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9585998 No.9585998 [Reply] [Original]

i was super stoned and my youtube started playing this and kept listening for some reason.
holy shit bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin, the true chad coin. Satoshi is a real chad

>> No.9586047

CSW is unironically Satoshi.


> On November 26, 2009 (Thanksgiving Day), Ira Kleiman and Dave met at their father’s home for an early dinner. He and Dave discussed Facebook’s recent success and Ira asked Dave if he was working on anything interesting. Dave responded by telling Ira he was working on “something bigger” than Facebook, that he was “creating his own money.”

>59. Ira asked Dave to clarify and jokingly asked if Dave was making counterfeit

>60. Dave responded by saying he was making “digital money.” He then opened
his wallet, took out a business card, flipped it over, drew a “B” with a line or two through it, and commented on how “we” were working on a logo.

I can't wait til this whole thing turns into the Trump vs Hillary of crypto currency. Eat shit corecucks, Craig Steven Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.9586119

can't wait until u bcashies realize you have gone off the deep end and invested in a scam.

>> No.9586122

wow, i have been woken up.

>> No.9586149

Yes, sirs.


You want to know something even crazier the I have direct knowledge of? These extortions were traced back to Greg Maxwell and affiliates.

>Satoshi at 2017 Future of Bitcoin Conference said certain people will answer for things they did
>Maxwell "resigns" from Blockstream, but actually completely dissapeared.

>> No.9586198

it's so much bigger than trump v Hillary

it's the emancipation of mankind vs currency debasement. it's good vs evil, it's biblical

>> No.9586209
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>mfw the war is already won

>> No.9586267

to know whos right just look who the herd is attacking, craig wright really is satoshi i cant believe it and take back everything i said.

>> No.9586308

Craig Wright really is the creator of Bitcoin Cash: the real Bitcoins ;)

>> No.9586338
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>> No.9586472

mind = blown

>> No.9586575


Traced back how? This is literally the same shit that Hillary tried to pull.

>> No.9586592


Holy fuck jejjing hard. Meme magic is gonna save Bitcoin isn't it

>> No.9586658

Yes. The mind of Tesla and the courage of Hitler.

>> No.9586673


he will peg usd to bch in december
that's when you should sell crypto for gold

>> No.9586688
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>> No.9586701

Why the fuck isn’t he signing a message using genesis block private key? It would take a few minutes to prove his claims and no one will question it again
Only reason I see is he doesn’t have the key

>> No.9586727

It was supposed to play out like this: by extorting CSW, they wanted him to completely disappear thus eliminating his involvement for the scaling debate which will allow them to completely hijack BTC with no resistance, or he gets arrested by the ATO for not paying taxes which would give the same result as roving him from the scaling debate, as well.

However, these pieces of shit who extorted CSW like Greg Maxwell, underestimated his/ and or others' capabilities of computer forensics/cyber security in being able to find out who the individuals were who did this to CSW.

People don't understand the magnitude of this. It goes way past what I mentioned above, as well.

Literally, Good vs Evil. That's all it is.

>> No.9586730


He did. For Gavin and Mike. Keep up.

>> No.9586740

And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete.

>> No.9586744

>no central point of attack

Being the "figure head" unlike people similar to Vitalik, Charlie Lee etc and other creators of coins. They are all a central point of attack.

If you know you are going to win in the long run, no matter what, why even fucking sign? Any smart person would do what heh did.

>> No.9586759

But then why not just keep his mouth shut? It doesn’t make sense, he wants to have it both ways

>> No.9586760

And Ian Grigg and Jon Matonis. The only people that matter along with Gavin and a few others.

>> No.9586793

To give intelligent people the chance to do their own research and put the pieces together for themselves. It's not that difficult.

He was also fucking extorted for money and threats to his family.

>claim to be Satoshi
>only prove it in private to people who matter
>let the idiots buy into the Core narrative
>in the long run, people will learn the truth regardless

>> No.9586794

bcash has done more to ruin the cryptomarket than any goverment agency could have ever dreamt of. Everybody should abandon this scamcoin that relies on manipulation, the aquisition of the bitcoin twitter handle, the bitcoin.com domain where they parade it as "the real bitcoin" and a myriad of paid pajeets and to top it all a whiney figurehead that cries about r/bitcoin is not bcash friendly and even goes as far as to offer money to have a puppet installed that will treat his scam coin more favorably.

Fuck bcash and all those who support it.

>> No.9586803


>Competition is killing crypto

Communists like you should be gunned down in the streets

>> No.9586808

Capitalism. Compete to be the best and let the market decide.

