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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10918050 No.10918050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread concerns:
- How to get a cosplay gf/bf
- Con hookups
- Anything related to romance, dating, and sex at cons

>Required reading

>Should I make my own thread?
No! Mods will remove it.

>Will I be able to get laid at a con if I can't get laid in real life?

>Thread question:
Have you hit on people at cons? Have you been approached yourself? In either case, how did it go?

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10918043 No.10918043 [Reply] [Original]

Tips for a Hex Maniac Cosplay? Im trying to decide the perfect shade of hair color too

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>> No.10918770

hey man, leave her alone.

>> No.10918798
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>> No.10919015


>> No.10919606

I look like this and say this

>> No.10919842


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10917762 No.10917762 [Reply] [Original]

Hii everyone. Here's my Ganyu cosplay, what do you all think of it? Thinking of wearing this to a con.

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>> No.10917946


>> No.10917968

Guessing Colossal Prime

>> No.10917980

I'd eat your ass so hard that you would lactate my brown watered saliva.

>> No.10917994

change top to plastic

>> No.10918502
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"That's not you..."

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10917652 No.10917652 [Reply] [Original]

I was at Anime Central on Saturday, mostly hanging around in the artists alley but I caught a glimpse of someone in really old militaria gear that didn't look German, what I remember most is that they were carrying around a yellow anti-tank weapon? A panzerfaust or panzershrek is what I think its called. Was wondering if anyone on here saw them too, or took any pictures. The best I got was on someones video with the Finn in the background on the left.

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>> No.10917937

Reactionaries like Finland because it's a way to launder their right wing politics as being "anti-imperialist." Finland asked for Allied assistance in the Winter War against the USSR but quickly recalculated their math and decided that Nazi Germany was actually the strongest power in Europe and threw their lot in with them. When I say threw their lot in with them I mean actively helped the Nazi war machine and had dedicated SS units. Not like a self preservation alliance while they pursued their own national interests like how they like to paint it. It wasn't until late in the war when it became clear the Nazis would lose WWii that the Fins flipped and "joined" the Allies. So, as cowardly as any Italian but since fought the Soviets, aided the US in the Cold War and they weren't first on the bus with Nazi Germany like Italy was we largely look the other way when it comes to their past in WWii and let them launder their history with dog shit movies like Sisu to gloss over their past. We forgave Italy too, bc they rolled over and I think the Italian Americans just couldn't hold a grudge, but we also won't let them forget they were fascist unlike all of the Baltic states, large factions in Ukraine, and most of the Nordic states where just allow them to pretend like they didn't pick the Nazis.

>> No.10917938

There was a group of SS Reenactors who used to go to ACEN until like 2014 when due to drama with some of the Hetalia people they banned hakenkreuz.

Also shit like that Miku - SS guy and random reenactors

>> No.10917950
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Oh if he was actually Finnish I might be wrong. Go figure

>> No.10917965
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Yeah as I said, stuff like that happened years- a decade ago. Perhaps this is a new page in Acen history? First the Finn and then everyone else gets on the band wagon? I can only imagine what the next years will be like.

If I’m not wrong someone else asked if he was the Finnish sniper. He said it was “one of the inspirations”.

>> No.10918101

Whiter than all of /pol/

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10917597 No.10917597 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>10903515

Featured Idols: Nonsweet CA

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>> No.10920331

the amount of clout she has is a bit overboard though honestly. i dont vibe with her at all but i guess thats a crime to say in this community now. there are much better dancers and better vocalists than her, more good looking performers with greater stage presence and music is arguable. her music is nice but i cant bring myself to like her much

>> No.10920332

well fair but thats not the point of being an idol

>> No.10920356

it is for jpop! maybe in kpop where everyone is a robot its not cute to be awkward, but in jpop? yes. i don't know how people miss this distinction.

>> No.10920430

did anyone see any of these performances? how were they?

k-poppies have irreparably damaged the overseas idol community.

>> No.10920466

the point of being an idol is sharing your growth journey with an audience.

objectively, it would be nice if paida did get better stamina and confidence for lives. however, ultimately not everyone will appeal to everyone. she deserves her success because she has a clear artistic vision for her work and has been consistently working on idol stuff since the mid 2010s.

I think her success and other idol's success who you think are better can co-exist. so for the ones who tou think deserve more recognition, be a better fan and push for them to grow too by sharing their content more and giving them supportive comments and more engagement.

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10917568 No.10917568 [Reply] [Original]

It's my first time cosplaying and I want some tips

(You can find my name pretty much anywhere lol )

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10917456 No.10917456 [Reply] [Original]

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion

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>> No.10918005


you're ignoring

but sure, CGL is more cunty than most lolita spaces.

>> No.10920202

Eh gotta disagree with you there. A man taking you to a store without the intention of buying anything for you is not some high-effort action. Anyone can drag their gf to the mall and stand around with her... even teen boys do that.

