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9045105 No.9045105 [Reply] [Original]

>that 30 year old boomer that holds cryptos

>> No.9045128

I didn't know we were in the 60's-80's (I think that's right).

>> No.9045129

30 year olds aren't boomers but you're right, it's sad. It's like that 23 year old who still goes to high school parties

>> No.9045131

Pretty sure 30 year olds fall into millenial (or generation y) and not boomer.

>> No.9045134

Started at 25 you poor newfag

>> No.9045155

>that 18-24 virgin that lives at home and larps intellectual on biz

>> No.9045161

hey there son... are ya winning?

>> No.9045173

>poor neet who will never not be a wage cuck

>> No.9045175

ya because as we all know once you turn 30 you no longer like making easy money by dumping on retarded young poorfags

>> No.9045178
File: 199 KB, 834x412, 1497411177994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 50 year old millennial with no gf

>> No.9045192

>mfw gen x
>mfw no crypto
>mfw will retire early on savings and stock

fuck off kid

>> No.9045201

I prefer the term "knowledge artisan"

>> No.9045213

>30 years old

Anon, I...

>> No.9045226

If I'm 30 and not self employed or at least have an interesting job+ unlimited supply of Snapchat thots I'd unironically kill myself. Either way, I wouldn't have the time of day to think about nerdboy money

>> No.9045313

better go long on rope right now then

>> No.9045336

>32 year old "boomer"
>$5-10k in passive income every month from online business
>$1 mil in crypto
>house, car, wife
>completely satisfied with life

you do realize that most of us 30+ year olds were the real early adopters, and you're just pumping up our investments, right?

>> No.9045361
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>that gen z tide pod eater who "trades" crypto

>> No.9045388

Similar situation here. The boomers were our parents. I grew up playing nintendo and learning how to program (on DOS). The fundamentals haven't changed.
The fundamentals will soon with AI.

>> No.9045443


>> No.9045459
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>30 year old boomer

>> No.9045582

You wont make it

>> No.9045611
File: 37 KB, 385x350, wojakoldmong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 25 year old that trades crypto

>> No.9045631


OP can't into math at all.......

>> No.9045632

>I grew up playing nintendo and learning how to program (on DOS)

nintendo, game boy, AOL chat rooms, visual basic, making flash games and videos

those were the days


>> No.9045721

Why all the salt? I'm working on my business right now, I have almost eight years. Starting your own business isn't that hard just enough to pay myself

>> No.9045918


>> No.9046244

>that 30 yr old who looks at supercar that will never able to afford

>> No.9046287

>that 30 year old who can afford a lambo but is no longer a manchild that cares about meaningless shit

>> No.9046953
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my sides

>> No.9046984

lol I'm 28 and I go to high school parties regularly

>> No.9047021

What are 30 year olds allowed to do exactly according to fifteen year olds?

>> No.9047108
File: 38 KB, 800x450, C5E0CBD8-22D7-4993-8853-0C953B838ACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 000 year old cro-magnon that holds rocks

>> No.9047141

Don't feed the low t gen z trolls. They're effectively sterile lesbians

>> No.9047147

>30 yo boomer

is this the birth of an epic new meme ??

>> No.9047168


>mfw my job is writing smart contracts

get rekt

>> No.9047174

fucking why, i can think of no worse thing

>> No.9047180



>> No.9047187

>implying AI wasn’t already invented 2 years ago

>> No.9047203

Getting high school pussy? How is that sad? I pick up chicks at high school parties then bring them back to my dorm on campus.

>> No.9047222

30 yr old here, i remember life before the internet, you millennials were born into the matrix.

>> No.9047265

Nope, $500k/year welder (in a low cost of living area) was the meme to kill all other memes. Nothing compares.

>t. Weld-Daddy

>> No.9047300

>42 yrs old

Some day ill make it bros :’(

>> No.9047338

It's pathetic. You are pathetic.

>> No.9047401

>i remember life before the internet

Is that suppose to be a good thing? Yeah, I'm pretty sure a medieval peasant would be proud because he lived before the vaccine
Fuck off, boomer

>> No.9047441

>only 5 years til I'm a boomer
Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.9047453

Being in favor of vaccines, now theres a good goy

>> No.9047500


Antennial here from the future, year 2050.
Millenials destroyed the human race with their pussy whipped ways and homosexual and anti gun ideology.

Planet was invaded by extraterrestrials and everyone was too busy fucking and doing drugs (because it was all made legal from your repetitive bitching) and didn't know how to use firearms and were afraid of loud noise.

Fuck off, millennial.

>> No.9047517


Trips confirmed

>> No.9047526

I Remember having a rotary dial

I remember the first time someone showed me the internet. Was like 94. Seemed boring cuz nothing was on it

>> No.9047532

>Is that suppose to be a good thing?

It was, because it was something new and unchartered. I remember when having a computer and internet was a novelty that not many people had. It was seen as something only for geeks and nerds. I don't think many people could have predicted it would become such a part of our everyday lives.

it's comparable to crypto in many ways

>> No.9047558
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1523362567799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 20 year old with a $600 crypto portfolio

>> No.9047702


>> No.9047743

Being there while the internet popularity arrived allowed me to see social media and the likes for what it is, just consumer bullshit. Never really used any of it, never stared at apps on my phone, but seeing it as the next thing I dropped out college to make money off the youngsters getting sucked into the first wave of browser based games, myspace apps, then facebook games, then mobile games, and now running a crypto exchange. I'll be here in the shadows taking a percentage off your every move online millenial, someones gotta be the product around here.

Being there before it all happened was interesting as it slowly seeped into everyones lifes. Ill never forget the first time seeing a URL on a tv commercial. It sounds weird but it left a large impression on me. I view the internet more as a tool but get the feeling sometimes younger people only view it as a form of entertainment.

>> No.9047758

Used a rotary phone here too, being born in the 80s was the best. Early pcs and dial up sucked fat monkey cheeks though.

>> No.9047816

Grats for all your (You)s OP

>> No.9047846

You kids will never know what it was like to wonder about something, if you can't find information you just get distracted by something else.

>> No.9047960


they cant even comprehend that we were using pagers and payphones not too long ago

>> No.9048027

>Pretty sure 30 year olds fall into millenial (or generation y) and not boomer.

Gen X forgotten again...

>> No.9048055

Why did you come here when reddit would have existed at your age?

>> No.9048339

>that 30 year old who can throw $20k at random shitcoins whenever he feels like

>> No.9048490

they suck at sex cuz they havent done shit. incredibly insecure etc. Its just fishing for low tier shit.