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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 149 KB, 1199x520, Lol_bizlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9781130 No.9781130 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz. Oldfag here. I see larping biz fags here happy with a 30% gain when 300% used to be normal in a couple days a year ago.

In short terms, pajeets and chinks completely ruined it. Similar to how MBA's thought they were smart trading american craftsmanship and materials for chineseium shit and fucking our economy.

Yes, don't invest in the top team in crypto. Yes, don't invest in a team with possible Heineken ties. Yes, don't invest in coins with actual fintech possibilities.

And guess what, 90% of faggots here can't invest....You want to know why? It's on a reputable american exchange called Bittrex. One you faggots can't even register for.

Eat shit biz. I can't wait to buy american made welding equipment with my gains.

>> No.9781210

Ohhh... is your chinesium shitcoin in the top 93 crypto ratings? Ohh wait it isn't?

What a shame.


>> No.9781249

Have fun buying my bags on binance, dirty chink gutter oil dog eating fags


>> No.9781351
File: 201 KB, 800x260, LOLOLOLTRONIVESTORS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lololool buy tron

>> No.9781374

Agreed. What non chink / gook / pjeet coins do you recommend?

>> No.9781379

Just proves this board is fucking dead and devoid of independent thought. Nuke this shit

>> No.9781404
File: 69 KB, 731x709, 1528279464759-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty thread

>> No.9781435

300% in a couple days was NEVER normal a few years ago
a few years ago you were lucky to make 2% in a couple days


>> No.9781449

Fuck off I made shitloads off bitbean and verge both were like 40x which is 4000x over a span of 6 months lol

>> No.9781463

lol how can I be as enlightened as you? I know crazies ate shit for enlightment. Maybe you should take the next step and move your shit from street to your mouth.

>> No.9781492

said years ago nigger not fucking months ago getting lucky in a bullrun

>> No.9781502

American and german tools will always be superior to Chinese shit. For the simple fact american craftsman take pride in their work and treat every piece as a signature of their work while chinks are just trying to pay for their workcamp room and bord and a cup of rise from the company commissary lololol

>> No.9781548

June 2017 was a year ago.

I suggest you get some sunlight and a hobby to extend your perception of time.

>> No.9781551

Fuck off, I'm from the Netherlands and your shitty country sucks, you guys don't even check id when voting. Truly pathetic third world coruption, enjoy your fluoride tap water and GMO food. America sucks just as hard as this thread, you're practically talking to yourself, look at how many of the replies are you. Fuck off.

>> No.9781710
File: 98 KB, 855x723, 1516070274821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha another EU union cuck country.

>> No.9781743

I'm glad for fud it means I can get more coins cheap b4 the WBF declares IOC the top team of blockchain and admit Heineken as their fist business user.

>> No.9782315
File: 176 KB, 471x483, 1526352887325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I'm 90% of the posters in this thread and it's still alive and in the middle of the catalog lololol.
Proves this is a shit dead board and should be purged.

>> No.9782444

>i'm 90%
it just means your thread makes no sense to anyone except you, so people don't mind to distract you from enjoying company of yourself

>> No.9782530

IOC is a shitcoin