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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8627640 [View]
File: 186 KB, 374x500, skye gardens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad but I think this is true, too.

If people want a change, they have to as a whole make that change, and unfortunately the majority is not willing or able to do that. Personally I just keep to myself and am not apart of the community, so I guess that means I'm technically a part of the problem too by not participating. I admit I'm not very social and even though I miss the way things were way back when and would love to see a revival so to speak, I just can't see it happening these days, especially due to everyone moving to tumblr.

This is sad. I would desperately love to get a hold of some of these photos myself. I went to Skye's websites when I was having a bad day, I don't care what you liked her or hated her, I hope you respected her because her attitude was about being positive and trying to better yourself and I think that is just wonderful especially when there's already so much bad crap going on in this world.

I'll try this but I'm sure it only saved a handful. Think I'll save any little scraps I can into an inspiration folder.

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