>> No.10920206

The bar is on the floor at this point. Men think knowing anything about their girlfriends is too much effort if they don't get instant sex.

>> No.10920229
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>ask gf to put on something nice cuz we're going out to some place fancy
>she puts on lolita fashion

>> No.10920260
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Fr though.
>"Babe! I found a store that sells all that stuff you like and I'm taking you there today!"
>gf gets all excited
>get to store
>"OMG honey this is so sweet of you!! Can I really get anything I want?"
>"Well sure babe, of course you can get as much as you want... you're the one paying for it after all. :)"

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10917374 No.10917374 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

We've be blowing through threads, might as well let it roll with some general discussions.

What cons are you getting ready for?
Any new cosplay you're working on?
Upcoming events or news you'd like to share?

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>> No.10920339

Any of you faggot have a link to the alconholic discord? Google search doesnt show shit

>> No.10920387


They stole the "acen" link name - but this is what you're looking for.


Trade you for an invite to Midwest Con Goers. Haven't been in since Arby nuked the first one. Or whichever iteration that was.

>> No.10920395

>Anonymous 06/03/24(Mon)15:40:51 No.10920387▶

Unfortunately, Midwest Con Goers doesn't have a general invite link that everyone can use. I left the server cause it's nonstop full of drama and it's toxic. It's one where you won't get an invite link unless someone already invites you in here.

>> No.10920396
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I wonder why no one in michigan has made a cosplay server for just Michifags. I should just do it.

>> No.10920399

Not really much drama these days. The only people who says that are people who starts the drama

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10917166 No.10917166 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

share light or casual gothic lolita coords

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>> No.10920417
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>> No.10920418
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>> No.10920419
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>> No.10920420
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>> No.10920422
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10916935 No.10916935 [Reply] [Original]

july 18-21 pittsburgh, pa stop ignoring it's existence

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>> No.10917736

Think part of it is that PA is weirdly devoid of strictly anime cons. Colossal East is growing overbloated and beyond that all I know are Zenkai and Setsu. I like Tekko but it definitely feels like one of the weaker cons I've been to desu
>that fundraiser shit

>> No.10917778

ntayrt, but a year or two ago they held a fundraiser for 100k to keep tekko alive because of some shit like con/venue prices raising after covid. kinda sad how after the fundraiser and how much they made, the con is still kinda mid and they've barely announced any guests this year

>> No.10917869

Ah okay I see, I remember hearing something last year about a fundraiser but none of the deets. The guest trickle has been pretty weird but I don't usually go to cons primarily for guests anyways. I find it weirder that between that fundraiser and holding Sangawa Project this year (iirc priced relatively the same as Tekko complete with badge upgrades despite it being like several years since it was last held and being so so much smaller) seemingly none of that extra cash has been put toward any big announcements or big upgrades at all.

>> No.10919893

Not that I agree but the fundraiser wasn't to make the con better it was to pay back the money lost due to 2020 being cancelled. Tekko is slowly bleeding out and running out of resources and guests willing to come back.

>> No.10919905

Oh no I figured it was to mainly make up for COVID debts, but at the same time it doesn't exactly feel like a con trying to bounce back on a second wind or whatever as a result.
>Tekko is slowly bleeding out and running out of resources and guests willing to come back.
Even then I hope it doesn't go under desu because PA is just fucking ass when it comes to cons for whatever reason. Everything in Philly is comics or just general Fan Expo shit and Colossal East is crowded out the ass and comes with the Kalihari staff treating you like shit. Is Zenkai any good? I have no idea.

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10916805 No.10916805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are your physiques coming along, anons?

You are hitting the gym... right?

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>> No.10916807

by a bit of muscle you mean ottermode or just not-auschwitz mode?

>> No.10916813
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IM NOT GONNA GET THE 6 PACK IN TIME! AHHHHHHHHH. It's fine. I'm 31 and it's fucking hard to slim down that much. Down 28lbs since I started going hard in March. Still going to look better than a lot of the trash bags at Colossal.

I'd like to thank for for my ridiculously high standards and dysmorphia.

>> No.10916814

"I'd like to thank /fit/ "
Also 32 this year. Not 31.

>> No.10916818
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I'm pretty tall and have very manly head structure, but my body structure is fucked up. My rib cage is unreasonably thin, flat and long. So I'm taking advantage of it and building a foam muscle suit to wear under the clothes. Since I'm so thin I can pad myself into any shape I want.

Play into your strengths, people.

>> No.10916820


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10916637 No.10916637 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

"Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them." edition

>>10915881 (previous thread)
>>10915378 (previous previous thread)
>>10913960 (previous previous previous thread)

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

What lasting impressions did ACEN 2024 leave you with?
Anything you want to see changed for next year?
What cons will you be attending next?
Any lost connections you wish you could reconnect?
How much is the Hyatt charging you for the damages that were caused to your room over the weekend?