>> No.9586819


Bitcoin Cash, Bcash is some altcoin.

If you're referring to Bitcoin Cash, aka the real Bitcion then you're very confused. Bitcoin (BCH) is saving crypto but a lot of corecucks are slow to realise they've been duped.

Fuck all corecucks and their filthy kike overlords

>> No.9586821

>why not just keep his mouth shut?
that's exactly what he was doing, until Bildgerberg faggots took over the github for his project and kicked out his hand selected maintainer and started cripping the project so they could sell their bullshit solutions to a problem that does not exist. (((they))) are trying desperately to separate the settlement layer in bitcoin so they can continue their usual jewish tricks

>> No.9586831


Do you have an email anon? Shoot me a line at milbow@gmx.com, would love to speak more about this actually.

>> No.9586845

anyone have the image where csw went back and edited old ass posts in his personal blog to make it look like he was the first to start talking about bitcoin?

>> No.9586850


Twitter handles and web domains should be of no consequence to a laudable project on track to solve scaling issues within decentralised money...

...and yet it is. Consider my almonds activated.

>> No.9586865


You don't know the first thing about finance, competition or game theory. People like you are the reason the BCH fork happened to begin with, and people like you should feel really bad for being tricked by the onions into shilling their Lightning Tokens.

>> No.9586881


Yeah, he did that so retards like you would come to exactly the same conclusion you did. You know he's not a business man right? CSW is a legitimate world-class computer science expert, you don't think he knows about this basic ass shit?

Didn't you learn anything from Trump?

>> No.9586898

>Dude 4d chess Lmao
he's a fraud plain and simple. once finney died he knew he could pull this bullshit.

>> No.9586901

no, kleiman was satoshi. he shot the hard drives thats why there were bullet holes in his mattress when they found him dead of mrsa. that's the only logical reason the coins havent moved

>> No.9586998

You don't deserve to exist you're so fucking dumb

>> No.9587038



No one, especially not Craig Wright is stupid enough to think that changing an old blog post is going to fool anyone. It was deliberately done to FUD his involvement in the creation of Bitcoin, ostensibly to protect himself tax and malicious attention.

>> No.9587196

Also, anyone that hasn't read The Satoshi Affair by Andrew O'Hagan is in for a treat. Massive piece of CSW, tons of revealing shit in it

>> No.9587229


Eh, it sounds like a nice movie but I don't buy it. CSW and Kleiman actually wrote a paper together about how to destroy a hard drive effectively. Shooting it was not one of the listed methods

>> No.9587433

satoshi the true chad

>> No.9587463

>Implying that BCH isn't backed by the bankers to destroy BTC by creating a completely false narrative
4D chess at his finest

>> No.9587558
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> (((they)))

>> No.9587623
File: 34 KB, 420x579, ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for that
reality is fucking weird

‘It means “ash”,’ he said. ‘The philosophy of Nakamoto is the neutral central path in trade. Our current system needs to be burned down and remade. That is what cryptocurrency does – it is the phoenix …’

>> No.9587950


It really is a remarkable piece in the true sense of the word. CSW is Satoshi.

Note how noone has been able to debunk the Kleiman case updates yet. Shits going down boys.

>> No.9588473
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No one has been able to present any evidence that Craig or Jewman wrote the whitepaper. The whitepaper was almost certainly written by Nick Szabo. It's well known that szabo was making digital currency before 2009 - see bitgold

Craig's writing is absolute shit - he's never written anything with as much elegance and felicity as the whitepaper. The whitepaper matches szabo's other writings.



If someone makes a plausible link between CSW and NS and I might be inclined to believe the Aussieman was involved in the creation of bitcoin. But as it stands CSW seems more like a conman.


>> No.9588725
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Too bad the Chief Product Officer of Tinder didn't reach out to your faggot friend Nick Szabo.

>> No.9588911

obviously you didn't hold any btc for the fork or you'd realize there's no way bch could have fucked with the price of btc like you're saying

>> No.9589099


>> No.9589862
File: 957 KB, 1024x842, 194763646361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain this to me. If Craig is Satoshi, and the CIA and NSA niggers know it (they know everything), and Blockstream knows it (thats why they FUD him endlessly), then why haven't they just taken him out? Is he protected by the new administration? Is he a Trump asset? Is he working with the white hat alliance in government to take down the kike system?

>> No.9590029


It's easy. If you kill him, noone gets the private keys.

>> No.9590114

isnt that good for crypto?

>> No.9590139


Szabo doesnt have the brass fucking balls to make Bitcoin. That guy is a wimp.