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969078 No.969078 [Reply] [Original]

I live in a state where a 12 dollar minimum wage increase is most likely going to go on the ballet and most likely going to get passed. Right now minimum wage is only 8.10.

The problem is, I've ran the numbers. A 12 dollar minimum wage would put me out of business. I know people are going to say just downsize but I can't. We already run at the minimum number of employees.

I don't know what to do. The most I'd be able to pay my employees(adjusted for the spiral effect) is 10 dollars an hour. I can't simply raise prices. I already have to compete with WalMart. WalMart wont have to raise their prices and when I get ran out of town they're free to raise theirs again.

I've thought about getting rid of the cashiers and installing self checkout but that's the only job I can replace. Is still need two deli workers minimum, a produce guy, a meatroom guy, a butcher, a stock boy, a person running the computers, a person supervising the self checkouts, a guy to unload trucks and do the freezer, a floor manager, and two or three others.

Even not adjusting for the spiral effect i simply won't have enough to pay. (spiral effect is when the people making more than minimum wage getting pissed and wanting a raise above $12) I simply won't be able to get by. Were not a super high volume store most of our money is in meat and deli sales. If I could magically move my store to a richer town where people appreciated my high quality goods I'd be fine but a lot of people here are cheap as hell.

I've talked with at least 30 independent grocers in the state and half of them said they'll have to close, about 40% said they'll just retire and only a couple guys I've talked to said they'll be able to stay open.

Did WalMart fund this bill or something? Because if it gets passed then every independent grocer is fucked. Im sorry for the rant /biz/ but if this bill gets passed next year I'm fucked right in the ass. Thanks liberals.

>> No.969085

Sounds like you were already losing money anyways if that minimum wage law is going to put you out of business

>> No.969087

If you dont have unprofitable parts of your businees to cut, then you should focus on making more money. Every employer should at least earn his own wage.

Maybe you can sell more kinds of products, like lottery tickets or other products that dont expire. Or let employers do more stuff to provide a better service.

You should make sure you dont become less competitive when you cut expenses.

>> No.969089

Or maybe your butcher can make sausage rolls. Whatever. Just make sure to try stuff out before youre getting in trouble.

>> No.969091

You don't realize how much more in payroll an extra 4 dollars for every employee is. Look at all the businesses that closed in Seattle already.

I would be okay with the law if it was like it was in some other countries, with persons under 21 being exempt from the full minimum wage.

Sorry but financially dependant teenagers deserve $12 an hours for running a cash register and stocking shelves.

>> No.969092

My phone autocorrected me, I meant to say that financially dependent teenagers DON'T deserve 12 dollars an hour.

Maybe in my time I will go out of businesses but in 40 years business owners will have the last laugh when there's cashier robots, shelf stocking robots, butcher robots, etc.

>> No.969093

Where I live there is a butcher who sells healthy take away dinners at the side, which you have to warm up yourself at home. Got a menu on the wall for every day if the week. Just noodles + paprica+ pieces of meat recipe. And people go to his store for it.

>> No.969094

These are nice ideas but we already have a bakery and deli who makes that kind of stuff.

Our deli is a very profitable part of the store and everything is home made but most people don't care about that they'd rather eat cheap garbage from subway or the pig disgusting WalMart deli

>> No.969096

1. The govt won't care about the little guy. They get the taxes no matter who gives it them.

2. Of course big businesses were behind this. Fewer (larger) businesses mean more profit for fewer people. It's a way of destroying business without being seen to destroy them. Your workers will go to work in the new supermarket that will be opening up soon.

>> No.969098

I don't think any supermarkets will open up soon here. There's already a WalMart and an Aldi. Only big business will be able to pay people 12 dollars an hour.

>> No.969103

I was just think. If you know so many small businesses that get in trouble because of it, then you could also unite and lobby to politicians. Politicians need people to talk to about their ideas.

Because 12 dollars a month is more than even my country (the Netherlands) offers. But we do offer better secondary conditions. Maybe politicians are willing to listen to alternatives that wont destroy your businesses if you organize.

