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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8933166 No.8933166 [Reply] [Original]

>that green dildo

>> No.8933344


Is it happening?

Too tired to check my Binance.

>> No.8933358


>> No.8933373

*dumps 20%*

>> No.8933641


Ah, so the usual day for a REQ holder: pain and suffering.

>> No.8933662
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>> No.8933679

it'll dump soon as usual

>> No.8933947

wow the pump didnt dump
maybe the whale wars are over

>> No.8934212
File: 58 KB, 550x323, 80792545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo much fuuuuuuun!!!

>> No.8934340

>tfw development of my Dapp for req which will cause mass adoption by appealing to the lowest common denominator of normies/nignogs will make REQ go to $100 eoy

feels comfy family.

>> No.8934366


what kind of dapp is it anon?

>> No.8934387

Bless you anon

>> No.8934398

idk if i should tell you as someone may steal my idea, but fuck it. its an app that allows you to buy a pizza with any crypto using req. stupid retards can use ripple/tron/dogecoin whatever to buy a pizza. i also plan on using it to branch out to other items you can buy as well.

>> No.8934415

Uh so you've figured out fiat integration before request or what?

>> No.8934418

That's actually so fucking simple it could work.

>> No.8934429

no, im obviously going to use req's fiat integration oracle when it comes out.
hopefully man

>> No.8934481

So it'll be like Consumer ---> your app (convert crypto to fiat) ---> buys pizza from pizza website/app
That's pretty fucking interesting, so people will be able to buy shit with crypto without the business even knowing crypto is involved or having to know about request? Didn't even think of something like that. Genius.

>> No.8934490

It's dumb and stupid... Like normies. Have thought in a name?

>> No.8934511

precisely. they wont even have to know about req, but it will help the network as the app will automatically market buy req to process the transaction, increasing volume/price.
not yet. got any ideas?

>> No.8934524

If we're going full normie friendly, I'd recommend something like RequestAPizza or PizzaREQ. Something pretty fucking dumb so their brains understand it is pizza + REQ without burning their minds.

>> No.8934552

cut the name to 2 syllables

>> No.8934555

brb filing my application to Request so I can get my $10k grant

>> No.8934564
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No anon! That's stealing!

>> No.8934581

oh shid

>> No.8934632

>not yet. got any ideas?
How about... Naplezz. It's an unused name for anything and you know, modern pizza was invented in Naples https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza

>In 2009, upon Italy's request, Neapolitan pizza was registered with the European Union
>Italy's request
We're going to make it.

>> No.8934642

For real I hope you finish your Dapp and finally make it friendo

>> No.8934644


Do it faggot. You'll be doing blow of of hookers titties for life.

>> No.8934656

naplezz, heh sounds like nipples. might be a good name for the normies.

>> No.8934677

thanks guys. ive been working on this for a while, maybe ill post an update getting towards the summer. i want it to be ready to go when request fiat starts.