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File: 42 KB, 630x630, 2183187_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9267159 No.9267159 [Reply] [Original]

BTC fall IOTA rise kek
IOTA will be huge

>> No.9267184

they've hyped "Q" to the point that it's highly unlikely they'll be able to live up to the expectation

>> No.9267191

IOTA will be a huge dump in the shitter

>> No.9267218

shhhh you'll wake up the FUDers

>> No.9267224
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David power $50 EOY

>> No.9267248

nah they can't do shit Qubic is going rekt every fudder

>> No.9267257

Overhyped undelivered shit coin

>> No.9267269

Q is hyped and it will make IOTA 3rd screen cap this

>> No.9267285

gtfo you hate it because you missed the train get rekt

>> No.9267300
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Q will bring IOTA to $50 EOY

screenshot this

>> No.9267357

I'm calling it now: they will fuck this up.
They fuck up all their tech, this won't be the exception.
Screencap this, I haven't seen anyone else say it.

>> No.9267413

kek I will screen cap this so I can laugh at you when IOTA hit $50 dumb ass

>> No.9267451
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salty faggots because

>muh refujee smurt citiez

>> No.9267510

yeah, i read that shit cfb posted last fall, too. it was supposed to happen in jan, then feb, then march, now q2, and then, etc. it will fail so hard when it is finally announced. they know this - why the delays

>> No.9267557

Thanks buddy :)
Just because they fuck it up doesn't mean you retards won't buy it though. If you hold IOTA you don't care about tech.

>> No.9267561

delays is to make sure everything work fine brainlet

>> No.9267577

lol I care also about tech retard

>> No.9267585

yeah, that's what they've been saying for 6 months. i got out with a 5X - you fags are going to get dumped on so hard when this shit is announced. have fun with your skynet coin bags

>> No.9267633

>If you hold IOTA you don't care about tech.
i bought IOTA all because of the hype and got out with a nice return. the tech sounds cool, but it will not work. it's evident by how long this shit is taking them. "we're just making it perfect guys" lmao has the trinity wallet even come out yet? that shit was supposed to be out before December last year. what a joke

>> No.9267669

I will laugh at you when you cry for missing out IOTA train

>> No.9267680

Patience is key for such a forward looking project.

>> No.9267727

you are one of those get rich quick you won't make it

>> No.9267728

i already rode it and jumped off. enjoy your bags, because the tech is still not even close to working

>> No.9267749

kek you haven't seen anything yet retard you will be on suicide watch when IOTA hit $20

>> No.9267752

kek somebody's still holding this shit
it's last year's fad, Anon

>> No.9267759

you guys are obviously new to IOTA and bought the hype - that's cool. just know that why you own it, because right now that's all it is. does the wallet trinity wallet work? can the network run without a central coordinator?

>> No.9267770

kek it's for 2020 dumb ass

>> No.9267789

then what are you gonna do when trinity wallet work and the network can run without a central coordinator buying my bags at $100 kek

>> No.9267801

I bought at $0.50 and at $0.35. IOTA will either fix both those things and then skyrocket to $1T or fix neither and slowly die.
I'm cool with this risk, diversified into other shitcoins and all that. The reward will be massive. Fuckable robots.

>> No.9267820

>then what are you gonna do when trinity wallet work and the network can run without a central coordinator
they've been saying this shit for over a year and it still isn't any closer. i'm not saying IOTA idea isn't novel, it is. in theory, their tech is game-changing, but it cannot work. there is not enough work to secure the network without a coordinator. it will fail and i will feel bad for you because you bought they hype and didn't research for yourself. good luck, buddy

>> No.9267832

IOTA was my first shitcoin and a total lucky shot
I bought some in November and didn't even know other crypto actually work, I honestly thought reattaching and all this shit is normal for these projects. Once I found out it's not and they just fucked up, I took my humble 400% profit and sold.