Perhaps you could discuss it the organisations who lobby for higher minimum wages as well. Where I live in the Netherlands it's normal for politicians, employer organisations and employee organisations to organize and talk with each other how to create a win-win situation for everyone.

Maybe a group of employers can ask politicians to organize such meetings. Or maybe you could organize it yourself.

>> No.969104

*discuss it with the

>> No.969106

You'd be surprised what a bit of media attention can do, if the frontpage reads your politicians are going to close down 30 small businesses that people like to use.

>> No.969108

A fifty percent increase in employees costs is enough to fuck most businesses right in the ear. You are ignorant and should go back to /b/.

>> No.969110

put prices up, such is the consequence of increased income. after some time (could be 6 months to a year) customers will return as they have increased income due to higher minimum wage and thus it will be like a change never happened. also learn to classical economic theory.

>> No.969113

>small business

I just had a conference call yesterday with a bunch of independent grocers and we've tried but politicians and the people who support the law don't care, their idea of business is WalMart and burger king, people who can take the hit. They don't realize that small business is the heart of america

I just think its funny how the people who complain about wealth inequality and how the US is an "oligopoly" support minimum wage laws that only big business can deal with.

We could try and form up and get a news story, sure, but your average retard wouldn't notice or care.

>just raise prices
That's not how it works, I've already explained why that can't work.

>> No.969115

ok bro let your business die then cause the way you explain it, raising your prices is the only option

>bill probably wont even get passed, and if it does the increase will be less that $12

>> No.969116

You could use illegal immigrants instead.
I got a masters degree, speak three languages and will work for $9/h as long as you protect me from the police - and don't worry, I look white, so I should fool everyone!

>> No.969117

>bill probably won't get passed

You underestimate retards. The bill is the perfect thing for a retard to vote for.

>Stand Up's proposal would raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour followed by a 50 cent increase per year after that

They already have the signatures for it

>> No.969120

I would actually do this but were so far away from the border it doesn't even matter plus the legal issues involving this are something I don't want to get involved in

>> No.969122

At the end of the day politicians are people too.

I have lobbied once myself as well. When they wanted to plant a highway here which would reduce the value of our houses. The green party hates everything involving cars and the socialist party loves to demonstrate so they supported the cause. And the highway got moved to a better location.

>> No.969126
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>12 dollars following 50 cent raises each year

this is literally fucking INSANE

note to self: don't open that subway franchise just yet

>> No.969131

Just increase the price of everything by the proportional ammount, and fire some extra workers, for good measure.

>> No.969133

As someone who would be working in such a job why would I care about your bussiness? I want $12 an hour, Walmart will give me that, than your vacant lot will turn be filled by another mega corproration that can also handle $12 an hour.

>> No.969145

This board is for people who know about business, not nearsighted poorfags who think they deserve 15 dollars an hour for flipping burgers

Those big corporations will simply replace you with machines. McDonalds is already rolling out kiosks and machines that can prepare and make sandwiches

>> No.969147


But McDonald's don't make sandwiches, they make burgers.

>> No.969149

They make both you dingus.

Here's some food for thought

>> No.969151

Start using interns instead of high school kids.

>> No.969152

Like a work study with a local tech school that has a culinary or hotel/restaurant management program.

>> No.969153

why dont you get a real fucking job you slave driver, no sympathy.

>> No.969155

if your business can't pull a profit paying $20 an hour it's sub-pleb tier as fuck

>> No.969156
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Hello comrade!

>> No.969157

Name a business that can afford a 120% increase in wages.

>> No.969158

Change them from w2 employees to 1099 misc
Then you can pay them whatever you both agree on since it's contract labor.

>> No.969159

Federal prison is an awesome retirement plan.

>> No.969160

Only real solution ITT

OP, if that law gets passed(which I don't think it will) do this

>> No.969166

Do this

>> No.969167

Fucking 4chan making me double post today


>> No.969262

Open a section called a euphemism of "trashy" and have all the successful foods and trash products the pig masses like.

