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9397142 No.9397142 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make enough money to make the greatest mmorps ever. I grew up with these games and all I can think of is creating the greatest one ever. I have such huge plans.

All I have to do is x500 my money and I'm set. I think I can do it with x100 as well but would probably need more funding thru kickstarter or indigogo. But with x100 I can accualy hire enough people to get project off the ground floor.

Will I make it?

>> No.9397150

Not a chance

>> No.9397167
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Dude, that's a great goal actually. I'm a fan of you now.

My goal is $1MM so I can use the 4% rule to live like a king indefinitely and buy services etc. so I don't have to do stuff I don't want to do. I probably sounds like a kid that knows some numbers.
I only have $90k out of $11MM so far :/
Also want my $11MM before I'm 40... not believing in it anymore...

>> No.9397175

Good luck. Keep fighting for your goal. We are all going to make it one day anon.

>> No.9397186

Great goal man, I like it for the fact that it's realistic. remember to keep working on your mmo idea while you trade, it keeps you motivated and will make losses hurt less, since your mind is more occupied with your passion.

>> No.9397187

my goal is to get my nonprofit org off the ground and spread light across the land

and pay off my $20k debt

>> No.9397193
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dammit, I should proof read
Goal: $11MM so I can hire ppl for all the shit I don't want to deal with.

Everyone should pick a goal. Picked mine like last year after reading this: https://bizbeginner.com/2017/07/13/investing-style/

(well I thought about it for a few weeks) Your goal makes you... just better at getting the money. I stopped using stupid faucets n stuff because I realized they wouldn't lead me to $11MM

>> No.9397201

that's dope man if I ever make it I'm going to make my own mmorpg as well, and I'll hype it with a million dollar contest for the first person to defeat x boss monster or some shit. I'll be the fucking Willy Wonka of gaming.

>> No.9397222
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Will it have hooker bots?

>> No.9397315

>All I have to do is x500 my money and I'm set. I think I can do it with x100 as well but would probably need more funding thru kickstarter or indigogo

so you need to 500x your money........

>> No.9397323

Im thinking we will legitly be heavy on ban hammer for bots. Like instant. I will literally hire 5 guys just to think of all the ways to counter boting, gold seller and stuff like that. We will instantly refund your money and kick you.

Its huge risk. But payoff, if I accualy make it, will be greated then any crypto gains.

Most important part is getting decent programers/designers to start the project and get it down on drawing board with my ideas. From then on, we keep as little people as we need to get it starter. Once we have something to show, we will be expanding into a decent company structure. Before that, a bunch of higly skilled programmers and designers. Also I would probably need somebody to write the story board from the very beginning so entire feel of the game while makeing it, should be abel to convergate towards the story.

>> No.9397329

All I ever want is a game like Dragon Age - Origins but co-op.

I just don't get why that's so hard to make.

>> No.9397332

yea, easy peacy :)

>> No.9397350

My hope is to make it before the release of classic wow so that i can go full outcast mode and play the SHIT out of that game like i used to do when i was 16.

>> No.9397370

Kek. What happened to this guy and his game?

>> No.9397391

Even classic wow has some pullbacks that I dont like. But never the less it beats anything after it. Most mmorps developers do not understand why people play the game. They have think idea of what it shoudl be, but then players come and are like "wtf is this shit". They miss the goal by the mile.

>> No.9397460

Finally someone on this board that will do something useful. Ty op, i hope your dream comes true. All the mmos out now are hot garbage.

>> No.9397475

>All I have to do is x500 my money and I'm set

That's it? Anything else? Maybe a glass of lemonade to go with it?

>> No.9397496

To make enough money to become a wow vanilla NEET, also to travel to japan.

>> No.9397518

I might get thrsty true. Good thinking.

But seriously, x500 sounds big. Huge. But its doable.Its possible. I will sit down and get make a plan that doesnt involve lucky coing going to x1000. It will be liegitly best way I see that I can get x500. Now even before doing math on it, Im thiking 3 years combined with exponential growth would do the trick.

>> No.9397523


going off your picture, do you wanna make a WoW clone? or more everquest style (grouping required, no quest hubs, etc.)? or my personal favorite, ultima online style (no classes, sandbox, full loot pvp)? i desperately want the golden age of mmo's to come again...

>> No.9397543
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Want fund rennaisance of vore/guro art

>> No.9397558
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On a short run to quit wagecucking and focus on software dev or study some nojobz tier studies I'm personally interested in or at least just doing what I fucking want in general.

On a long run a family with 3-4 kids, my own land by the sea, etc.

If I ever become Soros tier I'll have a fleet of subs in the Med to sink them boat niggers and a japanese femdom to sit on my face while boat niggers drown.

>> No.9397579

No game is perfect, but classic wow is one of the best games of all time. I'm not even a 100% purist like so many of the weebs in that community. Some stuff can be added without any issues. like i remember back in vanilla some of the things i was looking forward to in tbc was guild banking, the hardresser (lol), minor loot improvements etc. Hell, i'd even like to see the progress beyond naxxramas take place eventually.. aslong as they keep the 60 cap and never ever fucking ever introduce tbc

>> No.9397580
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>> No.9397583

I need around 21% gain per month for next 3 years to get x1000

>> No.9397584

I want to buy a penthouse and sit on the computer all day, also two puppers with a rooftop garden half the size of a football field.

