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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9851247 [View]
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Oh he’s def still a mooch. Will try to bum badges off anyone, and he owes a ton of money to various people. I think he actually paid his part for his katsucon room with a bunch of strangers, but one of the strangers was a gull and they said he spent most of the time in the room rushing his shitty megaman cosplay, painting layer after layer since he doesn’t know wtf plastidip is and blasting it with a heat gun, making the room smell horrible.
Lazy...pic related
>flash nonfiction

>on the actual topic of colossalcon
I’m gonna get krunk this year I think. I’ve only heavily drank at a con once (colossal 2 years ago) and it was a blast trying to play Pictionary at one of the panels.
Was anyone at that Cosplay Deviants panel or whoever they were that year, or have you seen them elsewhere? Fuckin wild. Makes me feel better about my life.

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