Hell maybe you can offer an XXL bag of doritos with every purchase above x amount to celebrate the grand opening.

The only cost is your pride

>> No.969265

Increase your prices accordingly ,if the business starts to sink then close up shop and get a job.

>> No.969271

Have you considered raising your prices OP?

>> No.969284

You could try going upscale. Jack up your prices and sell all that organic shit the yuppies love. It might be a bad fit without knowing the neighborhood though.

Best option might just be to sell the whole thing and move somewhere that isn't fucked like that. Let the commies enjoy their minimum wage while unemployed.

>> No.969292

I'm surprised nobody else suggested this, and I don't know how crazy an idea it sounds but, why don't all the local small businesses form a conglomerate?

Each independent business would be a small branch and because of your out reach you can pull more customers in a wider radius. Each of y'all will have the same specials, same special services like the ready microwave food idea someone suggested, you can offer the same products that subway or some other major deli does but for cheap, you can start using reward points for regular customers...

Not very fleshed out but I don't see another solution that would make as big an impact.

>> No.969294

OP don't forget when the other guys close down you will get their niche customers that don't want shit food. Also consider my point

>> No.969308
File: 115 KB, 530x600, 1444115101718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U have a shitty business if you cant pay 12 dollars

>> No.969310

You should upscale, OP. Adapt to the neighborhood. Go high quality and you will no longer be in competition with Walmart. Or become a Mexican place or a theme relevant to the neighborhood for the same effect.

>> No.969313

You must be in the shit doughnut of being too expensive to be the WalMart (which is pretty much everyone), but too shitty in quality to be the Whole Foods.

You can either compete on improving the quality of the products you sell, and raise the price accordingly, or you can maybe compete on the convenience of not having to drive all the way to the WalMart for basic necessities. Both of those markets already have many competitors in them. Good luck.

>> No.969317

Op here, im on a different computer now. I like this idea. Thanks.
It used to be like that actually, google golden dawn foods. That fell through a long time ago though because of politics
We sell high quality goods and all the things your average whole foods shopper would cream their pants for. We beat WalMart in meat and Bakery easily but this is sadly not the town for that, when the store was founded 60 years ago this town had money. People here are too cheap to care about quality goods.

If I could pack up and move my store to a richer city I'd be scrooge mcduck but that's an impossible feat

Thanks for the replies, (most) of them are helpful

>> No.969323

>Golden dawn foods
The only search result I found was "Orlando's GDF" in Ohio. No article about some dispute.

But from your post the best idea I see for the long run is to sell and relocate, but you said that it's impossible for you right now.

I guess the uni section of popular goods and free bag of Doritos can work for a while ig.

>> No.969324

All of this. Capitalism is about efficiency and adaptation -- if you can't keep up, it was only a matter of time anyways.

> small business is the heart of america
lol get fucked mom&popfag

>> No.969327

An unfortunate event that infamous Greek Neo Nazi party has the same name, Golden Dawn

>> No.969330

How big is your town? If its big enough for multiple independent grocers, there should be a large enough wealthy segment of the populace for you to make it. Are you just in a shitty part of town? What state are we talking about?

>> No.969344

The golden dawn chain was a pretty old thing, it was pretty much gone before the internet was popular, there are some golden dawn stores still around but it's not as prevalent as it was

Government sanctioned shit like that isn't capitalism lad. Next you'll tell me that cable companies are true free market.

We did it first :>]
Not too big, it's in ohio. The village the store is at has some money but its pretty low population and the next WalMart eats all the business from the next town over

>> No.969349

I guess my point is that you never would have been able to compete with Walmart before the wage hike. It may be harder now, but you were only delaying the enevitable. If your business plan on any way shape or form involved competing with Walmart, you were screwed from the start. Moments like this seperate the chaff from the wheat. Either you differentiate your brand now or go under. You would jave died a slow death anyway, since this something you should have done a long time ago.