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>> No.10917886

No he's 14.

>> No.10917888

He's only 14 in bed

>> No.10917967

obituary posted and new gofundme posted. Whatever is or is not true about the person, I do know they lost their battle with mental health and that's sad. Pour one out.

>> No.10917992
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Group cosplay idea for ACEN '25
4 people as swat dudes
1 person as hyatt door #1069
1 person or just a large plush of a rabbit cosplay

who's in

>> No.10918398

White Castle

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10916374 No.10916374 [Reply] [Original]

Naka-Kon is this weekend so I figure I'd make a post.

What are you cosplaying?
What panels are you planning to attend?
Is there a non-formal dance/rave this year?

Posting mah slab or iron since I'll be Guts on Saturday.

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>> No.10918241

I think the Kon itself just isn’t very notable these days. I haven’t seen it advertised anywhere, and all the other local-ish cons seem to overshadow it with all the big names they bring in. I don’t recognize any of the guests for Naka-Kon at all. I don’t know anyone who still goes and when I told some people that are into anime and stuff about it, they had no idea there was a convention going on this weekend.

>> No.10918273

Misako is there.

>> No.10918378

I know it was on the downturn before but it doesn't help covid nearly killed it. I think they are still trying to build it back up and will eventually get the larger names to visit again. But I guess only time will tell.

>> No.10918395

I really don't see much of a reason to go out there these days, especially given the current economic times. I consider myself one of the old school veterans of the con and I've had to accept the fact that myself and whatever group I associated myself with has gone their separate ways. It's a not a bad thing but that's just how life is.

>> No.10918407

Well, I still had a lot of fun at the con today regardless. Bought some cool stuff, saw some neat cosplays, and hung out with some cool people at the game areas.

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10916175 No.10916175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Going for the witcher look.

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10915970 No.10915970 [Reply] [Original]

Cultured jfashionistas at galleries, museums, art installations, etc.

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>> No.10918637
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>> No.10918641
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>> No.10919304
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>> No.10919305
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>> No.10919348
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10915881 No.10915881 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

rip BOZO, rest in piss, you will not be missed edition

Required readings:
>>10915378 (previous thread)
>>10913960 (even previouser thread)

May 17th-19th, 2024 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Anyone still here? Why?
Any last minute happenings today on the last day?
Absolute highlight of the con?
Absolute lowlight of the con?
Anything you want to see changed for next year?

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>> No.10917645

Aren't you the guy who hosts the orgies? How do y'all not get infected with every STD under the sun?

>> No.10917646

Anime cons are normie now. I mean all the drama over fucking party crews and groups in the last fuckin 5 threads shows that.

>> No.10917647

That's WendigoWithWifi who hosts the orgies, you're responding to AtJap13

>> No.10917648

My bad. I remember seeing him at the room at Magic after it was over. idk why I assumed he was the host

>> No.10917650


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10915813 No.10915813 [Reply] [Original]

NärCon Summer 2024, 25-28 july
>66 days away
Anyone going to be there?
Will you be cosplaying, and if so what?
What are you most looking forward to this edition?
Experiences from past years?

>> No.10916242

erfarenhet från ugf 10 år sen om jag inte minns fel:
>jättelång kö att komma in
>nästan allt som musiken och dealers booths skedde utomhus... det regnade.
>en del av det som skedde inomhus kostade pengar
>nästan ingen cosplayade
>jag försökte prata och skapa nya vänner men det gick inte av.

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10915679 No.10915679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious replies only please

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10915427 No.10915427 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10902439

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>> No.10919997

is the bag real leather or pleather? dry rot is typically just degradation of the material usually caused by UV

>> No.10919998

Pleather. Think melty moon

>> No.10920011

yeah that's peeling. it's just something that happens to pleather sooner or later

>> No.10920031

Its not dry rot. Its just plastic peeling over time. Dry rot isnt a thing for plastic, because well how do you think a fungus can eat plastic?

>> No.10920173
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How often does ETC restock popular colorways? I wanted to get picrel, but it's sold out.

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10915398 No.10915398 [Reply] [Original]

We haven’t had one of these in a while so I’ll start one up. Leaving your contact if you’re wtb is fine

>what’s your dream dress

>how long have you been searching

>what do you love about it

>> No.10915466
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>what’s your dream dress
baby the stars shine bright corduroy JSK with sleeves (2003)

>how long have you been searching
too long :(

>what do you love about it
i have such a soft spot for corduroy fabric, it's so soft and envokes a feeling of nostalgia in me. the florals & details are everything i love in a dress, & i love nearly every colorway it comes in (sans redxblack). i would sell a kidney for this dress.

>> No.10915494
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>what’s your dream dress
mary magdalene fleur OP

>how long have you been searching
since i started

>what do you love about it
it's old, full of cute pintucks, and looks super versatile. i'd love to document it better and have fun coordinating it with different blouses