Out of dozens of shitcoins I sold, IOTA is the last one I would fear to moon

have fun bagholder

>> No.9267844

i bought when you did for the same reasons, although i kept reasearching after i bought it and i realized it won't be possible. you can make some nice gains on the Q hype, but that'll be about it. good luck, bro

>> No.9267854

didn't buy it to the hype and I've done my research about what is possible with IOTA

>> No.9267892

>what are you going to do when it has a functioning wallet
Wow a crypto wallet, time travellers from 2009 will be super impressed.
IOTA has already done 200x. You are on the moon right now, enjoy the view.

>> No.9267895

>about what is possible with IOTA
belief is a helluva drug

>> No.9267914


>> No.9267979

iota will reach 1 trillion market cap. sooner than die hard holders think as well

>> No.9267991

Why does IOT need a DLT in the first place?

>> No.9268022

IOT needs a reason to be connected. Right now everything is a time sync without a reward signal. IE I have to connect my smart lights to my wifi.
If instead smart devices were incentivized to communicate for value transport, everything would be much more connected.

>> No.9268039

>*resets IP*
>proceeds to shitposting
please tell me you bought above $4. 1 trillion mktcap lmao

>> No.9268068

lol you think I changed IP ?

>> No.9268086

i guess not, now there's someone equally as restarded as you in this thread. lmao

>> No.9268112

fuck off brainlet

>> No.9268172

>newfags reading this thread won't buy my + $4 bags if you keep telling them this shit.
ok, bro. i want you to make it, so i'm out.

>> No.9268224

kek I didn't buy at $4 I bought at $1 dumb ass
second you don't have anything that prove you are right about your fud in IOTA just because of delays doesn't mean shit

>> No.9268225


>> No.9268239

> chainlink
> oracle already solved by IOTA Qubic
Sell your chainlink for IOTA

>> No.9268293
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>> No.9268330
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Elon, you sure have a way of hunting huge things. Those who put the pieces together early on righly deserve to be the ones in control of our next currency.

>> No.9268333

shit where did you get that ?

>> No.9268351
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Put it together

>> No.9268422
File: 64 KB, 680x510, DBE873A8-9EEF-4CFB-A4C2-00D3CA529ED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bosch sensors are what will reduce vehicle related fatalities by 900% once the already implemented sensors in Tesla and VW are turned on. How much is human life worth? What is a farmer with no livestock? Government approved, think about it. Wake up

>> No.9268435

only pajeets fud IOTA

>> No.9268464
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You have been given a golden ticket. Don’t throw it away.

>> No.9268510

IOTA is more then golden ticket

>> No.9268511
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>he hasn't moved all of his holdings into IOTA

>> No.9268551

.60 actually. grow up. 97% of these coins are about to be replaced by iota

>> No.9268569

The Truth has been spoken

>> No.9268616
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>> No.9268628
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How much is human life worth? PayPal founder and big names like Tesla VW and Bosch are about to save millions of them every year while separating us from oil before it becomes the only interplanetary currency. Remind me in 5 years.

>> No.9268688

in 5 years 1 MIOTA = $1000

>> No.9268722
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>> No.9268735

$50 EOY

>> No.9268820
File: 562 KB, 923x442, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 1.57.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me June 3 2018. You've been told.


>> No.9268849

INT will put the neckbeard iota cucks on suicide watch, screencap dis

>> No.9268869

kek INT can't do shit

>> No.9268879

>he hasnt read the new whitepaper yet

>> No.9268901

OP sounds like a bot or pajeet, but is correct. IOTA will be the first crypto to test whether or not we are fucking insane in our speculation. It will be the first real world concert that we try to sell our scalped tickets at. If the public is OK with our price, it's all good. If we've priced out real world adoption, the rest of the system collapses. IOTA is the litmus test.

>> No.9268948

You won't need to. In a few years, he'll want to douse himself in gas and light a match every time he hears the word Tangle.