>> No.969351

>I've thought about getting rid of the cashiers and installing self checkout but that's the only job I can replace. Is still need two deli workers minimum, a produce guy, a meatroom guy, a butcher, a stock boy, a person running the computers, a person supervising the self checkouts, a guy to unload trucks and do the freezer, a floor manager, and two or three others.

Hire higher quality employees. You can get twice the productivity for 1.5 times the rate because you will attract and hire the best.

Meatroom, stock, and produce, frozen foods and receiving could be consolidated to 3 general purpose guys who are good at all 5. Floor manager should be on his feet all day filling in where needed. Same for the guy on the computer.

I worked in a family owned store that competed with wal-mart, the local corporate chain, and Aldis. I worked in a cafe that was supposed to be staffed by 5 people; 4 during the week, and 5 on weekends. We made it work with 4 people on the weekends and 3 during the week. Everyone was good at what they did and we crushed our sales records.

We all moved on over the course of 3 months and they replaced us with people making $8/hr. They can't keep up with service even with 5 people. The turnover is so bad that they finally raised their rates after 6 months to get better people.

There are still a few around the sharon-youngstown area. The few I were in were very ghetto. Old signage, dimly lit isles, and wood grain everywhere made it feel like I went back to 1975.

>> No.969352

Technically every retail and grocery store is competing with WalMart.

>> No.969353

Not at all. Thats like saying Nike is competing with Carhart

>> No.969354

If I sell cheap shit I'm competing with WalMart. If I sell high quality goods im still technically competing with WalMart. Its a semantics issue

>> No.969358

If thats what you think and you arent willing to change, then youve already lost.

You acknowledge that the problem is your competion with Walmart, not the wage hike. Then you go on to say you will continue to compete with Walmart.

Good riddance. Time to clear out the dumber people who cant adapt to the changing landscape.

>> No.969361

> government sanctioned shit isn't capitalism

Welcome to late capitalism, friendo. Enjoy the early retirement.

>> No.969363

Read this thread you fucking poofter who never owned a business before I already talked about that shit
t. bernie sanders supporter

>> No.969372

Thanks for the post

Though I just got an email from ngo about how the recently passed issue 2 will prevent minimum wage from being able to become a ballot issue so maybe I'm not so c.ucked after all, thank you based kasich, I guess this thread doesn't have a point anymore

>> No.969373

I did. You mentioned Walmart in almost every post. So stop competing with Walmart, duh.

All the independent supermarkets in my town have gone so high end that I cant afford to shop at them anymore. But the ones that didnt closed their doors.

The point is its not the wage hike that is gonna kill you, it is your obsession with beating Walmart. Stop selling fucking Doritos and stock Dirty Chips. Sell coke in the bottle. Get a local bakers pastries and bread in there at top dollar. Local coffee. Get the top meat for the deli. Walmart doesnt have topgrade meat. They dont sell bomb sandwiches. They dont offer awesome service. Get your head out of Mr. Waltons ass

>> No.969374

>living in a place where voters can decide how much money they make and not educated economists

America everyone

>> No.969379

>People here are too cheap to care about quality goods.
...Maybe because their wages suck? I like fancy bread and deli meat too but if it's in a sandwich for lunch it doesn't matter that much. Also these foods are regularly stretched, a loaf of bread and a half pound of meat makes a lot of sandwiches.

Are your meat and bread prices 50% higher than Walmart's by any chance?

>I just had a conference call yesterday with a bunch of independent grocers and we've tried but politicians and the people who support the law don't care, their idea of business is WalMart and burger king, people who can take the hit. They don't realize that small business is the heart of america

Sounds like your conference call was with a bunch of losers that are sad their gravy train is ending. Do you care or have passion for your work and business? Do you have leadership skills? This sounds like a follower mentality and you don't deserve sympathy.

>> No.969384


If raising minimum wage put more money into the economy then why isn't it $100 an hour?