>> No.9397597

What kind of setting ? Fantasy like WoW ?

>> No.9397602

None, cartoonish.

>> No.9397617

Yea, fanasty mmorpg but vs aliens. We are basicly taking over they world, but they are the bad guys.

>> No.9397620

Story needs to be the most important part imo. Wow was great because they had a whole ton of lore to draw from wc1-3. Just like lotr is on of the greatest novels ever because it has such rich lore. You need to create plenty to get people locked into a story for a truly submercive experience. Will also needllenty for future xpAcs so it doesn’t feel like development is just pulling stories out of their sss to keep things going

>> No.9397640

Tbc was great. Classic was amazing too though. I remember it being such a challenge to come up with the 600g for epic mounts...

>> No.9397652

Story is very cruicial part of the game. Reason I will have to hire higly creative writes. But the story needs to be told inside the game. I have when I have to go out of the game to find out history of some boss or even why some farmer wants to kill some chicken. Story needs to be inside the game, well placed, so that everybody with intrest can figure out whats going on and be more connected to the world.

Most of the lore in wow I didnt get because it was outside of the game,

>> No.9397657

Tbc was good, but it was the start of the downfall.
Literally making 1-60 100% useless beyond ganking lowbies. I always hated that about the expansions. Always making the previous world (content) 100% useless and a waste of time

>> No.9397675

Also this, I hate when expansions came, suddenly all prior content is useless. It hurts the game so much. I have intresting ideas how to adress this.

>> No.9397689

500x you fuckin retard??? You understand if that was remotely easily there would be millionaire niggers everywhere.

>> No.9397718


Vanilla WoW is the most fun I've ever had playing a video game, but I honestly don't know if it's nostalgia or because I was in high school or if it was really just that incredible.

I remember wondering what the next big MMORPG would be to come along and make me feel the way Vanilla WoW did, and it never came.

>> No.9397768

there are millionare everywhere

It never came because people makeing the game were catering to casuals. MMORPGs are for hardcore players. Those that can put in 16 hours a day to become legends.

And alot of other psycological stuff they dont understand.

>> No.9397917

1-60 wasn't completely useless naxx gear was still really damn strong in the early raids

>> No.9398206

>he grew up with classic WoW

I always feel sorry for people like this. They missed out on the golden age of MMOs and will never know true wonder

>> No.9398227

nonsense, compounding interest.

>> No.9398247

>hes still playing mmos in his 30s

>> No.9398271

If I ever make half a billion then I am going to throw 50 million or so at an open world super hero/Super villain game that isn't absolute shit.

>> No.9398292

>he's not playing mmos endlessly after 30

>> No.9398308

google "kingdom of amalur development", op. money is nice but you can't buy your way into the extensive skillset required from several people to make your dream game, even if it seems like as a player you just know what should be done and what would make it perfect

>> No.9398317

Play classic WoW for 2-3 years when it releases and then start my own company, hopefully the recession will be over by then.

>> No.9398320

I probably will be, thats the sad part

>> No.9398400

My "goal" is to have $1MM before I turn 25 (1.25 years to go). I have 700k in crypto/stocks and making 100-150k/year from my online business while I'm studying. I don't really mind if I don't reach my goal, but having a financial goal motivates me to work harder.

>> No.9398431

My goal is about 350K

If I ever get that much I can stop wage cucking and live comfortably at home and raise my kid until they reach school. First kid due in November. Ill leave about 100k in crypto for day trading which I had mad success with last time I did it, but it was so time consuming I stopped

>> No.9398508

I saw the game. It pretty shit. But decent with the resources they have.

>> No.9398522

Dc did superhero villan game. Never tried it but from what I saw, it was pretty shait.

>> No.9398632

>I had mad success with last time I did it, but it was so time consuming I stopped

If you had mad success why didn't you just continue? So what if it's time consuming if it would have gotten you to your goal. Wagecucking is also time consuming.

>> No.9398895

350k sounds really low for 18 years of funding 2-3 people... :/
(as said here >>9397193, I aim for $11MM before resorting to not working)

>> No.9398937

Why are people writing 11MM instead of 11M? Is this some 'murica thing?

>> No.9399038

Buy the rights to Command & Conquer and reboot the series

>> No.9399103

You're NEVER going to make it anon.

>> No.9399376

Its just money. Money builds legends. If you have money, you can build anything.

>> No.9399403

It's a roman thing, sport.

>> No.9399433

>tfw no Westwood studios
>tfw no yuris revenge

>> No.9400172
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500k enough to retire and live happy with family and hobbies.

>> No.9400369

I want to buy the kind of PC gaming rig that I couldn't afford as a teenager.

>> No.9400620

Make enough capital to start my own AI company. Maybe something healthcare focused.

>> No.9400645

MM = 1000 1000's