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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9052915 No.9052915 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen to this board if we got flag IDs next to post numbers?

>> No.9052948

how do we get this going?

like how do we mob rule this shit into fruition?

is board owner a faggot pajeet? lmao

>> No.9052965


Well biz is the only board that would actually benefit from flags, not sure why it hasnt been done. Admin probably a pajeet

>> No.9053028

pajeets are crypto's burden.

bitcoin talk veteran users are complaining all the time about these shitposters over there

i was actually quite surprised to read the hatred they're spewing on there about pajeets. i figured the forum would be more PC but it's not bad at all.

/biz/ better ofc

>> No.9053084


Every telegram group i join i leave fast. Full of pajeets asking dumb questions or fudding/ shilling

>> No.9053104
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We would all find out that there's not nearly as much traffic from India as newfags think, and that the pajeet meme was a reverse psyops operation from American Jews.

>> No.9053166

Honestly it would be like every other flag board.
>lol europoors haha suck my dick muhammad
>mfw an american was fat near me
>I hate australians so goddamn much

>> No.9053177

Lol you are joking. Still infested. Most paid shills are indians. Vechain pays a lot of them.

Not as many as back in January though, board was 25% referal link threads

>> No.9053189

nothing really because there are basicly no pajeets on 4chan

>> No.9053194
File: 102 KB, 634x671, 100keoydefinitely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet would be btfo and eternally assblasted

same, that's why I play it safe and get my e shekel advice on biz

>t. pajeet

>> No.9053206


Ignore this guy.

These pajeets have google alerts set up so any thread made with certain keywords of projects are emailed to them and they show up instantly to FUD or shill depending on what they were paid for. You can test it yourself easily.

>> No.9053233

>every fucking ico is a reflink fest
>gee i wonder why whole board is knee deep in ref links

>> No.9053241
File: 139 KB, 640x733, bog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u demonstrate this? what triggers the shills?

>> No.9053272

xrp, bcash, bbn, uuu, payfair and phora, at least half a dozen will show up

>> No.9053293


Lets have a go? Would do it in this thread but they probably arent stupid enough to openly expose themselves, but maybe they will get mad and reply still to defend.

Elastos Fusion Dj Qian vechain Sunny Lu

Bte pretty sure some already got alerted judging from responses

>> No.9053299

it probably has to be in the OP, because the RSS feed for 4chan only shows the OP

>> No.9053301


Thess pajeets are so desperate. They rely on being paid in crypto to shill because their backwards country wont let them buy crypto anymore lmao. And the referal link spam at least that died down

>> No.9053302

ok, lets try.
>xrp is a scam
>bch and roger ver are an elaborate scam cooked up by the bogs
>payfair is gay and fake

I haven't seen anything useful about uuu, payfair and phora but I doubt they do anything link can't do.

>> No.9053325

Make a thread and see what happens.
Xrp shills are by far most retarded btw. They don't even change filenames in their shillkit.

>> No.9053340

when binance? when moon? 10$ wort project sir

>> No.9053360

hello, this is your caretaker, you forgot your meds again. Why would anyone shill on this NEET infested board? We pajeet ourselves, I agree on that.

>> No.9053364
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>t. Jew

>> No.9053381
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Corekeks will have to start paying for proxies

>> No.9053390

>Not as many as back in January though, board was 25% referal link threads
This board was abhorrent in January. Threads about some random coin, telling us it was going to moon sometime in the near future.
The worst was when you had a genuine thread going and some fucker would blow in with a link to his discord channel. Fuck me, almost wish we never had the January bull run (it made me a lot of money so it wasn't all bad lol)

>> No.9053415



Lets see. Just tried to trigger many.

>> No.9054415

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever.

>> No.9054505

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever....

>> No.9055145

>pajeets are crypto's burden.
fucking raspberry pi's are so cheap all these fuckers have computers now

>> No.9055186

Flagging only pajeet poster on biz would be enough, it is all that is needed.

>> No.9055204
File: 529 KB, 1024x732, China Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It changed /sp/ massively.

There used to be 10 GB v Averifat posts on the front page

Everyone was convinced that it was just UK and USA posters but when they showed flags it turned out plenty were from 3rd world like Brazil, Phillipines and Belgium

>> No.9055234

changed for the better? did it curb retards from posting?

>> No.9055330

either way i sent an email to whoever checks the 4chan suggestion box. Hopefully someone reads it. Maybe start a thread on /qa/

>> No.9055366

>what is a proxy
/sp/ did change for the better tho

>> No.9055372
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hope they implement it soon

>> No.9055374

If by "american jews" you mean the people that actually hate indians ie. mainland chinese shills

>> No.9055400

Only add flags for India and China

>> No.9055449

>he doesnt know most free proxys have been banned on 4chan for a while now.
that means that they would have to pay for them.

>> No.9055463

maybe you should send them a suggestion too. Might work if more then one person does it

>> No.9055489

>3rd world like Brazil, Phillipines and Belgium
top kek brusselsprouts btfo