>> No.969391

1. false dichotomy
2. diminishing returns

>> No.969392

Is there a "Inefficient Relics Anonymous" group in your area? There seems to be an awful lot you want off your chest. It won't make your business more efficient, but it might calm you down.

> wanting academics to determine wages instead of the market

>> No.969402

Yeah ancient relics like OP dont understand that the government is now a part of the markets. Whether that is good or bad is up for debate, but whether it is true is not. He should have been anticipating a wage hike, since there is clear precedent for it (min wage rises every 5 years or so) and following state and local politics is crutial for a business owner.

Its like if Uber just went along with their business without being proactive about swaying taxi politics in their favor. You think Tesla would have made it without Obama on their team? This goes for stocks, too. Coal has been gettong slaughtered by the EPA. Do I feel sorry for good goys who lost it all buying ACI stock? No, but I'm sure they are blaming their losses on Obama.

TLDR: the government needs to be a part of your biz thought process

>> No.969425
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I want to start trading forex. I am in particular interested in scalping. I have $200k+ capital. Looking to make money from tiny fluctuations. If I dont use leverage with my $200k capital can I still make a small income and reduce my risk significantly?

>> No.969432

Is there currently an exemption to pay students less than the minimum?

Have you looked into increasing your prices to match the wage increase? Can your market segment afford it?

Have you thought about shelf space in other stores, ie restaurants or other small-time premium grocers?

You seem to complain a lot about your location, have you thought about moving to a better location? Or selling your business?

Have you tried catering more to the lunch crowd?

>> No.969433

too little capital from the fluctuations, and unless you have staff it will tear your soul off your body. If i were you i would buy some select stocks or shares of small companies with promising leadership

>> No.969438

Hurray, now you can stick your head back into the ground and pretend the real world doesn't exist again! I guess you can just blame liberals if someone tries to move your cheese again.

>> No.969480

It's funny how you can tell who owns a business and who doesn't on this board

burger flippers don't deserve 15 dollars an hour

>> No.969484

What about gourmet burger flippers?

>> No.969496

This desu

>Cabitalism is about survival of the fittest!!!!!!
>but when my business goes under it's the gubnmint's fault!

>> No.969559

But government ruins businesses every day, by going against the free market.
OP is not complaining about his workers demanding more pay, or saying that a syndicate of cashiers is giving him trouble - no, it he is crying as the coercitive government pierce his anus with its jewish cock, and then forces him to deepthroat it, choking on his own shit.
You can't compare people whining because government don't help them (hurr durr moving manufacturing away to China derrrp) to people whining about government abuse (oh, so it is illegal to do what I have been doing for decades, with the support of my employees, because an arts graduate said so, that is fair!).

>> No.969566

Then they would be a chef thus deserving more pay.

It's about increasing your skills and worth, even burger flippers can make it

>> No.969571

this is a nice strawman

>> No.969580

Nobodys talking about burger flippers or $15/hr.

$12/hr IMO is cheap for employees who provide excellent service at an upscale supermarket. $15 to $20 is typical of this where I live

OP is a jew

>> No.969583
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This one is friendlier.

>> No.969799

You most certainly can, lol

Those TPS reports are due monday

>> No.969812

So glad I'm in the service industry. Min wage hikes don't have anywhere near the impact.

Look what happened to hardware stores once the big box chains took over. You're a dinosaur desu senpai. I have no advice except if the bill passes sell and close up shop before you start taking major losses. The people that 'hang in there' usually get screwed the hardest.

>> No.969835

Nice logic. Capitalistkeks like you just don't understand that I'm entitled to minimum wage.

>> No.969861


Take a pay cut Carnegie, I'm sure you could free up the funds then.

>> No.969880

>government enforcing a price floor
>free market

>> No.969907

If you aren't grounded, Liquidate your assets and go to a state that still provides cheap labour.

>> No.969910


sir, The media doesn't care, There were a group of small size businessmen lobbying against the minimum wage increase but they received little media attention.

