XRP provides the liquidity to settle transactions. The XRP is sent
behind the scenes over the Ripple net (blockchain).

xRapid is the product, the orange box that automates all of this in 3 seconds.

>> No.8839077

This will not have any effect whatsoever on XRP value apart from speculation. What Ripple does with xCurrent and xRapid might be innovative (and I say that as someone who personaly knows people in investment banks doing research work on Ripple among other things), but the token has no mechanism apart from speculation that could increase its value, and if banks ever touch something remotely related to XRP you can bet your ass they'll manipulate the shit out of it.

>> No.8839080

don't know if this has been said, i hope its true, even though i own some of this shitcoin


>> No.8839127

"We don't give a shit about cryptocurrencies and we'll never use them, we're only looking at reproducing the tech behind it" directly quoted from a friend working at Cacib, do with that as you wish.

>> No.8839277
File: 99 KB, 680x545, 1516364495651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you trade precious limited and decentralised BTC for Ripple you are a bitconnect tier brainlet

>> No.8839358

with the adoption of xRapid, the XRP being purchased for the value transfer for banks,
I'm sure the value of XRP token will rise, and this is only Ripple Co related.(or it's goals)

- 1s TX time. (Cobalt)
- 0 transaction cost

Ripple net + XRP has many real world use cases: payments, smart contracts, dapps, etc.
It's independent of Ripple Co.

>> No.8839402

>we're only looking at reproducing the tech behind it

couple of banks will get together and replace swift, nice try

>> No.8839442

The XRP hate club is reaching cult levels.

Do you know why is this hate so deeply en-rooted?

