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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9985422 No.9985422 [Reply] [Original]

So what does /biz/ think ? Will we finally go under 6 k ?

>> No.9985434

of course we are, but not this week

>> No.9985441

when do you think it will happen ?

>> No.9985465

Honestly, I don't know
Only thing i know we will be having lots of fun.

>> No.9985464
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likely go under 2500

>> No.9985470

After a proper bounce to 7k.

>> No.9985491

5989 will be the bottom
25K by mid August
ETH 3200 and LTC 800

>> No.9985495


I still haven't decided where I want to set my buy in the $2-2.5k range

>> No.9985548

yhea this place will never be the same. .

>> No.9985555

I still believe this, but by mid-November. Glad I'm not all in.

>> No.9985604

/biz/ has become eternally bearish, so you will absolutely find people here saying that we're going under $6k
>"BTC is heading for $2500"
>"BTC under $1k EOY"
>"BTC -$2500 by 2020"

>> No.9985618
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nobody here is bearish except me

>> No.9985622
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At 4K I'll start turning, I expect the bottom around October, l dominance still pretty fucked.

>> No.9985628
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Looks like Kek confirms
still time to acumulate

>> No.9985670

There are more people giving up than there are new suckers looking to get a lambo. There will be much more capitulation before there is any chance of a steady climb.

>> No.9985696

Quads confirm

>> No.9985697

I expect -20 -30% day/days to shake absolutly all weak hands.

>> No.9985706

realistic desu

>> No.9985742

I would nut

>> No.9985773

If we go down to 2k why buy in at all, might aswell let it die off then. Crypto was a nice idea, but giving the responsibility of not losing your funds to the end user is not something that can EVER find large adoption.

>> No.9985858

So if it drops below say 5k and its no longer profitable to mine, from electricity standpoint, are the fees in trading enough to maintain that price?

>> No.9985868

some of you are alright so I'll teach you guys how it works

usually you can calculate the cost of mining 1 BTC. You just need to get all the variables (hash difficulty, hashrate, average cost of energy, hardware power consumption, etc) and get an approximate average

last time the BTC fell >6000 USD it was IMMEDIATELY bought by a lot of miners (because ofc it was cheaper for them to buy BTC instead of mining them)

what is different this time is that mining in venezuela is getting more and more popular because it is EXTREMELY advantageous to do so in that country (not only people actually use bitcoin but they have amongst the cheapest energy in the planet in USD value). As big miners move more and more towards venezuela, the average cost of 1 BTC keeps falling

so yea, expect it to go much lower than 6000 this time until miners start buying again

>> No.9985880

Utter delusion incarnate

>> No.9985888

>If we go down to 2k why buy in at all, might aswell let it die off then.

Is this your first crypto boom and bust? This is the standard cycle. Big high, followed by big low to a little above the high of the previous bullrun (which for this cycle would be somewhere above $1.2k)

>> No.9985889

The mining cost will go down if the price of BTC goes down. Bitcoin could drop to $1k and mining cost would adjust. BTC would still work.

>> No.9985923

So are you saying that supply and demand have nothing to do with BTC and the price is ultimately determined by the cost (of electricity) to mine

>> No.9985927

Lel why would they buy if everyone is selling ? What are they going to do with those coins if no one wants them ?

>> No.9985946

This, back to 1k is a possibility. Interesting thought really.

>> No.9985965

>back to 1k is a possibility

I personally think that's a little too low. Anywhere in the $2-2.5k range I'm thinking is going to be the bottom

>> No.9985967

difficulty will raise by a good 10% in ten days. So this scenario might take a bit to realize, as it doesn't look like the hashrate is about to take a hit

>> No.9985999

i honestly dont know i was hope for bounce back to 6200-6300 to even considering to go back in but it looks like we may be under 6k today in that case i will short again

>> No.9986139

i also think we will reach 6000 today. The probability is kinda high.

>> No.9986435

~5700 in 7 hours

>> No.9986466

Based on?

>> No.9986529

Miners don't buy bitcoin
Difficulty adjustment keeps it profitable to mine at any price point
You are dumb

>> No.9986838

6k is a massive psychological barrier. If it drops below with conviction there will likely be an
even more significant drop. Similar to what happened last week when the 4 month Meme Triangle finally broke at 7k and we almost immediately plummeted to year to date low of 6.1k.
I'm not sure what the bottom would be after 6k falls.

>> No.9986955

what I described IS supply and demand

go read the whitepaper

>> No.9987347

YTD low wasn’t 6.1k, it was like 5900 or even a little under.

>> No.9987369
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Of course, there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.9987444

> I personally

>> No.9988074

we going down under 6k of course

>> No.9988089

down to zero like all fiat currencies