Fcking liberals

>> No.969917

Idiot, This is not capitalism, They used the government to reduce competition, In capitalism you serve the interest of the masses, not the politicians in Washington, to get ahead.

Stupid liberals thinking that the government is benevolent and won't misuse it's power, THIS IS WHAT YOU SHITS GET FOR INCREASING THE SIZE OF THE GOVERNMENT.

>> No.969919

No one is entitled to anything, You work for shit, The only way to increase wages artificially in to reduce the supply of jobs. Hence when the minimum wage came to law, Unemployment surged because people were priced out of the job market.

>> No.969927

>Coal has been gettong slaughtered by the EPA.

Natural gas is working with the EPA to put the squeeze on coal. The insurance companies wanted Obamacare because they forced people into buying their product. There is always someone on the other side swaying government policy in their favor and against the competition.

>> No.969930

> Richer Town
do it. Shake it up before you're broke

> Cheap
They're not cheap they're poor and the middle class is being bumped down to they're level faster than ever.

Your market was already stiff. Now its half gone. You need to change markets because only half of you are going to survive this.

>> No.969980

Don't know who was implying that it was a free market.

Enjoy your long rest, fossil.

Welcome to late capitalism.

>> No.969981

>in 40 years business owners will have the last laugh when there's cashier robots
Fortune 500 companies like Walmart are going to own all those robots. Small business is kill.

>> No.970034
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Get this god-filled politcal bullshit back on the mainstream forums. Fuck yourself. Get yourself kneepads and blow your employees so good they stay loyal.

>> No.970044

Exactly. The point is that everyone who will be affected by this regulatory environment needs to be aware.

If you own a grocery store and havent been preparing for a minimum wage increase, you were never gonna make it anyway

>> No.970087

Try to rebrand yourself as a non profit for an animal shelter. Then you can have volunteers work the checkout tills. Since you're supporting animals, you'll have a stream of volunteers.

>> No.970097

sell your store and relocate if the bill passes? it sounds like you're in the wrong market anyways

>> No.970257

Sounds to me like you need to streamline your labor.

I was a butcher, and had to do the meatroom work at the same time.
Boom one guy gone.

Computer guy... Out source that, keeping a guy on staff for only that job is stupid.

Or keep him and make him also a stock boy

Conbine the cs desk and self check if you can.

Get rid of the floor manager.
Replace him with a floor supervisor. Who has no ability to fire or set schedules. Then he isnt a manager and you can pay less.

Convert full time employees into part time and let them only work enough to not have to cover their healthcare under AHC. File for every exemption you can.

Bring in high profit low overhead services.
Lotto tickets, tobacco, liqueur.
Long term. You need to relocate to an area that can support your business.

Find a 90%white suburban area.

>> No.970315

Waaaaaaaaaahhh I can't underpay my workers any more??? ;-;

>> No.970566

This guy gets it.

>Is still need two deli workers minimum, a produce guy, a meatroom guy, a butcher, a stock boy, a person running the computers, a person supervising the self checkouts, a guy to unload trucks and do the freezer, a floor manager, and two or three others.

"Computer guy" is now an independent contractor who works for below min wage, sets their own hours but only in your specified windows.

Meatroom and butcher are now combined.

Your "floor manager" should be a minimum wage positions. They should watch the self checkout. If that's not possible. Contract a independent contractor to do it.

Stock boys should be unloading trucks.

Does your store have a pharmacy? One of the grocery stores in my home town started to compete with Walmart, was getting crushed so they started to become upscale and put a lot of emphasis on their pharmacy. They now have 3-4 pharmacists working during the day. Old people all go there because the alternatives are Walmart (who has one pharmacist) or Walgreens (which is expensive as all fuck). Old people aren't mobile so when they go get their 30 bottles of pills, they also buy their groceries because another trip to walmart is too much for them.

Does your state allow for small business exemptions? Min wage is lower here for small businesses. We also have lower wages for people under 18 and a limited length training wage (90 days) for people under 20.