>> No.9269062
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>> No.9269085

IoT needs a DLT to prevent identity spoofing and track chain of custody in data payloads. Also, if you want to achieve a truly efficient M2M, automation economy, you need free transactions that transfer values smaller than fiat supports AND you need multinationals to agree on the medium. Once everyone stops doing their own thing, devices can come preconfigured and people can stop having to implement their IoT projects from the ground-up every fucking time.

>> No.9269100

Chainlink has a place. It has not been BTFO. This just crib-deaths all the fucking china coins that are screaming IoT.

>> No.9269129

Cool. Tell all the companies that have been parading IOTA around like a trophy wife that they should drop everything and run to the next flavour of the week like a faggot crypto speculator. You got this anon! Total dominance. Flawless!

>> No.9269136
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Stay poor.

>> No.9269169
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So many valuable puzzle pieces thrown at this tread. I would love to see someone summarize them in one paragraph.

>> No.9269175

got some JINN?
You will need a accredited investor status.

>> No.9269219
File: 372 KB, 1080x817, C34C78EF-1992-479B-A6DA-A9CDDB3472B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 EOY $1,000 EOD and after that........ well after that just know that your average human will only need 10 MIOTA to live the life of their wildest dreams.

>> No.9269226

INT will 100% surpass iOTA, iOTA doesn’t even have half the brains INT has and their tangle doesn’t work for shit. Check out the new INT whitepaper the architecture of their project is insane and these chinks work hard as shit. The ICO was in august en they will release the public testnet EOM

>> No.9269361

lol INT will get rekt by IOTA

>> No.9269397
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Do you think you know more than these people? Buy IOTA or stay poor, don’t say it wasn’t a choice.

>> No.9269415
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>> No.9269464

You probably dont know shit about INT, read the new whitepaper or stay poor faggot.

>> No.9269598

lol no need to read shit IOTA has already companies support fuck off with your shitcoin

>> No.9269632
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Instead of putting the pieces of the puzzle together I guess you could instead say to put the dots together, see what it adds up to. Someone will one day read this archived thread and see what I have been trying to tell a select few of you.

>> No.9269696

Oh I've put it together before this.
frankly, it's fucking terrifying.
With that said I've put almost all of my crypto into IOTA.
I see the writing on the wall. It's going to take over and I'm not going to be able to stop it; may as well make sure I can fuck off to somewhere comfy with my riches.

>> No.9269716
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IOTA already partnered with Bosch which supplies all the sensors to Tesla, also partnered with VW which owns Audi... $1,000 EOY once government gives the green light to reduce traffic fatalities by 900% thus increasing the amount of chickens on their farm, or should I say tax payers on their settlement.

>> No.9269738

3x666? so what

>> No.9269764

Never mind that Bosch also makes all of the infotainment(dash) for most major car manufacturers.
Gmc, Chevy, Cadillac, Buick, etc.

>> No.9269778
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They are laughing at us

>> No.9269780

bro im too poor to care about skynet shit

>> No.9269811

basically what and will happen with IOTA

>> No.9269878
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if you've done your research on iota you know what to do
fill your bags before 03.06.18 or regret

>> No.9269894
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Goosebumps watching this... IOTA is HUGE


>> No.9269956

this nibba is a good hype man, the UFC should hire him

>> No.9269998

You are going to make it. Be patient

>> No.9270010
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>> No.9270057

IOTA will take Ripple market cap this year

>> No.9270092

Q will be a game changer in crypto. Let them miss the train. Will be same pleasure like back then with ETH haha

>> No.9270164

They will steal money to buy one MIOTA

>> No.9270234
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There are misconceptions about market cap, they say it is the number of coins multiplied by the going price. That is how coin market cap calculates it but there is a huge flaw, they are missing the supply and demand realtime variable. Take the BTC market cap that is currently $167 B, divided by 17 M coins that comes to $10 K but I think everyone here is intelligent enough to know that that doesn't mean every coin if wanted to be sold at same time would be worth $10 K. The true way of valuing a coin is by the volume (supply, demand), something IOTA is limited only by laws of physics on, those too might be rewritten come June. Remember these words, QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT.