>> No.970583

>going to go on the ballet

No wonder your business sucks. You can't even spell. It's called ballot.

>> No.970598

Liquidate your assets now, even humans.

>> No.970604


>> No.970606

>selling high quality goods to low income customers
>thanks liberals
Yeah, it's the liberals fucking you over m8

>> No.970611


Same redditor

>> No.970615

This makes perfect sense but then again, it can't be this simple right?

>> No.970631

found the redditor >>970611

>> No.970644


Are you stupid?

Because it looks like you're stupid.

>> No.970657


If the minimum wage is raised to 12$ an hour, you're not going to get "excellent service" for that.

The people you're talking about will start demanding 15 or more, because why should they get the same as an idiot who was doing 8$/hr three days ago and whose pay only got raised because of the government?

>> No.970663

Because the idiots just got fired.

>> No.970687


Yeah, I guess anyone can just fire half their workforce and keep going.

>> No.970731

>half their workforce
Keep knocking down those strawmen and one day you could write an Obama speech

>> No.970788

I do find it ridiculous how this is supposedly going to help with wealth inequality.

can nobody realize that its really just as simple as addressing the fact that 0.0001% of the population is making obscene amounts of money through what should be illegal means? rather than assuming 70% should be doing "as good as"/close to the next 20%, and ignoring the 10% that control the means of production.

jesus fuck. just make taxes actually progressive. its that. fucking. easy. all people need to do is realize thats not actually happening for half of all of america's wealth, conveniently controlled by half a dozen fat assholes in a board room.

>> No.970864

invest some money in automating the production process...

>> No.971216


The guy is in a low margin, highly competitive market. His product isn't good enough to draw customers away from Wal-Mart, he's not smart enough to reduce shrink, and he thinks he can't afford $4/hr for 12-14 employees but is thinking about putting in SCOs (bare-bones ones with only barcode and card acceptance run $10k new, 7-8k used, EACH. Since he's a grocer, he'll need ones with scales and whatnot. NCR's bare bones SCO stations run $24-28k each, plus vendor support for POS operations.)

Long and short, he's a shitty businessman in a hard corner of the market. Fuck'em, this is a capitalist country.

>> No.971221


>> No.971222

Are you really that dumb? Capitalism, n: "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

Capitalism is the exact OPPOSITE of serving the interests of the masses. A capitalist society serves exactly ONE person, the capitalist. The government bows to his whims.

This guy isn't enough of a capitalist to matter.

>No one is entitled to anything
>In capitalism you serve the interests of the masses

You really are a dumb fucker, aren't you?

>> No.971235

> small business is the heart of america
>lol get fucked mom&popfag
This. The reason big box retailers were able to take over and sweep "Main Street" into the wastebin is because "Main Street" is too expensive, too decentralized, too disorganized, too slow and too stupid to fight a mass-market retailer, and didn't fucking know enough not to.

Look at every successful small business. Notice anything? Not a one is a large scale retailer. They've ceeded that niche to the grayfields. They've all relaunched themselves as "quality over quantity." That's why there are local gun shops all over, despite Wally World having FFL's. That's why rare book sellers continue to exist and generate profits (per unit) that make Amazon jealous. That's why a guy who's good with his hands can still make furniture and sell it for thousands. That's why jewelers like Mike Carroll can sell through Amazon, and on his own site, for the same price. Quality. Your average mom&pop sell the exact same garbage that you can get at Wal-Mart but can't get the bulk discount. Of course they're going to fail.

>> No.971287

Yes, this is what we tried to tell him, but OP has his heart set on taking down Mr. Walton by selling Doritos and giant boxes of bite-size corndogs.

>> No.972282


When walmart has 99.9% market share you're going to regret this "fuck them".

>> No.972288


This guy gets it. If you cant pay people a meager $12/hr then somethin aint right.

>> No.972332

Speaking from experience forex is extremely difficult be careful.

>> No.972346

So, never. Got it.

>> No.972358
File: 401 KB, 290x172, urkel gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling any sympathy for someone who has enough money to start a business but won't pay his employees more than $10/hr

>> No.972370
File: 17 KB, 239x200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now more then ever you should be cutting prices not raising them?

what the fuck.. why would anyone shop there?

>> No.972392


yes they do.

Your concept of proper payment has gotten out of whack.

Perhaps you should be exploring ways to make your employees more effective for your business.

You say that not enough people appreciate a specialy grocery? Well what if you paid a guy to go door to door with a pitch and a flyer? Or a sign spinner?

>> No.972396

>I've ran the numbers.
>and when I get ran out of town
>Thanks liberals.

I think this just about says it all.

>> No.972408

>being this uneducated

>> No.972428

Because you can't compete, you're shitty business deserves to fail. Better, more efficient businesses that can afford to pay their employees a living wage and still turn a profit will replace yours.

>> No.972448

I'm willing to bet that you take a good amount of money from the cookie jar and don't want to pay the workers a living wage because you want to keep living your luxury standard of living.

>> No.972464

The businesses that closed in Seattle were restaurants thatalmost always operate at miniscule margins. Grocery stores are not restaurants

>> No.972973

This is a high school tier point but I would like to see it discussed by /biz/. Are big businesses not taxed enough? If yes, why is this the case and why does it continue? Is it really just political power? In the first place, should they be taxed more?

>> No.972983

good fuck you you poor bastard get a life quit leeching off everyone you can get in your clutches

>> No.973004

Why not? As an individual, I get taxed on the money I make. Then, I pay my expenses. As I pay expenses, I also pay sales taxes.

As a business owner, you get your income, remove the expenses, and any sales tax paid becomes part of cost of good sold. Only at this point do they get taxed.

So is it really fair that businesses both get to pay taxes on their net income and generally pay lower tax rates (sometimes on millions of dollars) when even people making 8/hr have to pay taxes on their gross income?

>> No.973122

Aldis already paid 12/hr

>> No.973145



>> No.973152

>can't afford to pay employees a living wage without your business going under
>everyone else is the problem!

I know it's been mentioned upthread. Just felt it deserved repeating. Get fucked, OP.

>> No.973206

>who think they deserve 15 dollars an hour for flipping burgers
Why dont they again anon?

Humans have always survived on low skill jobs for all of Human history. Farming and hunting are simple. Why does everyone have to have some ridiculous skill set to justify having a living, enjoyable wage.

This isnt bait, honestly why be so cruel about this.

>> No.973397

If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage then you had a failure of a business to begin with.

It's kind of poetic though. You'd tell the poor to just find a better job if they said they couldn't live on the wage they were making. Similarily, sounds like you'll need to come up with a better business idea if you can't afford to stay afloat. Tough shit.

Pull yourself up by your boot straps.

>> No.973400

Sorry, but your business doesn't deserve to stay alive.

Good luck finding a job though, bud.

>> No.973411

Who fucking cares about small businesses.

Sorry you're not good enough at capitalism to accommodate paying workers a decent wage. Sucks for you!

>> No.973414

This isn't fucking capitalism you retards, it's government that has intervened and deliberately stopping competition.

>> No.973568


glad to see some people on this board that fucking get it.

>> No.974721

Quit while you're in the profit, and go work for someone else. If your business can't pay people a dignified living wage, it doesn't deserve to exist.
Since you're probably a useless, shitty businessman, it would be satisfying to know you went back to doing some shitty, gruelling work for shit wages.

>> No.974729


Labour isn't worth $10 an hour. Reason why I'm not expanding my business beyond myself and a few contractors. Not worth it. Too much red tape.

But OP's problem is market. It's like trying to run a Publix in the ghetto. Niggas don't care bout that shit.

>> No.974732

.I run a profitable house cleaning business avoiding minimum wage laws. I know spanish so I hire illegal inmigrants who only know spanish and aren't very keen on laws and rights. Pay them $6 hr, plus transportation.

Fire those expensive employees and look for cheap inmigrant labor.