>> No.9270360

ternary digit confirmed EOY

>> No.9270419
File: 83 KB, 1632x1038, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 100 billion reasons to invest in IOTA, here is one of them.

>> No.9270551

one reason IOTA has real use case not like other shitcoins

>> No.9270554
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IOTA is going to remove those shackles from we the slaves. FYI IOTA is a nonprofit... They have genuine intentions... This is coming from someone who questions everything. Remember this, I told you so when it was at $2.40..... SAVINGS LIVES ALSO MEANS MORE MONEY ON TAX BRACKET

>> No.9270671
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just hodling MIOTA to mars

>> No.9270725

IOTA fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a Jupiter and Mars

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

>> No.9270733

Laughing at the anons fudding IOTA, things will get real interesting soon


>> No.9270747
File: 1016 KB, 3840x2160, theworldisbroken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is our Slavery Abolition Act, we are in the year 1832. Remind me next year.

>> No.9270770
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>> No.9270797

This. I bought in at $0.90 and sold at ~$4.50, ever since following the project I've realized they never actually deliver on things, only TRON-tier shilling by the devs, I'm convinced the only people left with heavy bags are those who bought the hype and don't actually give a fuck about the tech, they only say they do. For example, with Q and the oracle situation that was merely announced and yet people are now ape shit about oracles as if IOTA were the pioneers of the idea. Not saying they don't have a use-case with their initial plan to cater to the IoT with micro-transactions but that's if they actually deliver, which they have yet to do.

>> No.9270833

you can fud as much as you can but at the end you will regret each word see you in 2020 bitch

>> No.9270849

> does the wallet trinity wallet work?
>an the network run without a central coordinator?

>> No.9270977
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>can the network run without a central coordinator?
I'm in deep on IOTA but this is a big issue they need to fix yesterday

>> No.9271038

>he doesnt know yet

>> No.9271046

Fix? I don't see anything needing fixing.

>> No.9271088

the coordinator has already been shut off a few times and the tangle didn't fall apart, so yes IOTA can run without the coordinator and it already did

But there's not enough transactions yet to turn it off indefinitely, which will come in due time

Meanwhile stock up on IOTA while this weak FUD is being used because once the rocket takes off there will be no way back

>> No.9271109


When fucking dev hypes "q" with "wait til lthey find out about Q!".... than makes annauncment of annauncment....I'm fucking out...

How bout working wallet or poc simulation of wroking tangle and not SQL fucking database?

You know so we know it can work or I can see my fucking funds...

>> No.9271133
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Thats cos there is no fucking working product you brainlet...

>> No.9271146
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My do they prioritize taking our guns away? Look at what is killing our youth, accidents which could be drastically reduced with autonomous driving and next is suicide which is probably largely attributed to a debt based society. IOTA is going to disrupt the fuck out of this. Slave revolt coming.

>> No.9271168

Am I wrong that IOTA holders are a cult following of pseudo tech geeks? Please, prove me wrong. Just look at their, dare I say, reddit subs where you'll find nothing but a circle jerk of truly delusional average crypto investors who got in in December.

>> No.9271234

crypto communities are quite cult-y and pathetic in general

Doesn't mean the general IOTA investor has to be. I don't think Bosch/Fujitsu really identify/compare with the average r/IOTA redditor

>> No.9271260
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Farmer is going to realize just how valuable his chickens were after all. Millions of deaths to be prevented each year, think about it... we need youth to pay for the shit the boomers while they are still around

>> No.9271326

come one fud more so I can laugh at you more in 2020

>> No.9271369

>This is the the state of reddit shills
Please say refugee city, or that the software is not free because it uses electricity to work, its always fun. Whatever you are invested in, will be obsolete in 2019, and you know it, clinging with fud to your blockchain, hoping it still will be relevant.

Which community is not filled with cult like fanatics, litearly every trash coin out there has some Star Citizen fags in it. And reddit niggers like the guy above thrive on sucking each others dick.

>> No.9271376

still waiting to this day when elon announces it on his twitter

>> No.9271404

well when that happen IOTA will replace BTC literally

>> No.9271435

save your ass and get some MIOTA before June 3rd

>> No.9271459
File: 450 KB, 750x750, think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to get killed for saying this but...IOTA can stop wars... hear me out. Simply put, quantum computing is going to allow for huge huge amounts of data to be truly instantly available regardless of distance. This means all the sensors knowing and interpreting others sensors data in an instant. It means all IOTAs being accounted for instantly. It means leaders can interpret both sides of argument which could be stirring up a war. They could do this in an instant. Imagine what this will mean. This is undoubtedly the next step in our evolution as a species.

>> No.9271553
File: 135 KB, 750x1334, U5drrh4e1eUvyFqexL9PMwi4HFcDrjC_1680x8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271613

unironically lel'd hard

>> No.9271645
File: 40 KB, 1080x720, 31543564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA + Tesla

>> No.9271661


>> No.9271716

does anyone else believe that the fact they repeatedly used a small scale Tesla for their smart charging PoC and didn't have to remove/cover the logo is a really REALLY good sign?

>> No.9271735
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The hole market is fighting BTC vs BCH while IOTA gonna moon the fuck out of them

>> No.9271737

>IOTA can alter the speed of light
Ive heard some crazy shills anon, but...thats a new one

>> No.9271791

yep tesla will be confirmed by elon him self and that my friend will be the end of crypto as IOTA become the king

>> No.9271801

>he doesn't know IOTA cured aids and ended world hunger

>> No.9271817

kek you are too late to the party

>> No.9271869
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> I O T A

>> No.9271894
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>> No.9271920
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These aren't people who would risk tarnishing their names. Remember that.


>> No.9271945

These people are working for true future innovation not a shitcoins

>> No.9271978

Yea ummm this is a pile of shit.

>> No.9272024

say it again bitch

>> No.9272088
File: 74 KB, 960x720, tangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tangle > blockchain

>> No.9272103

ETH & BTC are not quantum proof IOTA is

>> No.9272104

lads, when is it going to bull? im broke asf need some gains

>> No.9272120
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>> No.9272146

you got your answer kek

>> No.9272155

You cant use entanglement to send information you microbrain

>> No.9272182

Q wont bring us tripple digits - this is just highly unlikely
2020-2022 is when the fun begins

>> No.9272187

yes come on fud you will get rekt later this year

>> No.9272227

2020 is a sure moon landing for IOTA

>> No.9272292
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>> No.9272408
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, 824CBA01-9D5A-4C6C-8849-346C89604A15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 3 2018. Don’t get left behind.

>> No.9272529

>June 3
explain pls

>> No.9272554


>> No.9272643
File: 271 KB, 1667x1334, 2055CAA0-ED9B-46BC-A509-1D284CAFEFF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it, it’s not a bad time to exchange your shitcoins which most likely just pumped a little for some iota.

>> No.9272669

IOTA is destroying LINK holders.

>> No.9272688
File: 79 KB, 423x600, 846D56C5-7636-4FD9-AEC3-2D4C4CEB0395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I would stay very very far away from any coin that isn’t top 20 right now and that is not quantum proof... so any coin other than IOTA

>> No.9272736

fucking hell, these guys have a brilliant marketing team that video made me forget about today's losses for a minute

>> No.9272933
File: 101 KB, 1510x670, F6B6DEA6-0FD9-4C2E-8683-848636A5306E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... they’re a non profit... they don’t have to sell us on it.

>> No.9273464
File: 323 KB, 1778x1334, F510FBB2-C675-48AC-B671-1D92932EACB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be the ones who control the next economy, rightfully so. We are the ones who see IOTA potential.